单词 | 揉合 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 揉合—blendSee also:揉—massage rub knead
精炼地揉合今人惊叹的丰盈配方及独家Couture睫毛扫。 aster.com.hk | The sublime blend of a spectacular plumping volume formula and an exclusive Couture brush. aster.com.hk |
政府如何揉合巿民的要求,顺应民意,将会直接影响政府的管治威信。 hkupop.hku.hk | Exactly how the government would [...] incorporate people's demands according to people's wishes will directly affect the credibility of the government itself. hkupop.hku.hk |
今天,联合国维持和平的比较优势比以往任何时候都更加突出,其独有的普 遍合法性和能力能够提供一个共同平台,通过连贯一致地部署大批军事、警察、 文职和后勤行动能力,将政治、稳定、法治、人权和其他专门知识揉合在一起; 并且有能力调动这些力量,支持维持及建设和平,为善治奠定基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today, more than ever, the most salient comparative advantage of United Nations peacekeeping is its unique universal legitimacy and ability to offer a common platform to blend political, stabilization, rule of law, human rights and other expertise through the coherent deployment of significant military, police, civilian and logistical operational capabilities, and its ability to bring these capacities to bear in support of sustaining and building peace and establishing the foundations for good governance. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 就联盟 2011 年要制订的一个新的区域举措征求了欧洲联盟国家和欧洲 区域组织的意见,该举措是“多样化和社会凝聚力的揉合:在欧洲联盟建立包容 和参与性社会的人权模式”。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) European Union countries and European regional organizations were consulted on a new regional initiative to be developed by the Alliance in 2011: “Reconciling diversity and cohesion: a human rights model to build inclusive and participatory societies in the European Union”. daccess-ods.un.org |
混合南美及非洲咖啡豆,深度的烘焙,揉合源於两地独特的苦、甘、酸口味,举世推崇。 sfgourmet.com | A combination of South American and African coffee beans, the Master blend is darkly roasted [...] to complement the bitter-sweet and sour [...] taste profiles of both origins to create [...]a much-loved taste – for the enjoyment [...]of coffee aficionados around the world. sfgourmet.com |
谘询平台的主要工作是确切反映九龙城区各界在市区更新方面的诉求和优先次序,并揉合专业意见,向政府提出有本区特色和反映区内人士的意愿和整体社会利益的九龙城市区更新计划。 forum.gov.hk | The major work of the DURF is to truly reflect the request and [...] priorities on urban renewal put forward by the [...] local community while integrating professional [...]advice, and propose to the Government [...]an urban renewal plan, which displays the character of Kowloon City, reflect local aspirations and strike a balance among different social interests. forum.gov.hk |
揉合全球独有的鱼子精华及自然活胜肽,能激活细胞的新陈代谢,瞬间修护受损细胞,全面更生及活化细胞,延缓及对抗衰老问题,发挥活肤、紧肤及提升功效,同时保护肌肤免受自由基的侵袭;时刻为肌肤注入重要的元素,增加天然抵抗力,令肌肤保持完美细致的状态。 hk.eternal.hk | An exclusive Caviar-Complex and natural Bio-Peptides are meant to stimulate the cell metabolism and give new regeneration impulses to the tired skin structure, which eventually help to delay aging, protect skin from free radical attacks, and enhance natural immunity, ensuring the skin to maintain in the finest and perfect condition. hk.eternal.hk |
正如我们在 3 月 17 日关于这一议题的发言(见 S/PV.6497)中指出的那样,这种袭击表明,该区域恐 怖主义联盟已将意识形态、抱负、训练及行动危险地揉合在一起,以自杀式恐怖袭击作为其主要作案手 法,袭击目标不限于阿富汗。 daccess-ods.un.org | As was pointed out in our statement on this subject on 17 March (see S/PV.6497), such attacks point to a dangerous osmosis of ideologies, ambitions, training and operations among the terrorism syndicate in the region, with suicide terrorism as its main technique and targets not limited to Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
本课程以纯肢体动作出发,运用简易及连贯的练习为热身,再学习舞蹈组合及技巧,当中将揉合不同舞种的原素,令学员充分发挥其身体的可能性。 ccdc.com.hk | Different kinds of dance elements will be combined in the training of dance combinations and technique, allowing students to archive their bodies’ possibilities. ccdc.com.hk |
2300MP揉合先进的数码光学处理 (DLP ™) DDR投影技术,影像清晰,机身重量仅为2.13公斤。 ipress.com.hk | The 2300MP usesDigital Light [...] Processing (DLP) DDR technology to produce crisp images from a device that weighs only 2.13 kg. ipress.com.hk |
在这项重 大工作中,必须切实协调联合国的努力,从而将建立 和平、维持和平、建设和平与发展工作揉合为一个连 贯的整体。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is vital in that vast undertaking that the United Nations efforts be effectively coordinated so as to mesh the establishment of peace, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and development in a coherent manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
Victorinox的所有产品都揉合完美的品质、高可靠性、一贯的多功能性、创新性、尽善尽美与标志性的设计於一身。 sogo.com.hk | These products have one thing in common: they are an expression of the Victorinox philosophy, which is based on solid values. Flawless quality combined with great reliability, functionality with innovation, refined features with absolute perfection, and iconic design. sogo.com.hk |
黄金鱼子护理揉合了2大创新及有效的活跃成份所组合而成︰鱼子精华,具丰富的再生、恢复和营养特性;而黄金,能促进细胞的氧合作用、具即时提升的效果并且能提高其他活性成分的效果。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | The LUXE GOLD treatment is based onthe combination of two innovative and effective active ingredients: Caviar Extract which is rich in regenerative, revitalizing and nutritive properties; and Gold which stimulates cellular oxygenation, causing an immediate lifting effect and increasing the efficiency of other active ingredients. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
Dieffenbacher女士称:「部份制造商以先进的针织技术把皮草与其他物料揉合,演绎创新而时尚的剪裁;一些则以天马行空的设计为传统的款式带来突破。 efurmedia.com | While some manufacturers explore the [...] innovative use of knit techniques and successful [...] mixing of fabrics with furin new and [...]stylish silhouettes, others give a new twist [...]to classic styles with the implementation of inspiring prints, all spoiling fashion-forward customers with plenty of choices," observed Ms. Dieffenbacher. efurmedia.com |
日本伊藤喜公司於1890成立,服务至今已夸越多个世代,揉合现代化设计意念,荟萃优良产品质素的伊藤喜为日本办公室家俱的发展占据重要位置,其庞大的日本及海外销售网络,均获得顾客的一致信赖。 panasonic.oa.hk | ITOKI Corporation was founded in 1890 in Japan; the Corporate has continued to play a key role in the development of the Japanese office through the succeeding eras. panasonic.oa.hk |
传统』心智图让外人了解某地的『在地知识』,唯有这些人才具备回忆、想像与创意」,「东京自家园艺」计画开设合作式制图工作坊,招募背景各异的东京居民,绘制出一份地图,揉合绿与灰、爱与憎、真实与期望,设想在环境巨大变迁中,如何增加微小变化。 thisbigcity.net | The Tokyo DIY Gardening collaborative mapping workshop brought together a diverse range of Tokyo citizens to create a collage map of green and grey, loved and despised, real and hoped-for places in the city – a visual imagination of how minor changes can add up to major changes in our environments. thisbigcity.net |
Nose2nose剧团从不同的文化中揉合题材, 并组合美术、戏剧和音乐元素,在我校礼堂表演时十分互动,藉此打破观众在座位上观看表演的传统,鼓励观众现场参与互动。 ycis-bj.com | The Nose2Nose performance in the YCIS Beijing auditorium was interactive theatre that was designed to break down traditional barriers of audiences watching from their seat, and encourage lively interaction. ycis-bj.com |
更高的小时产量:DIOSNA推出的螺旋式和面机,是第一台带两个揉合工具的和面机。 diosna.com | More output per hour: DIOSNA presents the Wendel Mixer, being the first mixer with two mixing tools. diosna.com |
与此同 时,厦门厂房更揉合了液晶模组及注塑的生产工 序,减低运输的需要,让我们可以缩短生产时间。 cre8ir.com | At the same time, we fully integrated the Xiamen plant to include LCD-module assembly and plastic injection processes, thereby streamlining its logistical requirements to enable us to shorten our production lead time. cre8ir.com |
全新CLS透过创新物料应用,秉承其设计潮流指标,车厢内笼设计采用揉合缎子与光亮金属面相互发挥的夺目优雅的物料,极富气派,配上高级用料,设计时尚的仪表板、中控台饰板及部分车门装饰,充分发挥其极致动感。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | An example of this is the exciting interplay of satin-finish and shiny metallic surfaces. The CLS also exudes refined sportiness with its lavish and high-class trim elements which can be found on the instrument panel support, the centre console and parts of the door trim. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
揉合意大利的轻柔按摩手法及中国重点穴位施压,贝佳斯的星级身体按摩为您洗涤身心疲累,再配合水疗设施,让您重拾健与美。 sogo.com.hk | Signature treatment is Body Massage. It is unique in its converging of soft but profoundly relaxing Italian style and direct healing pressure on Chinese acupuncture points. sogo.com.hk |
透过深入掌握本地市场脉搏,并揉合最尖端 科技和卓越的工程技术,发展切合客户需求的各种流动通讯服务,以迎合不同 市场需要。 hkcsl.com | Combining technical and engineering excellence with an in-depth understanding of the mobile market, it translates leading-edge technologies into customer-focused solutions that meet the needs of different market segments. hkcsl.com |
揉合一系列先进的辅助系统,令全新CLS的反应更快、更直接,从而避免意外发生或大大减低因意外所引起的影响。例如: 专注力警示系统 (ATTENTION ASSIST)、夜视辅助系统 (Night View Assist PLUS)、PRE-SAFE®(乘客主动防护系统)和智能照明系统。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The driving assistance systems on the new CLS help to prevent traffic accidents and reduce the severity of an accident, for example the ATTENTION ASSIST drowsiness detection, Nigh View Assist PLUS, PRE-SAFE® anticipatory occupant protection and the sophisticated Intelligent Light System. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
性感诱人、别具民族特色的 Amazon 系列长项链、吊坠项链、耳环和手链,同时带来两款不同的设计︰微光闪烁,淡雅柔美的施华洛世奇元素,与仿水晶珍珠和银色素材巧妙结合,展现如同瀑布倾泻而下的流丽动感﹔而暖棕、红铜和古铜色仿水晶则揉合光滑无瑕的金色元素,打造出时尚唯美的女战神形象。 brand.swarovski.com | Sensual and laden with tribal connotations, the Amazon long necklace, pendant, earrings and bracelet come in two designs: luminescent, pastel shades of SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS and pearls set in a fluid cascade of silver; or with crystals in warm browns, copper and bronze set in richly burnished gold. brand.swarovski.com |
无论是Antarctica系列极具力量的简约美感的项链和手链、亦是具有强烈几何造型的 Fusion 系列项链和手链,还是巧夺天工融入织花窗格图案的 Oriental系列耳环,她的作品均揉合了施华洛世奇元素与优质金属,以爱情和欢乐这样简单的主题为创作灵感。 brand.swarovski.com | Whether it is the powerful simplicity of Antarctica necklace and bracelets, the bold geometry of her Fusion necklace and bracelet, or the intricate tracery of her Oriental earrings, her work blends SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS with high-quality metals, and is inspired by simple themes of love and joy. brand.swarovski.com |
此外,HKNet的展位将设即场示范,包括揉合尖端科技的虚拟办公室、虚拟化服务及应用托管服务 (SaaS),配合优质互联网接驳服务,让客户体验一系列崭新的资讯及通讯科技方案。 hknet.com | Designed for industry leaders, key components of cloud services and the examples on how to move the organization to the cloud will be shared. Also, there will be live demonstrations of HKNet’s all-round ICT solutions such as the state-of-art Virtual Office, virtualization, and SaaS bundled with premium connectivity will be exhibited at the booth. hknet.com |
1848 年的革命是最後一次将各种信念揉合在一起﹐以下面 的方法尝试实现之﹕以温和劝说的方法﹑以思辩的智慧﹐希望让有权有势的那些人 (“haves”)自愿让出部份权力给予一无所有的人(“have-nots”)。 hkahe.com | The revolutionaries of 1848, for the last time, put their faith in the power of persuasion, in the wisdom of debate, in the willingness of the ‘haves’ to put themselves out for the ‘have-nots’. hkahe.com |