

单词 提出异议

See also:

提出 (...) v

raise v
propose v
move v
present sth. v
advance sth. v
introduce v
ask v
pose v
come up with v


put forward
post (on a website)
raise (an issue)
withdraw (cash)

异议 n

argument n

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 不得提出或发言赞成或反对任何程序性动议或要求、提出程序问题或 对主席的裁提出异议。
(b) May not make, or be among the speakers called on to speak in
favour of or against, any procedural motion or request,
[...] raise points of order or appeal against a ruling of the President.
对这一点既提出异议,也无法控制, 工作人员没有对抗实力,要是有人道德败坏,他们还会担心遭到报复。
No means of protest or control are possible [...]
in that regard, nor is there any countervailing power for the staff who fear
reprisals if it is a matter of infringements of ethics.
[...] 诉,而且选举委员会提请各政党注意,它们可以通过 官方渠道对任何结提出异议。
No formal complaints had been received about electoral irregularities and the
election commission had reminded the political parties that they
[...] could choose to contest any results [...]
through official channels.
就此,加共体的理解是, 该决议不包括会员国享有的以下权利,特别是:第一, 根据第 71 条提出程序问题的权利;第二,提出任何 程序性动议的权利,包括但不限于(a) 根据第 74 条,
提出中止辩论的动议;(b) 根据第 75 条提出结束辩 论的动议;(c) 根据第 76 条,提出暂停会议或休会 的动议;以及(d) 根据第 89 条,提出单独表决某项
[...] 提案或修正案的一部分的动议;以及第三,同样也不 享有对会议主持者所作任何决 提出异议 的 权 利。
Accordingly, CARICOM interprets this resolution as excluding the following rights, inter alia, of Member States: first, the right to raise points of order, in accordance with rule 71; secondly, the right to move any procedural motion, including, but not limited to, the right to (a) move adjournment of debate, rule 74; (b) move closure of debate, rule 75; (c) move suspension or adjournment of the meeting, rule 76; and (d) move that parts of a proposal or amendment be voted on separately,
rule 89; and thirdly, the right to challenge any decisions of a
[...] presiding officer of a meeting is likewise not [...]
一些委员赞成特别报告员的意见,即没有必要针对对驱逐决定提出申诉的 问题制订额外的条款草案,因为条款草案 C1 规定了对驱逐决提出异议的权 利,似乎已经足够。
Some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that it was unnecessary to formulate an additional draft article on appeals against an expulsion decision, as draft article C1 set out the right to challenge an expulsion decision, which seemed sufficient.
大赦国际促请当局确保这种人可以 对停止保护的决提出异议,并 表示,还应让他们可以参与评估其依然存在的保护 需求的进程,以履行不驱回义务。
It urged the authorities to ensure that such individuals be allowed to challenge the decision to apply a cessation of protection in their case, and expressed the view that they should also be allowed access to a process to assess their continued protection needs in order for non-refoulement obligations to be met.
政府咨询委员会的该项原则进一步称,注册机构应采取程序,根据政府的要 求,对二级域中具有国家或地理意义的名称进行阻 止 / 提出异议。
Those GAC Principles further stated that new registries should adopt
procedures for
[...] blocking/challenge of names with national or geographical significance at the second level upon demand of governments.
任何代表出席大会的资格如经会员 提出异议 , 在 全权证书委 员会提出报告和大会作出决定以前,应暂准出席大会,并享有与其 他代表同等的权利。
Any representative to whose admission a Member has made objection shall be seated provisionally with the same rights as other representatives until the Credentials Committee has reported and the General Assembly has given its decision.
换言之,当作出无效保留时,只有在以下情况下,保留国才应被视为无 保留之利的缔约国,即保留国明确表示,一旦有 提出异议 , 保留国将有效地撤 回保留,而作为无保留之利的缔约国。
In other words, when an invalid reservation has been formulated, the reserving State should only be considered a party to the treaty without the benefit of the reservation if the reserving State has expressly indicated that upon objection, the reserving State would effectively withdraw the reservation and thus be a party without the benefit of the reservation.
然而委员会注 意到,缔约国并未对来文的可受理 提出异议 , 因 此认为,为受理之目的,已用 尽国内补救办法。
It however notes that the State party has not objected to the admissibility of the communication, and therefore considers that, for purposes of admissibility, domestic remedies have been exhausted.
然而,在 4 月 13
[...] 日朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射用于和平目的的“光明星 3 号”人造卫星之后,美国对 提出异议 , 认 为这次空间发射采用了与远程导弹发 [...]
射相同的技术,进而单方撕毁“2.29 协定”,并加强了对朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国的制裁措施。
However, when the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea launched “Kwangmyongsong 3”, an artificial satellite for peaceful purposes, on 13 April
last, the United States took issue with
[...] it, arguing that the space launch was based [...]
on the same technology as the long-range
missile launch, and went ahead with unilaterally abrogating the 29 February agreement, upgrading sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
书记官长应将申请的副本送交 各当事方,后者有三天时间使用规定的表 提出异议。
The Registrar shall forward a copy of the application to the parties, who shall have three days to file an y objections on a prescribed form.
在此背景下, 印度认为巴基斯坦的代表无权对查谟和克什米尔是 印度的一个提出异议,如 果这样做,不仅对巴勒 斯坦人民及其争取不可剥夺的权利的斗争是一种损 害,而且干涉了印度的内政,没有考虑到查谟和克 什米尔地区属于印度的一部分,以及查谟和克什米 尔人民有权以民主的方式参与国家生活的事实。
It was also an interference in the internal affairs of India to disregard the fact that Jammu and Kashmir was an integral part of an independent State and that its population was participating democratically in the life of the country.
任何代表可对会议主席的裁 提出异议 , 该异议应立即付诸表 决。
A representative may appeal against the ruling of the President.
根据 2010 年 4 月 22 日第九十九届会议通过的决议,农发基金执行局在该《行 政法庭规约》附件第十二条和《联合国与国际农业发展基金协定》第十三条的框 架内采取行动,决定对该行政法庭第 2867 号判提出异议并请求国际法院就该 判决的合法性问题发表咨询意见。
The Executive Board of IFAD, by a resolution adopted at its ninety-ninth session, on 22 April 2010, acting within the framework of article XII of the annex to the Statute of the Tribunal and article XIII of the Agreement between the United Nations and IFAD, decided to challenge Judgement No. 2867 of the Tribunal and to refer the question of the validity of the judgement to the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion.
C1 规定了对驱逐决提出异议的权 利,似乎已经足够。有一种意见认为,各国法律和惯例的显著差异以及条约之间 的分歧使人怀疑是否存在有关对驱逐决定提出申诉的习惯规则。
The view was also expressed that considerable variations in national legislation and practice, as well as divergences among treaties, raised doubts as to whether customary rules governing appeals against an expulsion decision existed.
就国家机关、地方自治机构拒绝向申请者提供信息的行 提出异议 的 诉 讼 案件由法院根据案件现有材料并在有关获取信息的现行法律以及其他调节上述领 域法律的基础上单独进行审理。
Lawsuits by petitioners to contest a refusal by national or local authorities to provide information are heard by the courts on an individual basis, depending on the case-file and in accordance with legislation on access to information and other laws regulating this matter.
不 过,他没有对拟插入的内提出异议 , 面是就此建议将其改为:“并加强与作为政策平台的 区域集团的合作”。
However, he has no objection to the proposed insertion but would in such case suggest that it be rephrased to read: “and enhanced cooperation with the regional groupings that serve as policy platforms”.
贵方应将根据本订单履行任何服务或交付任何产品的过程中开发的所有知识产权的所有权利和利益转让给本公司,且不 提出异议。
You grant to us, without further consideration, all interest in any
intellectual property developed by you during your
[...] performance of any services or delivery of any goods under this order.
4.2 缔约国进一步指出,根据国内法律, Tulzhenkova
[...] 女士可就Gomel 中央区法 院的判决向最高法院院长提出上诉,也可向总检察长提出申请,要求他向最高法 院院提出异议。
4.2 The State party further submits that under domestic law, Ms. Tulzhenkova had the possibility to appeal the decision of the Central District Court of Gomel to the Chairman of the Supreme Court, as well as
to file a motion to the General Prosecutor, requesting
[...] him to lodge an objection with the Chairman of the Supreme Court.
注册人在六个月期间内作出答复,申请对商品(甲 + 乙)的 临时驳回进行复审;经过复审,决定驳回商品(甲)上的保护,但允许保护 商品(乙);主管局发布公告,说明商标将在商品(乙+丙)上得到保护, 公告之日起四个月内可以对 提出异议 ; 给注册人的决定通知书中还说明将 发布公告,同时注明了公告日和异议期。
The holder responds within the six-month period, requesting a review of the provisional refusal in respect of goods (X + Y); following such a review, a decision is issued, refusing protection for goods (X) but allowing protection for goods (Y); the Office publishes a notice to the effect that the mark is to be protected for goods (Y + Z), and
that any opposition to
[...] this may be filed within four months of the date of publication of the notice; the communication informing the holder of the decision also indicates [...]
that this notice
is being published, together with its date and the duration of the opposition period.
此时此刻,卡布加妻 子已经对这一冻结提出异议,该问题现在还在法院 审理过程中。
And as we speak
[...] now, the wife has disputed the freezing of [...]
the bank account; the matter is still ongoing in court.
仅仅国家独立就能使波多黎各 人民追求发展。以后需要召开立宪会议来确立波多 黎各的地位,而拟议的全民投票制是否有效,有赖 于言论自由﹑获得信息以提出异议 的 自 由。
The way ahead lay with a constitutional assembly on
status, while the
[...] effectiveness of the proposed plebiscite would depend on freedom of expression, access to information and freedom to dissent.
5月16日,检辩双方在给审判分庭的联合呈文中 指出,双方已就某些事实达成一致,辩方在审案期间 仅将对以下三个具体问提出异议: 第一,2007 年 9 月 29 日对哈斯卡尼塔基地实施的袭击是否违法;第 二,被告是否了解据以认定该起袭击事件非法性质的 实际情形;第三,非洲联盟驻苏丹特派团是不是一个 符合《联合国宪章》的维和特派团。
On 16 May, the prosecution and the defence indicated in a joint filing to the Trial Chamber that certain facts have been agreed by both parties and that the defence will contest only three specific issues during the trial: first, whether the attack on the Haskanita base on 29 September 2007 was unlawful; secondly, whether the accused persons were aware of the factual circumstances that established the unlawful nature of the attack; and thirdly, whether the African Union Mission in Sudan was a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
该法院有权就提交至法院或商事仲裁法庭 的法律和法令违提出异议,其理由可涉及对人权和基本权利的尊重。
Amongst others, this Court has the power to raise an objection as to the unconstitutionality of laws and ordinances, brought up before courts of law or commercial arbitration, including on grounds related to the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
已经生效的法院判决可依据监督程序重新审理,但仅在乌兹别克斯坦共和国 法律授权的公诉人、审判长或其代 提出异议 时 受 理。
Judicial decisions that have become enforceable may be reviewed at the supervisory level, but only following an objection by the prosecutor or court president or their deputies to whom this right is accorded by Uzbek law.
与大多数人意见相反,Kirby 法官(在高级法提出异议)和 Merkel 法官(在全联邦法提出异议)两人 都认为,可以允许普通法中关于捕捞和 航行的公共权利以及国际无害通过权利的例外的形式,准予控制和使用的剩余专 属土著产权。
In contrast to the majority view, Justice Kirby (in dissent on the High Court) and Justice Merkel (in dissent in the Full Federal Court) both considered that residual [...]
exclusive native
title rights of control and use could be granted in the form of an exception in favour of the common law public right to fish and navigate and the international right of innocent passage.
因此,西班牙王国政府对卡塔尔就《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第 9 条 第 2 款、第 15 条第 1 和第 4 款、第 16 条第 1 款(a)、(c)和(f)项的保提出 异议。
Accordingly, the Government of the Kingdom of Spain objects to the reservations made by Qatar with respect to article 9, paragraph 2, article 15, paragraphs 1 and 4, and
article 16, paragraph 1 (a), (c) and (f), of the
[...] Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
如果有关缔约国根据《公约》第三十一条第二款(四) 项对提交人关于所有现 有国内补救办法都已用尽的说 提出异议 , 该 缔约国应详细说明所称受害人在此 案特定情况下可以得到的有效补救办法。
If the State party concerned disputes the allegations of the author(s), in accordance with article 31, paragraph 2 (d), of the Convention, that all effective available domestic remedies have been exhausted, the State party shall give details of the effective remedies available to the alleged victim or victims in the particular circumstances of the case.
因此,斯洛伐克共和国政府对卡塔尔国在加入《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公 约》时提出的上述保留和声 提出异议。
For these reasons, the Government of the Slovak Republic objects to the above mentioned reservations and declarations made by the State of Qatar upon accession to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.




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