单词 | 揣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 揣—figureless common: surmise put into (one's pockets, clothes) Examples:揣度v—estimatev 揣度—surmise appraise 揣摩—try to figure out rack one's brains
但到了第三阶段,即1999年起至现在,市民对一国两制的信心就反覆下跌,由67%回落至2003年上半的49%,才告揣定。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, from 1999 to now, which is the third stage of the development, the general public's confidence in "one country, two [...] systems" has been fluctuating downwards, from 67% to 49% registered in the first half of [...] 2003, before it finally stabilized. hkupop.hku.hk |
我们不需要去揣摩字里行间就可以理 解:处理这一广泛问题需要的立法努力尚未到位。 daccess-ods.un.org | One need not read between the lines to understand that the legislative effort needed to address the scope of the problem has not been made. daccess-ods.un.org |
我曾揣测,日本电气希望借助与联想的合资关系,来提升其重新打入中国手机市场的成功几率,双方随后可能进行进一步正式合作。 youngchinabiz.com | Ispeculated that NEC was [...] hoping to use its new Lenovo ties to boost its chances of success upon re-entering the Chinese [...]cellphone market, and that a more formal tie-up could follow. youngchinabiz.com |
如果您肯花时间仔细倾听别人的话语,同时揣摩他/她的动机为何,就会大大减少误会的发生。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | If you take the time to understand clearly what someone’s trying to say and what the motivations are for his/her behavior, you’d be surprised how many problems disappear. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
外界只能揣测原因,但我在此分享个人看法,期望有助後进者 thisbigcity.net | One can only really guess why these examples didn’t work or what to do differently, but I’ll chip in my thoughts, in the hope it might help those who follow thisbigcity.net |
由于泰山的快乐,乐于助人,Zugor开始预热,他如泰山继续揣摩他是什么。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Thanks to Tarzan’s cheerfulness and helpfulness, Zugor begins to warm to him as Tarzan continues totry to figure out what he is. seekcartoon.com |
这作品延续我对历史书写实验的执着,揣摩日常生活的物品、物料,以及细活所牵动的庞大心力、劳动力。 shanghaibiennale.org | My artistic direction is, on the one hand, to transform the practicality of objects to explore their neglected physicality and, on the other hand, to convert labor time into the force of visual quantities. shanghaibiennale.org |
UL提供消防装备检测服务,使得消防装备的安全和性能从此不再需要揣测。 ul.com | That's why UL offers testing services that take the guesswork out of fire equipment safety and performance. ul.com |
传统菲林相机会完全被淘汰,变成纯粹属於收藏家的玩意,仍然纯属揣测;但当得悉Polaroid决定不再生产菲林这个消息後,便让人更认真思考,我们活在现今的数码时代,选择数码相机除了讲究相片质素外,简单便携可能是更重要的大前提。 think-silly.com | Although the complete extinction of traditional film camera is yet to approach, one cannot help but to be hit by the news that Polaroid is closing down its film factories. think-silly.com |
1996年,三名目光远大的行业先锋,怀揣着创新商业理念,创建了跨骏公司。 quadrantplastics.com | Quadrant was founded in 1996 by three future-looking pioneers with an innovative business idea. quadrantplastics.com |
不过,选举过後,由於民主派在港岛区配票失败,传媒还是不断揣测,我们有没有把票站调查结果,及早通知民主党。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, after the election, since the democratic camp experienced a failure in the vote allocation on Hong Kong Island, the media has kept on suspecting whether we have informed the Democratic Party the exit poll result. hkupop.hku.hk |
现在,通过战略性技术收购,路博润怀揣着经验与奉献踏入了瓦楞纸板行业。 cn.lubrizol.com | Today, through a strategic technology acquisition, Lubrizol brings our experience and dedication to the corrugated board industry. lubrizol.com |
要少大约十倍。但最大的打击可能是埃克森美孚公司在 六月从波兰撤出,原因是他们在波兰东部的两口气井缺乏持续 的商业页岩气储量——这件事情导致波兰国内外媒体对本国页 岩气产业的未来出现种种揣测。 paiz.gov.pl | But perhaps the biggest shock was when, in June, ExxonMobil pulled out of Poland, citing lack of sustained commercial gas flow at two wells in eastern Poland, and fueling a wave of speculation by Polish and international media over the future of the shale gas industry in the country. paiz.gov.pl |
大可不必再惊讶和揣测谁是她歌词中的的爱人,因为接受《人物》采访时,她表示自己倾向于将个人生活经验作为创作灵感。 ba-repsasia.com | Any potential love interest should not be surprised if he ends up in a few of her lyrics. ba-repsasia.com |
而且,应避免传播关于其他公司的 谣言或不公正地揣测其产品质量。 bostonscientific.com | Furthermore, avoid spreading rumors about other companies or [...] unfairly speculating about the [...]quality of their products. bostonscientific.com |
白宫表示,奥巴马对朱棣文的信心从未动摇,不过外界早已揣测,朱棣文不会在奥巴马第二任期留任。 ktsf.com | The White House said Chu retained Obama’s confidence, but Chu was widely expected to leave following Obama’s re-election last fall. ktsf.com |
剧团总监Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel饰) 严格要求Nina演活纯洁的白天鹅的同时,也能自如地散发黑天鹅的野艳,令她在极端的性格和肢体语言揣摩中承受着沉重压力。 think-silly.com | Main character Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman) finds herself up against the demand of Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel), director of the company, struggling to channel the purity of white swan and the femme fatale black swan simultaneously. think-silly.com |
他们是遵循(800-500年)由所谓的关注对神的性质和人类末日泛神论揣测主要奥义书,以及最后,由经典(公元前600-400),这是简明指南的礼仪和习俗适当遵守。 mb-soft.com | They are followed (800-500 BC) by the [...] so-called Upanishads, concerned chiefly [...] with pantheisticspeculations on the nature [...]of deity and the end of man; and lastly, [...]by the Sutras (600-400 BC), which are compendious guides to the proper observance of the rites and customs. mb-soft.com |
公司在世界各地的员工都怀揣一颗想要做出改变的心,我们的行动正是受到了他们的激情、自觉和创业精神的鼓舞。 sgsgroup.com.cn | In a world where technology is accelerating and the sectors we work in are constantly evolving, we must fully utilize the creativity of our employees to develop new approaches fresh ideas and the new services that will secure our future. sgsgroup.com.ar |
资本开销必须在合理时间内摊平,并累积一笔利润,这项事业才值得投资,Zipcar花钱购买昂贵资产,并揣测这些资产应配置的城市、社区、停车场等地点,才可吸引更多消费者,虽然该公司如今估算能力不断进步,还是得公布初期亏损,也影响募集资金、快速扩张的机会。 thisbigcity.net | Although the company is now rather good at this, it didn’t have the pockets to finance rapid expansion without posting initial losses, as its public accounts will attest. thisbigcity.net |
所 以 或 者 可 作一揣测,如 果 这 条 规 则 [...] 在 某 案 件 中 证 明 是 极 为 不 方 便 , 就 会 放 松 至 足 以 适 应 该 案 件 , 而 没 有 考 虑 到 原 则 的 问 题 。 hkreform.gov.hk | One might hazard a surmise that [...] when the rule proved highly inconvenient in a particular kind of case it was relaxed just [...]sufficiently far to meet that case, and without regard to any question of principle. hkreform.gov.hk |
如有任何社会人士愿意将土地捐出来为公益,政府会正面考虑,但亦要考虑规划和利益,不希望社会上有以为对发展商是否有特别倾斜的任何揣测,要小心确保任何安排都是最符合公众利益的。 news.gov.hk | But of course, an idea has to be carefully considered with reference to planning requirements, with reference to public interest. news.gov.hk |
2010 年 12 月 20 日,在反对派独立与发展共和党、民 主联盟(民盟)和新民主党的支持下,全国人民议会核准了 2011 年国家预算,结 束了对政府能否生存的揣测。 daccess-ods.un.org | Speculation over the survival of the Government ended when the 2011 State budget was approved by the National Assembly on 20 December 2010, with the support of the opposition Republican Party for Independence and Development, the Democratic Alliance and the Party for New Democracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
认为学习和运用哲学,包括通过自由讨论形成观点,力求确切地定义概念,验证推理 的正确性,认真揣摩他人的论点,可以培养每个人独立思考的能力 unesdoc.unesco.org | Consider that the practice of philosophy, which does not exclude any idea from free discussion and which endeavours to establish the exact definition of concepts used, to verify the validity of lines of reasoning and to scrutinize closely the arguments of others, enables each individual to learn to think independently unesdoc.unesco.org |