

单词 提拔

提拔 verb

upgrade v

See also:

pull out
pull up
draw out by suction
stand out (above level)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 社区的具体情况量身定作,以期消除可能造成雇主不愿雇用 提拔 少 数 群体妇女 的既有成见。
Sensitization programmes should also be tailored for the majority
communities with a view to eradicating existing stereotypes that may make employers reluctant
[...] to employ or promote minority women.
[...] Industries)高兴地宣布,公司提拔Ell en Cheng博士担任中国内地及台湾区总经理。
Despatch Industries, the world's leading thermal technology and equipment
provider, is pleased to announce that the
[...] company has promoted Dr. Ellen Cheng to [...]
the role of General Manager, China and Taiwan.
他陪同Dioscurus到以弗所强盗会在449,他说自己“我和我的兄弟的祝福神父Anatolius”(即Dioscurus书记, 提拔 到 君士坦丁堡见)。
He accompanied Dioscurus to the robber Council of Ephesus in 449, as he says himself "together
with my brother the blessed priest Anatolius" (the secretary of Dioscurus,
[...] promoted by him to the See of Constantinople).
有数起监狱守 卫参加监狱内贩毒团伙的案件被曝光,但由于问题根
[...] 深蒂固,因此需要系统化的努力来根除腐败官员,提拔清廉称职的人员。
A few high-profile cases of wardens involved in prison-based narcotics rings have come to light, but the problem is so entrenched that it needs
more systematic attention to root out corrupt
[...] officials and ensure that cleaner and more [...]
qualified people take their place.
这些措施将涉及各种激励办法,包括破 提拔 自 愿 去总部外任职的工作人 员。
These measures will involve various incentives, including exceptional promotions for staff volunteering for a field posting.
不过秘书长指出,需要开展下述工作:制定全面的人员流动政策,将维持和 平行动的负担在整个全球秘书处工作人员队伍中公平分配;加强在外地工作的优 秀工作人员的职业保障并提高其公平性;重新审议秘书处目前使用相同过程甄选 平调工作人员提拔工作 人员以及征聘合格的外部候选人的做法(A/66/679,第 69 段)。
The Secretary-General states, however, that there is need for a comprehensive mobility policy that distributes the burden of peacekeeping equitably across the entire global Secretariat workforce; greater and more equitable job security for highperforming field staff; and a reconsideration of the current practice of the Secretariat to use the same process to select staff members for lateral reassignment, movement to a higher grade level and the recruitment qualified external candidates (A/66/679, para. 69).
1993年他被授予副教授,1997年提拔 为 终 身教授,1999年成为Richard [...]
P. Chapman工商管理学院教授。
He joined the HBS faculty as an assistant professor in
1988, was appointed associate professor in
[...] 1993, was promoted to tenure in 1997, [...]
and became the Richard P. Chapman Professor
of Business Administration in 1999.
例如,我国婴儿和五岁以下幼儿每 1 000 活产死 亡率自 1990 年以来下降了 29%。同时,苏丹陛提拔 女性 担任我国社会中的众多领导职务,树立了一个任 人唯贤、以基本的平等原则为基础的榜样。
For example, our mortality rates for infants and children under five per 1,000 live births have fallen by 29 per cent since 1990, while His Majesty’s promotion of women to numerous leadership positions in our society has provided a meritocratic example, founded on the basic principle of equality.
在同国防和安全部 队的第一轮协商中提出了一系列建议,包括区别国防 和安全部门作用的必要性;职业结构;论 提拔 ;以 及改善服役条件。
The first round of consultations with the defence and security forces came up with a series of recommendations, including on the need for a separation of roles for the
defence and security sectors; a career structure; mobility
[...] based on merit; and an improvement in conditions of service.
另据称,该国政提拔曾任 第十旅旅长的尼泊尔军队上将 Toran Bahdur Singh 为副司令,他的部下对 2003 年至 2004 年在尼泊尔皇家军队 Maharajguni 军营发生的至少 49 个强迫失踪和酷刑案件负有责任。
It was further alleged that the Government promoted to second-in-command of the Nepal Army General Toran Bahdur Singh, who was commander of the 10th Brigade, whose officers were responsible for at least 49 cases of enforced disappearance and torture which occurred at the then Royal Nepal Army Maharajguni barracks between 2003 and 2004.
它巩固了德国作为科 学中心的地位提拔了青 年学术人才并帮助形成国际科学对话。
It strengthens Germany’s position as a scientific center, promotes young academic talent, and helps shape the international scientific dialogue.
联合国要想成功履行其在全球形形色色和富有 挑战性的任务,就必须能从最广泛的地理区域征聘、 挽留提拔最有才华的人。
If the United Nations was to perform its diverse and challenging global missions successfully, it must be able to recruit, retain and promote the most talented people from the widest possible geographical area.
今日她要面對的阻力,主要是 來自那些當初她㆒提拔,賦 予政治特權的工商界及專業㆟士。
The principal resistance to this comes from the business community and the prefessionals, the very groups that it has promoted and to which it has given special political privileges.
(a) 发展人力资本和技能,以促进有效的地方治理,将重点放在公共价值和 公民责任心上面,首先从基础教育开始,并与大学和培训机构合作,吸引人才进 入公共部门,并培训公务员,以克服越来越变幻莫测的挑战和全球风险;在公共 行政中实行择优录取和择提拔的制 度;采取措施,将最好的人才留在地方公务 员队伍中
(a) Human capital and skills development for effective local governance, with a focus on public values and responsible citizenship, beginning with primary education and including cooperation with universities and training institutions to attract talent into the public sector and train public servants to meet the challenges of increasing uncertainty and global risks; merit-based recruitment and promotion in public administration; and measures to retain the best talent in local public service
提拔妇女 进入国家权力机关领导岗位和整个决策层的问题,在实施 2004 年 [...]
The problem of promoting women to managerial [...]
posts in State bodies and to decision-making positions in general takes on
particular significance in the light of the administrative and management reforms initiated in 2004.
委员会感到遗 憾的是,总统决定法官的任命提拔 , 妨 碍了司法系统的独立性。
The Committee regrets that responsibility for the appointment and promotion of judges rests with the President, which jeopardizes the independence of the judiciary.
王国政府将 批 准一项 积 极 行动政策 ,在公共 服 务领域拔 和提拔 一 批 妇 女担任决策 职 务。
The Royal Government will approve a positive action policy to choose and promote women to decision-makers in public services.
優秀的人才資源是本集團於行業內持續發展的重要核心競爭力之一,我們向來重視管理 提拔 內 部 管理人才。
We have always emphasized the importance of management and provided ample advancement opportunities for outstanding management staff.
雖然我們沒能力選 行政長官,但我希望當政黨挑選人選進入議會時 ─ 我亦不相信有需要配 額才行,因為婦女也不太差,不是要透過配額才能佔一席位的 ─提 拔、栽培、推舉候選人,如果其黨內本身已採用配額,這是沒問題的,即是 黨方已告訴其黨員,希望有一半的人是女性;尤其是如果在現時的名單制 裏,把女性放在第一位,很多時候,那些女性便可進入議會。
Although we are in no position to elect the Chief Executive, I hope that when political parties select candidates to serve in this Council ― I do not see a need to set a quota because women are doing not bad and it is not the case that women can secure a seat only through a quota system ― and when they groom, train and recommend candidates, it is fine if the political parties have adopted a quota system in the first place, that is, the party will tell its members that it hopes that half of the representatives are women.
您可能 不仅会得到组织提拔,而 且以后可能会在学术界获得临时或永 久性聘任。
This is likely to lead to a promotion within your organisation and also offers the possibility of periods or a permanent place in academia at a later stage.
我們盡量從各個市提拔晉升 管理層的人才,並借助他們對市場和文化的認識。
There is a definite effort to draw people into the management ranks from every one of our markets, so we can benefit from their knowledge of the territory and culture.
与此相比,在 2006-2007 年间,264 名工作人员获准晋升,占人员总数的比例相同(13%);多数人(48%)是 通过竞聘提拔到更高级工作职位的。
In 2008-2009, 252 staff members representing 13% of the total staff were promoted as follows: 115 through job reclassification (46%); 87 through competition to a higher graded post (34%), 34 were granted a merit-promotion (14%) and 16 were promoted in split-graded posts (6%).6 By comparison, in 2006-2007, 264 promotions were granted, representing a similar proportion of the total staff (13%); the majority (48%) were promotions through competition to a higher-graded post.
自2002年加入查普门泰勒曼彻斯特事务所以来,安德鲁参与到多个重要项目的管理和交付工作中,并于2007年 提拔 为 副 总监。
Since joining Chapman Taylor's Manchester office in 2002, Andrew has been involved in the management and delivery of major projects and was promoted to Associate Director in 2007.
报告建议:制订一项旨在进行监狱管理系统结构改革的 政策;纳入职位界定和说明,以及招聘 提拔 监 狱 工作人员的条件;禁止在监狱 场所携带现金。
The report recommends establishing a policy for restructuring the prison administration system, to include a definition of jobs and profiles and the conditions governing the recruitment and promotion of prison staff, as well as a ban on carrying money on the prison premises.
敦促 敦促 敦促 敦促阿富汗政府继续有效地改革公共行政部门,以便在国际社会的支助 下,在国家和国家以下各级按照喀布尔进程实行法治并确保善政和问责,欣见阿 富汗政府在这方面的努力和在喀布尔会议上作出的承诺,强调指出公务员任命提拔过程 具有透明度的重要性,继续鼓励阿富汗政府充分利用高级任命小组
the Government of Afghanistan to continue to effectively reform the public administration sector in order to implement the rule of law and to ensure good governance and accountability, in accordance with the Kabul process, at both the national and subnational levels, with the support of the international community, welcomes the efforts of the Government and commitments made at the Kabul Conference in this regard, stresses the importance of transparent appointment and promotion procedures for civil servants, and continues to encourage the Government to make active use of the Senior Appointments Panel
周大福連續第三年參與巴黎年度盛事「巴黎時裝周」,繼2011及2012年成功於展 提拔 中 國 新晉時裝設計師如Masha [...]
Following the success of the annual exhibition [...]
in Paris Fashion Week since 2011 which catapulted several up-and-coming Chinese
fashion designers such as Masha Ma, Huishan Zhang and Xiao Yu to worldwide fame, Chow Tai Fook’s participation in third years during Paris Fashion Week brings some of the brightest lights in Chinese art and fashion to the international stage of Paris, also offers emerging designers a platform of international exchange.
向地方当拔出了提供和发展社会补贴与服务的资源,以便提供种种服务 和援助,支持就业与融入,改善所有社会服务的质量与提供情况。
Local authorities have been allocated resources [...]
for providing and developing social benefits and services in order to provide
the kinds of services and assistance which support employment and inclusion and to improve the quality and availability of all social services.
这是几内亚比绍第一次开办经法律授权的专业培训学校,为治安法 官的培训和拔提供证书。
This is the first time that Guinea-Bissau has had a professional training school, mandated by law, to certify the training and selection of magistrates.
各部门和外部评估者是各种拔委员会的一部分,成立这些委员会的目的是确保所拔 享受 奖学金的候选人是那些最能为他们的国家增强国家能力作贡献的人。
The sectors and external evaluators form part of the various selection committees that have been established to ensure that the candidates chosen for fellowships are those that are the most suitable for enhancing and contributing to the national capacities in their countries of origin.




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