

单词 提包

提包 noun ()

bag n




手提包 n

tote n
grip n

External sources (not reviewed)

正在开发从鱼皮(特别是 大鱼的)获得白明胶,以及用于衣服、鞋、 提包 、 皮 夹、皮带和其他目的。
Fish skin, in particular of larger fish, is
exploited to obtain gelatin as well as leather to be used in clothing,
[...] shoes, handbags, wallets, belts and other items.
革命性物料「NARON」已由製作小巧的 提包包 , 進 化至家用的照明用具。
Revolutionary material ‘Naron’ has gone from strength to strength, starting from being the material of a small handbag to lighting appliances.
打造一个集 DKNY 手表、提包、鞋 子和更多迎合个人生活方式的产品于一身的时尚王国。
To create a world of
[...] DKNY watches, bags, shoes and more [...]
that caters to one’s individual lifestyle.
(a) 核定岗位重新计算费用所产生的影响(属于标准费用核算,该核算须考虑国际公务员
[...] 制度委员会(ICSC)规定的硬性加薪和共同人事费用,离职后员工福利 提 , 包 括 离 职后健 康保险(ASHI)、工资晋级、上个两年期改叙的影响,以及对一定出缺率和非全时工作的假 [...]
(a) The impact of re-costing approved posts (standard cost review, which takes into account applicable mandatory ICSC adjustments and common staff costs,
contribution to the provision for after service
[...] employee benefits, including ASHI, step increases [...]
and the impact of re-classifications
done in the previous biennium, together with an assumption of a certain vacancy rate and part-time work).
单一的或连续的提包括沸 腾、冲洗和过滤都在可重复和可控制的条件下进行。
Single or
[...] sequential extractions including boiling, rinsing [...]
and filtration are performed under reproducible and controlled conditions.
Dell.com 為您提供數千種電子產品與配件,包括攝影機 提包 和 行動電話,讓您的生活更臻完美。
At Dell.com you’ll find thousands of electronics and accessories designed to enhance
[...] your life, including cameras, bags and mobile phones.
联合国教育、科学和文化组织(教科文组织)继续在小岛屿发展中国家促进科 学技术,其近期若干举措值得提, 包 括 加勒比科学方案、加勒比科学、技术和 创新区域政策框架以及加勒比科学和技术委员会。
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) continued to promote science and technology in the small
island developing
[...] States. A number of its recent initiatives are noteworthy, including Cariscience, the [...]
regional policy framework
for science, technology and innovation in the Caribbean, and the Caribbean Council for Science and Technology.
考生必須將其他個人物品放入一個細小而附有拉鍊或鈕扣 的提包內,並將提包放在 座位的椅下。
Candidates must put all their personal
[...] belongings in small bags that can be properly closed with a zip / buckle and the bags must be placed [...]
under their chairs.
截止目前,《加州 65 法案》诉讼案中的产包括手提包、 钱包、鞋类、腰带、服装、时尚配饰、首饰、厨房用具、 铜饰产品、运动用品、手工工具、家具等众多产品。
Products involved in CA Prop 65 court cases thus far include handbags, purses, footwear, belts, apparel, fashion accessories, jewelry, kitchenware, brass products, sport products, hand tools, furniture and more.
通过运用代代相传的技艺,Miles 和 Lillian Cahn 这一对夫妻搭档创立了这家主要生产皮革制品,如行李箱和 提包 的 公 司。
Using skills passed down from generation to generation, Miles and Lillian Cahn, a husband and wife team started the company with a focus on leather goods such as luggage and handbags.
在 中东建立无核武器区的任何努力均需以若干基本步 骤为提,包括以 色列开展核裁军、加入《不扩散核 武器条约》,并将其核设施置于国际原子能机构的全 [...]
Any effort to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the
Middle East must necessarily be preceded by a number
[...] of basic steps, including nuclear disarmament [...]
by Israel, its accession
to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the submission of its nuclear facilities to the comprehensive safeguards regime of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
以下事件会变成家庭便饭:“Ruffles”还是幼犬的时候,它会经常扯下餐厅窗帘的边缘;“Babe”经常会在重要的比赛前弄坏宝贝的足球鞋;“Ferragamo”一整天藏在 Leddy 姑妈的提包中, 但全家人都会以为它跑出去了。
The stories often become family lore: "Ruffles" pulled the fringe off the dining room curtains when she was a puppy, "Babe" chewed up Bobby's football boots right before the big match, "Ferragamo" hid in one of Aunt Leddy's handbags for an entire day and the whole family was convinced she had run away.
政府早前亦已表明,對恢復興建居屋有保留,並會以三大 提 , 包 括二手市場是否豪宅化;中下價單位是否供不應求,影響公屋流轉,以及社會是 否達成共識,作為考慮是否有需要復建居屋。
The Government has earlier expressed reservations about resuming the construction of HOS flats, stating three major principles in considering whether there is a need to resume the construction of HOS flats.
在寬鬆剪裁的褲子、背心、外套、工人褲及 提包 上 加 進拼貼元素 — 牛仔布跟斜紋、格子布料的組合,突顯堅韌的Denim質感;衣領與手袖邊緣用上不同的布料包裹、白色的鈕釦設計和鑄有Porter經典招牌人像的拉鏈,統統都成為相當有趣的細節。
Patch work is featured throughout
the collection — loose cut trousers, vest,
[...] jacket, overall, bag and other items. [...]
The mish mash of denim, canvas and check fabric
accentuates the durable quality of denim fabric; collar and sleeve seams are finished with various fabric; white button and signature Porter portrait zipper are highlighting details.
骗子们在各种流行的网络论坛上张贴广告,出售非常便宜的商品(从汽车、 提包 到 古 董和收藏品,应有尽有,无所不包)。
A more sophisticated version of the car scam, the so called “Escrow scam” is when scammers post ads for very cheap goods – everything from cars and handbags to antiques and collectables – in different popular online forums.
记得一定要去Chesneau Leather,那里可以买到现代提包和各 种皮具;基尔肯尼设计中心(Kilkenny Design Centre)可以买到各种现代和传统的手工艺品;国家手工艺品长廊(National Craft Gallery)拥有众多新颖手工艺品商店;还有尼古拉斯陶艺品店(Nicholas Mosse Pottery)可以买到著名的爱尔兰设计陶艺品。
Make sure to pay a visit to Chesneau Leather for impressive, beautifully made contemporary handbags and leather goods; the Kilkenny Design Centre for a good variety of modern and traditional crafts; the National Craft Gallery – a complex of innovative craft shops; and Nicholas Mosse Pottery for some of the potter’s trademark Irish work.
例子包括白麵包、裸麥麵包、裸麥粗 包 、 提 子 乾麵包、全麥麵包、pain courant francais、麥芽麵包、漢堡麵包捲、全麥麵包捲及牛奶麵包捲。
Examples include: white bread, rye bread, pumpernickel bread, raisin bread, whole wheat bread, pain courant francais, malt bread, hamburger rolls, whole wheat rolls, and milk rolls.
[...] 处一道确保非洲的优先国家得到国家一级的支持,例如通过为在制定教师政策中使用 TTISSA 工包提供技术援助。
UNESCO is working with the Task Force secretariat to ensure that priority countries in Africa benefit from
country-level support, for instance with technical assistance
[...] for the use of the TTISSA Toolkit in teacher [...]
policy development.
[...] 举办了几届分销人员及用户培训班,为他们使用这些软 包提 供 支 持。
Several training seminars were organized for distributors and users in all regions to provide support
[...] for using the software packages.
项目简介: Trove
[...] 是一种开放源代码的 Java 集包,提供了核心 Java 集合类的高效替代品,特别针对于实现其键或值是基本类型的集合。
Project Information: Trove is a collection of
[...] open- source Java package that provides efficient [...]
core Java collections alternatives
, especially for the achievement of its key or value is a collection of basic types .
该软包提供非 常丰富的功能,包括 256 位安全连接,非常易于嵌入网站并可以定制,以符合网站的外观和感觉,它还允许不同类型的在线业务为其网站提供即时支持。
The service offers rather rich
[...] set of features, including 256-bit secure [...]
connection, is rather easy in website integration
and customizable to fit website look and feel, allowing different types of online businesses to offer instant live support on their websites.
多种安装模式:BitRock安包提供多 种安装模式,包括具有本机的外观和风格的GUI模式,可安装在不同的桌面环境;基于文本的安装模式,用于基于访问和远程控制装置的安装;无声/无人参与安装模式,可用于在自动部署中shell脚本的集成。
Multiple Installation Modes: BitRock installers provide: several GUI modes with native look-and-feel for installation in a variety of desktop environments, a text-based installation mode for console-based and remote installations, and a silent/unattended install mode which can be used for integration in shell scripts for automated deployment.
基於802.11w規格標準,WPA2™ with PMF針對單點及多點傳播管理包提供 了 一個WPA2層級的保護機制,能加強數據封包的隱私保護機制,以提高關鍵任務網絡的彈性空間。
Based on IEEE 802.11w standard, WPA2™ with Protected Management Frames (PMF) provides a WPA2-level of protection for unicast and multicast management action frames, strengthening privacy protection for data frames with mechanisms that improve the resiliency of mission-critical networks.
这种形式的包提供了 许多通常由面向对象编程U所享有的益处,尤其是数据隐藏和封装。
Using closures in this way provides a number of benefits that are normally associated with object oriented programming, in particular data hiding and encapsulation.
(i) 本公司可按董事會認為合適之有關條款向本公司、其 任何附屬公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有關控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 屬 公 司 之 董 事 及 真 誠 僱 員 提 供
財 務 援 助,以令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購本公司
[...] 或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款包括一項提述, 倘董事不再擔任董事,或 僱員不再受僱於本公司或有關其他公司,則以有關財 [...]
董事會認為合適之有關條款售予本公司或有關其他公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company
or any holding company of the Company
[...] and such terms may include a reference that, [...]
when a director ceases to be a director
of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位 包 括 委 任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分提呈決 議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及 計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
此外,通过该服包提供各 项服务,使得 全球服务中心发挥其具备的技能人才支助外地特派团,而且也提供了一个平台, [...]
可借以对与购置规划、采购、合同管理有关的工作流程进行进一步统一和标准化, 这将有利于实施国际公共部门会计准则和企业资源规化项目,即“团结”项目。
Furthermore, the
[...] provision of the service package enabled the Centre [...]
to build on its skill capacity in support of field
missions and also provided a platform for the further harmonization and standardization of work processes related to acquisition planning, procurement and contract management, which will facilitate the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and the enterprise resource planning project, Umoja.
如水产品利用量和加工部分所 述,渔业供应链复杂,商品在最终消费前几次穿越国境,由于增加了向具有相对 低工资和生产成本的国家的加工包 , 提 供 了 竞争优势。
The fishery supply chain is complex as goods might cross national boundaries several times before final consumption, also owing to increasing outsourcing of processing to countries where comparatively low wages and production costs provide a competitive advantage, as indicated above in the Fish Utilization and Processing section.
[...] 协助收集关于农村妇女的作用及其无偿工作的贡献的数据和知识,例如,农业性 别统计工包,23 提供了 性别平等敏感认识指标汇编及关于男女农民责任范围的 [...]
FAO has created a range of gender analysis tools that assist in generating data and knowledge on the roles and unpaid work
contributions of rural women, such as the
[...] Agri-Gender Statistics Toolkit,23which provides [...]
a compilation of gender-sensitive indicators
and questionnaire components on the responsibilities of women and men farmers.




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