单词 | 描摹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 描摹—describeportraySee also:描—depict copy touch up trace (a drawing) 摹—copy imitate
具体而言,作品通过打印机制造的噪音描摹了一个确凿可循而我们总是忽略的技术副产品。 shanghaibiennale.org | Specifically, it uses the noise the printer makes to illustrate one tangible by-product of technology that we unerringly fail to notice. shanghaibiennale.org |
宣言是否准确描摹了组织的公众形象,抓住了组织的文化特质? 12manage.com | Doesthe statement give a portrait of the company and does it capture the culture of the organization? 12manage.com |
比起 3 岁小孩,他们已很会用剪刀剪东西, 很懂得粘贴、描摹、绘画、着色和穿珠子。 cpsc.gov | They are much more able to cut with scissors, paste, trace, draw, color, and string beads than 3-year-olds. cpsc.gov |
除了“爱彼女性的12个精彩瞬间”(Twelve Moments of an AP Woman)连篇图画之外,艺术家还发表两幅插图,描摹手戴经典皇家橡树系列腕表的当代墨西哥时尚男女。 audemarspiguet.com | Along with the collection of the “Twelve Moments of an AP Woman”, two special illustrations were created and revealed depictingtoday’s fashionable Mexican woman and man wearing the emblematic Royal Oak models. audemarspiguet.com |
就弹药而言,这种检查表 [...] 登记的内容应包括批号、类型、口径、材料、数量、弹壳上和包装上的标识,包 括弹壳和包装的详细图片及描述。daccess-ods.un.org | For ammunition, such inspections sheets should include the lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity, markings [...] on the cartridge and on the packaging, including detailed [...] pictures anddescriptions of the cartridge [...]and the packaging. daccess-ods.un.org |
该决议可载於一份文件或多份类似形式的文件中,每份文件均由一名或多名董事或候补董事签署, 且为此目的一名董事或候补董事的摹真签署须视为有效。 ntpharma.com | Such resolution may be contained in one document or in several documents in like form each signed by one or [...] more of the Directors or alternate Directors [...] and for this purpose afacsimile [...]signature of a Director or an alternate Director shall be treated as valid. ntpharma.com |
学生都骄傲地拿着各自的感谢信,并开始临摹纸上的每个字母。 ycis-bj.com | Students proudly took their words of “thanks” and traced over each letter. ycis-bj.com |
利用熊彼得非完美竞争――其用武之地主要在工业部 门――的动态收益是经济发展的关键问题,可以通过不断创新和连续的学习摹仿获取增加回报的好处。 daccess-ods.un.org | Harnessing the dynamic gains of Schumpeterian imperfect competition – whose scope lay mainly in the industrial sector – represented the crucial issue in economic development for reaping the benefits of increasing returns through a continuous process of innovation andsuccessive emulation. daccess-ods.un.org |
此节选由多产书法家伊麻德·哈桑(1552-1615年),他的作品深得同代人的喜爱和临摹,后来被莫卧儿大帝收藏。 wdl.org | The fragment is by the prolific calligrapher Mir ‘Imad al-Hasani (1552-1615), whose works were admired and copied by his contemporaries and later collected by the Mughals. wdl.org |
因此, 批 评者认为,无 论是摹仿还是通过援 助或贷款的条件性而强加,尤 其是在结 构调整方案 的范围 内,在许 多发展中国家实施的发展模 式 使得各国政府放松 了其在有关经济、社 会 和 文 化权利――包括住房权――方面的努 力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, whether as a matter of imitation or imposition through conditionalities of aid or loans, particularly in the context of structural adjustment programmes, critics argue that models of development that were put in place in many developing countries caused governments to lessen their efforts concerning economic, social and cultural rights, including housing. daccess-ods.un.org |
将估算出的覆盖率百分比与所选术语结合 使用,是一种描述区域中油量的一致且灵活的方法,该方法在描述方面达到的准确度足以满足作 出应对决策的需要。 itopf.com | In combination, the estimate of % coverage together with selected terms, provides a consistent and flexible method of describing the amount of oil in an area to a degree of accuracy sufficient for response decisions to be made. itopf.com |
发行的每张股票均应盖有印章或印章的摹印本或在其上盖章,并应指明相关股份 的数目、类别及用於分辨的编号(如有)以及就此缴足的股款,并可以董事可能不时厘定的其 [...] 他形式发行。 cre8ir.com | Every share certificate shall be issued [...] under the Sealor a facsimile thereof or withthe Seal printed thereon [...]and shall specify the number [...]and class and distinguishing numbers (if any) of the shares to which it relates, and the amount paid up thereon and may otherwise be in such form as the Directors may from time to time determine. cre8ir.com |
遗产收藏包 括将在网站上和正式目录中发布的主要艺术作品,但不包括复制品或摹本,正如委员会在其 会议上指出,复制品或摹本“可能会降低收藏的质量”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Heritage Collection would include the major works of art that will be published on the website and in the official catalogue and would exclude reproductions or replicas that, as stated by the Committee at its meeting, are “likely to lower the quality of the Collection”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
小舟字刻得不错,假如他不是一笔一笔地临摹润之写的标本,他们两个都可能是有学问的人物。 e-yaji.com | Xiaozhou’s characters are of very high quality; if he didn’t carefully copy stroke-by-stroke from a model that had been prepared for him, both he and Runzhi must have been scholarly individuals. e-yaji.com |
在这里,我们可以把黑现代主义理解成双重彷摹,它不仅涉及了国际现代主义中清晰的经典形式,也勾连到二十世纪灾难历史的晦涩内容,而国际现代主义中的经典非具象作品则成功地掩盖了那些现代性带来的世纪灾难。 shanghaibiennale.org | the quotedly used form formulas of “nonobjective” art of modernism with representational Motifs. We consider the works of Modernime Noir als double mimesis, both to the clear form of international Modernism and on those dark contents of the disaster story in 20th Century that is successfully covered by the canonical non-figurative art of international modernism. shanghaibiennale.org |
发行的每张股票均须盖有印章或印章的摹印本,并须指明数目及类别 及其相关的特定股份数目(若有)及就此缴足的股款,以及按董事可能不时厘定的 方式作出其他规定。 aactechnologies.com | Every share certificate shall be issued under theSeal ora facsimile thereof and shall specify the number and class and distinguishing numbers (if any) of the shares to which it relates, and the amount paid up thereon and may otherwise be in such form as the Directors may from time to time determine. aactechnologies.com |
他们还懂得涂鸦、画圆和直线,懂 得临摹圆和十字。 cpsc.gov | They can scribble, draw circular marks and some vertical lines, and copy circles and crosses. cpsc.gov |
为了本期的封面专题,AAP的执行编辑John Jervis采访了李杰(Lee Kit)——他制做手绘桌布、商标商品的纸板复制品和香港无名公寓的等大摹写——偏偏在采访的第二天,他在一间酒吧丢失了他的录音机。 artasiapacific.com | For our cover feature, AAP’s managing editor John Jervis met Lee Kit—who makes painted tablecloths, cardboard clones of brand-name goods and full-size facsimiles of anonymous Hong Kong flats—for an interview, only to discover the next day that he had lost his voice recorder at a bar. artasiapacific.com |
他们懂得沿线剪东西, 懂得临摹方形、格子、梯子、字母和数字。 cpsc.gov | They can cut along a line with scissors, and can copy squares, divided rectangles, ladder designs, letters, and numbers. cpsc.gov |
房署三年前其实已经开始采用电脑摹拟测试,为一些建屋项目进行微型气候研究,其中包括利用电脑科技计算风向、空气对流、日照、能源使用及噪音等效应,作为设计公屋的参考。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Computer technologywas employed to calculate the effect of wind direction, ventilation, sunshine duration, energy efficiency, noise pollution, etc. The data so collected have been used as reference in designing our public housing. housingauthority.gov.hk |
就於本公司所发行证券的 设立或证明文件上盖章而言,本公司可设置一个证券印章,该印章为本公司印章的摹印本另在其正面加上「证券」字样或是属於董事会批准的其他形式。 dragoncrown.com | For the purpose of sealing documents creating or evidencing securities issued by the Company, the Company may have a securities seal which is a facsimile of the Seal of the Company with the addition of the word “Securities” on its face or in such other form as the Board may approve. dragoncrown.com |
所以这本书不仅是一本读物,也是一本可供参考临摹的辅助教材。 4-art.org | No doubt the given aid will be popular with those who aim to unearth the mysteries of the world of Art. 4-art.org |
椰壳;平唇、没有站立功能的凹底,腹由两片凸形椰壳块作成,唇与颈上部由两片环形椰壳块作成,颈与肩再由两片椰壳块接上,皆以细椰壳钉沿边接合;一面刻梅花一枝,其上刻“孙筠绶为若褱四弟写”, 另一面刻回环状的金文铭记: “中斯大它铸其宝鬲其万年子子孙孙永宝用”,其中刻楷体“仲斯鬲”,又刻 “乙亥春若褱摹古 e-yaji.com | Coconut-shell; with a flat lip and concave, non-functional foot; made up of two convex segments for the main body and four more for the neck (two horizontal, disc-shaped sections for the lip and main neck, and two smaller sections to join it to the body on each main side), held together with coconut-shell pins around the edges; carved on one main side with a branch of flowering prunus, inscribed above with ‘Designed by Sun Yunshou for fourth younger brother Ruohuai’, and on the other with an engraved bronze-script text encircling two further inscriptions in regular script, the title ‘Zhongsi li’, and ‘[Engraved] copying antiquity by Ruohuaiin the spring of theyihai year e-yaji.com |
羊群效应”的出现一般在一个竞争非常激烈的行业上,而且这个行业上有一个领先者(领头羊)占据了主要的注意力,那么整个羊群就会不断摹仿这个领头羊的一举一动,领头羊到哪里去“吃草”,其它的羊也去哪里“淘金”。 jxlcd.com | The flock effect" appeared in general a a very competitive industry, and the industry has a leader (leader) occupied the main attention, so the whole flock will constantly copying the leaders movements, leaders where to go "eat grass", the other the sheep go where "gold". jxlcd.com |
在临摹研究历史悠久的古典绘画过程中,学生能学习到画中的精神及古典技法,在研究日本画的材料、素材过程中,学生能学习到岩石绘画工具的试验制造方法等,制造方法包括源自植物收割的抄纸法、粉碎造粒法等,从而扩展创作日本画的视野。 joshibi.ac.jp | By reproducing classical, historical paintings, students acquire the spirit and classical techniques of Japanese painting. During the course of their Japanese painting material research, students make paper from the plant-harvesting stage, and learn mineral pigment grinding techniques and experimental production techniques for creating mineral pigments through rock granulation, expanding their perspectives on Japanese painting. joshibi.ac.jp |
该地图是对亚伯拉罕·奥特里斯(1527-98 年)所绘《Typus chorographicus》地图的精确摹版,而《Typus chorographicus》则修改自德国制图师、地理学家和数学家 Tilemann Stella(约 1525-89 年)所绘制的地图。 wdl.org | The map is an exact copy of the “Typus chorographicus” of Abraham Ortelius (1527-98), which was adapted from a map by the German cartographer, geographer, and mathematician Tilemann Stella (circa 1525-89). wdl.org |