单词 | 插画师 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 插画师 noun —illustrator nSee also:插—insert • stick in • pierce • interpose • take part in 画 n—painting n • picture n 画—draw • classifier for paintings etc 画画 n—paint n
两个项目中,插画师和摄 影师与广告代理公司密切配合,保证3D摄影和2D插画能够无缝地整合在一起。 ba-repsasia.com | The two project had the illustrator and photographer [...] collaborating closely with the agency to ensure the mix of photography [...]and 3D and 2D illustrations integrated seamlessly together. ba-repsasia.com |
我从Stenberg [...] Brothers获得灵感 – 我很尊敬的两位1920年代的俄罗斯 插画师 、 平 面设计师。 ba-repsasia.com | I took inspiration from Stenberg [...] Brothers – Russian illustrators and graphic designers [...]from the 1920s and two artists I look up to. ba-repsasia.com |
Christine Lam是一位来自香港的年轻设计 师/插画师 / 动 画 师 , 她 擅长线条细腻的设计,而她的设计灵感多来自她的生活:电影,艺术,文化,音乐。 playbling.com | Christine Lam is a pretty young designer who’s good at illustration, pattern design and graphic design. playbling.com |
来自意大利的插画师/设计师FLAVIO MELCHIORRE的最新个人艺术作品。 justinchanrepresents.com | Famous Italian illustrator / designer, FLAVIO MELCHIORRE LATEST WORK OF ART. justinchanrepresents.com |
有Bernstein & [...] Andriulli 这样的”军火库“,提供这么多优秀 的 插画师 , 我知道我一定能找到最完美的组合。 ba-repsasia.com | With the [...] variety of talented illustrators in Bernstein [...]& Andriulli’s arsenal, I knew I was going to find the perfect match. ba-repsasia.com |
拥有画家,平面设计师,插画师和摄 影师,的TRIBE系列创建一个新的认识,有才华的艺术家塑造今天的当代开普敦。 cn.moba-app.com | Featuring painters, graphic artists, illustrators, and photographers, the TR... moba-app.com |
爱彼今年二度担任这场艺术盛会的主要赞助厂商和官方计时伙伴,并有幸邀请到享誉盛名的时 尚 插画 大 师 阿 尔 图罗·埃林纳 (Arturo Elena)出任客座艺术家与合作伙伴。 audemarspiguet.com | A main sponsor and official timekeeper of the fair for the second year [...] running, Audemars Piguet was delighted to have [...] renowned fashion illustrator, Arturo Elena, as their guest and collaborator. audemarspiguet.com |
Wilmer先生是一位来自洪都拉斯的插画 家 ,设 计 师 和 涂 鸦艺术家。 playbling.com | Mr Wilmer is an illustrator, designer and doodler [...] based in Honduras. playbling.com |
来自马来西亚的插画家和时装设计师。 playbling.com | Illustrator, fashion designer from Malaysia. playbling.com |
书中收集了Creative [...] Social每位成员的最佳建议,Bernstein & Andriulli的插画家和设计师创作 插图,赋予生命。 ba-repsasia.com | The book collects the best piece of advice from each of the members of [...] Creative Social, matches them with [...] the talented illustrators and designers from Bernstein [...]& Andriulli, and brings them to life. ba-repsasia.com |
他是位于哥伦比亚华盛顿Imagefed获奖设计室的负责人,曾在格莱美奖上两次被提名为最佳设 计 师 , 插 图 师 , 画 家。 playbling.com | He grew up between Detroit, MI, and Wilmington, DE. Having majored in Illustration at Rhode Island School of [...] Design, he is currently a twice Grammy® [...] nominated designer, illustrator, painter, and [...]the principal of the award winning design [...]studio, Imagefed, based in Washington DC. playbling.com |
Tadanori Yokoo(横尾忠则) 是一个以多才多艺而著名的日本平面设 计 师 、 插 图 画 家 、版画家和画家。 swatch.com | Tadanori Yokoo is a [...] Japanese graphic designer, illustrator, printmaker and painter known for [...]his enormous versatility. swatch.com |
1577 年,他带着 16 卷笔记以及协助他开展工作的三名土 著 画师 绘 制 的大 量 插 图 ,回到了西班牙。 wdl.org | He returned to Spain in 1577 with 16 volumes of notes and with numerous illustrations [...] made by three indigenous painters who assisted him in his work. wdl.org |
PRADA 2012 春夏男士与女士配饰系列犹如两大平行世界一般,在 PRADA 固有风格的支撑之下,彼此快速而直观地碰撞交融,由此铺就一条虚拟创意之路, 与 插画 设 计 师 兼 艺 术家 VAHRAM MURATYAN 的想象不谋而合。 prada.com | The creative path imagined by graphic designer and artist Vahram Muratyan, is a virtual road/paved/with Prada 2012 spring/summer mens and womens accessories, which highlights through rapid and intuitive movements two parallel universes that meet under the auspices of Prada style. prada.com |
这幅精心制作的插画通过 数字彩绘和图片库/3D渲染的组合方法完成。 ba-repsasia.com | The elaborate illustration was created using a [...] combination of matte painting and stock photography/3d [...]rendering. ba-repsasia.com |
也更像一般的普通插画,我称之为‘ 插画 化 ’。 shanghaibiennale.org | Actually, I was thinking [...] all along about whether painting was even necessary. shanghaibiennale.org |
图像设计大专课程的毕业生可以从事相关领域的工作,包括了平面设计师、DTP艺术家、包装设计师、视觉效果师、企业设计师、内部设 计 师 、 色 彩分析员 、 插画 家 、艺术总监、创意总监、数码图像艺术家、设计顾问、数码影印员、活动设计师及陈列展示设计师。 systematic.edu.my | Graphic design career paths cover all ends of the creative spectrum including: Graphic Designer, DTP Artist, Packaging Designer, Visualiser, [...] Corporate Designer, In-house [...] Designer, Colour Separator, Illustrator, Art Director, Creative [...]Director, Digital Image Artist, [...]Design Consultant, Digital Printer, Event Designer, Display Artist. systematic.edu.my |
无论是自雇或者是为其他大型企业所工作,工作性质,角色以及地点会随着所投入的不同室内设计工作而所不同,可从事的工作包括了室内设计师、室内设计顾问、家具设计师、空间顾问、商品橱窗设计人、灯光设 计 师 、 自 动电脑辅助绘图员 、 插画 家 、 模型制作人、展览与活动设 计 师 、 博 物馆展览设计师及内部与宴会协调员。 systematic.edu.my | The working conditions, job roles and places of employment can vary largely within the career of interior design, from being self-employed to working with large corporations, within various job roles including: Interior Designer, Interior Design Consultant, Furniture Designer, [...] Space Consultant, [...] Window Dresser, Lighting Designer, AutoCAD Draughtsman, Illustrator, Model Maker, Exhibition & Events Designer, Museum Exhibitions [...]Designer, [...]and Interior Coordinator & Function Coordinator. systematic.edu.my |
这是多么美妙啊!本书由全球畅销书作家之一撰写故事情节并由著 名 插画 家 En ki Bilal描绘极具震撼力的插画。 iontime.ch | You’ve got one of the best-selling authors in the [...] world to write fictional storys [...] about your history and famous cartoonist Enki Bilal to illustrate them [...]with striking images. iontime.ch |
不同于中国大部分财经类杂志,《第一财经周刊》的封面设计常常是五颜六色 的 插画 , 而 不是人物的肖像照片。 labbrand.com | Unlike most financial or business magazines in China, CBNWeekly’s cover designs are often in full color graphics instead of portrait photographs. labbrand.com |
在一个客 户定制的阀块中使用插装阀,设计师 能 够 创造出一个液压集成回路(HIC),从而提 供一个用于液压控制的紧凑组件,比起传统的液压系统,它使用管件更少,安装和 服务更便捷,且泄漏点更少。 comatrol.com | Using cartridge valves in a custom manifold, a designer can create a hydraulic integrated circuit (HIC) that provides a compact package for hydraulic control with reduced plumbing, easier installation, easier service, and fewer leak points than traditional hydraulic systems. comatrol.com |
此外, 利用灵活的全新 [...] HUD(平视显示系统)和浮动浏 览器,动画师和总 监可以从自定义的视图中受益。 images.autodesk.com | In addition, with a flexible new heads-up display (HUD) and [...] floating viewer, animators and directors [...]can each benefit from customized views. wam.autodesk.com |
此外,每款 应用程序都具有新的操纵器,使动 画师 能 够在无需 添加关键帧的情况下轻松地重新设定动画时间。 images.autodesk.com | In addition, a new manipulator in each application enables you to [...] easily retime animations without adding keyframes. wam.autodesk.com |
特别服务协议及商业服务”项下 的增长分别涉及用六种官方语言提供 WIPO 核心出版物的插图和设计师服务、与顾客界面/体验 SRP 倡议有关的开支、以及进一步开发 WIPO 组织形象的相关开支。 wipo.int | The increase under “SSA and Commercial Services” relates respectively to graphist and designers services required to increase the availability of WIPO core publications in the six official languages, to expenses related to the customer interface/experience SRP initiative, and expenses linked to the further development of the WIPO organizational image. wipo.int |
他以涂鸦开始他的艺术生涯,也曾为迪斯尼做过自由 动 画师 , 在 那里他参与了《101斑点狗》和其他动画片的制作。 iontime.ch | He also worked for Disney as a freelance animator and contributed to 101 Dalmatians and other animated series. iontime.ch |
建筑师、画家、 作曲家、摄影师和其他艺术 家都是作品的作者。 wipo.int | Architects, painters, composers, [...] photographers and other artists are all authors of their works. wipo.int |
让我感到作为视觉艺术家的骄傲,也感到作为视觉艺术家的危险:简单到如 : 插画 和 纯 粹的艺术作品的界限在哪里这样的问题,让自己不断地考虑,到底谁在利用形式,可能都是自己的主观态度而已,但是,审美的一种魅惑的东西,它恰好跨越了行业。 shanghaibiennale.org | It makes me proud to be a visual artist, and also aware of the dangers of visual art: something as simple as the distinction between illustration and pure artwork can push me into endless questioning: who exactly is making use of form? shanghaibiennale.org |
该地图是由著名安特卫普版画师海欧 纳莫斯·考克刻版,他在其中添加了很多艺术元素,包括三大对手强国的盾徽、蜿蜒在南美洲北部的蛇形亚马逊河、海洋中的美人鱼和神秘的海怪以及非洲西海岸上的大象、犀牛和狮子。 wdl.org | The map was engraved by the [...] famous Antwerp engraver Hieronymus Cock, [...]who added numerous artistic flourishes, including the [...]coats of arms of the three rival powers, a snake-like Amazon River that winds across the northern part of South America, mermaids and mythical monsters at sea, and an elephant, rhinoceros, and lion on the western coast of Africa. wdl.org |
2013年,使馆还将与首都图书馆和Books Illustrated 出版社共同在图书馆推出一个独特的儿童书 籍 插画 展 《 来自澳大利亚的问候》。 china.embassy.gov.au | In 2013, the Embassy is also delighted to partner with the Beijing Capital Library and Books Illustrated to bring a unique exhibition of children’s book illustrations to the Library: ‘Hello from Australia! china.embassy.gov.au |