单词 | 插畫画家 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 插畫画家 noun—illustrator nSee also:插画家 n—illustrator n 画画 n—paint n
青年插图画家感到学习到很多东西, 这些东西有助于自己在未来的职业生活中向前发展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The young illustrators felt they had [...] learned a great deal that would help them in their future professional life. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他是位于哥伦比亚华盛顿Imagefed获奖设计室的负责人,曾在格莱美奖上两次被提名为最佳设计师 , 插 图 师 , 画家。 playbling.com | He grew up between Detroit, MI, and Wilmington, DE. Having majored in Illustration at Rhode Island School of Design, he is currently a [...] twice Grammy® nominated [...] designer, illustrator, painter, and the principal of the award winning design studio, Imagefed, based in [...]Washington DC. playbling.com |
Flint 女士为一年级学生读了她的著作《熊猫打包记》,同时也与大家分享她 与 插 图 画家 及 出版人合作的经验。 ycis-bj.com | Ms. Flint shared with Year 1 her book, Panda [...] Packs Her Bags. ycis-bj.com |
(18) 經營作為書商、書籍製造商、釘裝商、印刷商、出版社以及各類報章、雜誌、 書籍、期刊、門票、場刊、簡介、宣傳單張及其他刊物、機器、凸版印刷機 [...] 東主、雕刻師、製模工、設計員、繪圖員、報販、報章代理、新聞從業員、 [...] 文學代理、文具店店主與版畫、圖畫、照片及繪圖生產商及交易商、製圖員、 廣告代理及承辦商、藝術家、雕塑家 、 設計師、裝飾師 、 插畫 師 、 攝影師、 錄像師、各類攝影及錄像用品及器材交易商、菲林沖曬公司、電影製作人、 [...] 監製及發行商、宣傳代理、佈置專業人員之所有或任何業務,以及任何其他 [...] 本公司可能視為可以基於上述項目經營之業務。 equitynet.com.hk | (18) To carry on all or any of the business of book-sellers, book manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, publishers and proprietors of newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals, tickets, programmes, brochures, promotional literature and other publications whatsoever of all description, machine, letterpress, engravers, diesinkers, designers, draughtsmen, news agents, press agents, journalists, literary agents, stationers, manufacturers of and dealers in engravings, prints, pictures, and drawings, cartographers, advertising [...] agents and contractors, artists, [...] sculptors, designers, decorators, illustrators, photographers, videographers and [...]dealers [...]in photographic and videography supplies and equipment of all kinds, film-processors, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents, display specialists and any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being carried on in connection with any of the foregoing. equitynet.com.hk |
让我感到作为视觉艺术家的骄傲,也感到作为视觉艺 术 家 的 危险:简单到如 : 插画 和 纯 粹的艺术作品的界限在哪里这样的问题,让自己不断地考虑,到底谁在利用形式,可能都是自己的主观态度而已,但是,审美的一种魅惑的东西,它恰好跨越了行业。 shanghaibiennale.org | It makes me proud to be a visual artist, and also aware of the dangers of visual art: something as simple as the distinction between illustration and pure artwork can push me into endless questioning: who exactly is making use of form? shanghaibiennale.org |
在成為畫家之前 ,為知名的創意總監和商業藝術設計家。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Creative director and a commercial [...] artist before taking up painting. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在斯洛伐克国际儿童艺术之家(BIBIANA)的合作 下,举办了教科文组织--布拉迪斯拉发两年一次的插 图展览会(BIB)2001 年儿童图书插图画家讲习班。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO-BIB 2001 Workshop for Illustrators of Children’s Books, organized in collaboration with the Slovak International House of Art for Children (BIBIANA), constituted a rare moment of intense creativity in a wonderful atmosphere of friendship and harmony. unesdoc.unesco.org |
澳洲著名的肖像畫家和澳 洲亞奇柏人像獎 (Archibald Prize) [...] 的得主。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Eminent portrait painter and winner of [...] two Australian Archibald Prizes. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
將《小紅帽》、《穿著靴子的貓》、《豌豆公主》以及《美人魚》等傳頌故事轉化成絲巾靈魂,特別找 來 插畫家 A g a the Gonnet重新繪畫這四大著名童話,將藝術靈感融合在幻想和童趣之中。 think-silly.com | Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘Le Maistre Chat’, ‘The Princess and the Pea’ [...] and ‘The Little Mermaid’ are [...] re-interpreted by illustrator Agathe Gonnet, as the artwork for Hermès scarves this season. think-silly.com |
在緊接句號之前加上“; (八 )由專業人士及民間社會以由下而上的 [...] 方式共同建立人文西九,擺脫官僚主導的發展模式,使西九文化 [...] 區得以成為文化創意產業的催化劑;(九 )積極改善文化創意產業, 如電影、漫畫、插畫、流 行音樂、粵劇和音樂劇等表演藝術行業 [...] 的營商環境;及(十 )成立跨政策部門的專責委員會,就推動及宣傳 香港的文化創意產業作長遠的規劃及策略研究”。 legco.gov.hk | To add "; (h) facilitate professionals and the civil society to join hands in building a humanistic West Kowloon Cultural District ("WKCD") in a bottom-up approach which is free from the bureaucratic-led development model, so as to make WKCD a catalyst for cultural and creative industries; (i) proactively improve the business environment for [...] cultural and creative industries such [...] as film, comics, illustration, pop music, as well [...]as performing arts sector such as [...]Cantonese opera and musical play etc.; and (j) set up a cross-bureau ad hoc committee to conduct long-term planning and strategy studies on the promotion and publicity of Hong Kong's cultural and creative industries" immediately before the full stop. legco.gov.hk |
这是多么美妙啊!本书由全球畅销书作家之一撰写故事情节并由著 名 插画家 E n ki Bilal描绘极具震撼力的插画。 iontime.ch | You’ve got one of the best-selling authors in the world to write fictional storys about your history and famous cartoonist Enki Bilal to illustrate them with striking images. iontime.ch |
埃 及青年读物委员会通过培训活动、讲习班、会议和颁奖,给予青年和老年 作 家、 插画家以及出版商鼓励。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Egyptian Board of Books for Young [...] People encourages writers and illustrators, young and [...]old, as well as publishers, through [...]training events, workshops, conferences and prizes. daccess-ods.un.org |
图像设计大专课程的毕业生可以从事相关领域的工作,包括了平面设计师、DTP艺术家、包装设计师、视觉效果师、企业设计师、内部设计师、色彩分析员 、 插画家 、 艺术总监、创意总监、数码图像艺术家、设计顾问、数码影印员、活动设计师及陈列展示设计师。 systematic.edu.my | Graphic design career paths cover all ends of the creative spectrum including: Graphic Designer, DTP Artist, Packaging Designer, Visualiser, [...] Corporate Designer, In-house Designer, Colour [...] Separator, Illustrator, Art Director, [...]Creative Director, Digital Image Artist, [...]Design Consultant, Digital Printer, Event Designer, Display Artist. systematic.edu.my |
路易斯·莫里斯·布特·德·蒙维(1851-1903 年)是一名法国画家和儿童读物插图 作 家。 wdl.org | Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel (1851-1903) [...] was a French painter and children’s book illustrator. wdl.org |
恩基•比拉(Enki Bilal),1951年生于贝尔格莱德,是一位 漫 画家 、 插 图 画家 和 电 影导演。 iwc.com | Enki Bilal, born in Belgrade in 1951, is a comic strip artist, illustrator and film director. iwc.com |
爱彼今年二度担任这场艺术盛会的主要赞助厂商和官方计时伙伴,并有幸邀请到享誉盛名的时 尚 插画 大 师阿尔图罗·埃林纳 (Arturo Elena)出任客座艺术家与合作伙伴。 audemarspiguet.com | A main sponsor and official timekeeper of the fair for the second [...] year running, Audemars [...] Piguet was delighted to have renowned fashion illustrator, Arturo Elena, as their guest and collaborator. audemarspiguet.com |
此外,我在第(七 )、 (八 )、 (九 )項,加入有關西九應 [...] 該從下而上的方式,擺脫官僚主導發展的模式,以及積極改善文化創意 產業,如電影、漫畫、插畫等行業的營商環境,以及成立跨部門專責委 [...]員會,該部分仍然得以保留。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from that, in items (g), (h) and (i) where I have added that the WKCD be built in a bottom-up approach which is free from the bureaucratic-led development model, the business environment [...] for cultural and creative industries [...] such as film, comics and illustration should [...]be proactively improved, and a cross-bureau [...]ad hoc committee be set up, that part is all retained. legco.gov.hk |
插畫原為 木板油彩畫,Kessler在設計中融入過去的歡慶農曆新年郵票元素,並運用Clarence Lee的巧兔剪紙圖案和書法家Lau Bun的草書"兔"字,營造新春喜氣。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | Kessler’s design also incorporates elements from the [...] previous series of [...] Lunar New Year stamps, using Clarence Lee’s intricate paper-cut design of a rabbit and the Chinese character - drawn in grass-style calligraphy by Lau Bun - for "Rabbit. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
創意智優計劃」亦會資助在九龍公園設立「漫畫星光大道」, 在 [...] 2012 年 8 月起計的兩年內,展出本地漫畫角色的塑像及部分 漫 畫家 的代表作品,以期在社會上營造創意氣氛,擴大本地漫畫市場,並向 [...]內地和海外推廣本地漫畫。 legco.gov.hk | Under the CSI’s sponsorship, the Avenue of Comic Stars will be set up in Kowloon Park to display [...] the figurines of Hong Kong [...] comics characters and symbols of selected comics artists for two years [...]starting August 2012, with [...]the aims to foster the creative atmosphere in the community, expand the market of Hong Kong comics and promote Hong Kong comics to the Mainland and overseas. legco.gov.hk |
法國畫家 Jean-Paul Pancrazi 和台灣多媒體藝術家和雕塑家王鈴蓁用他們的作品去描繪物質形式。 frenchmay.com | French painter Jean-Paul Pancrazi [...] and Taiwanese multi-media artist and sculptor Sunny Wang give material form to the act of tracing. frenchmay.com |
插畫由傳奇插畫大師 Francedil;ois Berthoud以生動的黃色、粉紅色、甘草黑色巧妙地喚起20世紀 [...] 50年代的美容產品包裝。 hk.eternal.hk | The illustration by legendary illustrator François Berthoud [...] in vivid yellow, pink, vermillion and liquorice-black subtly [...]evokes the packaging of 1950s beauty products. hk.eternal.hk |
插画家GavinPotenza最近与美国一流办公家具制造商Herman Miller合作,创作他们2012-2013的小型商务家具产品目录。 ba-repsasia.com | Illustrator Gavin Potenza recently teamed up with premier American office furniture manufacturer, [...] Herman Miller, to help [...]create their 2012-2013 small business catalog. ba-repsasia.com |
几周前,插画家SarahJ. Coleman收到一封奇怪的邮件,她的第一反应是删掉它。 ba-repsasia.com | A few weeks ago, illustrator Sarah J. Coleman [...] got a curious email and her first instinct was to delete it. ba-repsasia.com |
其实,上周我已经自己购买了一本,完全是为了这位 漫 画家 兼 电影导演Enki Bilal强具表现力和重量级的插图。 iontime.ch | Actually, I bought it myself last week, because the illustrations by cartoonist and film director Enki Bilal are of such an incredible expressiveness and strength. iontime.ch |
紐西蘭Red Leap Theatre以澳洲著名作家及插畫家陳志 勇的得獎繪本改編的「初到奇境」(29-30/3晚上7時30分),超過200件奇巧的佈景道具,加上造型可愛、動態鬼馬的動物,以及精采的形體舞蹈、音樂、偶戲和皮影,將一幕幕超時空移民故事搬上舞台,感動大人和小朋友。 macautourism.gov.mo | The ABRSM High Scorers Concert 2013 (11 & 12/3 at 8:00pm) organized by the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra Association showcases a new breed of local talented musicians selected from the ABRSM practical examinations of 2012, and in It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World (22-23/3 at 8:00pm) a family wins the lottery but all is not well. macautourism.gov.mo |
日本著名攝影師新田桂一 (Keiichi Nitta)將會以四位香港年輕運動健將為主角拍攝一系列攝影集;以精湛刺繡技術聞名的日 藉 插畫 師 Satomi Mizuuchi,將會為幾款不同的Windrunner創作獨一無二的刺繡圖案,作品更會以一個嶄新的方式陳列;香港多媒體創作公司SILLY [...] [...] THING,以動畫形式重新演繹Nike Sportswear的概念,將藝術、運動文化溶合在充滿香港風格的新店子中。 think-silly.com | Keiichi Nitta, the well known Japanese photographer, is showing a series of photography based on four young Hong Kong athletes. think-silly.com |
无论是自雇或者是为其他大型企业所工作,工作性质,角色以及地点会随着所投入的不同室内设计工作而所不同,可从事的工作包括了室内设计师、室内设计顾问、家具设计师、空间顾问、商品橱窗设计人、灯光设计师、自动电脑辅助绘图员 、 插画家 、 模 型制作人、展览与活动设计师、博物馆展览设计师及内部与宴会协调员。 systematic.edu.my | The working conditions, job roles and places of employment can vary largely within the career of interior design, from being self-employed to working with large corporations, within various job roles including: Interior [...] Designer, Interior Design [...] Consultant, Furniture Designer, Space Consultant, Window Dresser, Lighting Designer, AutoCAD Draughtsman, Illustrator, Model Maker, [...]Exhibition & Events [...]Designer, Museum Exhibitions Designer, and Interior Coordinator & Function Coordinator. systematic.edu.my |