单词 | 提名期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 提名期 noun —nomination period nSee also:提名 n—nominations pl • nominee n 提名 v—nomine v • propose v 提名—nominate
申 請截止 日期為提 名 期 開始前 一天, 而 提 名 顧 問 委 員會最 遲 會 於 申 請截止 後 的第二 個 工 作天回覆所有申 請者。 legco.gov.hk | The NAC will reply to all applications no later than the second working day after the deadline for application. legco.gov.hk |
衞生福利及食物局副秘書長( [...] 安老服務及社會保障) 表 示 , 新 任行政長官 的 提名期 尚未結束, 但她承諾將主 席所提建議 轉達政府當局考慮。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food (Elderly [...] Services and Social Security) [...] (DSHWF(ES&SS)) said that the nomination period for the new CE had [...]not been closed but she undertook [...]to take back the Chairman’s suggestion to the Administration for consideration. legco.gov.hk |
從獨立民意調查工作的角度看, 提名期 結 束 等於另一階段的選舉民意調查需要展開。 hkupop.hku.hk | From the perspective of independent public opinion research [...] work, the end of the nomination period means the beginning [...]of another stage of public opinion surveys in the elections. hkupop.hku.hk |
在提名期結束 後,每一名獲有效提名的候選人,將 獲選舉主任通知由後者進行抽籤的日期和時間,抽籤是為給予 每名候選人一個編號印在選票上。 legco.gov.hk | After the close of nomination, the RO will inform each validly nominated candidate [...] the time and date on which he will draw [...]lots to allocate a number to each candidate to be shown on the ballot paper and they may attend if they so wish. legco.gov.hk |
選舉主任在提名期內收到提名表 格後,除非他決定 提名無效,獲提名的候選人會被視作正式獲提名論。 legco.gov.hk | Where the RO has [...] received a nomination form within the nomination period, the candidate [...]will be deemed to stand nominated [...]unless the RO decides that the nomination is invalid. legco.gov.hk |
在考慮過委員會的意見及經詳細研究後,我們稍後會在全體委員會審 議階段提出修正案,建議任何一位候選人如 在 提名期 結 束後但在選舉結果公 布前去世或喪失當選資格,行政長官選舉便會終止。 legco.gov.hk | Having taken into account the views of the Committee and after detailed studies, we are going to move a Committee stage amendment later to propose that, if any [...] candidate has died or is disqualified [...] after the close of nominations but before the declaration [...]of election result, the Chief [...]Executive election will be terminated. legco.gov.hk |
該 條例第23條訂明,如在提名期結束時只有一名候選人獲有效提名,即 須 宣布該名候選人自動當選為行政長官。 legco.gov.hk | Section 23 of CEEO stipulates that if at the close of nomination only one candidate is validly nominated, that candidate shall be declared elected ipso facto as the Chief Executive. legco.gov.hk |
“(e) (如請求標的關於一個或多於 [...] 一個訂明團體)必須附有該團 體或每個該等團體(視屬何情 況而定)在有關提名期內按照 第 5(1)條就該請求而給予的 同意。 legco.gov.hk | (e) where the subject of request relates to one or more prescribed bodies, must be [...] accompanied by a consent given, [...] during the relevant nomination period, by the body or each [...]of the bodies, as the case may [...]be, in relation to the request in accordance with section 5(1). legco.gov.hk |
5.4 评审委员会每两年开一次会,会议在候选 者 提名期 限 结 束之后三个月内举行,以便向 总干事提出建议,选定当年的获奖者。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 5.4 The Jury shall meet once every two years, [...] within three months following [...] the closing date for the submission of nominations, to make its recommendations [...]to the Director-General [...]for the selection of the year’s prizewinner. unesdoc.unesco.org |
候選人"包括在提名期結束 前的任何時間曾已公 開宣布有意參加選舉的人士,不論他是否已遞交候 選人提名表格[ 《選舉( 舞弊及非法行為) 條例》第 2 條 ]。 legco.gov.hk | Candidate” includes a person who has publicly declared an intention to stand for election at any time before the close of nominations for the election, whether or not he has submitted a nomination form [s 2 of the ECICO]. legco.gov.hk |
鑒於 委員的關注,政府當局會動議修正案,訂明候選人只可 在 提名期 結 束 前退 選,即與立法會選舉的安排一致。 legco.gov.hk | In view of members' concerns, the Administration has proposed to move CSAs to the effect that a candidate [...] may only withdraw his candidature [...] before the close of nominations, in line with the [...]arrangement applicable to the Legislative Council election. legco.gov.hk |
由任何人士已公開表明有意參加某選舉委員會界別 分組選舉,或由提名期開始( 以較早者為準) ,直至投票日結束 [...] 這段期間內,政府官員均應審慎從事。 legco.gov.hk | They should take such care when any person has publicly declared an intention to run for [...] election in respect of a particular EC [...] subsector or when the nomination commences, whichever [...]is the earlier, up to the end of the polling day. legco.gov.hk |
更 新 的 版 [...] 本 在 製 備 後 , 已 於 提 名 期 前 派 發 予 候 選 人 和 [...]各 有 關 組 織 。 legco.gov.hk | The updated version was published for distribution to candidates and other [...] related bodies before the nomination period. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 第一,在提名期結束 後但在宣布選舉結束前,選舉主任因有候選 人去世或喪失當選資格而須終止選舉程序,則重開提名,並在其 [...] 第四十二天後的第一個星期日,舉行另一次的投票;或第二,如 果行政長官當選人未能在現任行政長官任期屆滿當天或行政長 [...]官職位出缺 6 個月內就任,亦必須重開提名,新的投票日為發生 該等事故後第一百二十天的第一個星期日。 legco.gov.hk | (2) first, at the close of nomination but before the announcement [...] of the end of election, the Returning Officer terminates [...]the proceedings for the election due to the death or disqualification of a candidate, then a new round of nomination shall commence and a new poll should be held on the first Sunday 42 days after the election fails; or second, if the candidate returned at an election cannot assume office on the day the term of the office of the incumbent Chief Executive expires or within six months after the vacancy arises, then nomination has to start again and the new polling date should be fixed on the first Sunday 120 days after the vacancy arises. legco.gov.hk |
若在提名期結束後,提名表 格上的錯漏仍未更正, 則該提名表格會作無效論。 legco.gov.hk | A nomination may be ruled invalid if any errors on the nomination [...] form are not corrected by the close of the nomination period. legco.gov.hk |
舉例而言 ,如在新一輪 提名期結束時, 同 一名候選人仍是唯一的候選 人,他 即 自動當選。 legco.gov.hk | Some members have suggested that arrangements should be made to ensure finality to the electoral arrangements, e.g. if the same candidate is the only candidate at the close of the new round of nominations, he shall be elected ipso facto. legco.gov.hk |
候選人如希望有更長 時間進行競選活動,可自行選擇在 提名期 展 開前表明會參選。 legco.gov.hk | A candidate who wished to have a longer period for electioneering activities could declare his candidacy [...] in advance of the nomination period. legco.gov.hk |
由於特首選舉提名期在明天正式結束,兼且在晚上進行第一次候選人論壇,民研計劃會轉為發放選舉論壇即時調查和按日滾動調查。 hkupop.hku.hk | Because the nomination period for CE Election will [...] be officially closed tomorrow, followed almost immediately by the first [...]election forum in the evening, we are going to switch our operation into releasing findings of election forum instant surveys and election rolling surveys. hkupop.hku.hk |
在提名期限过 后,又 收到了来自印度国家团体和斯洛伐克共和国国家团 体的提名。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the deadline for nominations, nominations were also received [...] from the national groups of India and the Slovak Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
事務委員會尤其深入討論了一項建 議,即節目主持、經常參與節目的人士或定期撰稿的專欄作家,如本 [...] 身是候選人或所屬的政黨或政治組織有其他成員是候選人,則他們在 提名期開始後不得參與任何節目或為印刷傳媒撰稿。 legco.gov.hk | In particular, the panel discussed at length the proposal to prohibit presenters, regular contributors or columnists who were candidates or members of a political party/organization whose other members [...] were candidates, from appearing in programmes or contributing articles in the [...] print media once the nomination period began. legco.gov.hk |
根據《選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例》(第 554章 )第 2條,"候選人"包括在提名期結束前的任何時間曾公開宣 布有意參選的人,不論他是否已遞交候選人提名表格。 legco.gov.hk | According to section 2 of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554) ("ECICO"), "candidate" includes a person who has publicly declared an intention to stand for election at any time before the close of nominations for the election, whether or not he has submitted a nomination form. legco.gov.hk |
立法周期内的第二次议长选举的 提名期 为 现 任议长任期届满前10日起的5天,主席团在此期间接 受 提 名。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | In the second election of the Speaker to [...] be held in the same [...] legislative term, the candidates shall be submitted to the Bureau within five to ten days before the office of the incumbent [...]Speaker expires. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
有關第 22、26、27 及 28 條的修正案,是因應新增的第 21A 條而提出的, 而第 22 條的修正案訂明,只在提名期結束 時,有一名獲得有效提名的候選 人情況之下,選舉主任才會宣布該候選人自動當選,第 27 及 28 條原本是載 列有關在投票前或在投票結束後但在選舉結果宣布前,如果有候選人去世或 喪失當選資格的投票和點票安排,由於我們建議新增的第 21A 條規定在這些 情況下須終止選舉程序,因此無須再保留第 27 及 28 條,所以便建議刪除這 兩項條文。 legco.gov.hk | Clauses 27 and 28 originally provided for the arrangements in respect of polling and counting of votes in the event that any candidate dies or is disqualified either before or after the close of polling but before the declaration of the result of the election. legco.gov.hk |
例如,在 2010 年选举后提名期间,国家宪法规定的 30%这一比例已经超出。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, the 30 per cent rate stipulated by the country’s Constitution has been exceeded [...] during the postelection nominations in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
就選舉開支(及捐贈)而 言,“ 候選人” 一詞包括在選舉提名期結束前的任何曾公開宣布 有意在界別分組中參選的人士,不論他是否已經遞交候選人提 名表格,或其提名表格遞交後被選舉主任判定為無效。 legco.gov.hk | The term “candidate” relating to election expenses (and donations) therefore includes a person who has publicly declared an intention to stand for election in respect of a subsector at any time before the close of nominations for the election, regardless of whether he has submitted his nomination form or after submission of the nomination form, his nomination is ruled invalid by the RO [s 2 of the ECICO]. legco.gov.hk |
政府委託香港耆康老人福利會統籌嘉許計劃,聯繫全港十八區的長者中心及長者學苑,提名合資格長者参加 , 提名期 至 二月二十八日止。 forum.gov.hk | The Government has commissioned the Hong Kong Society for the Aged to take charge of the award scheme and [...] co-ordinate with elderly centres and elder academies across [...] the territory to nominate eligible elderly [...]persons for the Awards. forum.gov.hk |
议长选举应在提名期结束 之日起5日内进行。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | The election of the Speaker is concluded within five days [...] following the end of the period for nomination. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
(d) 在二零零五年四月八日在 15 份本地報章刊發廣告,公布補 選的提名期;然 後於四月二十九日及三十日,分別在七份及 八份報章刊登廣告,提醒選民在五月一日前往投票。 legco.gov.hk | (d) newspaper advertisements were placed in [...] 15 local newspapers on 8 April 2005 [...] to publicise the nomination period of the by-elections; [...]and another advertisement was [...]placed in seven newspapers on 29 April and eight newspapers on 30 April to remind the electors of the poll on 1 May. legco.gov.hk |
不過,我們一群對選舉研究興趣甚濃的學生,在香港大學民意研究計劃協助之下, 由 提名期 開 始 ,便對整個選舉過程進行了多角度的觀察、研究和分析。 hkupop.hku.hk | Since the nomination period, we have observed, [...] investigated and analysed the whole electoral process from different perspectives. hkupop.hku.hk |
在选举筹备工作方面,全国选举委员会延长 了 提名期 , 将公布最终候选人名 单的日期推迟至 2010 年 1 月 30 日,将提名上诉期推迟至 2010 年 1 月 31 日至 2 月 6 日。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding election preparations, NEC [...] extended the nomination period, postponing publication of the final list of candidates to 30 January 2010 and the nomination appeals period [...]to 31 January to 6 February 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |