单词 | 措手不及 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 措手不及—no time deal with it (idiom); caught unpreparedExamples:使措手不及v—catchv See also:措手—deal with manage proceed 不及—too late fall short of not as good as
雷曼事件所引发的信心危机是突如其来的,令库存量高的企业措手不及。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | This is the main difference from the Lehman crisis which caused a confidence shock of sort, catching businesses off guard with high inventories. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
2009 年的果敢特区冲突让北京感到措手不及,因为 北京低估了内比都政府以武力对付少数民族团体的 决心。 crisisgroup.org | Beijing was caught off-guard by the August 2009 Kokang conflict because it underestimated Naypyidaw’s willingness to use force against the ethnic groups and was not sufficiently warned by Kunming. crisisgroup.org |
政制改革、金融风暴、以至任何天灾人祸,随时可以再把特区班子杀个措手不及。 hkupop.hku.hk | Constitutional reforms, financial turmoil, and any natural or social disaster, could throw the SAR leadership off their guard at any moment. hkupop.hku.hk |
在预警方面,一位发言者说,安全理事会成员不应该(在一些情况下的确没 有)对阿拉伯之春的事件感到措手不及。 daccess-ods.un.org | In terms of early warning, one speaker declared that the Security [...] Council members should not have been — and, in [...] some cases, had notbeen — taken by surprise [...]by the events of the Arab Spring. daccess-ods.un.org |
这将保证全世界在未来再次 遇到危机时不会措手不及。 daccess-ods.un.org | That would ensure that future [...] crises will nottakethe world [...]unawares again. daccess-ods.un.org |
否则,就有可能再次发生 2006 年使国家警察措 手不及的事件 (见 S/2006/628,第 10 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Otherwise, there isarisk of a recurrence of events that overtook the national police in 2006 (see S/2006/628, para. 10). daccess-ods.un.org |
规 定 事 先 发 出 通 知 , [...] 一 方 面 不 但 免 除 另 一 方 因 出 其 不 备而措 手 不 及,同时 另 一 方 面 亦 使 企 图 提 出 证 据 的 [...]一 方 省 却 不 必 要 的 费 用 : 对 方 不 一 [...]定 会 质 疑 不 传 召 作 出 陈 述 的 原 因 , 又 或 他 因 该 陈 述 没 有 受 严 厉 的 质 疑 而 可 能 给 予 同 意 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The requirement of prior [...] notification notonly prevents the other side from being taken bysurprise [...]but also saves the party [...]attempting to adduce evidence from unnecessary cost: his opponent may not challenge the reason advanced for not calling the maker of the statement, or he may consent to it because the statement is not seriously challenged. hkreform.gov.hk |
即使美国经济可能陷入衰退的乌云已经笼罩着亚洲地区,挥之不去,但是股市的激烈波动还是令人们措手不及。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Even while the likelihood of recession in the United States had certainly cast a pall over Asia, nothing quite [...] prepared us for the tsunami-like effect that caused Singapore's [...] Straits Times Index to suffer a 6% plunge [...]on January 21 2008. english.sccci.org.sg |
SAPHIRA圣武士光学电竞鼠标拥有电竞美学的亮眼外型,搭配上百分百纯敏捷DPI感应度(100~3500)完全成就RTS及FPS的游戏玩家;另外,『White-Ra』也很清楚的表逹出SAPHIRA圣武士的出现将会带给玩家们与众不同的电竞手感,因为SAPHIRA圣武士勘称是他目前最满意的代表作;当然SAPHIRA圣武士限量版签名鼠标垫也是令他爱不释手的产品,此鼠标垫上老鹰符号的设计理念来自于Special [...] Tactics独门战术,此套战术是由多年长期征战国际知名赛事所累积而来,在星际比赛中,『White-Ra』常给对手措手不及的攻势,此举就像老鹰猎食,在最适当的时机点,给予对手致命重击。而这款鼠标垫分为两种颜色,黑与白,且白色鼠垫较少在一般市面上出现,然而此款鼠标垫将会呼应『White-Ra』始终对宗教的狂热就如同对电竞的热忱与权威。 ttesports.com.cn | The champion of SC2, a true ambassador of [...] sportsmanship, Tt eSPORTSispleasedto announce [...]the debut cooperation with White-Ra, [...]joined-force designing pro-gaming mouse SAPHIRA and the Limited Edition mouse pad. ttesports.fr |
由於讯号输入几乎没有延迟,因此您可以即时打击对手,杀他个措手不及。 accessories.ap.dell.com | With low input lag, you can charge your enemies in real time andmake thekill before they even know what hit them. accessories.ap.dell.com |
尼日利亚还希望强调,必须改进和加强双边和多 边的国际监督制度,从而确保世界不会措手不及,陷入目前这种严重的危机。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nigeria also wishes to emphasize the necessity of an improved and invigorated international surveillance system — both bilateral and multilateral — that would ensure that the world is not taken unawares and plunged into a crisis of the magnitude of the current one. daccess-ods.un.org |
据 Gartner 统计,到 2015 年,将仅有 10% 到 15% [...] 的企业充分利用大数据,这些企业将在财务指标方面超过其措手不及的竞争对手 20%。 opendatacenteralliance.org | According to Gartner, by 2015 only 10 to 15 percent of businesses will [...] fully take advantage of Big Data, and they’ll outperform [...] their unpreparedcompetitors by 20 percent [...]in financial metrics. opendatacenteralliance.org |
依 我 之 见 , 一 般 而 论 , 法 庭 不 应 拒 绝 接 纳 证 据 , 除 非 相 信 将 会 导 致 确 实 的 损 害 , 又 或 清 楚 知 道 一 方 曾 企 图 令 另 一方措 手 不 及(此正 是 该 等 规 则 旨 在 防 止 出 现 的 情 况 ) ”2。 hkreform.gov.hk | In my view, as a general proposition, the court should not exclude evidence unless it is satisfied that real prejudice has been caused or unless it is clear that a deliberate attempt has been made to takethe other side by surprise, a practice which it is the exact purpose of the rules to prevent"2. 3.6 hkreform.gov.hk |
最初几次行动把民主同盟军打了个措手不及,但是民主同盟军后来采取了 积极防御战略,多次伏击刚果民主共和国武装力量阵地,时不时夺回对原来据点的 控制。 daccess-ods.un.org | While ADF had been surprised by the initial phases of these operations, they have since adopted a proactive defence strategy conducting numerous ambushes on FARDC positions as well as periodically regaining control over previous strongholds. daccess-ods.un.org |