单词 | 搏击 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 搏击 —wrestleless common: capture prey • wrestle (against fate, with a problem etc) • wrestling (as a sport) • fight, esp. with hands Examples:徒手搏击—arm wrestling See also:搏—combat 搏 pl—fights pl • swords pl 击 v—strike v
E.·罗斯·艾伦 (E. Ross Allen) 是拓荒的提倡者兼主题公园创始人,因拥有一身与动 物 搏击 的 高 超本领而享誉国内外。 wdl.org | E. Ross Allen was a pioneer promoter and theme-park entrepreneur who achieved national and international fame for his animal wrestling. wdl.org |
拳击也称为“攻击性”搏击运动。 decathlon.com.cn | Boxing is a so-called "percussive" combat sport. decathlon.com.cn |
2009年至2012年间,为了对搏击和功 夫有更完善的理解,罗富田在英国学习了巴西柔术、泰拳,以及MMA。 practicalwingchun.cn | Robert also studied Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai and MMA in the UK between 2009-2012, just to have a better understanding of these styles of combat and Martial Arts in general. practicalwingchun.cn |
我们要求模特在做跳跃和搏击等动 作的时候,尽量呈现出轻松自然的状态。 ba-repsasia.com | We wanted the models to jump and box but still look relaxed and not forced. ba-repsasia.com |
在新墨西哥北部地区,绝大多数家庭压力大、普遍贫穷,因此这里的学生,在很小年龄时就必须与命 运 搏击。 infoq.com | The prevailing cultures in northern New Mexico, stressing familial obligation, coupled with extensive regional poverty forced these students to confront life-work balance issues at a much younger age than many of us. infoq.com |
该网站自2009年6月注册至今已多次将MMA这种集观赏性、娱乐性、竞技性于一体之优秀运动项目介绍社会公众,已在我国境内取得了一定的知名度,使锐武终 极 搏击 这 一 包容各种功夫和竞技风格的运动获得了一个全新的展示平台。 ruffchina.com | Since its register in June 2009, the website has repeatedly introduced MMA, an excellent spectator sport integrating entertainment and competition to the public and achieved a [...] certain reputation in China, providing a brand new platform for RUFF to display a wide range [...] of martial arts and fight styles. ruffchina.com |
我们的机器人发生在世界上的地位,就像我们这样...只有机器人! 在这一部分:鲍勃无法行使!米凯伊作出不适当的评论!斯特沃和鲍勃开 始 搏击 俱 乐 部!甚至更多! 讥笑他们无力的尝试谈判没有自由意志或自我知识中受益一个复杂的社会!他们哭作出重要决定纯粹是基于预编程的恐惧... cn.moba-app.com | We the Robots takes place in a world just like ours...only with ROBOTS! moba-app.com |
心律失常需要医疗护理;一些措施如药物使用, 电 击 除 颤 ,心脏 起 搏 器 等 也能缓解心律紊乱。 cn.iherb.com | Arrhythmia requires medical attention; some rhythm disturbances are addressed through the [...] use of medications, defibrillation, or a pacemaker. iherb.com |
法院因此驳回了申诉人关于海地的医疗机构不具备更换他心脏 起 搏 器 电池 的条件的论据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court consequently rejected the argument that the health services in Haiti were not equipped to replace the [...] complainant’s pacemaker batteries. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我结束发言之前,我要就最近在摩加迪沙和刚 果民主共和国发生的袭击事件表示哀悼,还要缅怀两 周前发生在刚果民主共和国的徒手搏 斗 中 为联合国 维和行动牺牲的三名印度维和人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before I conclude, I would like [...] to offer my [...] condolences on the recent attacks in Mogadishu and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to also salute the memories of three Indian peacekeepers who died in hand-to-hand combat under [...]the United Nations flag, [...]two weeks ago, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
医生 说,即使医院没有对特定型号的美敦力 起 搏 器 进行检查的必要设备,也可以通过 普通的手机进行远程检查,手机可以将任何美敦力心脏 起 搏 器 与位于别处的恰当 检测设备相连。 daccess-ods.un.org | The doctor added that even if the hospital did [...] not have the necessary [...] equipment to perform a check-up on a specific Medtronic model, it would be possible to do so by remote interrogation using an ordinary mobile phone, which would connect any Medtronic pacemaker to appropriate [...]testing equipment located elsewhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
这十个部分按现代医疗术语讨论了以下主题:(1) 解剖学、生理学以及已知的性格、体液和要素;(2) 一般病理生理学(包括一个描述脉搏 类 型的章节和一个关于可导致死亡的原因的章节);(3) 卫生与营养(包括单独介绍儿童疾病、老人疾病以及特别介绍旅游期间容易感染的疾病的章节);(4) 诊断和预后;(5) 发烧及其分类;(6) 治疗(当时的医生参阅最多的内容);(7) 感染性疾病;(8) 皮肤疾病;(9) 毒理学;(10) 药理学。 wdl.org | In current medical terminology, the ten parts discuss the following topics: (1) anatomy, physiology and knowing temperaments, humors, and elements; (2) general pathophysiology (including a chapter describing the kinds of pulses and a chapter on causes of death); (3) hygiene and nutrition (including separate chapters on diseases of childhood, of age, and especially diseases contracted while traveling); (4) diagnoses and prognoses; (5) fever and its classification; (6) treatments (the volume of the encyclopedia most sought after by physicians of the period); (7) infectious diseases; (8) skin diseases; (9) toxicology; and (10) pharmacology. wdl.org |
我们注意到“全球脉搏”这 一举措,其目的是与所有相关的利益攸关者一起 [...] 共同努力,发展更及时和更利于行动的数据,以进行速效和弱点分析。 daccess-ods.un.org | We take note [...] of the Global Pulse initiative to [...]develop more up-to-date and actionable data as a joint effort among all relevant [...]stakeholders for rapid impact and vulnerability analysis. daccess-ods.un.org |
简而言 之,这是一场殊死搏斗, 试图征服和占据我们地球母 亲的空间,迫使她按照我们对消费和浪费的奢侈需求 [...] 进行生活,而不是同她和谐相处,以可持续的方法发 展我们的社区。 daccess-ods.un.org | In short, it was a [...] struggle to the death in a quest to dominate [...]and claim space on our Mother Earth and to force her to [...]live in accordance with our profligate need for consumption and waste, rather than to live in harmony with her and to develop our communities in a sustainable way. daccess-ods.un.org |
第㆓,我覺得香港政府的計劃與香港㆟的多勞多得理念、家庭觀念,以及大家做 工時必須拼搏,為 將來儲蓄這傳統相違背。 legco.gov.hk | Secondly, I feel that scheme proposed by the Hong Kong Government is running against the concept of working harder and earning more, family attachment and the tradition that we must try our best to work hard in order to save for the future. legco.gov.hk |
参加互助小组,和其他与癌症搏斗过 的人交 流,也会有助你更好地应对癌症。 breastcancersingapore.com | Joining a support and interacting with others who have gone through the cancer experience can also help you to cope better. breastcancersingapore.com |
从介绍非集中化战略实施问题的点击 信 息上一下便能清楚地看出,非集中化不应被理 解为一个中央集权的整体的解体,而应当被看作是一个以系统概念为基础的新机制的建立。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was immediately clear from the information on the implementation of the decentralization strategy that it should not be seen as the dismantling of a centralized bloc, but rather as the establishment of new arrangements based on the system concept. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它还呼吁政府考虑加强努力,打击暴 力 侵害妇女,包 括家庭暴力和人口贩运,特别是贩运妇女和儿童现象,特别是要确保充分执行有 [...] 关的法律和规定,并继续提供充足的资金,建立一套监督机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also called on the Government to consider [...] strengthening efforts to combat violence against [...]women, including domestic violence and [...]trafficking in persons, especially women and children by, inter alia, ensuring the full implementation of related laws and legislation, and also through the continued provision of adequate funding and the creation of a monitoring mechanism. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們當然明白, 社會上有不少聲音認為港台應該保留下來,尤其是電視部一直製作了不少好 的節目供大家觀賞,如“獅子山下”,“鏗鏘集”、“傑出華人系列”、“華 人青年音樂家系列”等,而電台的部分 [...] phone-in 節目,亦十分受歡迎,更是 政府掌握巿民脈搏的一個重要環節。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, we are aware that many voices in the community have supported the stay of RTHK, particularly on the grounds that its television division has produced quite a number of quality programmes for public entertainment, such as "Under the Lion Rock", "Hong Kong Connection", "Success Stories Series", "Young Chinese Musicians Series", and so on; and its phone-in programmes of the radio division [...] have also been very popular, serving as an important means for the Government to keep a [...] finger on the pulse of the public. legco.gov.hk |
ADAS1000-3/ADAS1000-4能够测量心电图(ECG)信号、胸阻抗、 起 搏 伪 像 及导联连接/脱落状态,并将此信息以数据帧的形式输出,以可编程数据速率提供导联/矢量或电极数据。 healthcare.analog.com | The ADAS1000-3/ADAS1000-4 measure electro cardiac (ECG) signals, [...] thoracic impedance, pacing artifacts, and [...]lead-on/off status and output this information [...]in the form of a data frame supplying either lead/vector or electrode data at programmable data rates. healthcare.analog.com |
自1963年开发出德国首只心脏起搏器以 来,百多力已向市场推出了多项创新技术——包括2000年推出的百多力Home [...] MonitoringR远程监控系统,2012年推出的全球首个可承受磁共振扫描的采用ProMRIR技术的植入式心律转复除颤器和植入式心衰治疗设备。 tipschina.gov.cn | Since its development of the [...] first German pacemaker in 1963, BIOTRONIK [...]has launched several innovations into the market [...]-- including remote monitoring with BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring(R) in 2000 and the world's first implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and implantable heart failure therapy devices with ProMRI(R) technology, approved for MR scanning, in 2012. tipschina.gov.cn |
对CLS起搏器开 展的调查是迄今为止规模最大的一次,调查证明了这类产品在右心室所有刺激部位(顶端、中隔、流出道)表现出的卓越性能,甚至对重症心衰患者的治疗效果也非常好,与无心衰患者的状况没有区别。 tipschina.gov.cn | The RECORD [...] investigation of CLS pacemakers is the largest [...]to date and demonstrates excellent performance in all pacing sites [...]within the right ventricle (apical, septal, outflow tract), and even in advanced heart failure with no difference to patients without heart failure. tipschina.gov.cn |
在报告所述期间,毒品和犯罪问题办 公室还与全球脉搏举措 密切合作,调查不同犯罪率,包括凶杀率之间可能存在 [...] 的关系以及经济和社会变数等基本因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the reporting period, UNODC also worked in close cooperation [...] with the Global Pulse initiative to [...]investigate possible relationships between [...]crime levels, including homicide rates, and underlying factors such as economic and social variables. daccess-ods.un.org |