

单词 推纸

See also:

classifier for documents, letter etc

External sources (not reviewed)

推分纸模块 旋转进纸模块使它突出,然后将它从定位中拉出。
Push the separation module up [...]
to snap out and lift it out of position.
本系列产品安全防护齐全,并通过德国TUV公司“CE”安全认证;选用彩色液晶大屏幕显示;机械结构经强化设计,提高了刚性及裁切循环 推纸 器 定 位的速度;采用高速低噪声滚珠丝杆 推纸 器 与工作台抗磨接触;裁切优化功能将提供裁切辅助时间的合理选择,使成品的裁切更为精确,生产效率更为提高。
This series of product safety protection, complete, and through the German TUV Company "CE" safety certification; use large-screen color LCD display; mechanical structure of the enhanced design,
improved rigidity and
[...] cutting cycle, push paper device positioning speed; using high-speed low-noise ball screw; pushing paper products and [...]
table wear contact;
cutting optimization cutting assistance will be provided a reasonable choice of time, so that the finished product is more precise cutting, and enhancing production efficiency.
ClassicTM 型卷筒纸包装机是福伊特纸推出的 标准卷筒纸包装设备。
The Classic roll wrapping machine is the standard Voith product for roll wrapping.
经社会通过了关推进无纸化贸易和跨境确认电子数据和单据以实现 包容的和可持续的区域内贸易便利化的第 [...]
68/3 号决议。
The Commission adopted resolution
[...] 68/3 on enabling paperless trade and the cross-border [...]
recognition of electronic data and
documents for inclusive and sustainable intraregional trade facilitation.
信通技术推动无纸贸易 以及促进交通运输便利化同样必不可 少,同时在降低能源和材料消耗方面也拥有巨大潜力。
ICT is also
[...] indispensable for promoting paperless trade and facilitating [...]
transport, while presenting great potential for
reducing energy and material consumption.
68/3 推进无纸化贸 易和跨境确认电子数据和单据以实现包容的 和可持续的区域内贸易便利化
68/3 Enabling paperless trade and the [...]
cross-border recognition of electronic data and documents for inclusive and sustainable
intraregional trade facilitation
要求总干事在 2009 年 9 月 1 日之前,完成在米奥利斯和邦万大 推 行 废 纸 回 收利 用的计划。
Request the Director-General to
[...] complete the introduction of the paper recycling [...]
scheme in the Miollis and Bonvin buildings before 1 September 2009.
亚太经社会秘书处推进无纸型贸易方面开展的工作,使 参与国际贸易交易者能够以电子形式交流信息和单证,从而减少了 [...]
使用纸页文件的必要性,并减少了提交和处理这些文件所需要的成 本和时间。
The work of the ESCAP
[...] secretariat on paperless trade enables those [...]
involved in international trade transactions to exchange
information and documents in electronic form, thus reducing the need for the use of paper documents and the cost and time involved in submitting and processing such documents.
首个德国品牌的清洁剂出现:汉推 出 硬 纸 袋 包 装,价格适中的漂白碱(Bleich-Soda)产品。
The first German brand-name detergent appeared: Henkel's Bleich-Soda [Bleaching Soda], an affordably
[...] priced product supplied in sturdy paper bags.
[...] 会通报说,该代表团正在拟订一个关 推 进 无 纸 化 贸 易和跨境确认电子数据 和单证的区域协定的决议草案(E/ESCAP/68/L.6),并期望得到其他代表团的 [...]
The delegation of the Republic of Korea informed the Commission that it was fielding a
draft resolution on a regional agreement
[...] on cross-border paperless trade and electronic [...]
data and documents exchange (E/ESCAP/68/L.6)
and looked forward to the full support of other delegations.
图为辰巳电推出的照相纸机- 「HONEY HEART」。
The photo sticker machines rolled out by Tatsumi [...]
Electronics--- “Honey Heart” .
(f) 将居家办公的做法、包括不再用台式电脑而采用带有扩展坞的膝上型 电脑的做法在全组推广,贯彻纸 化 工 作流程,在共用驱动器上保存关键文 件,这些大大方便业务连续性的保持。
(f) Mainstreaming of telecommuting practices throughout the organization, including usage of laptops with
docking stations instead of
[...] desktops, implementation of paperless processes, and storing [...]
of critical documents on shared
drives greatly facilitates business continuity.
同时亦推动亚太无纸化贸 易专家网络 (UN NExT 网络)成为促进贸易便利化的重要区域合作机制。
Moreover, regional cooperation among
[...] research institutions would be deepened through the [...]
Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network
on Trade (ARTNeT), while the United Nations Network of Experts for Paperless Trade in Asia Pacific (UN NExT) would be promoted as an important regional cooperative mechanism for trade facilitation.
爱尔兰新闻事务委员会和新闻事务监察员办公室维护 推 广 爱 尔兰 纸和 杂志的专业和道德标准。
The Press Council of Ireland and the Office of the Press
[...] Ombudsman safeguard and promote professional and ethical [...]
standards in Irish newspapers and magazines.
委员会欢迎亚洲及太平洋经济 社会委员会(亚太经社会)2012 年 5 月 17 日至 23 日在曼谷举行的第六十八届 会议通过的关推进无纸贸易 和跨境确认电子数据和单据以实现包容性的和可 持续的区域内贸易便利化的第 68/3 号决议。
It welcomed Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) resolution 68/3, on enabling paperless trade and the cross-border recognition of electronic data and documents for inclusive and sustainable intraregional trade facilitation, adopted by ESCAP at its sixty-eighth session, held in Bangkok from 17 to 23 May 2012.21 The Commission noted that, in that resolution, ESCAP encouraged all members and associate members of ESCAP to take into account, and whenever possible adopt, available international standards prepared by relevant United Nations bodies, such as UNCITRAL and other international organizations, to facilitate the interoperability of such systems.
训练班、研讨会和讲习班:为专业人员和其他利益攸关方举行关于制定旅游总计划: 重要步骤和办法的讲习班(1);为高级别决策者和其他利益攸关方举行关于加强东非
农业研发、促进增值的讲习班(1);为高级别决策者和其他利益攸关方举行关于促进 性别平等的预算编制的讲习班(1);为高级别决策者和其他利益攸关方举行关于东非
[...] 共同体各中央银行的模式和预测工作的讲习班(1);关于:“区域连通性/一体化推 进东非无纸贸易”的专题讨论会(1)
(ii) Training courses, seminars and workshops: seminar for professionals and other stakeholders on developing tourism master plans: key steps and approaches (1); workshop for high-level decision makers and other stakeholders on enhancing agricultural research and development for value addition in East Africa (1); workshop for high-level decision makers and other stakeholders on gender-responsive budgeting (1); workshop for high-level decision makers and other stakeholders on modelling and forecasting in East African
Community central banks (1); symposium on regional
[...] connectivity/integration: advancing paperless trade in East [...]
Africa (1)
专家们认为,推行完全无纸化之前,教科文组织应与其他联合国机构作一比较并计算 电子传播和无纸会议的成本与影响。
It was recognized that UNESCO should do a comparison with other United Nations organizations and should calculate the cost and impact of electronic dissemination and paperless meetings before going completely paperless.
向前旋转纸模块,然推向左 边以将它拉出。
Rotate the feed module forward and push it to the left [...]
to lift it out of position.
(b) 建立可持续和有裨益的区域知识和实践社 区,以促进目前推行无纸化系统方面的知识 和经验交流,推动农业贸易便利化、过境运输 便利化和中小型企业参与国际贸易 [...]
(b) ㈠ 登记加入无纸贸易专家网的农业贸易便利化无纸化系统、 无纸化过境运输和中小型企业无纸化贸易系统在线群组的人
数,包括参加本项目举办的培训员专门培训的亚洲发展中国家 人数增加
(b) Establishment of sustainable and productive regional communities of knowledge and
practice to facilitate
[...] ongoing sharing of expertise and experience on implementation of paperless systems for [...]
agricultural trade facilitation,
transit transport facilitation and participation of smalland medium-sized enterprises in international trade (b) (i) Increased number of registered participants in UNNExT online groups on paperless systems for agricultural trade facilitation, paperless transit transport and paperless trade systems for small- and medium-sized enterprises, including Asian developing country participants in specialized training of trainer programmes delivered under the project
对准插针将纸模块推向左 边卡入到位,以便装回进纸模块。
Reinstall the feed module by
[...] aligning the pins and pushing it toward the left [...]
to fit it into position.
这个机构包括一 个存放大量纸板的平台,操作员根据 纸板量的多少纸板推进装置固定压纸板,推进杆会自动把需要补充的 纸板送到标准纸板仓内。
The device consists of a tabletop on which the operator places a row of blanks, a mechanical striker positioned by
the operator him/herself in order to
[...] keep the blanks in position and a pusher that feeds the row to the standard [...]
洗净双手后,用擦手纸包裹关闭水龙头,再用擦 纸 垫 着 推 开 厕 所门离开。
After washing your hands, shut the faucet with a paper towel, and use the towel to let yourself out through the bathroom door!
从包装环保方面来说,为响应可持续发展道路,包装机械中也出现了绿色包装机,这种包装机在包装材料上塑料袋类包装材料正朝可溶性的无污染材料方向发展,以EPS快餐盒为代表的塑料包装将被新型的纸质类包装取代,木包装正在寻求替代包装材料,国内正在寻求突破口, 推 荐 用蜂 窝 纸 板 箱 代替,但必须解决包装箱能承受重力和装卸强度问题,这个问题亟待解决,现已尝试通过用更好的方法来替代包装材料。
From the packaging environmentally friendly in terms of response to the road of sustainable development, packaging machinery also appeared in the green packaging machine, such packaging machine packing materials in packaging materials, plastic bags are moving soluble non-polluting material direction EPS fast food box as the representative of plastic packaging will be replaced by a new type of paper packing wood packaging is looking for alternative packaging materials, is seeking a
breakthrough in the
[...] domestic, is now recommended instead of the honeycomb carton, but must be addressed [...]
to the box can withstand
gravity and handling strength, this problem is solved, now try with a better way to alternative packaging materials.
除了自身增長外,我們將繼續發掘潛在的收購,並且 與營運商和服務供應商締結策略性夥伴關係,藉 推 動 業務進一步擴展。
We will continue to explore potential acquisitions and strategic partnerships with operators and service providers to drive expansion, alongside organic growth.
株式会社小森公司(总部地址:日本东京都墨田区;董事长兼总经理:小森善治)于2010年 5 月 推 出 的 “Enthrone 29”单纸胶印 机,在全球市场上广受好评。
Komori Corporation (Head Office: Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President, Chairman and CEO: Yoshiharu Komori) announced the Enthrone 29 in May 2010 and the press has won a solid reputation in global markets.
尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口产品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展 纸 化 贸 易,推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个 [...]
进农业和林业产品的价值链,包括诸如“一个村庄一个产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有机食品认证和动植物卫生检疫标准领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《亚太贸易协定》;以及在总体上 援助制订适当的贸易和投资政策的努力。
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to conduct analyses on key export and
import products; introduce single
[...] windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private [...]
sector dialogue on the implementation
of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote value chains for agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives such as “one village one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance on the certification of organic foods and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, accession to APTA and overall assistance in the formulation of appropriate trade and investment policies.
伯爵采取降低环境影响的管理方式,并在厂房、商务旅行、办公用纸以及产品环境方面(盒、袋、产品说明书、礼品包 纸 等 ) 推 出 详尽的具体措施,以减少品牌二氧化碳的排放量。
These measures are being taken throughout our company buildings, concerning business trips, in the paper goods we use, and in the use of only environmentally-friendly products (gift boxes, shopping bags, User Guides, gift wrap, etc.).
针对这一要求,秘书长在 2004 年关于大会和会议管理部改革问题的
报告中提出了 5 种替代交付方法,即用数字录音来取代简要纪录;减少有权获得
[...] 简要记录的机构数目;只制作英文简要记录;限制简要记录的长度;只提供原始 记录电子副本(而不提纸质副 本)(A/59/172,第 53-63 段;另见 A/60/93)。
In response to that request, the Secretary-General, in his report in 2004 on the reform of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, suggested five alternative methods of delivery, namely, replacing summary records with digital recordings; reducing the number of bodies entitled to summary records; producing summary records
in English only;
[...] restricting their length; and providing only electronic (rather than paper) copies of [...]
the original records
(A/59/172, paras. 53-63; see also A/60/93).
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途 推 行 的 政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
常驻代表咨委会还审议了秘书处依照经社会第 67/15 号决议编制的一
[...] 份现状分析报告——旨在逐步过渡到举办 纸 化 经 社会届会、做到文件数量 少但质量高,并核可了非正式工作组报告中提出的建议。
The Advisory Committee had also considered an analysis of the current state of documentation, prepared by the secretariat, in line with
Commission resolution 67/15 with a view to
[...] moving towards paperless Commission sessions [...]
with fewer but higher quality documents
and had endorsed the recommendations contained in the report of the informal working group.




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