

单词 掸邦



Shan plateau of east Myanmar (Burma)

See also:

dust off
brush away


a state n

country or nation

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管 管道的精确路线尚未公布,但毫无疑问的是,它一定会穿掸 邦,而掸邦很大 一部分领土是由少数民族控制的。
Although the precise path of the pipeline has not been made
[...] public, it must traverse Shan States, substantial parts [...]
of which are controlled by ethnic groups.
民盟在该党中央委员会 3 月 29 日的 会议后宣布决定不重新登记,除该党外,其它没有重新登记的政党包 掸邦 民主 联合会、联邦勃欧族联合会掸邦果 敢 民主党和佤族发展党。
In addition to NLD, which announced its decision not to re-register following a meeting of the party’s Central Committee on 29 March, the other parties that
did not re-register
[...] include the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy, the Union Pa-O National Organization, the Shan State Kokang Democratic [...]
Party and the
Wa National Development Party.
各方 声称,鸦片禁令不过是让鸦片种植移到 掸邦 其 他地区罢了, 或者说,这些少数民族不过是将生产重点转移到了苯丙胺类毒 [...]
Various sources claim that the opium bans have simply
resulted in opium cultivation being moved to
[...] other regions in Shan state or that [...]
these groups have merely moved into methamphetamine production.
克钦民族民主军(NDA-K),克钦独立组织(KIO)掸 邦军( SSA),缅甸民族民主同盟军(果敢族),佤邦联军 (UWSA)和掸邦民族 民主同盟军(猛腊)控制着毗邻中国 云南省的地区。
The National Democratic Army-Kachin (NDA-K),
Kachin Independence
[...] Organization (KIO), Shan State Army (SSA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (Kokang), United Wa State Army (UWSA) and National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (Mongla) [...]
control areas adjoining China’s Yunnan province.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室继续与缅甸政府合作,以便 达成协议掸邦南部 的佩孔实施类似的项目。
UNODC continues to work with the Government of Myanmar to reach agreement on the implementation of a similar
[...] project in Pekhon, southern Shan State.
因此,虽然我以前的报告所列所有团体都有被举报招 募和利用儿童,联合国一直未能充分核查,而对于克钦独立军、克伦民族人民解 放阵线、克伦民族联盟-克伦民族解放军和平理事会、南 掸邦 军 和 佤邦联合军, 根本无法获得任何新的资料。
Therefore, although there have been reports of the recruitment and use of children in all the groups listed in my previous report, the United Nations has not been able to fully verify, or in the cases of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF), the Karen National Union-Karen
National Liberation Army
[...] Peace Council, the Shan State Army-South (SSA-S) and the United Wa State Army (UWSA), to obtain [...]
any new information.
民盟可能会走向与 少数民族保守派政治家的对抗,就像 1990 年掸 邦局势那样。
The NLD may be headed for a confrontation with conservative ethnic politicians,
[...] as happened in Shan State in 1990.
评估方法包括:(a) 广泛审查社区发展项目、小额供资项目、综合家庭生活 条件评估项目和艾滋病毒/艾滋病项目等第四阶段仍在执行项目的文件;(b) 考 察三角洲掸邦和若开邦东部正在实施项目的 60 个乡镇中的 9 个项目村;(c) 在 实地考察中系统地征询受益人的意见;(d) 与各国外交代表团、国际和本国非政 府组织和联合国各机构举行会议。
The assessment methodology included: (a) extensive review of documentation for the phase 4 projects that are still operational, namely, the community development projects, the microfinance project, the integrated household living conditions assessment project and the HIV/AIDS project; (b) visits to project villages in 9 of the 60 active project townships in the Delta, Shan State and Eastern Rakhine State; (c) systematic consultations with beneficiaries during field visits; and (d) meetings with diplomatic delegations, international and national non-governmental organizations and United Nations agencies.
据 估计,佤邦联军拥有 15000-20000
[...] 名战士,民族民主军-东掸 邦(NDAA-ESS)约 2500 名,SSA-N [...]
约 10000 人,克钦独立 组织/军队在克钦邦拥有 3000-5000 名士兵。
The UWSA has an estimated 15,000-20,000 fighters, the National Democratic
[...] Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS) [...]
around 2,500, the SSA-N up to 10,000 men,
and the KIO/Army between 3,000 and 5,000 soldiers in Kachin State.
此外,在谈 判将停火团体改编为边防军,或者解决与克伦民族联盟/克伦民族解放军(克民 盟/克伦解放军)、克伦民族进步党/克伦族军或南 掸邦 军 的 冲突的综合战略中, 并没有列入在武装冲突中保护儿童的内容。
Further, the protection of children in armed conflict has also not been included in the comprehensive strategy to negotiate transformation of ceasefire groups to border guard forces or to resolve the conflict with the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA), the Karenni National Progressive Party/Karenni Army (KNPP/KA) or the Shan State Army-South.
这些政党包括:克钦 邦进步党、克钦新民主军、掸邦进 步 党。
The parties banned include: the Kachin State
Progressive Party (KSPP), United Democracy Party (Kachin State) (UDPKS)
[...] and the Northern Shan State Progressive [...]
Party (NSSPP).
地区贫困差别依然令人担忧,尽管在全国范围内官方食物贫困线以下的人 数是10% ,但估计在钦族人中是40% ,掸邦北部是21% 、掸邦东南部是 20%。
While the figure for people below the official food poverty line is 10 per cent countrywide, it is 40 per cent in Chin, 21 per cent in northern Shan State, and 20 per cent in eastern Shan State, according to estimates.
欢迎缅甸政府与某些族裔群体继续进行和平谈判,与其中一些实现停 火,但是对某些族裔地区、特别是克 邦 和 掸邦 北 部 武装冲突继续不断表示深切 关注,吁请当局和所有武装团体在全国各地保护平民百姓,尤其是儿童和妇女, [...]
Welcomes the continuation of peace talks between the Government of Myanmar and some ethnic groups and the establishment of ceasefires with a number of those, while expressing deep concern about the continuing armed conflict
in some ethnic areas, especially in
[...] Kachin State and the northern Shan State, and calls [...]
upon the authorities and all armed
groups to protect the civilian population, in particular children and women, in all parts of the country and to use political means to maintain or re-establish ceasefire agreements with a view to ending armed conflicts in the country, with an inclusive political process also being a vital step towards ensuring long-term peace and national reconciliation
见Thomas Fuller,
[...] 《缅甸军队击败叛军》,《纽约时报》,2009年8月30日;《佤 邦领导人在泰缅边境会面》掸邦先 驱 通讯社,2009年6月23 日。
See Thomas Fuller, “Myanmar Forces
Overwhelm Rebels”, The New York Times, 30 August 2009; “Wa leaders meet on
[...] Thai-Burma border”, Shan Herald Agency, 23 [...]
June 2009.
[...] 克伦和平阵线、克伦民族进步党/克伦族军、南 掸邦 军 和 佤邦联合军的部队中也有 儿童。
Credible information indicated that children are also present in the ranks of the Kachin
Independence Army, KNU/KNLA Peace Council, the Karen Peace Front,
[...] KNPP/KA, the Shan State Army-South [...]
and the United Wa State Army.
萨尔温江上计划修建的最大的大坝 掸邦 境内 的塔桑 (Tasang) 大坝,它是大湄公河次区域电网的 [...]
The largest dam planned for the Salween
[...] River is the Tasang Dam in Shan State.
2010 年掸邦占缅甸罂 粟种植总面积的 92%,克钦邦占其余 [...]
In 2010, Shan State accounted for [...]
92 per cent of total opium poppy cultivation in Myanmar, and Kachin State accounted for
most of the remaining 8 per cent.
中国的大型能源投资项目设在克邦 、 掸邦和 若 开邦等地,这意味着,这些项目的安全同少数民 [...]
The location of largescale Chinese energy investments –
[...] including in Kachin, Shan and Rakhine States [...]
– links their security to the stability of ethnic group areas.
注意到缅甸政府2011年1 月作为接受审议国参加了普遍定期审议,在这方
面承认其对某些建议表示支持,希望能适当考虑并尽可能多地接受待决建议,并 在实践中落实许多被拒绝的重要建议,包括要求释放所有政治犯、结束对侵犯人
[...] 权行为有罪不罚的现象,与国家所有利益攸关方开展透明和包容性的对话,以及 停止对罗辛亚人、克伦族、下巴族 掸邦 、 孟 邦 和 其他族裔的歧视行为
Taking note of the participation by the Government of Myanmar in the universal periodic review in January 2011 as the State under review, acknowledging in this regard its support for certain recommendations, expressing hope for the due consideration and acceptance of as many pending recommendations as possible and for the implementation in practice of the many important recommendations that were rejected, including calls to release all political prisoners, to end impunity for human rights violations, to begin a transparent and inclusive dialogue with
all national stakeholders and to halt discrimination against
[...] Rohingya, Karen, Chin, Shan and Mon and other ethnic groups
相比之下,全国民主力量最初仅登记了 161 个候选人掸邦民族民主党只有 157 个,联邦民主党只有 [...]
50 个。
In contrast, NDF has initially registered only 161
[...] candidates, the Shan Nationalities [...]
Democratic Party only 157 and the Union Democratic Party only 50.
9 最近掸邦(北部)和伊洛瓦底省收到的报告指出,缅甸陆军下 令村和平与发展委员会主席为称为“比图锡”的村民兵提供强制性军事训练。
New information received by ILO indicates that recruitment and use of children by the Tatmadaw Kyi continued during the reporting period.9 Reports have recently been received from Shan state (north) and Ayeyarwaddy division, indicating that the Tatmadaw Kyi is ordering Village Peace and Development Council chairmen to organize mandatory military trainings for village militias known as “Pyithusit”.
昂山素季领导下的全国民主联盟(民 盟)曾在 1990 年的选举中赢得绝大多数议会席位(492 席中的
[...] 392 席),赢得议会 席位第二多的掸邦民主 联合会(23 席),其主要领袖,包括主席坤吞乌和总书记 [...]
Both the National League for Democracy (NLD) under Aung San Suu Kyi, which won the overwhelming majority of legislative seats in the 1990 election (392 of 492), and
the next largest winner of
[...] parliamentary seats, the Shan Nationalities League [...]
for Democracy (23 seats), whose key leaders
— Chairman Khun Tun Oo and Secretary Sai Nyunt Lwin — as well as numerous members are also in prison, were automatically deregistered after choosing not to continue their registration on condition of removing their leadership.
[...] 年以来最大规模的强迫迁移,当 掸邦 南 部 和中部地区的30万多 村民流离失所。
This would be the largest forced relocation since 1996–1998, when over 300,000 villagers in
[...] southern and central Shan State were displaced.
一 些观察员还建议,调查委员会可以针对 1988 年、1996 年和 2007
[...] 年在城市地区对 示威者进行的镇压,或者掸邦对平 民展开的军事行动,尤其是 1996 [...]
年至 1998 年的军事行动开展调查。
Some observers have also suggested that a commission of inquiry could address crackdowns against demonstrators in urban
areas in 1988, 1996 and 2007, or military campaigns that
[...] targeted civilians in Shan State, particularly [...]
from 1996 to 1998.
表示深为关切 表示深为关切 表示深为关切 表示深为关切因国家当局对某些族裔群体继续施加压力以及一些主要 族裔政党被排斥在政治进程和涉及其生活的决策之外,包括克 邦 和 掸邦 等 地 区 再度发生武装冲突,而且长期停火被中断,同时也注意到已采取一些步骤,在其 他地区建立停火;呼吁缅甸政府在该国所有地区保护平民,并呼吁相关各方使用 政治手段来重新达成停火协议,此外也呼吁政府扩大与全国各地武装团体的和 谈;14.
about the resumption of armed conflict and the breakdown of long-standing ceasefires in areas including Kachin and Shan States, as a result of continued pressures imposed by the national authorities on certain ethnic groups and the exclusion of some key ethnic political parties from the political process and from decisions affecting their lives, while noting some steps taken to establish ceasefires in other areas, and calls upon the Government of Myanmar to protect the civilian population in all parts of the country and for all concerned to use political means to re-establish ceasefire agreements, and also calls upon the Government to expand the offer of peace talks with armed groups on a nationwide basis;14.
危机组织访谈, 北京,2009 年 9
[...] 月;危机组织通信,2009 年 8 月 18 日;《军 政府的花招:迫使果敢族率先开枪》 掸邦 先 驱通讯社,2009 年 8 月 14 日;Lawi Weng,《中国警告司令员避掸邦出现不 稳定局势》,The Irrawaddy,2009 年 8 月 14 日。
Crisis Group interview, Beijing, September 2009; Crisis Group correspondence, 18 August 2009;
“Junta’s ploy: Push Kokang to
[...] shoot first”, Shan Herald Agency, 14 August 2009; Lawi Weng, “China warns commander to avoid instability in Shan state”, The [...]
Irrawaddy, 14 August 2009.
观察员注意到,选举委员会决定不为组成佤自治区的 6 个乡镇中的 4 个指定 任掸邦议会 选区,并把 Hopang 镇,而非佤邦联合军目前的总部所在地邦桑, [...]
Observers have noted that the Election Commission chose not to
[...] designate any Shan State Hluttaw constituencies [...]
for four out of six townships that comprise
the Wa Self-Administered Division, and named the town of Hopang as the seat of the division rather than Pangsang, the current headquarters of the United Wa State Army.




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