单词 | 提琴 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 提琴 noun —violin nless common: cello n • viola n • violoncello n 提琴 —instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or |
除了小號演奏外,才華橫溢的音樂家莫里森亦擅長吹奏長號、低音號、翼號、大號、薩克管、低音 大 提琴 及 鋼 琴。 hkphil.org | Besides the trumpet, virtuoso and [...] multi-instrumentalist James Morrison also plays trombone, euphonium, flugel horn, tuba, [...] saxophones, double bass and piano. hkphil.org |
马林·戈列米诺夫(1908--2000 年)是教师、提琴家、作曲家和乐队指挥,他的众多 [...] 作品都是根据保加利亚民间音乐的旋律、韵律和节奏来创作的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Teacher, violinist, composer and conductor, [...] Marin Goleminov (1908-2000) composed numerous works that have their roots in [...]the melody, metres and rhythm of Bulgarian folk music. unesdoc.unesco.org |
把 全國鋼琴及小提琴 大 賽 提升至 地 區 比賽級 別的水平。 legco.gov.hk | Upgrade the National Piano and Violin Competitions into regional [...] competitions. legco.gov.hk |
他在中國的重要演出,則包括為國家總理演奏,以及為中國愛樂及上海交響樂團作樂季揭幕演奏,並於國家大劇院演出全套 大 提琴 組 曲。 hkphil.org | His performances in China included playing for the President and opening the season for China Philharmonic [...] and Shanghai Symphony, as well as performing [...] the complete Bach Cello Suites at the National [...]Centre for Performing Arts. hkphil.org |
美籍华裔大提琴家马 友友:“我在音乐中领悟到的一点是,我们必须超越自我,向更大的目标共同努力。 china.blackstone.com | Yo-Yo Ma, American Cellist: “One thing [...] I've learned in music is that we must work toward something bigger than ourselves. blackstone.com |
在接連贏得「最佳員工」稱號後,Lupac參加了特別的考核,並且在1972年獲得了 小 提琴 製 作 大師等級。 tomleemusic.com.hk | After winning the title of "The Plant's [...] Best Worker" several times, Lupac took special examinations and was placed in 1972 [...] in the category of master violinmaker. tomleemusic.com.hk |
郑先生同他的两个姐姐——小提琴家 郑 京和与 大 提琴 家 郑 明博组成过郑氏三重奏。 unicef.org | He has performed with his sisters, violinist Kyung-Wha Chung and cellist Myung Chung, as the Chung Trio. unicef.org |
他周游欧洲,从 1772 [...] 到 1777 年在萨尔兹堡担任首席小提琴手, 随后作为自 由艺术家迁居到维也纳,在那里他与 [...]Constanza Weber 结婚,直到 1791 年去世。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He travelled extensively through Europe [...] before becoming Concertmaster in Salzburg from [...] 1772-1777, and then moved to Vienna [...]as a free artist where he married Constanza [...]Weber and resided until his death in 1791. unesdoc.unesco.org |
享有盛誉的大提琴家马 友友于2006年被任命为联合国和平使者,他一直不断地努力促进年轻听众了解音乐,并在年轻人当中推动集体价值观。 un.org | Renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma was designated [...] as United Nations Messenger of Peace in 2006 and is expanding his efforts to expose [...]young audiences to music and promoting the Organization’s values among young people. un.org |
維也納國際音樂學院是香港唯一獲維也納音樂考試評核局授權的音樂教育機構,除了提供維也納優良及正統的幼兒音樂教育 [...] (ECME),另外學院亦提供維也納音樂考試評核局的認可導師證書課程、樂器級別評核試、教授 鋼 琴 及 小 提琴 及 產前音樂導賞班等。 cordlife.com | Wiener Klang is the only Certified Training Centre in Hong Kong authorized by Vienna Music Examination Board, offering programs including Early Childhood Music Education Program [...] (ECMECP), Certified Trainer Course, VMEB Graded [...] Music Exam, piano and violin lessons, and Prenatal [...]Music Appreciation Program. cordlife.com |
叶柄2-6厘米,密被微柔毛到无毛;叶片卵形,宽椭圆形,倒卵形,或 者 提琴 形,8-11 * 4-6 厘米,纸质,幼时仅叶脉密被微柔毛,成熟时两面无毛,基部心形,很少浅心形或截形,先端锐尖,很少尾状渐尖;脉自基部3-5,侧脉4或。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 2-6 cm, densely puberulent to glabrous; leaf blade ovate, broadly elliptic, obovate, or panduriform, 8-11 × 4-6 cm, papery, only nerves densely puberulent when young, glabrous on both surfaces at maturity, base cordate, rarely shallowly cordate or truncate, apex acute, rarely caudate-acuminate; veins from base 3-5, lateral veins 4 or 5. flora.ac.cn |
在悠揚的小提琴聲中 ,龍與鳳翩翩起舞,腕錶因此而栩栩如生,呈現著纖纖雅態和古樸風韻。 piaget.com.hk | In a gentle dance performed [...] to the tune of violins, these animals [...]bring watchmaking products to life with a delightful blend of refinement and simplicity. piaget.com |
演出项目多是世界名曲、声乐独唱、合唱、 小 提琴 、 钢 琴 三 重奏、爵士乐并在不同阶段融入形式活泼的合奏。 systematic.edu.my | Most of the programmes were world music, vocal solos, choir, violin, piano trio, jazz [...] and ensemble in different stage forms and lively styles. systematic.edu.my |
2003年,他和来自“波尔罗格和克罗姆希尔”乐队(Ballrogg- and Chrome Hill)的贝斯提琴手安 特曾和来自“克里斯特•克努森”乐队(Christer Knutsen)的鼓手豪克森在位于奥斯陆的挪威音乐学院共同成立了“乡村之声”乐队。 norway.org.cn | He formed In The Country with Ballrogg- and Chrome Hill bass player Roger Arntzen and Christer Knutsen drummer Pål Hausken at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo in 2003. norway.cn |
他们 还懂得弹奏较复杂的乐器如自鸣筝、尤克里里琴、笛子、 小 提琴 、 号 角和口琴等。 cpsc.gov | They are also able to play more complicated instruments such as the autoharp, ukulele, flute, violin, horns, and the harmonica. cpsc.gov |
如果您搜尋不到想要的圖,可以用相關字眼替代再搜尋一次,例如您想要一張 小 提琴 的 圖,結果輸入「 小 提琴 」 搜 尋不到或不夠多時,可以輸入相關字眼如「樂器」、「音樂」、「古典樂」 … 等,或許可以找到許多相關的圖。 imagedj.com | If you can not find the image you want, you many search again by relevant words, for example, if what you are looking for is an image of a violin, and the search by entering “violin” yields no or insufficient results, you may possibly find many relevant images by entering the relevant words such as “instruments”, “music” “classical music” etc. imagedj.com |
该曲最初为小提琴、曼 陀铃和钢琴而作。 zh.cantorion.org | It was originally [...] composed for violin, mandolin or piano. cantorion.org |
有「搖滾小提琴美少 女」之稱的Ayasa、跳箱世界紀錄保持者池谷直樹、「極限體能王」川原拓也及其他多位優秀的表演成員將一連兩晚為金光綜藝館注入源源不絕的刺激及驚喜,為入場觀眾送上緊湊又熱鬧的舞樂奇技秀。 yp.mo | Its spectacular cast of performers includes rock violinist Ayasa and former competitive gymnast Iketani Naoki. yp.mo |
副校监蔡滋勤牧师也参与到管弦乐团当中演奏 大 提琴。 ycis-bj.com | Reverend Samuel Choy, Deputy Director, joined students on [...] stage to play the cello. ycis-bj.com |
1976年到1979年,Dvorak在小提琴製作 大師Emil Lupac的指導下完成了三年制的高級研究生課程,這為他作為樂器製作大師的獨創性和技巧方面提供了堅實的背景。 tomleemusic.com.hk | From 1976 to 1979, Dvorak attended [...] the three-year postgraduate master school [...] under the master violin-maker Emil Lupac, [...]which furnished a solid background for [...]his ingenuity and skill as the maker of master instruments. tomleemusic.com.hk |
請自備吉他、口琴、小提琴、跳舞 CD 音樂帶或變 魔術道具…回台。 taiwan-usylcecamp.org | If you have any special talents, you may consider bringing your own guitar, harmonica, violin, dance music [...] CD, or props. taiwan-usylcecamp.org |
我想 問,單單符合了噪音影響評估,是否便可以讓我們日後欣賞交響樂時, [...] 除了會聽到交響樂中的violin(即小提琴 ) 聲 外 ,還可聽到其他的機械性樂 [...] 器的配合,令聽者日後欣賞時會更開心呢? legco.gov.hk | May I ask the Secretary whether or not, by merely complying with the requirement of a noise impact assessment, it can be ensured that while enjoying orchestral [...] performances in the future, in addition to [...] listening to the violin, we will also [...]be able to enjoy the ensemble of other mechanical [...]musical instruments, so that the audience will feel all the happier when enjoying such performances in the future? legco.gov.hk |
如果您喜欢热闹的凯利舞(一种传统苏格兰舞蹈活动)和传统音乐,不妨在一月初前往格拉斯哥,参加在那里举办的凯尔特音乐节,欣赏活泼的舞蹈、热情奔放的 小 提琴 演 奏 和鼓乐。 visitbritain.com | If you like the sound of ceilidhs (traditional Scottish dance parties pronounced “kaylees”) and traditional music, head to Glasgow’s [...] Celtic Connections festival in early January for some lively dancing, [...] duelling fiddles and the thump of hands on drums. visitbritain.com |
她会拉大提琴,会弹钢琴, 还喜欢为这两种乐器作曲。 wipo.int | She plays the cello and the piano and [...] enjoys composing original works for both instruments. wipo.int |
香港弦樂四重奏由小提琴家王思恆創立於1993年,樂隊精於奏演室內樂,致力參與香港校園及民間的藝術教育、音樂傳播工作。 yp.mo | Devoted to promoting chamber music, the Quartet has made recordings [...] and radio broadcasts, participated in activities at [...]schools and hospitals and has organised a number of chamber music workshops for the young. yp.mo |
女士 Hasmig Surmelian [...] 贏得了音樂碩士鋼琴演奏(比利時)和文學碩士鋼琴教育學(法國),以及一個學位 小 提琴 演 奏 和音樂理論。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Ms. Hasmig Surmelian has earned a Master of Music in Piano [...] Performance (Belgium) and a Master of Arts in Piano Pedagogy (France) as well [...] as a degree in Violin Performance and [...]Music Theory. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
塔馬斯先生研究與捷爾吉Pauk先生在市政廳音樂與戲劇,並在耶魯大學的Syoko亞希女士學校,以及字符串四方性能與東京弦樂四重奏 小 提琴 演 奏。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Mr. Tamas studied violin performance with Mr. György Pauk at Guildhall School of Music & Drama and Ms. Syoko Aki at Yale University, as well as string quartet performance with the Tokyo String Quartet. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
全国民间舞蹈音乐节”是较近代的“gammeldans”音乐的比赛,而“全国传统音乐比赛”则是较古老的 “bygdedans”音乐赛事,包括小提琴、 声 乐、民间舞蹈和古老器乐技巧的比赛。 norway.org.cn | The National Folk Dance Music Festival is a gammeldans competition, while the National Contest for Traditional Music [...] encompasses the older [...] bygdedans fiddling and singing tradition, folk dancing and mastery of older folk [...]music instruments. norway.or.kr |
香水:清凉的草地上或樱桃包装单位:10,30或60升GLO的新鲜的香水喷雾香水:野生樱桃或泡泡糖包装单位:1,GLO的10或30升,乳液霜香皂香水:苹果,杏,薰衣草, 中 提琴 , 栀 子,覆盆子包装单位:1,10或30升GLO的清洗 [...] - 杀菌手杀菌器香水:石灰包装单位:1,GLO的10或30升清洁公司 - 金山通用厕所清洁。 china-environmental.com | Fragrances: cool grass or cherry Packing unit: 10, 30 or 60 litres GLO-FRESH Fragrance Spray Fragrances: wild cherry or bubble gum Packing unit: 1, 10 or 30 litres [...] GLO-LOTION Cream Soap Fragrances: apple, [...] apricot, lavender, viola, gardenia, raspberry [...]Packing unit: 1, 10 or 30 litres GLO-CLEAN [...]- SANITISER Hand sanitiser Fragrances: lime Packing unit: 1, 10 or 30 litres GLO-CLEAN - GP WC general purpose cleaner. china-environmental.com |