











External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 參照国际惯常做法,议定从市场收本 余款的机制。
(c) having regard to international practices, agreeing on the mechanism for the recovery from the market of the Residual Stranded Costs.
Among those who claimed they know little, a respective of 42%, 24% and 25% said they support, oppose and prefer to suspend funding.
(E) 於第5(a)节,以「1,015,931,725股」取代「占紧随公开发售完成时已发行普通股 百分比之二点五(2.5%)」等字句;及 (F)
[...] 於第13节,修订及将原有条文全句重列如下:「董事会可随时及不时更改终止或修订整个或部分计划;惟倘更改或修订计划条款及条件规定本公 [...]
司须根据或涉及适用法律及法规或联交所规则之股东批准规定,则须获本公 司股东批准。
(E) in section 5(a), replacing the words ‘‘two and a half percent (2.5%) of the issued and outstanding Common Shares immediately following the closing of the Public Offering’’ with ‘‘1,015,931,725’’; and (F) in section 13, amending and restating the original provision in its entirety as follows:
‘‘The Board may at any time and from time to
[...] time alter, suspend, terminate [...]
or amend the Plan in whole or in part; provided,
however, that alterations or amendments to the terms and conditions of the Plan which are required to be approved by the shareholders of the Company under applicable laws and regulations or stock exchange rules must be approved by the shareholders of the Company.
If you do not pass, you are required to take the tests again and this can be costly for you and delay your registration process.
然 而 , 监 於 控 股股东 变 动( 如 下 文 所 述 )及 经 考 虑 香 港 公 司 收 购 及 合 并 守 则 第 4 条 项 下之影 响 , 以 及 尚 未 达 成 任 何 具 法 律 约 束 力 之 协 议 , 董 事 会 一 致 议议 出 售 之 磋 商 , 直 至 董 事 会 另 行 决 定 为 止 。
However, having regard to the change of controlling shareholders (mentioned below) and taking into account the implications under Rule 4 of the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers and the fact that no legally binding agreement had been reached, the Board unanimously resolved to withhold the negotiation with regard to the proposed disposal until further determination by the Board.
(1) 在本协议期限内或之後,因本协议或本协议的违反、 终止或无效或与此等有关而产生的任何争议、争論或 索偿,包括按照第 8 条的规定而决定任本余 款的金额,但不包括因第 4 条 (3)款指明的扣减或调 整、对基本电费率所作的任何调整或按照附表三而进 行的任何检讨或与此有关而产生的任何争议、争論或 索偿,应根据聯合国国际贸易法委员会现行有效的仲 裁规则仲裁解决。
(1) Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, during or after the Term, including in relation to the determination of the amount of any Residual Stranded Costs under clause 8 but excluding any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to deductions or adjustments specified in clause 4(3), any adjustment to the Basic Tariff Rate or any reviews to be conducted pursuant to Schedule 3, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as at present in force.
在 下 述 情 况 下 , 控 方 行 使 其 权审 员 候 选 小 组 某 一 成 员 的 做 法 乃 属 恰 当 : ( a ) 在 按 照 检 察 总 长 制 定 的 陪 审 团 查 核 指 引 获 准 进 行 的 陪 审 团 查 核 中 揭 发 某 些 资 料 , 因 而 有 充 分 理 据 按 照 该 指 引 第 9 段 行使陪 审 员 的 权 利 , 而 且 检 察 总 长 亦 亲 自 批 准 行 使 这利 ; 或 ( b ) 一 名 准 备 宣 誓 出 任 陪 审 员 的 人 明 显 地 不 适 合 担 任 该 职 , 而 辩 方 据 此 同 意 控 方 行使陪 审 员 的 权 利 会 是 适 当 的 。
The circumstances in which it would be proper for the Crown to exercise its right to stand by a member of a jury panel are: (a) where a jury check authorised in accordance with the Attorney-General's guidelines on jury checks reveals information justifying exercise of the right to stand by in accordance with para. 9 of the guidelines and the Attorney-General personally authorises the exercise of the right to stand by; or (b) where a person is about to be sworn as a juror who is manifestly unsuitable and the defence agree that, accordingly, the exercise by the prosecution of the right to stand by would be appropriate.
(c) 本公司可藉普通决议按将本条细则的规定作任何程度放 寛,又或追认任何因违反本细则而未经适当授权的合约。
(c) The Company may by ordinary resolution suspend or relax the provisions of this Article to any extent or ratify any contract not properly authorised by reason of a contravention of these Articles.
(b) 如果敌队球员在22公尺线站错边停留而碍反攻踢时,以恶劣行 迹处罚。
(b) If an opponent is on the wrong side of the 22-metre line and delays or obstructs the dropout, the player is guilty of misconduct.
Regarding the elections of the Chief Executive and the Legco, the government can first withdraw the current constitutional reform proposal and then list out different options for the public to choose from, in a consultation conducted in parallel with the consultation on District Council development.
If for any reason the Internet portion of the program is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of USANA which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this challenge, USANA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to
disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, and to cancel,
[...] terminate, modify, or suspendthe challenge.
Looks like I need several days to recover, I wish I can put on my ski gears.
(iii) 澄清董事会可随时及不时更改终止或修订整个或部分计划;惟倘更改或 [...]
修订计划条款及条件须根据或涉及适用法律及法规或联交所规则之股东批准规 定,则须获股东批准。
(iii) clarify that the Board may at any time and from time to
[...] time alter, suspend, terminate [...]
or amend the Plan in whole or in part; provided,
however, that alterations or amendments to the terms and conditions of the Plan which are, or involve a subject matter which is, required to be approved by the Shareholders under applicable laws and regulations or stock exchange rules must be approved by the Shareholders.
经 考 虑 收 购 守 则 第 4 条 之 影 响 , 以 及 尚 未 达 成 任 何 具 法 律 约 束 力 之 协 议 , 董 事 会 一 致 议议 出 售 之 磋 商 , 直 至 董 事 会 於收购 建 议 结 束 後 另 行 决 定 为 止 。
Taking into account the implications under Rule 4 of the Takeovers Code and the fact that no legal binding agreement has been reached, the Board unanimously resolved to withhold the negotiation regarding the proposed disposal until further determination by the Board after the close of the Offers.
After careful consideration of the unfavourable economic situation and the
capital cost involved for starting the beauty service in the Tuen Mun Centre, the expansion plan
[...] was temporarily suspended.
Fill the form out completely to avoid delays in getting your name on the official list of voters.
任何因此委任的董事仅可留任至下届股东特别大会(如 属填补临时空缺)或至下届股东周年大会(如属新增董事), 并有资格於大会上膺选连任,惟任何股东周年大会 上轮值告退的董事或董事人数时则不得计算入内。
Any person so appointed shall hold office only until the next following general meeting (in the case of filling a casual vacancy) or until the next following annual general meeting (in the case of an additional Director), and shall then be eligible for re-election at the meeting but shall not be taken into account in detaining the Directors or number of Directors who are to retire by rotation at any annual general meeting.
Our new Business Class seats are 21 inches wide, with an extended legrest and an innovative cradle recline for total relaxation.
总额 在截至二零零九年十二月三十一日止年度其後,本集团在二零一零年一月接获审裁处有关 本集团申付利息之命令,根据此命令,本集团须向印度税务当局再缴交两笔总数 共 95,920,000 印度卢比(相等於约 16,400,000 港元)之利息付款。
1,164,000 Subsequent to the year ended 31 December 2009, the Group has made two further interest payments totaling INR95,920,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$16,400,000) to the Indian tax authorities pursuant to the order received from the Tribunal in respect of the Group’s application of a stay of demand of interest in January 2010.
2009年,Porsche推出Panamera正式引发这个市场,除了令人极度期待的Lamboghini Estoque,刚推出的Rapide正是Aston Martin的回应:它的开发早於Panamera-Rapide的概念版本 — 2006年於北美汽车展登场,开发计划後来因资金问直至2009年才在法兰克福车展展出生产版本。
An issue with capital put the project into halt, it was not until 2009 that the manufactured version was exhibited at Frankfurt Auto Show.
A stalled idea of putting a protected bike lane on a stretch of a Manhattan avenue is coming up for air, offering a test of public sentiment about New York City’s often-contentious bike lane boom.




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