

单词 提督

See also:

supervise and direct
army title (archaic)

External sources (not reviewed)

j. 请秘书长向人口与发展委员会第四十三届会议提交报告,就这种系统 性、基于人权的问责和督提出详 细建议。
j. A request to the Secretary-General that he present a report to the 43rd Commission on
Population and Development with a detailed recommendation for such systematic, human
[...] rights-based accountability and oversight.
该委员会还提供关于项目厅内部审计职能的 督提 供 指导,并确保本组织 采用良好的风险管理做法。
The Committee is also to
[...] provide guidance on oversight of the UNOPS internal [...]
audit function and ensure that the organization
employs sound risk management practices.
(b) 可以获得内审办认为履行其审计或调查职责所必要的一切协助、合作和
[...] 解释,执行主任办公室内儿基会法律顾问办公室将提供或 督提 供 一 切法律支 持。
(b) may obtain all assistance, cooperation and explanations that OAI deems necessary for the discharge of its audit or investigation responsibilities,
with any legal support being provided by
[...] or under the supervision of the office [...]
of the UNICEF legal adviser in the Office of the Executive Director.
该国代表团稍后将在监督厅有关报告(A/66/ 674)的范围内讨论主管内部督事务 副秘书 提出 的关于在督厅网站上提供内 部审计报告的提议,但 目前只想表示欢迎这一步骤和该提议所展示的对提 高透明度所作的承诺。
His delegation would address later, in the context of the report of OIOS on the subject (A/66/674), the proposal of the Under-Secretary-General for Internal Oversight Services to make internal audit reports available on the OIOS website, but at the current stage simply wished to welcome that step and the commitment it demonstrated to increasing transparency.
例如,在印度,目前有若干正规和非 正规实体—它们分属不同监管者督 — 提 供 此类服务,从而使决策和监督变得 更加复杂。
In India, for instance, several formal and informal entities — overseen by different regulators — currently provide such services, complicating policymaking and supervision.
[...] 面对当地司法和执法机构进行培训,向当地民众提供法律咨询服务,对法庭审判 进行督,提高人 们对人权问题的认识,开展能力建设项目以及针对当地民众、 [...]
Furthermore, focus will be placed on human rights training of local judicial and law enforcement agencies, provision of
legal advisory services to the local
[...] population, monitoring of court trials, awareness-raising [...]
on human rights issues, capacity-building
projects and other grass-roots initiatives for the local population, especially for the most vulnerable groups.
(d) 委托开展研究,查明印度未来四氯化碳生产和原料需要的趋势,目的是查明 今后过量生产四氯化碳的可能风险,预算分配为
35,000 美元; (e) 制定工作计划对开展活动便利未来减少四氯化碳的生产和排放作出预测;这 些活动涉及对不同企业的技术现状和改进的备选办法作出技术评估,并向政
[...] 府提供反馈,以便为未来相关行业活动和嗣后可能的政府管制行动和 督提 供依据。
(e) The work plan foresees a number of activities intended to facilitate future reduction of production and emissions of CTC; these involve technical assessments of the technical status quo in the different enterprises and options for improvement, with feedback to the Government, forming a basis for both related
industry activities in the future as well as for subsequent potential
[...] regulatory action and supervision by the Government.
鉴于委员会先前的结论性意见(第28段) ,请提供资料,说明采取了哪些措
[...] 施,对看守妇女和女童的执法官员进行 督 , 提 供 对 所称发生在看守所的暴力侵 害妇女案件的调查数量,包括有关起诉一名驻劳教所检察员以及负责任者对在押 [...]
In light of the Committee’s previous concluding observations
(para. 28), please provide information on
[...] measures to monitor law enforcement officials [...]
guarding women and girls, and the number
of investigations into alleged incidents of violence against women in detention, including complaints lodged with a resident procurator and of persecution of officials responsible.
[...] 任残疾人士为委员,就新建筑物或就现存建筑物的改动及加建工程而提交的图则 内可有为残疾人士辟设合理通道一事向建筑事务 督提 供 意 见。
Persons with disabilities are appointed as members of the Committee to offer advice to the Building Authority in relation to plans submitted for a new building
or for alteration and addition to an
[...] existing building as to whether reasonable [...]
access will be provided in the building
for persons with disabilities.
您知晓并同意(a)我们保留在将每一个提交的材料发布到本网站或任何论坛之前对其进行评估的权利(但不是义务);(b)我们有权自行决定采取以下任一或全部的行动:(i) 督提 交 的材料;(ii)对任何提交的材料进行修改、删除、禁止或允许其发布;及/或(iii)向第三方披露任何提交的材料及其传输的相关情况,以实现以下的目的:经营本网站;保护1stJob Network Ltd.及其员工、管理人员、董事、股东、关联方、代理人、代表人和供应商,以及本网站的用户和访问者;遵守法定义务或政府的要求;执行本协议;或出于其它任何理由或目的。
You acknowledge and agree that (a) we reserve the right (but have no obligation) to evaluate each Submission before allowing it to be posted on the Site or any Forum; and (b) we may do one or all of the following, at our sole discretion: (i) monitor Submissions; (ii) alter, remove, or refuse to post or allow to be posted any Submission; and/or (iii) disclose any Submissions, and the circumstances surrounding their transmission, to any third party in order to operate the Site; to protect 1stJob Network Ltd. and its employees, officers, directors, shareholders, affiliates, agents, representatives and suppliers, and the Site's users and visitors; to comply with legal obligations or governmental requests; to enforce this Agreement; or for any other reason or purpose.
因为原子能机构的经 常预算没有为许多与保障监督有关的核心活动提供资金,所以美国在 1977 年设 立了原子能机构保障监督技术援助方案,为加强保障 督提 供 技 术援助。
Because the IAEA regular budget leaves unfunded many core activities related to safeguards, the United States, in 1977, established the Programme of Technical Assistance to IAEA Safeguards to provide technical assistance to strengthen safeguards.
如有需要,積金局可要求有關的前線 督提供 額外資料。
It may require the FR concerned to provide additional information if necessary.
(h) 各国应在整个过程之前和整个过程之中进行人权影响评估,将人权影
[...] 响评估列入确定服务提供手段的决策过程,以及 督提 供 情 况以确定对实现人权 的实际和潜在影响,包括对用水和卫生设施权的影响。
(h) States should carry out human rights impact assessments before and throughout the process, building these into the process of deciding on
the means of service provision as well as
[...] a monitoring provision to determine [...]
the actual and potential impact on the realization
of human rights, including the rights to water and sanitation.
咨询委员会应充当执行委员会的协商和咨询机构,并为中心各项活动的规划、实施、 审查和督提供技术咨询。
The Advisory Committee shall act as a consultative and advisory body to the
Executive Committee and provide technical advice for planning, execution, review and
[...] monitoring of activities of the Centre.
由于这是对维和行动进行政策审查的开局辩论, 将延续到未来数月,今天上午,我要就如何改进战略督提出三点意见。
Since this is a kick-off debate on a policy review of peacekeeping
operations stretching over the next few months, I would like
[...] this morning to make three points on improving strategic oversight.
[...] 括家庭暴力和人口贩运,特别是贩运妇女和儿童现象,特别是要确保充分执行有 关的法律和规定,并继提供充足的资金,建立一套 督 机 制
It also called on the Government to consider strengthening efforts to combat violence against women, including domestic violence and trafficking in persons, especially women and children by, inter alia, ensuring the full implementation of related laws
and legislation, and also through the continued
[...] provision of adequate funding and the creation of a monitoring mechanism.
提出了 许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
为建筑物和施工工程确立额外要求,制订发放建筑和使用许可证的详细程 序,安排建筑工作的有效督,都 有助 提 高 施工工程质量,确保建筑物安全和 环境安全。
Establishing of additional requirements for buildings and construction work, laying down detailed procedures for issuing
of building and usage permits, and
[...] arranging effective supervision of construction helps [...]
to improve the quality of construction
work and ensures the safety of buildings and a safe environment.
原子能机构核查制度的主要宗旨是防止核材料被 用于非和平活动,“确保由原子能机构、或经其请求、或在其 督 或 管制 下 提供 的 特殊裂变材料及其他材料、服务、设备、设施和信息不致用以推进任何军事目 的”(章程第三 A.5 [...]
条)和加强信任和提高透明度以及允许所有不扩散条约缔约国 在安全条件下和互信情况下,不受歧视地行使为和平目的研发、生产和利用核能
The main aim of the IAEA verification regime is to prevent the diversion of nuclear material from peaceful activities, to “ensure that
special fissionable and
[...] other materials, services, equipment, facilities, and information made available by the Agency or at its [...]
request or under its supervision or control
are not used in such a way as to further any military purpose” (article III A.5 of the Statute) and to reinforce mutual trust and transparency as well as to allow all States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, under secure conditions and with mutual confidence, to exercise their inalienable right to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination (Treaty article IV).
食肆經營者可利用排水事務督提供 的 熱線電話查詢服 務;環境保護署轄㆘各分區污染管制辦事處會就裝置適當的污水處理設施提供意見, 包括印備㆖述的小冊子,說明如何正確㆞設計、裝置和保養隔油池;工業署發展支援 部、香港生產力促進局及環境技術㆗心,亦可提供協助。
This assistance is available from the Drainage Authority, which operates an enquiry hotline service; from the EPD's Local Control Offices, which give advice on appropriate effluent treatment facilities; including a booklet on properly designing, installing, and maintaining grease traps; from the Industry Department's Development and Support Division, from the Hong Kong Productivity Council, and from the Centre for Environmental Technology.
(c) 监督提供业务、行政和后勤支助的工作,以在联合国安保管理系统规定 [...]
(c) Overseeing the delivery of [...]
operational, administrative and logistics support to ensure the safety and security of staff
serving in field operations within the parameters established by the United Nations security management system
对这些 建议的贯彻实施情况受到内部监督办公室的严格督;提高了 审计结果的透明度,加强了审计小组与审 计办公室之间的合作,从而使上述建议更加及时地得 到实施。
The action being taken to implement these recommendations is being closely monitored by IOS; Improved transparency regarding audit findings, improved cooperation between the audit team and the audited office which led to more timely implementation of the recommendations.
[...] [...] 设需求,包括:建设国家种群评估和分析能力;在区域、次区域和国家层面增进 种群状况和管理的了解;执行区域监测、控制和 督 战 略 ; 提 高 国 家行政部门的 技术能力;提高国内参与高度洄游鱼类种群渔业和其他捕捞机会的能力;增加渔 [...]
A range of capacity-building needs was identified in connection with these objectives, including building capacity for national stock assessment and analysis; increasing the knowledge of status and management of stocks at regional, subregional and national levels;
implementing the regional
[...] monitoring, control and surveillance strategy; enhancing technical capacity [...]
within national administrations;
enhancing capacity for greater domestic participation in highly migratory fish stocks fisheries and other fishing opportunities; and increasing revenue from fisheries and reducing reliance on traditional access agreements; capacity-building programmes on market and trade issues to improve market access; and promoting optimal governance structures and private sector capacity.
宪法》规定,任命一个司 法和法律事务委员会,就下列事项向 督提 出 咨 询意见:有关一些司法和法律办 公室的官员任命、免职和惩戒行动,其中包括首席法官、大法院法官和治安法官、 [...]
总检察长和公诉局长(公诉局长负责进行所有刑事诉讼,这个职能以前由总检察 长行使)。
Provision is made for the appointment of
a Judicial and Legal Services
[...] Commission to advise the Governor on appointments to [...]
and removal from office and on disciplinary
action in relation to the holders of certain judicial and legal offices, including the Chief Justice, Grand Court judges and magistrates, the Attorney General and the Director of Public Prosecutions (which will assume responsibility for the conduct of all criminal prosecutions, a function previously exercised by the Attorney General).
[...] 长、由一区一席选区选出的七名议员、与行政委员会相同的两名当然议员和督 提名的 两名议员组成,其中一人按照首席部长的意见任命,另一人酌情与首席部 [...]
It comprises a Speaker, seven members elected from single-member constituencies, the same two ex officio members as in
the Executive Council and two members
[...] nominated by the Governor, one of whom is appointed [...]
upon the advice of the Chief
Minister and the other after consultation with the Chief Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, as appropriate.
需要改进管理和督,提高人 力资源使用效率,尤其是在提供综合初级保 健服务时,需要采用新的小组治疗模式,传授通过实践取得的综合医治疾病的技 能。
[...] management and supervision are necessary [...]
to make more efficient use of human resources, particularly in the context
of comprehensive primary health care where new team care models need to be introduced and evidence-based skills for the holistic management of disease need to be imparted.
[...] 直在努力支助国家支持人道主义活动和综合安全分遣队协调机构,包括通过部署 一名警察顾问,就综合安全分遣队活动的业务 督提 供 咨 询。
For its part, UNDP has been working to support
CONSAHDIS, including through the deployment of a police adviser to provide advice on
[...] the operational oversight of DIS activities.
就侵犯人权问题进行督、提供咨询、提出报告是各位任务负责人的任 务。在执行这些任务的过程中,任务负责人经常处理增进和保护少数群体权利的 问题,因为少数群体多为最弱势群体,最容易成为侵犯人权行为的受害者。
In discharging their tasks of monitoring, advising and reporting on human rights violations, mandate holders often address the promotion and protection of the rights of minorities, since they tend to be the most vulnerable and therefore most likely to fall victim to human rights violations.
根据拟议区域架构,区域办事处将负责对本区域的国家办事处进行管理监督 和方案督,提供技 术和业务支持及政策咨询,并负责区域层面的机构间协调(见 [...]
UNW/2012/10,第 24 段)。
Under the proposed regional architecture, the regional
offices would be responsible for managerial
[...] and programme oversight, technical and [...]
operational support and policy advice for
country offices in their region, as well as inter-agency coordination at the regional level (see UNW/2012/10, para. 24).




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