

单词 提名表

See also:

提名 v

nomine v
propose v




famous watch (i.e. expensive brand of wristwatch)

External sources (not reviewed)

立法會秘書須於選日至少7 整天前邀請議員提名立法會主 席一職的人選,並將附件I的提名表格 分 發給各議員。
Not less than 7 clear days before the day of the election, the Clerk to the
Council shall invite
[...] Members to make nominations for the office of President and distribute the nomination forms as provided [...]
in Annex I.
有關提名必須列載所有提名表格內規定要提供或 選舉主任要求提供的資料及簽署,而候選人須已作出上文第 4.16 段 (b)項所述的聲明,否則無效。
A nomination will not be valid unless it contains all the information and signatures required to be shown on the nomination form or by the [...]
RO and the candidate
has made the declaration referred to in para. 4.16(b) above.
若在提名期結束後提名表格上 的錯漏仍未更正, 則提名表格會作無效論。
A nomination may be ruled invalid if any errors on the nomination form are not corrected by the close of the nomination period.
因此,在呈提名表格或 公開宣示 其參選意圖前,由分發此等報告而引致的開支將不計入其選舉 開支。
On such basis, the expenditure incurred in the
distribution of such reports before
[...] the submission of nomination or public declaration [...]
of their intention to stand as candidates
would not be counted as his election expenses.
選舉主任 可拒絕接納任何內容有關鍵性改動 提名表 格。
The RO may
[...] refuse to accept any nomination form where there [...]
is a material alteration of its content.
選舉主任在提名期內收提名表格後 ,除非他決定 提名無效,獲提名的候選人會被視作正式獲提名論。
Where the RO has
[...] received a nomination form within the nomination [...]
period, the candidate will be deemed to stand nominated
unless the RO decides that the nomination is invalid.
提名表格必 須連同適當數額的選舉按金呈交有 關界別分組的選舉主任(詳情請參閱本章第四部分)。
Each nomination form must be submitted [...]
to the RO for the subsector concerned together with the payment of an appropriate
election deposit (see Part IV of this chapter for details).
當簽提名表格的提名人人 數超過所規定的 10 名合資格人數,超過規定人數 的提名人須被視為不曾簽署有關 提名表 格[ 《區 議會按金及簽署人規例》第 7(3A)條 ] 。
Where the number of persons
[...] subscribing a nomination has exceeded the required number (ie 10), any surplus over the required number of qualified subscribers will be regarded as not having subscribed the nomination concerned [s 7(3A) [...]
of the DC Subscribers and Deposit Reg].
如某議員的姓名出現在多於 一提名表格之 上(不論是被提名人、提名人或附議人的身份),則 只 有 立法會秘書辦事處接獲的首提名表 格 方 為有效,立法會秘書須隨即 把失效的表格送提名人
In the event that a Member’s name appears on more than one nomination form (whether in the capacity as a
[...] Member being nominated or as a Member making the nomination, or as a Member seconding the nomination), only the first such nomination form received by the Clerk’s office shall be valid and the Clerk shall immediately return any invalid form to the Member who made the nomination.
提名表格的選民必須是已登記為有 關鄉村的選民,簽提名表格的數目不 可多過有關鄉村在該次選舉中須選出的 村代表數目。
The subscribing electors must be registered for the Village
[...] and may subscribe no more than the number of nomination forms that is equivalent to the number of VRs [...]
to be returned
for the Village at the election.
委员会同意他们必须提名表示自 愿事先 知情同意,同时还讨论了可以多种方式表示同意的问题。
Agreeing that their free, prior, and
[...] informed consent to the nomination must be shown, the [...]
Committee also discussed that such
consent might be demonstrated in diverse ways.
候選人"包括在提名期結束前的任何時間曾已公 開宣布有意參加選舉的人士,不論他是否已遞交候 選提名表格[ 《選舉( 舞弊及非法行為) 條例》第 2 條 ]。
Candidate” includes a person who has publicly declared an intention to stand for
election at any time
[...] before the close of nominations for the election, whether or not he has submitted a nomination form [s 2 of the ECICO].
一份带有评注提名表应该 向提交提名的缔约国说明如何证明提议的遗产 符合该定义。
An annotated nomination form shall explain to States Parties presenting a nomination how to demonstrate [...]
that the proposed
element responds to this definition.
因應上文第 3 段《立法會條例》所列的修訂,在《選管 會(提名顧問委員會)(立法會)規例》(第 541C 章)、《選管會(選舉 程序)(立法會)規例》(第 541D 章)、《選票上關於候選人的詳情 (立法會及區議會)規例》(第
541M 章)以及《選管會(立法會選舉 及區議會選舉資助)(申請及支付程序)規例》(第
[...] 541N 章)內關於 功能界別候選人提名表格、 立法會候選人及立法會候選人名單 [...]
等釋義的條文,已經在二零一一年五月修訂,以配合區議會(第 二)功能界別採用的比例代表名單投票制。
Following the amendments to the LCO as set out in paragraph 3 above, the relevant sections on the interpretation of an FC candidate, nomination form, LegCo candidate, list of LegCo candidates, etc. in the EAC (Nominations Advisory Committees) (LegCo) Regulation (Cap. 541C), the EAC (Electoral Procedure) (LegCo)
Regulation (Cap. 541D), the Particulars Relating
[...] to Candidates on Ballot Papers (LegCo and [...]
District Councils) Regulation (Cap. 541M)
and the EAC (Financial Assistance for LegCo Elections and District Council Elections) (Application and Payment Procedure) Regulation (Cap. 541N) were amended in May 2011 to cater for the adoption of the proportional representation list system for the DC(second)FC.
[...] 541D、第541M及第541N章內有關功能界別候選人 提名表 格 、 立法會 選舉候選人、立法會選舉候選人名單的釋義亦應予修訂,以配合在區 [...]
With the amendment made to Cap. 542
outlined above, the interpretation of an
[...] FC candidate, nomination form, LegCo candidate, [...]
list of LegCo candidates, etc. in
Cap. 541C, Cap. 541D, Cap. 541M and Cap. 541N have to be amended to cater for the adoption of proportional representation list system for the DC(second) FC.
Digicel年度企业家计划的提名必须在2010年6月11日星期五前以正 提名表 格 提 交 或 通过www.digicelhaitientrepreneur.com提交。
Nominations for the Digicel Entrepreneur of the Year Programme must be submitted
[...] using the official nomination form or via www.digicelhaitientrepreneur.com [...]
by Friday, 11th June 2010.
对文件中 若干章节进行了调整,以使信息更加流畅,并简化了关键用途提名程序;删除
[...] 了有关行为守则的章节,因为委员会认为其不属于该文件范畴;更新 提名表 格, 以便各缔约方在申请有关土壤、工厂设施和商品用途方面的新旧提名时可 [...]
Selected sections had been moved within the document to facilitate information flow and simplify the critical-use nomination process; the section relating to the code of conduct removed, as the Committee did
not consider that it belonged in the
[...] document; and the nomination forms updated so [...]
that only one form was proposed for both
new and continuing nominations, for both soils and structures and commodities.
另可按下文第 7 段中的标准对若干候选人予提名表 扬。
A few candidates
[...] may also be awarded honourable [...]
mentions in accordance with the criteria set out in paragraph 7.
6.3 總統候選人須提名表格提名, 提名表 格 必 須由兩名分別 屬 提名人及和議人的人士 ,以及另 外不少於4名人士簽署 ,所有提名 表格上簽 署 的人士 ,必須已 名列選民登記冊上。
6.3 The presidential candidate
[...] is required to be nominated by a nomination paper signed by two persons as proposer and seconder and by not less than four other persons, all of their names must appear in any register [...]
of electors.
(d) 如有關提名獲得負責的副香港總監之認可,他將會 提名表 格 送 交香港 總監。
(c) Regional Commissioner
[...] shall sign the nomination form and send [...]
it to the responsible Deputy Chief Commissioner for endorsement.
根據《選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例》(第 554章 )第 2條,"候選人"包括在提名期結束前的任何時間曾公開宣 布有意參選的人,不論他是否已遞交候選 提名表 格。
According to section 2 of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554) ("ECICO"), "candidate" includes a person who has publicly declared an intention to stand for
election at any time
[...] before the close of nominations for the election, whether or not he has submitted a nomination form.
(b) 被提名委任為區總監的候任人必須填寫及簽署有 提名表 格。
(b) The nominee for the appointment of District Commissioner must
[...] fill out and sign the nomination form.
就選舉開支(及捐贈)而 言,“ 候選人” 一詞包括在選舉提名期結束前的任何曾公開宣布 有意在界別分組中參選的人士,不論他是否已經遞交候選提 名表格,或其提名表格遞交後被選舉主任判定為無效。
The term “candidate” relating to election expenses (and donations) therefore includes a person who has publicly declared an intention to stand for election in respect of a subsector at any time before the close of nominations for the election, regardless
of whether he has
[...] submitted his nomination form or after submission of the nomination form, his nomination is ruled invalid [...]
by the RO [s 2 of the ECICO].
根據政府當局的建議,《建築物管理條例》的有關條文亦會 訂定某些在業主會議中常用的表格,例如委託書、會議通知 提名表 格等,以及會議程序的常規。
According to the Administration’s proposal, certain forms such as those for proxy, notice of meetings and nomination which are frequently used in owners’ meetings and standing order for meeting procedures would also be prescribed under the relevant sections of BMO.
1) 當某位會員被提名而擔當幹事,談判小組的成員,以及其他當選領袖們的角 色後,他們必須首先簽署“接提名 ” 表 格 , 其包括:“我接受擔當 SEIUUHW 幹事,談判小組的成員,以及其他當選領袖們的提名。
1) When a member is nominated for the role of steward, bargaining team member, and other elected leader,
they must first sign an
[...] Acceptance of Nomination form which will include the statement: “I accept the nomination for (Union Steward, [...]
or Bargaining Team
Member, or other Elected Leader) for SEIU-UHW.
出贡献受提名表扬; 因对毒理学的贡献获得拉丁美洲毒理学协会奖状(1998 年)。
Honourable mention for services to Colombian society in the field of toxicology, First International Congress of Toxicology, University of Antioquia; distinction conferred by Latin American Association of Toxicology for contributions to the field of toxicology (1998).
y 提名委員會每位代表只提名 一位候選人,每位候選人必須由 200 位表提名選出
Each member of the Nominating Committee may nominate only one candidate, and each candidate must be nominated by 200 members.
委员会的其他成员 将由他提名,但其代表性和 权威相同。
Other members of the
[...] Committee would be nominated by them but would have equal representation and the same [...]
5.提名委员会主席Galan Sarmiento先生(哥 伦比亚)表提名委员 会建议下列代表任副主 席:Arie [...]
de Ruijter 先生(荷兰),Leda Melendez Howell 女士(哥斯达黎加), V.S.Ramamurthy 先生(印度),Nabil Rifai 先 生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)。
(5) The Chairperson of the Nominations Committee, Mr Galán Sarmiento (Colombia), recommended,
[...] on behalf of the Nominations Committee, the following [...]
delegates as Vice-Chairpersons:MrAriedeRuijter
(Netherlands), Ms Leda Meléndez Howell (Costa Rica), Mr V.S. Ramamurthy (India), Mr Nabil Rifaee (Syrian Arab Republic), Mr Michel Sedogo (Burkina Faso) was recommended as Rapporteur.
司秘書遞交下述文件,並有效送達本公司的香港主要辦事處:(i) 該股東擬在股
[...] 東週年大會上提出決議案的意向通知;及(ii) 獲提名之候選人簽表示願意接受 委任的通知,連同(a)按《上市規則》第 [...]
13.51(2) 條規定須披露的候選人資料, 及(b) 候選人同意公佈其個人資料的同意書。
Accordingly, if a shareholder wishes to nominate a person to stand for election as a Director of the Company at the general meeting, the following documents must be validly served on the Company Secretary at the principle office of the Company in Hong Kong, namely (i) his/her notice of intention to propose a resolution
at the general meeting; and (ii)
[...] a notice signed by the nominated candidate of the candidate’s [...]
willingness to be appointed
together with (a) that candidate’s information as required to be disclosed under rule 13.51(2) of the Listing Rules, and (b) the candidate’s written consent to the publication of his/her personal data.




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