

单词 掬诚

See also:

fig. offer up sincerely
hold with both hands
grasp firmly



true adj

External sources (not reviewed)

在清澈见底的水面上划皮划艇,眺望风景如画的海岸线,运气好的话,你还有可能看到海豹、海豚或憨态 掬 的 小 蓝企鹅。
Kayak the cystal clear waters and explore the spectacular coastline with the chance of seeing fur seals, dolphins or the shy little blue penguin.
在胡、溫接見的時候,更是“全程笑容 掬 , 難 得一見 的 ‘見牙不見眼’”。
When he was received by President HU and Premier WEN, he even "was all smiles all the time, 'grinning from ear to ear', which was a rare sight to see indeed.
当然,也能够完全沉浸在被列入世界遗产的湿热带雨林(Wet Tropics
[...] Rainforest)世界中,或乘坐观光火车游览蝴蝶飞舞的宁静小镇库兰达(Kuranda),亦或是乘坐游船欣赏色彩缤纷的鹦鹉、憨态 掬 的 鸭 嘴兽和闲适淡定的淡水鳄。
Immerse yourself in the World Heritage Wet Tropics Rainforest, or take the
[...] scenic railway to the tranquil, [...]
butterfly-fringed village of Kuranda and cruise
amongst colourful parrots, platypus and fresh water crocodiles.
伊斯兰合作组织及其成员对叙利亚国及其人民感到关切,应通过以下方式表 示,即进行诚和建 设性努力,以恢复叙利亚的安全与稳定;并呼吁进行全面国 [...]
家对话,以达成在叙利亚领导下的政治解决方案,同时遵循《伊斯兰合作组织宪 章》第 27 段的规定,即如果争端继续存在可能损害伊斯兰人民的利益,或可能
危及维护国际和平与安全,则作为当事方的会员国应通过斡旋、谈判、调查、调 停、和解、公断、司法解决或国家自行选择的其他和平方法,求得解决。
The concern of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its members
for the State and people of Syria should be
[...] expressed by sincere and constructive [...]
efforts to restore security and stability
to Syria, and a call for comprehensive national dialogue to reach a political solution under Syrian leadership, guided by the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, paragraph 27, which provides that the Member States, parties to any dispute, the continuance of which may be detrimental to the interests of the Islamic Ummah or may endanger the maintenance of international peace and security shall, seek a solution by good offices, negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement or other peaceful means of their own choice.
规划、合规和监察科的职权范围包括为总部和外地办事处采购人 员规划和举办关于操守诚信、内部控制及相关程序问题的培训方案,并协调总 部和其他办事处从事采购工作的工作人员的外部采购培训。
The terms of reference for the Section include the planning and delivery of training programmes to procurement staff at Headquarters and other offices on ethics and integrity, internal controls and related procedural matters and the coordination of external procurement training for staff involved in procurement activities at Headquarters and other offices.
问责制包括按照所有决议、条例、细则和道德标准,及时、具有成本效 益地实现各项目标和高质量的成果,全面执行和交付联合国政府间机构及其 所设立的其他下属机关授权秘书处的所有任务 诚 实 、 客观、准确并及时地 报告工作结果;负责任地管理资金和资源;工作情况的所有方面,包括一个 明确的奖惩制度;对监督机构的重要作用予以应有的承认并全面遵守已接受 的建议。
Accountability includes achieving objectives and high-quality results in a timely and cost-effective manner, in fully implementing and delivering on all mandates to the Secretariat approved by the United Nations intergovernmental bodies and other subsidiary organs established by them in compliance with all resolutions, regulations, rules and ethical standards; truthful, objective, accurate and timely reporting on performance results; responsible stewardship of funds and resources; all aspects of performance, including a clearly defined system of rewards and sanctions; and with due recognition to the important role of the oversight bodies and in full compliance with accepted recommendations.
靓职橥观蚊翻译导挲、国桠臻领队(TC)、臻 掬 办 碗 职朽国内、国桠亡碗奚、邀页惬务员、桠国LAND碗奚、冼观蚊莼、韩国观蚊碗奚、观蚊哂关协会、观蚊裥锪、伢税锪、观蚊哂关网呔创业(皤完臻汜阌、铒幡停裥锪预订、谂庵盂租怎)、贸娑碗奚、国际会议运营嘘业(PCO)、观蚊区设憧嘘业、动专门嘘业怎引种牦关观蚊嘘业,并螃属橥经呗艇知,熳螽濂师欷靓职橥哂关嘘业既蜒胱硝关证劵碗奚钴硝会。
The Student can work at diverse tourism-related companies such as tour guide, overseas tour conductor (TC), office work for travel agencies, domestic and foreign airlines male and female flight crews, foreign land companies, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tourism-related associations, Tourism hotels, duty-free shop, tourism-related internet opening (providing travel information, worldwide hotel reservation, introduction of homestay, etc), trading companies, International conference operation company (PCO), tourism resorts complex construction companies, event specialist company, etc and also, since it is classified as category of economy and commerce , qualification to be employed by related companies such as financial institutions or securities companies and students can advance to school as teacher by completing teacher’s courses.
挪威承认,普遍定期审议要取得成功,需要持续的努力和政治意愿,挪威 希望就所有问题和该国暂不支持的建议进行 诚 布 公和包容性的对话。
Norway acknowledged that the success of the universal periodic review would require sustained efforts and political will, and looked forward to an open and inclusive dialogue on all the issues and recommendations that could not be currently supported.
朝鲜代 表团重申,朝鲜遵守国际文书,积极推动通过国际机制开展 诚 的 对 话与合作, 如普遍定期审议机制。
The delegation reaffirmed the State’s compliance with international instruments and the promotion of sincere dialogue and cooperation through international mechanisms such as the universal periodic review.
洳舞钴飨偈惋镲专业憷1991掖沔开设为飨偈惋镲专业燮肜躞瞩毕业哝,瞍啶氧渫颌 掬 会 钴 飨偈悬术煅瞀钴完给朽SOC孙设耖衙瞩耢椹钴是咪。
Established in 1991, our department of civil engineering has been playing important role of supplying civil engineering human resources in the southwest regional community and constructing social overhead capital producing the graduate students.




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