

单词 搁置

搁置 verb

tableAE v

See also:

put aside


withhold v
stand v
bear v

External sources (not reviewed)

进料阀组件 (R)自由时小心不要掉落,稍后将搁 置一边
Take care not to drop intake valve assembly (R) as it comes free, and set it aside for later.
重大计划 I 为了节省 18%的人事费,66 个空缺职位中,有 49 个搁置起来 ,2012-2013 年因工作人员退休的原因,还有五个职位将 搁置。
In order to make an 18% saving on the staff costs of MP I, 49 of the 66 vacant posts have been put on hold and a further five posts will be put on hold on the retirement of staff members in 2012-2013.
在这些届会上,临时议程获得通过,但这个项目暂 搁置 , 而主席都就此进行了 磋商并向缔约方报告了磋商结果。
At these previous sessions, the agenda was adopted with the
[...] item held in abeyance, and the President [...]
undertook consultations on the matter
and reported back to the Parties on the outcome of his consultations.
虽然谈判因他们的过分要求搁置, 反 叛 分子利用前全国保卫人民大会的兵变,重新夺回了他们在坦噶尼喀湖沿岸的历来 占据的位置,包括 Ubwari 半岛、Kazima 港以及 Makama 和 Talama 矿区。
When negotiations stalled owing to their excessive demands, the rebels seized upon the ex-CNDP mutiny and recaptured their traditional positions along Lake Tanganyika, including the Ubwari peninsula, Kazima port and the mining zones of Makama and Talama.
此外,他还希望 了解工作组将如何解决在第二阶段计划 搁置 的问题,即雇佣军参与针对某些会员国恐怖主义活动的 问题。
He also wished to know how the Working Group planned to address the neglected issue of the participation of mercenaries in acts of terrorism against certain Member States.
第四,关于人道主义、文化和发展问题方面的合 作,虽然我们了解各方对科索沃地位问题意见不同, 但在国际法院就此问题提出咨询意见前,我们呼吁各搁置分歧,在人道主义和发展问题上相互合作,以 便改善所有科索沃人的生活,不分族群。
Fourthly, with respect to cooperation on humanitarian, cultural and development issues, and although we understand the differing viewpoints between the parties regarding the status of Kosovo, while awaiting the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in this context we call on all parties to set aside their differences and to cooperate with each other on humanitarian and development issues in order to improve the lives of all Kosovars, regardless of their affiliations.
搁置了几十年以后,现在已经开始挖掘以往军事独裁政权期间 实施的强迫失踪行为的受害者的遗体,并将这些人的遗体归还给其亲属。
After decades of neglect, work has begun to exhume the remains of victims of enforced disappearances committed during the past military dictatorship, and to return the remains of those persons to their families.
将喷型控制喷嘴和前撞击器及密 搁置 一 边
Set pattern control tip and front impinger and packing aside.
第 79 号法第 10 节规定,驱逐令所针对的任何人可在接到依照第 8⑷节发出 的驱逐令副本后 14 天内向高级法院提出申请,要求以他是公民或是豁免人士的 理由命搁置驱逐 令;如果申请中能证明有关人士为公民或豁免人士,高级法院 就搁置驱逐令,并指示释放申请人。
Section 10 of Act No. 79 provides that any person in respect of whom an expulsion order has been made may, within 14 days of the service of a copy of the expulsion order under section 8(4), apply to the High Court for an
order that the
[...] expulsion order be set aside on the ground that he is a citizen or an exempted person; and if it be proved on that application that the person is a citizen or an exempted person, the High Court shall set aside the expulsion order, as the case may be, and direct that the applicant be set at liberty.
产业与安全局核准了 16 539 项许可证 申请,驳回了 172 项申请,将 2 797 项申请退回,没有采取行动,4 项申请搁 置/撤销,平均处理时间为 28 天。
BIS approved 16,539 licence applications, denied 172 applications, returned 2,797 applications without action, and suspended/revoked 4 applications, with an average processing time of 28 days.
同样,这 些国家违背其依照《不扩散核武器条约》(不扩散条
[...] 约)第六条所承担的义务,继续奉劝我 搁置 一 项核 防御政策,但却在它们自己的防御和安全理论中促进 [...]
Equally, those countries, in contravention of their obligations under article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), continue to
[...] exhort us to leave aside a nuclear defence [...]
policy, but promote the role and status
of nuclear weapons in their own defence and security doctrines.
许多待决事项(称为搁置事项)之所以出现,是因为 委员会需要其他国家提供更多资料。
Many pending issues, known as holds, arise because Committee members need more information from other States.
乌尔维纳先生(哥斯达黎加)(以西班牙语发言): 召开关于安全理事会改革和安全理事会向大会提交 的报告(A/64/2)的联合辩论会是一个明智之举,因为 该报告更加清楚地说明了安理会改革的具体方面,将 关于成员数目和资格的无休止的讨 搁置 一 边 ,至少 暂时如此。
(Costa Rica) ( spoke in Spanish): The convening of a joint debate on Security Council reform and the report of the Security Council to the General Assembly (A/64/2) is a wise initiative because, in the light of the report, concrete aspects of the Council’s reform stand out with greater clarity and the everlasting discussion on the number and quality of its members is set aside, at least momentarily.
特别报告员 回顾,委员会在一读期间将此问 搁置 , 但是一些国家表示愿将条款草案扩展以 包括这类条约,而其他国家则反对这样扩展范围。
The Special Rapporteur recalled that the issue had been set aside by the Commission at first reading, but some States had expressed a preference for extending the draft articles to those types of treaties, whereas other States opposed such extension.
1992年,学生们成立了国际Lomo摄影协会,分享展出一些用他们从东欧淘来 搁置 L O M O所 拍的照片。
In 1992, the students set up Lomographic Society International, exhibiting shots taken on unwanted Lomos they had bought up from all over Eastern Europe.
因此,他们的支持是有价值的,他们的意见要求认真研究,他们将 搁置 有 很好的理由而已,他们的工作是不低于我们的挑战给我们给他们。
Their support is thus valuable, their opinions demand careful study, they are to be set aside only for good reason, and their work constitutes no less a challenge to us than ours to them.
联合王国代表指出,建议自德国业务计划中撤销的 4 个项目,即用于中国草药行业的 甲基溴、黎巴嫩的制冷行业、用于阿拉伯叙利亚共和国土壤熏蒸的甲基溴和管理中国 HCFC 的战略,应予以保留,这样做是出自这样的谅解,即:应暂 搁置 这 些 项目,以便给侧重 于履约而不是加快淘汰的项目让路,必要的话,避免超出 20%的捐款限额。
The representative of the United Kingdom said that the four projects whose removal from Germany’s business plan had been suggested, - methyl bromide in the medicinal herb sector in China, refrigeration in Lebanon, methyl bromide in soil fumigation in the Syrian Arab Republic, and strategy for managing HCFCs in China - should be retained, on the understanding that they would be put on hold in favour of projects focusing on compliance rather than accelerating phase-out, if necessary to avoid exceeding the 20 per cent of contribution limit.
基于得到广泛应用和验证的SourceAnywhere 2.x,SCM Anywhere
[...] Standalone带来了很多新的版本控制特性,比 搁置 / 不 搁置 , 项 目合并,本地未定改变,文件和问题之间的连接,Team [...]
Based on the widely used and proven SourceAnywhere 2.x, SCM Anywhere
Standalone introduces many new version control
[...] features, such as Shelve/Unshelve, Project [...]
Merge, Local Pending Change, link between
files and issues, Team Foundation and Subversion work styles on top of SourceSafe work style.
[...] 内容,或州申诉中含有多项内容,其中一或多项问题是此类听证的一部分,NYSED 就必搁置州申 诉或在正当程序听证中正在解决的任何州申诉部分直至听证结束。
If a written State complaint is received that is also the subject of a due process hearing as described below under the heading Filing a Due Process Complaint, or the State complaint contains multiple issues
of which one or more are part of such a
[...] hearing, NYSED must set aside the State [...]
complaint, or any part of the State complaint
that is being addressed in the due process hearing until the hearing is over.
历经长达 8 年搁置后,全国制宪会议于 2004 年 5 月正式重启,2007 年 5 月,缅甸重新召开全国制宪会议,批准新宪法大纲。
The national convention was formally resumed in May 2004 after an eight-year-long suspension, and in May 2007 it was reconvened to approve guidelines for a new constitution.
我们同意秘书长的意见,即贝尔格莱德和普里什 蒂纳双方应当通搁置与地 位有关的问题,展现灵活 性,以使科索沃能够有代表参加对区域经济和民主发 [...]
展以及长期稳定来说至关重要的区域和国际机制及 论坛。
We agree with the Secretary-General’s observation
[...] that, by putting aside status considerations, [...]
Belgrade and Pristina should show flexibility
to enable Kosovo’s representation in regional and international mechanisms and forums that are essential to the economic and democratic development and long-term stability of the region.
中国第二大社交网站(SNS)开心网刚刚发布了一些新的数据,可以让我们将其与行业领军者人人网(NYSE: RENN)做一些比较,开心网似乎在利用全球领袖Facebook即将上市前大肆宣传的机会,精心计划重启 搁置 的 上 市进程。
Kaixin, China’s second biggest social networking site (SNS), has just released some new data that finally allow us to make some comparisons with industry leader Renren (NYSE: RENN), in what looks like a carefully timed move to restart its stalled IPO process to take advantage of hype surrounding the upcoming IPO for global leader Facebook.
许多人听说过搁置争议,共同开发”这个说法,但可 能并不知道下半句:“争议领土的主权属于中国”。
Many hear
[...] the term “setting aside the disputes [...]
and joint development”, but are unaware of the second half of China’s statement:
“The sovereignty of the disputed territories belongs to China”.
这种方法曾由食典其他委员会尝试使用,后来被无限 搁置 。 但是,这一提议并 未得到支持,因为与会代表认为这一问题非常复杂,乳和乳制品委员会的其他形式,包 括实体工作组会议,都未能解决这一问题,因此通过信函推进这一工作显然不切实际。
However, this proposal was not supported because it was considered unrealistic to advance on this complex matter by correspondence where several sessions of the CCMMP, including meetings of physical working groups, had failed to complete the work.
而且还可以注意到,对话是在维也纳制度之外进行:各国不是由地位相 同者进行“评判”,而是报告各自为撤回某些保留所作的努力和遇到的困难;条 约机构不是将保留“谴责”为无效并将 搁置 一 旁 ,而是试着去更好地理解保留 和保留的动机,并说服保留方予以修改或撤回。
Rather than “condemning” reservations as impermissible and setting them aside, monitoring bodies try to better understand the reservations and the reasons for their formulation, and to convince their authors to modify or withdraw them.
因此,《宪法》第 91 条现为“在选举议长和副议长后,国会 搁置 所 有 其他事务,不经辩论即选举其 穆斯林成员中的一位担任总理”。
As a result, article 91 of the Constitution now reads “after the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, the National Assembly shall, to the exclusion of any other business, proceed to elect without debate one of its Muslim members to be Prime Minister”.
传统零售商只需要将网络零售视作重要的额外渠道,尤其 针对偏远地区,而不是将搁置,等到线下取得绝对领先地位后再发 展。
Brick-and-mortar retailers simply need to embrace e-tailing as an additional channel—especially in remote geographies—instead of deprioritizing e-tailing until they have achieved an absolute leading position in the offline world.
同样,总干事决搁置根据 第 187 EX/4 号决定利用“加强教科文组织在世界各地房舍的安保特别账户”的现有资金建造安保前哨 (丰特努瓦)。
For the same reason, the Director-General decided to put on hold the construction of the forward security post (Fontenoy) with the funds remaining in the Special Account for Strengthening the Security as per 187 EX/Decision 4.
由于资源限制,以下工作仍搁置: 扩 充监察主任办公室的职责以纳入对第三方涉嫌诈骗或贪污的调查;为外部招聘 的高级调查专家设立第二个职位。
Expanding the mandate of the IGO to include investigations into alleged fraud or corruption by third parties, and the creation of a second post for an externally-recruited Senior Investigation Specialist, remain on hold owing to resource constraints.
[...] 他规定方面没有达成一致意见,他建议暂 搁置本 段,直至委员会审查完第 38 段至第 [...]
44 段,这些段 落可以使人们进一步了解第 15 段中有争议的问题。
However, as there was no agreement on the
other provisions, he suggested holding the
[...] paragraph in abeyance until the Committee [...]
had examined paragraphs 38 to 44, which
could shed more light on the contentious issues in paragraph 15.




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