

单词 推陈布新

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b- 对工艺进行布, 推广, 陈列, 介绍, 推荐和参加 国内, 过外的工艺市, 工艺博览会, 工艺展览会。
b/ Publicizing, disseminating, demonstrating and introducing [...]
technologies and participating in domestic and overseas technology
marketplaces, fairs or exhibitions.
本㆟對政府怠慢的態度萬分遺憾,並且要求政府今日確實回覆何時 布新 政策,不要再砌推搪。
I find the Government’s slighting attitude most deplorable, and I demand that the
Government should not make any more excuse in its reply today and to
[...] say for certain when the new policy will be announced.
虽然从代代相传的意义上讲,绝大多数知识都是陈旧的,但知识本身 也在不推陈出新,正 如现代科学的进步不是大跃进式而是持续增长式。
Whilst the vast majority of the knowledge is old in the sense that it has been
handed down through the generations, it is
[...] continually refined and new knowledge developed, [...]
rather as the modern scientific process
proceeds by continual incremental improvement rather than by major leaps forward.
作为其“世界巡游”的一站,Icon-Temporary 店铺会突然出现在一个新的时尚之都,以 推陈 出 新 的 举 措令新闻界和公众震惊。
The Icon-Temporary stores will suddenly emerge in a new fashion capital, astounding press and public with their bold new approach, as part of their world tour.
通过不推陈出新,提 出新想法并检测生产可行性,让我们始终领先于市场需求,使您的产品實現得更快。
By continually coming up with new ideas and testing [...]
their production feasibility, we stay ahead of market demands and enable
your product to come to fruition even faster.
学生在实 习过程中意识到先进制造技术是制造业为适应时代要求对制造技术不断优化 推陈出 新而形成的。
In the course of practice, students realized that advanced manufacturing technology is developed based on continuous improvement and optimization.
这种 模式自然也包含了为受教育者提供符合劳动就业需要的能力的功能,但现在的问题是,如今 劳动的形态不推陈出新,而 且越来越难以预测。
Although this model equally intends to prepare students to meet the needs of the labour market, this takes form by more and more unknown and less foreseeable manners.
伯爵之所以成为创意无限的高级钟表典范, 推陈 出 新 、 工 艺精湛的品牌风格功不可没。
Perhaps more than any other company,
Piaget has risen to
[...] this challenge by pushing back the limits of watchmaking expertise toward new horizons marked by [...]
boldness and innovation.
关于第三项预期结果,即通过布鲁 斯 国际人文科学中心促进研究和教学问 题,社会科学及人文科学部门助理总干事参加了该中心管理委员会第三次会议,目的是新 推动该中心的工作。
As far as the third expected
[...] result, promoting research and teaching through the Byblos International Centre For Human Sciences, is concerned, a mission by ADG/SHS on the third meeting of its Board of Management aimed at re-launching the Centre.
玻璃:玻璃常被运用于珐琅画中,所以在钟表业并非极其革新的材料,但伯爵(Piaget)品牌对 推陈 出 新 的 运用格外引人注目。
Glass: This material, less revolutionary in watchmaking as it is a component of enamel paint, is striking in the original way that Piaget uses it.
会员国对生物多样性重要性的认识以及教科文组织对于生物多样性保护和可持续利用 的贡献得到加强,采取的主要方式包括:在教科文组织总 推 出 高 级别活动“2010 国际生 物多样性年(IYB)”(2010 年 1 月);教科文组织生物多样性科学与政策国际会议,这是 由教科文组织和《生物多样性公约》联合举行的首次生物多样性与文化多样性国际会议;总 干事布新的教 科文组织生物多样性倡议;以及在教科文组织的支持下建立生物多样性和生 态系统服务政府间科学政策平台(IPBES)的相关讨论。
Member States awareness of the importance of biodiversity and UNESCO’s contributions to its conservation and sustainable use were enhanced, including through: the International Year of
Biodiversity 2010 (IYB), the
[...] high-level launch which took place at UNESCO Headquarters (January 2010); the UNESCO International Conference on Biodiversity Science and Policy, the first International Conference on Biological Diversity and Cultural Diversity (held jointly by UNESCO and the CBD) and the Director-General’s announcement of the new UNESCO Biodiversity [...]
Initiative, and
the discussions on the establishment of an Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) supported by UNESCO.
工作组从已收到的答复中受到鼓舞并注意到,一些政府已对指控进 行调查,并采取了措施,包括布新 立 法;进行司法改革 推 行 政策和服务, 包括保健方面的服务,以更好地保护和帮助妇女,包括暴力行为的女受害人; [...]
制定国家行动计划;起诉和惩处暴力施害者;实施有的放矢的措施促进妇女 的权利;努力确保妇女充分享有人权,包括通过对性别问题有敏感认识的预
算编制来实现;并改进提高公众认识的活动,从而根据有关国际标准促进性 别平等和提高妇女地位。
From the replies received, the Working Group was encouraged to note that some Governments had carried out investigations into the allegations
made and taken
[...] measures, including enacting new legislation, conducting legal reform, introducing policies and services, [...]
such as health-related
services, to better protect and assist women, including women victims of violence, developing national plans of action, prosecuting and punishing perpetrators of violence, introducing targeted measures for the promotion of women’s rights, making efforts to guarantee the full enjoyment of human rights by women, including through gender-sensitive budgeting, and improving public awareness-raising activities to promote gender equality and the advancement of women in accordance with relevant international standards.
康迪泰克面向未来的新工厂在中国常熟盛大开幕:康迪泰克公关咨询副总裁Anja Graf、康迪泰克总裁温特、康迪泰克(中国)橡塑技术有限公司总经理Torsten Laufer以及康迪泰克上海代表处中国区公关传媒经 陈 葵 在 新 闻 发 布 会 上
The official opening of ContiTech’s forward-looking plant in Changshu, China: Anja Graf, Vice President Communications at ContiTech; Heinz-Gerhard Wente, CEO of ContiTech AG; Torsten Laufer, General manager of ContiTech China Rubber & Plastics Technology Ltd.
森精机制作所很高兴地布新一代 紧凑型加工中心 MILLTAP 700 推出,这是我们与德国的商业合作伙伴吉特迈集团 (以下简称“DMG”)首次合作开发的产品。
Ltd. is pleased to announce the MILLTAP 700, the compact machining center of [...]
next generation, which is the first corporate
development with German business partner, GILDEMEISTER AG (hereafter, "DMG").
推陈出新的火 花依然与我们同在,而他的曾孙女Jasmine Audemars目前是董事局的成员之一。
His innovative spark is still with us, and his great-granddaughter Jasmine Audemars is part of our board of directors today.
U-Boat 手表不推陈出新,先 进的技术与激进的造型完美融合,令全世界的手表鉴赏家们怦然心动。
U-Boat Watches has consistently produced technically advanced watches with aggressive styling and has captured the hearts of watch connoisseurs worldwide.
服务提供商和OEM厂商现在可以开始基于这一标 推 出 面向大众市场的解决方案,带来前所未有的‘无 新布 线 ’ 的互通性,在家庭中的更多屏幕上实现基于云的内容交付。
Service providers and OEMs can now begin to roll out mass-market solutions
[...] based on the standard that allow unprecedented ‘no new wires’ interoperability, aiding the delivery of cloud-based [...]
content to more screens in the home.
世界最大的个人小额贷款网站Kiva.org今天与专业护肤品牌德美乐嘉、女明星及支持者Geena Davis、《纽约时报》专栏作家Nicholas
[...] Kristof和女装商Eileen Fisher等机构和个人联合布,推出一 项 新 颖 的 活动,向美国和另外56个国家低收入地区的女性创业者提供小额贷款。
Kiva.org, the world's largest personal microlending website, announced today with professional skin care brand Dermalogica, actress and advocate Geena Davis, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and
women's clothier Eileen Fisher and
[...] others, the launch of a novel campaign to provide micro loans [...]
to women entrepreneurs in low-income
regions of the United States and 56 other countries.
对于团队而言,怀推陈出新的愿 望是很重要的,但是他们还意识到Borderlands提供了一个足够大的世界,他们可以通过多种方式来探索这个世界。
For the team, a desire to keep things fresh and avoid stagnation was important, but they also realized that Borderlands presents a large enough world that they could explore in many possible ways.
香港 -
[...] 偉易達集團(香港聯交所代號:303;倫敦證交所代號:VTH;美國預託證券代號:VTKHY)旗下之全資附屬公司VTech Elect ronics Europe plc在倫敦玩具展上布推出多款全新 嬰 兒 電子學習產品系列。
Hong Kong – VTech Electronics Europe plc, a wholly owned subsidiary of VTech Holdings Ltd
(SEHK: 303; London SE:
[...] VTH; ADR: VTKHY) announced the addition of various new products to the [...]
VTech Baby family at the London Toy Fair.
布韦再度承诺,将排雷行动中心迁移至便于 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队, 新 调 查 所有已知雷场和疑似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。
Zimbabwe recommitted to relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily accessible to all, to establish another demining [...]
squadron, to resurvey
all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
2011年9月15日,日本东京讯,理光公司(总裁兼首席执行官:近藤史郎)今日 布 , 推 出 限 量版颜色机型——GR DIGITAL IV白色版,同时布新款GR DIGITAL IV面市。
Ltd (President and CEO: Shiro
[...] Kondo) today announces the release of a limited-edition color model, the GR DIGITAL IV White Edition, along with the announcement of the new GR DIGITAL IV.
澳門十六浦索菲特酒店布推出De -Light概念菜單,其旨在為顧客提供一 新 鮮 的 ,營養均衡的食物選擇。
Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16 announces the launch of its De-Light concept offering guests a new menu of fresh [...]
and well-balanced food options.
新竹, 2004年03月31日---核心逻辑芯片组领导厂商矽統科技(SiS)今日 布 聘 请 陈 文 熙先生担任总经理兼执行长,接替原总经理陈灿辉先生,并于4月1日正式生效。
March 31, 2004, Hsinchu, Taiwan - Silicon Integrated Systems
[...] Corporation (SiS), a leading supplier of core logic chipsets, announced today that its Board of Directors has named Mr. Daniel [...]
Chen to replace Michael Chen as President & CEO of SiS.
[...] EVA”(无箴衣坊)品牌女装及服饰系列产品以其特殊的文化品味、鲜明的风格特点和不 推陈 出 新 的 系 列化产品受到消费者的青睐,产品遍及全国各个地区,在全国数十个城市设有专卖店的形象专柜,部分产品远销海外。
Vocci Eva with its unique cultural taste, distinctive features and
style of the series
[...] continues to introduce new products by consumers, [...]
the product in various regions throughout the country, and in dozens of cities across the country
with the image of store counters, which apparel products also exported to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Europe and the United States and other countries and regions.
正如总干事咨询过的专家组所指出的那样,“传播/宣传活动的目的 陈 述 和传 布有关教科文组织的行动及所关注的问题的信息,使公众受到本组织所珍视的价值观的 感染。
As was stressed by the Expert Group consulted by the Director-General, “the goal of communication/public information is to formulate and disseminate messages on the activities and concerns of UNESCO and to irrigate public opinion with the Organization’s values.
抽象地、泛泛谈论布独立时这陈 述 才 有其道理(例如,见加拿大最高法 院的咨询意见,就国际法所述分离问题得出了这样一个抽象的结论,Reference [...]
by the Governor-General concerning Certain Questions
relating to the Secession of Quebec from Canada,1998,S.C.R.,Vol.2,p.217,para.112),而不是针对在 特定的事实和法律范围内可对单方面宣布独立是否符合国际法做出评判的情况。
That statement only makes sense when made in the
[...] abstract about declarations of independence in general [...]
(see, e.g., the Advisory Opinion of
the Supreme Court of Canada, reaching such a conclusion in the abstract with respect to secession in international law, Reference by the Governor-General concerning Certain Questions relating to the Secession of Quebec from Canada, 1998, S.C.R., Vol. 2, p. 217, para. 112), not with regard to a specific unilateral declaration of independence which took place in a specific factual and legal context against which its accordance with international law can be judged.
2009年3月13日,美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市)— GPU(图形处理器)的发明者NVIDIA®(英伟达™)公司 布推 出 GPU风险投资项目 )— 一项面向全球范围新兴公 司的投资计划。
NEW DELHI — MARCH 24, 2009 — NVIDIA, the inventor of the graphics
processing unit
[...] (GPU), together with HCL Infosystems has announced a new solutions aimed at the computer aided design [...]
(CAD) and
digital content creation (DCC) markets.
2011年1月3日: 联想集团
[...] (香港联交所:992)(地址:LNVGY)今日 布推 出 两 款 新 的 笔记本电脑,精巧的设计提升小型到中型(豪华和SMB)与企业计算,尖端技术和额外的功能,超越业务计算。
(HKSE: 992) (ADR:
[...] LNVGY) today announced two new laptops that elevate [...]
small-to-medium (SMB) business computing with luxurious
and sophisticated design, cutting-edge technologies and extra features to go beyond business computing.
2009年底,公新推出了两项车载影音导航平台技术:一是为长安汽车开发的三屏独立操作系统,该系统是一款多功能影音导航平台,系统采用兼容屏机一体化、屏机分离的结构设计,真正做到前后座三屏独立控制,同时实现触摸屏、中央控制器与主机的人机交互控制;二是 布 领 先 与行业的E-CAR车载智能信息系统, E-CAR平台的开发理念,是创造车载电子信息化时代,创造汽车消费的新价值——赋予汽车沟通能力。
By the end of 2009, the
[...] company rolled out two new car audio navigation platform technology: one is for changan automobile development of three screen independent operating system, this system is a multi-function video navigation platform, system USES compatible screen machine integration, screen separation, the structure design of the machine is really a before and after three independent control and achieve screen touch screen, the central controller and the host of the man-machine interactive control; 2 it is released and [...]
industry E-leading CAR the
intelligent information system, E-CAR platform development ideas, and is to create vehicle electronic information times, create new value of automobile consumption —— Give car communication ability.




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