

单词 握把

把握 ()

sure (of the outcome)
grasp (also fig.)

把握 noun

assurance n




有把握的 adj

sure adj
safe adj

See also:


master n

clench (one's fist)

classifier for money, literal meaning: a handful

External sources (not reviewed)

面试成败与否取决于很多因素,但掌握正确的信息,能够让 把握 最 佳机会从而成功获得满意的职位。
Succeeding in an interview depends on many factors but by researching the right information you can give yourself the best chance of securing a role.
故董事相信,授出一般授權將為資金來源提供靈活性,使 貴公司可及把握任何潛在機會。
The Directors therefore believe that the grant of General Mandate will
provide flexibility in the source of funding and
[...] allow the Company to grasp any potential opportunities [...]
in a timely manner.
把握自己 的健康,对自己的生活负责:坚信可以康复会帮助人们把他们的注意焦点从疾病 转向健康,从强调疾病的征兆到关注全身心的健康,从专注于诊断、药物、治疗到追求个人生 活品质。
Taking control and responsibility for health and choices in one’s life: Believing in recovery helps people change their focus from illness to wellness, from emphasis on symptoms of illness to holistic health, and from preoccupation with their diagnosis, medication or therapy to pursuing other life experiences.
作為業界領導者,我們已作好一切準備,能夠安然渡過現在的不明 朗時期,待將來經濟復蘇把握更大 的發展機會。
The fundamentals of our business remain robust, and as market leaders we are well-placed to navigate through the current uncertainty and capitalise on the eventual recovery.
仅举一例来说明这一点:有 关青少年培养与教育成功实践经验信息分享计划的开展就使得各国人民在这一领域里在国家 和地方不同层把握更多的机遇。
Thus, to take one example, information sharing about good practice in early childhood care and education is empowering people to provide better opportunities in this domain at national and local levels.
项目旨在通把握和汇 编这些 计划所取得的知识,搭建一座知识平台,为整个联合国系统和广大的发展组织提 [...]
By capturing and codifying the knowledge [...]
gained through these programmes, the project aims at building a corpus of knowledge
which may serve as a reference for the entire United Nations system and the development community at large.
[...] 其捐助方深刻认识到其核心预算并不是一个管理黑 洞,而是运行其教育方案的关键,因而应当被视为 是对巴勒斯坦难民的未来的投资 把握 所 有 供资机 会;扩大其核心预算捐助方的范围,目前对此提供 的捐款为数不多——他曾在阿拉伯联盟各国部长在 [...]
对具体项目和紧急呼吁但不包括核心预算给予了值 得欢迎的支助;扩大与各基金会和私营部门其他机 构之类的非国家行为者的伙伴关系;并继续通过更 好的规划、执行和监督活动,以经济合算的方式实 施方案。
Among the recommendations were that UNRWA must: impress upon donors that its core budget was not an administrative black hole but the key to running its educational programmes and thus
should be seen as an
[...] investment in the future of the Palestine refugees; exploit all funding opportunities; enlarge its [...]
donor base for the
core budget, to which only a small number currently contributed — a point to which he had drawn attention in Cairo at a meeting of Arab League ministers whose countries gave welcome support to specific projects and emergency appeals but not to the core budget; expand its partnerships with non-State actors such as foundations and other institutions in the private sector; and continue to be cost-effective in conducting its programmes through better planning, implementation and oversight.
然而,現時無法確定現有財務資源將 足以讓 貴集把握 貴集團日後識別之任何投資機會。
However, there is no certainty that current financial resources would be adequate for the Group to pursue any investment opportunities identified by the Group in the future.
本区域所面临的挑战是要在增长和通胀之 把握 平 衡,管理短期资 本流入,减少不断扩大的社会经济不平等,对付失业率上升问题和扩大社会 安全网。
The challenges for the region were to maintain a balance between growth and inflation, manage short-term capital inflows, reduce rising socioeconomic inequalities, deal with jobless growth, and increase social safety nets.
我們相信透把握有利的市場前景,南聯地產的優質資產組合將繼續於租戶 質素、租金收益及出租率方面提供可持續的回報。
We are confident that by capitalising on the positive market outlook, our quality asset portfolio will continue to provide sustainable returns in terms of quality tenant mix, rental yields and occupancy levels.
经社会表示,积极进取的政府政策对于切 把握 用 于 发展事业的各种 信通技术至为重要,包括开展提高意识的宣传活动、旨在提高信通技术的知 识、以及人力资源的能力开发。
Such policies included awareness-raising activities, increased ICT literacy and the development of human capacities.
这些准则要求审 计委员会遵守道德操守规定,规划并开展审计,以便能够在判断这些财务报表是 否存在重大误报方面有合理把握。
Those standards require that the Board comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
对理解暴力行为采取整体做法要求将暴力侵害妇 女现象置于连续统一体中,以便把握 其 各 种不同的形式和变相的方式。
A holistic approach to understanding violence requires violence against women to be situated along a continuum in order to capture its varied forms and incarnations.
這兩間公司將一起打造一個具有吸引力的集團,憑藉能力及規 模上的優勢把握在切 合全球商品需求增長中扮演領導角色,協助坐擁資源的國家從她們的自然財富創造價值。
Together these two companies will create a group with the capabilities and scale to play a leading role in meeting the growing global demand for commodities, whilst helping resource holding countries create value from their natural endowments.
通过报告员 的工作,安全理事会将在事件发生之前已经完成基础工作,并能够在局势引出赔 偿问题时更加迅速、把握地采 取行动。
The Council, through the work of the rapporteur, would therefore have already done its groundwork before the event and will be able to be more swift and sure in its actions when a situation gives rise to calls for reparations.
擬借貸款 一旦落實,將提高本公司之負債比率,儘管如此,董事局認為,此舉將有助本集 把握 更多發展和增長機會,從而增強本集團商業上之實力。
Although the proposed loan, if materialised, will increase the gearing ratio of the Company, the Board considers that it will nevertheless enhance the business strength of the Group by capturing more expansion and growth opportunity as they arise.
会议闭幕时,各方协商一致通过了一项政治宣言(大会第 63/1 号决议),其中表达了非洲决把握自 身 未来的强烈信号以及国际社会重申支持 非洲发展的讯息。
That meeting concluded by adopting by consensus a political declaration (General Assembly resolution 63/1), which conveyed a strong signal of Africa’s commitment to its future and the renewal of the international community’s support for Africa’s development.
经社会不妨对上述分析报告进行审查,尤其是就本区域应如 把握住 为推动建立一套可起支持作用的金融系统和制定绿色增长战略而开展合 作的机会问题提供指导。
The Commission may wish to review the analysis and provide guidance, in particular on opportunities for regional cooperation in order to promote a supportive financial system and green growth strategies.
亚太 经社会的宣传倡导工作将以注重实据的分析工作为基础 把握 各 国 内 部及各国之间的不同和差异及其在能力上的差别,其中包括男女之间 的差异和能力差别,并据此确定工作的优先顺序,从而确保那些有特 殊需要的国家所关注的问题、特别是其中那些最不发达国家、内陆发 展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家所关注的问题,能够得到切实的解决。
Advocacy work of ESCAP will be underpinned by evidence-based analysis that captures differences and disparities among and within countries, including between men and women, according priority to ensuring that the concerns of countries with special needs are addressed, particularly those of the least developed, landlocked developing and small island developing States.
此外,我們亦建議投資者在組合內建構強勁的 價值元素;預料企業債券較政府債券能提供更安全的分散投資; 以及透過增持受惠於全球消費行為轉變的健康護理股,盡 把握 利好的趨勢。
We also advise investors to build strong blocks of value into their portfolios; to appreciate that corporate bonds present a safer source of diversification than government bonds; and to make the most out of the worldwide changes in consumer behaviour that are favourable for stocks in the health and wellness sphere.
文思海辉独特的CRM产品解决方案,客户关怀框架(CCF框架),能够帮助金融机构将信息整合、客户资源管理、价值评定、服务管理、销售支持、营销管理、金融服务方案、机构管理、绩效考核、运营管理、业务分析和产品知识库等功能要素全面集成在一起,从而为金融机 把握 目 标 客户资源,实现面向客户的服务营销转型提供一整套的IT解决方案。
Pactera’s unique CRM product solution, Customer Care Framework (CCF), helps financial institutions fully integrate functional elements including information integration, customer resource management, valuation, service management, sales support, marketing management, financial service solution, organization management, performance assessment, operations management, business analysis, and product knowledge bases.
跟進調查又顯示,雖然45%被訪市民認為施政報告的主題 把握 發 展 機遇、推動民本施政」切合社會需要,但只有14%認為施政報告建議的政策可以達到「在削減財赤和維護民生之間審慎取得平衡,讓社會可以休養生息」的目標。
Findings also revealed that, although 45% of the
respondents perceived the theme of this year's
[...] Policy Address "Seizing Opportunities [...]
for Development: Promoting People-based Governance"
to be in line with the current needs of society, only 14% believed CE's proposed policies could "strike a careful balance between reducing the fiscal deficit and safeguarding people's livelihood, and give the community adequate time to recover".
如何引導這份力量去推動公民社會的發展,重新凝聚社會各階層,不單止是特區和中央政府須要面對的課題,更加是香港民間社會要好 把握 和 研 究的項目。
How to channel this new force to push the development of a new civil society, and hence re-integrate all classes, is not just another lesson for the Central and SAR Governments, it is also an important topic for the people themselves to master.
本集把握物業 市道暢旺,以溢價出售兩幢工業大廈來實現它們的資本價值,並帶來額外的財務資源,以便集 團策略性地重新定位及優化其資產組合。
Riding on the strong market growth, the Group disposed of two industrial buildings to realise their capital value at a premium, providing additional financial resources to enable the Group to strategically reposition and enhance its asset portfolio.
我亦很榮幸能贊助此書的出版,讓更多人觀察及可以進一步了解本地的創業市場發展, 分析把握市場 機會,締造無限商機,延續香港的企業家的精神。
It is also my honour to have the opportunity to sponsor the publication of the book, so that more people can observe and further understand the development of entrepreneurship in Hong Kong, analyzing and seizing market opportunities, creating unlimited business opportunities and continuing Hong Kong’s entrepreneurial spirit.
本公司 將積極參與天津市國有資產重組的機遇 把握 時 機,力求在 天津市政府及母公司的大力支持下,逐步有序地推進調整節 奏,謀求主營業務更加突出,各項業務持續穩定發展,為股 東創造更多利益。
The Company will actively participate in the restructuring of state-owned assets in Tianjin city, and capture the opportunity to adjust its business progressively in order to place emphasis on its core business under the support of the Tianjin municipal government and the parent company, with a view to achieving a steady growth of business and generating better return for the shareholders.
(iv) 本公司已成立策略委員會,其主要職能是為本集團的持續發展和可持續競爭 優勢制訂中、長期策略計劃,積極處理管理層繼任規劃及整體人力資源規劃,
[...] 並提供改進營運效率及提高競爭力的建議,以 便 把握 市 場商機,應付將來的 挑戰。
(iv) a strategy committee has been established with the principal functions of formulating medium and long-term strategic plans of the Group for the continuous growth and sustainable competitive advantages of the Group, addressing proactively management succession planning and overall human resources planning and making recommendations to
improve operation efficiencies and enhance
[...] competitiveness in order to capture market potentials [...]
and tackle future challenges.
最后,我赞同秘书长关于成功的过渡的各项要求 的看法,即:承认发展、治理和法治至关重要;需把握住势 头和加快可持续发展活动;评估发展项目的 业务和支助费用;长期的国际支持和私人部门投资。
I conclude by sharing the Secretary-General’s view of the requirements for a successful transition: the recognition that development, governance and the rule of law are crucial; the need for capturing momentum and accelerating sustainable development activities; assessing operational and support costs for development projects; and long-term international support and private sector investment.




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