

单词 掩样法

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就像人们法掩盖肥胖一样,人 们也法掩盖这 些疾病给各国经济和社会带来的巨大代价。
Just as one cannot hide obesity, one cannot hide the huge costs of these diseases to economies and societies.
然而,我们 的热忱法掩盖这样的事 实:不扩散制度仍面临着巨 大困难,尤其是核武器或核材料落入非国家行为体、 [...]
Our enthusiasm, however, cannot conceal the fact that [...]
the non-proliferation regime is still facing considerable difficulties,
in particular the threat of nuclear arms or materials falling into the hands of non-State actors, especially terrorists.
但竞争和分歧法掩盖这样的事 实,即我们日益更加紧密。
But competition and disagreements can’t obscure the fact that we are moving ever closer together.
因此,“空缺管理”的法可能掩盖 员 额长期未被 用于其预期职能的情况。
The practice of “vacancy management” may therefore mask situations where, [...]
for long periods, posts are not used for their intended functions.
他們是極有組織的犯罪集團首腦,往往利用 法 的 業務 , 掩 飾 他們恐嚇勒索的非法 勾當。
They are well-organized criminal entrepreneurs, who frequently use legitimate business operations to conceal their intimidation and extortion.
如前所述, 一种更普遍、样令人担心的情况是,尽管正式制定 法 律 条 文,而且这些条文 在某些情况下声称高度保护生命权,但由于各种原因,这些条文并没有得到执行, 或者仅仅部分得到执行,或甚至被用作计策 掩 盖 明 显的 法 活 动
A more widespread and equally worrying situation, alluded to earlier, is where there are formal legal provisions in place, which in some cases purport to be highly protective of the right to life, but, for a variety of reasons, they are not enforced or only partially enforced, or even used as a ruse to hide plainly illegal activity.
(7) 这样,法律委员会决定根据提交给它的决议草案的原初文本发表意见。
(7) In so doing, the Legal Committee decided [...]
to rule on the basis of the original wording of the draft resolutions that were submitted to it.
有 关‘全球经济一体化’的空掩盖 不了 这 样 一 个 事实,对一些工业品出口贸易极少并很 少(如果有的话)出售发明的国家来说,授予专利给在国外完成并获得专利的发明创造 完全是无利可图的,只能够避免其它方面一些令人不快的外交报复。
No amount of talk about the “economic unity of the world” can hide the fact that some countries with little export trade in industrial goods and few, if any, inventions for sale have nothing to gain from granting patents on inventions worked and patented abroad except the avoidance of unpleasant foreign retaliation in other directions.
然而,此种情况不掩盖这样一个 事实,即多样 性如果处理得当,不会成为一种不利因素,而是一种 有利因素。
Those situations should not, however, detract from the fact that diversity, when well managed, is not a liability; on the contrary, it is an asset.
[...] 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏掩盖 其 非 法 来 源 或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 [...]
100 至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as
provided for under
[...] Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their illicit [...]
origin or of helping to evade the legal consequences
of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
后来左丘明写《左传》时,发表议论道:“样看来 ,一个以封地叛国的人,即使他不是大人物,他的叛国罪名也永远 法掩 盖 “
Later, Zuo Qiu Ming, a historian and the author of Zuo Zhuan (a narrative history book and a commentary to the Spring and Autumn Annals), commented on this event, saying: " As seen from it, if one betrays his state and bribes another state with his domain, even if he is not an important personage, his crime will never be covered.
整体的做法要求对使某些侵犯人权的行为 掩 盖 起 来的 法 提 出质 疑。
A holistic approach will require the challenging [...]
of discourses that make certain human rights violations invisible.
例如下列情况:禁止酷 刑公约的一缔约国试图在一项解释 掩 盖 下 把某种类型的酷刑 法 化 ,或者如果 《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的一缔约国将公约解释为不包括某些类型的灭 [...]
绝――即使已经有人指出,在这些事例中,这些所谓的“解释”可能被视为保 留,从而可能属于准则 3.5.1 的范围。
Such would be the case, for example, if a
State party to the
[...] Convention against Torture sought to legitimize certain forms of torture under [...]
cover of an interpretation,
or if a State that was a party to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide interpreted it as not covering certain forms of genocide – even though it has been pointed out that, in these examples, these so-called “interpretations” could be considered reservations and could fall within the purview of guideline 3.5.1.
所以,我勸諭我們的老闆朋友,不要再做鴕鳥,不要用這些法 掩蓋事實的藉口來繼續自欺欺人。
Hence, I would like to advise our friends who are bosses to cease burying their heads in the sand and using these excuses which cannot conceal the facts to deceive themselves as well as others.
因此,我们要再次回顾,正如我们即将通过的决 议草案(A/64/L.18)第 142 段中所反映的样,法律 制度问题仍然未获得解决。
We would therefore like to recall
once again that the
[...] question of the legal regime is still outstanding, as reflected in paragraph 142 of the draft resolution that we are about to adopt (A/64/L.18).
是否使用货币衡量 的问题不掩盖这样的事 实:需要采用一个系统来确 定一个生态系统服务相对于其它生态系统服务的重要 性。
The question of whether or not to apply a monetary measure-of-account should not obscure the fact that a system needs to be applied to determine how important one ecosystem service is relative to others.
样,法官和 检察官执行以下领域——从司法互 助到制度化腐败问题——新的法律规定的技术能力有限。
Similarly, judges and prosecutors [...]
have limited technical skills to implement new legal provisions in areas ranging from
mutual legal assistance to institutionalised corruption.
抽样及其范围:检查核实工作中对工作重点的抽样采用的是分层随机 样法 , 目 的是 确保各重大计划的选样包括:至少一个对该部门的主要优先事项作出贡献的工作重点;至少 [...]
一个含有明确预期结果的旗舰项目的工作重点;以及涉及两个横向专题(CCT)中某一个专 题的项目。
Sampling for the MLAs included in the verification
exercise was carried out using a
[...] stratified random sampling method with a view to [...]
ensuring that the selections include, for
each major programme, at least one MLA contributing to the principal priority of the sector, at least one MLA including a flagship project with explicit expected results and one cross cutting (CCT) project from among the two cross-cutting themes.
样,法院将 能加强安保队伍,履行现有责任, 并应对信息系统安全方面新的技术威胁。
Thereby the Court will be able, [...]
among other things, to strengthen the security team in the performance of its current duties
and enable it to confront new technological threats in respect of information systems security.
换言之,亚美尼亚坚持提出不切实际的要求,试 图实现诋毁目前政治进程的以拙劣 法 加 以 掩 饰 的 目标,而这个政治进程的核心 是基于下列条件的解决办法,即结束亚美尼亚的非法占领、恢复阿塞拜疆主权和 领土完整并确保阿塞拜疆共和国境内纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区的亚美尼亚和阿塞 拜疆社区和平共处(见亚美尼亚总统官方网站:http://www.president.am/events/ press/rvs/?
In other words, by insisting on unrealistic claims, Armenia pursues the poorly concealed object of discrediting the ongoing political process, at the core of which is the settlement formula based on putting an end to the illegal Armenian occupation, restoring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and ensuring the peaceful coexistence of Armenian and Azerbaijani communities in the Nagorno-Karabakh region within the Republic of Azerbaijan (see the official website of the President of Armenia, available from http://www.president.am/events/press/rvs/?id=60).
显然,存储控制卡已尽其可能在你面 掩 藏 了这 样的过 程,虽然当系统从停转状态恢复时有时您可能会感觉 到一些延时。
Obviously, the storage controller hides this from you as best it can, although you may see some delay when a system wakes up from its spun-down state.
[...] 序,包括建立一个内部问责机制,确保绝不为避免尴尬局面 掩 盖违 法行为而宣称特权,并且建立一个在宣称特权而有确凿违法证据时向 [...]
Established more tailored standards and rigorous procedures for evaluating assertions of the State secrets privilege, including establishing an internal accountability mechanism, ensuring that the
privilege is never asserted to avoid
[...] embarrassment or conceal violations of law, and creating [...]
a referral mechanism to the Office
of Inspector General where the privilege is asserted but there is credible evidence of a violation of law.
同不安全堕胎造成的死亡样,法律 限 制堕胎国家中的那些年轻、贫困 以及居住在农村地区的妇女也是产生严重并发症风险最高的妇女。
As with deaths related to unsafe abortion, the women most at risk of suffering serious complications are young, poor, and reside in rural areas of countries with restrictive abortion laws.
如果世界反兴奋剂机构认定,医学或其他科学证明、药理效果或经验表明某种物质或法 有可能掩盖使 用其他禁用物质和禁用方法,该物质或方法也须被列入《禁用清单》(见《条 [...]
例》第 4.3.2 条)。
A substance or method must also be included on the Prohibited List if WADA determines there is medical or other scientific evidence, pharmacological
effect or experience that the
[...] substance or method has the potential to mask the use of other [...]
prohibited substances and prohibited
methods (see Article 4.3.2 of the Code).
但正如联合国自己的报告所表明 的样,叙利亚政掩盖其 持续暴行的努力显而易 见,其实行改革的承诺同样明摆着徒有其名。
But as reporting by the United Nations itself makes clear, the Syrian Government’s efforts to mask its continued atrocities are as transparent as its promises of reform are empty.
真相法掩藏;以色列应为其在中东实施的国家恐怖主义行 为负责。
There was no concealing the truth; it was Israel that was responsible for committing acts of State [...]
terrorism in the Middle East.
[...] 方 的經驗 , 罪 犯 會利用任何 可掩飾身 份 的法,包括利 用 這類電 話 卡 接 觸 同 黨 [...]
或 受 害 人,以 進 行他們的 非 法 勾 當。
The experience of the police, however, shows
[...] that criminals may use any means which can help to hide [...]
their identities, including the use
of pre-paid SIM cards, to contact their accomplices or victims when they engage in their illicit acts.
(d) 源于科学杂志、论文或出版物的食典分析方法,无论是否具备粮农组织和世卫组织 的正式语言之外的其他语言,或者因为其他原因应全文编印在食品法典中,都应该遵循 分析样法法典委员会采纳的分析方法的标准设计。
(d) Codex methods of analysis which have been derived from scientific journals, theses, or publications, either not readily available or available in languages other than the official languages of FAO and WHO, or which for other reasons should be printed in the Codex Alimentarius in extenso, should follow the standard layout for methods of analysis as adopted by the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling.
可以采用Malvern的动态光散射(DLS)仪如Zetasizer Nano S和Zetasizer Nano ZS测量纳米级材料(一般100% < 100nm),而更大粒度的传统颜料和填料/补充剂可以通过标准的衍射仪器(如Mastersizer 2000)以适当的湿法或法样品分 散单元进行测量。
Nano sized materials (typically 100% < 100 nm) can be measured on Malvern's Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instruments, the Zetasizer Nano S and Zetasizer Nano ZS, while the larger conventional pigments and
fillers/extenders can be
[...] easily measured on the standard diffraction instruments (Mastersizer 2000) with appropriate wet or dry sample dispersion units.
2009 年 12 月, 安全理事会通过第 1907(2009)号决议,据厄立特里亚多个消息来源称,其后 Hagos Gebrehiwot 发布新的指示,要法掩盖人阵进行财务转移的方式。
After the passage of Security Council resolution 1907 (2009) in December 2009, according to numerous Eritrean sources, Hagos Gebrehiwot issued new instructions to better conceal the manner in which PFDJ financial transfers are managed.




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