单词 | 推断出 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 推断出 ... verb—evolve sth. vSee also:推断 v—inferr v • suppose v 推断—extrapolate • predict 推出 v—launch v • introduce v • release v • rolled out v • recommend v • publish v
从产生的压力上升推断出是否 发生分解反 应。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whether a decomposition reaction [...] has occurred is deduced from the pressure [...]rise produced. daccess-ods.un.org |
这可以从涉及严重侵权行为的行动的性质和委员会获得的关于计划和 执行过程的信息推断出来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The evidence collected since its first report affirms the commission‟s conviction that gross human rights violations were conducted pursuant to a policy of the State, and that orders to commit such violations originated from policies and directives issued at the highest levels of the armed forces and the Government.17 [...] This follows from the nature of the [...] operations involving gross violations and information [...]the commission obtained regarding [...]the planning and implementation process. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,了解了激励信号的输出量和相位,就能 够 推断出 磁 芯 从零位运动的位置和方向。 solartronmetrology.cn | Knowledge of the magnitude and the [...] phase of the output with respect to the excitation signal allows one to deduce the position [...]and direction of the [...]core motion from the null position. solartronmetrology.com |
宾克的父母被通知的各种目击他在的城市和Gilbe rt i n e 推断出 , 他一直跟随在发生的事情,他最喜欢的书,(或“嘘 [...] - 嘘”,作为宾克调用它),和将最有可能头的老战士“首页下。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bink’s parents are notified of various sightings of him in the city [...] and Gilbertine deduces that he has been [...]following the happenings of his favorite [...]book, (or “Boo-Boo”, as Bink calls it) and will most likely head for the Old Soldiers’ Home next. seekcartoon.com |
径——葡萄牙代表团提到了这一点——但他或许可 以告诉我们,他有何根据推断出是政府当局杀害了为 红十字会工作的医生的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The targeting of humanitarian workers is clearly a criminal act, as mentioned by the [...] representative of Portugal, but perhaps he could [...] tell us how he deduced that it was the [...]Government authorities who had killed the [...]doctor who was working for the Red Cross. daccess-ods.un.org |
基于理论模型论证和真实工厂测试,提前预估辐照效果从 而 推断出 哪种 技术适合哪些产品是可行的。 iba-sterilization.com | Based on theoretical models validated by real industrial tests, it is possible to anticipate the effects of radiation on products and conclude which technology is compatible with which product. iba-sterilization.com |
虽然没有测量密度,但从 这 些 结 果 可 以推断出来,较宽的间 距 降 低 了 木 [...] 材 的密度。 wrcea.cn | Although density was not [...] measured, one could deduce from these results [...]that wider spacing reduces wood density. wrcea.org |
在目前 [...] 的情况下,问题是这些人能否轻易地从该 段 推断出 仲裁 庭在未商定或未指派指定机构的情形下没有可 [...] 用的收费表或费用确定方法作为参考依据。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the current case, the test was whether those [...] individuals could easily infer from that paragraph [...]that if no appointing authority had been [...]agreed upon or designated, the arbitral tribunal would simply have no schedule or method of determining fees to use as a point of reference. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然协议没有讲明它与教科文组织优先事项的联系,但 可 推断出 : 既 然周 末开放学校的主要目的在于减少青少年暴力,那么也就可以提高正规学校的就学率、识字率 [...] 或毕业率,获得这样的结果与教育部门的优先事项是完全吻合的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Although the agreements do not [...] explain a connection to UNESCO’s [...] priorities, one can be inferred: while the main [...]purpose of keeping schools open on weekends [...]is to reduce youth violence, this may also improve regular school attendance, literacy or graduation rates, results that fit directly into the priorities of the Education Sector. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此类参数可用于构建Mark-Houwink曲线,由此 可 推断出 一 系 列结构信息。 malvern.com.cn | These parameters are used to construct a Mark – Houwink plot from which a range of [...] structural information can be deduced. malvern.com |
14 在多数情况下,仅仅根据作 出决定所需要的时间,个人和国家就能 够 推断出 监 察 员的建议是什么,是否适用 了“触发机制”或是否以协商一致方式推翻了监察员建议,或是否将涉及的事项 提交给了安全理事会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, confidentiality is somewhat misplaced in this context given that the timelines applicable in accordance with resolution 1989 (2011) will be apparent to the petitioner, interested States and even the general public, for the most part.14 In most instances, individuals and States will be able to deduce what the recommendation was, whether the “trigger mechanism” applied or a consensus decision to overturn was reached or if the matter was referred to the Security Council, simply as a result of the time it takes for the decision. daccess-ods.un.org |
假设一位受调查者用六 [...] 粒米表示由于供水不规律引发的问题,用四粒米表 示由于燃料价格引发的障碍,据此可 推断出 供 水保 障对燃料价格的重要性。 teebweb.org | If a respondent uses six grains of rice to describe impediments caused by irregularity of water supply and four to [...] describe obstacles created by fuel prices, [...] something can be inferred about the significance [...]of water security in relation to fuel prices. teebweb.org |
主席说,他从当前的讨论中推断出, 被申请人 未对案件所涉申请的相关仲裁通知做出答复并非如 [...] 单独初看第 4 条草案第 1 款(b)项一样严重,因为 这条规定应该和第 30 条草案第 1 款(b)项连起来 读,其中提出被申请人可以有相当多的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | said that he inferred from the current [...] discussion that a respondent’s failure to provide a response to the notice of arbitration [...]in connection with the claims involved in the case was not considered as serious as appeared at first sight from reading draft article 4, paragraph 1 (b), alone, as that provision should be read in conjunction with draft article 30, paragraph 1 (b), which suggested that some considerable time was available to the respondent. daccess-ods.un.org |
电池用量显示仅为估算值!记录仪所使用锂电池的化学性质导致:准确的电池剩余电量百分比无 法通过测量电池电压直接测量或 推断出 来。 mesalabs.com | The chemistry of the lithium batteries used by Loggers [...] is such that an accurate battery % remaining cannot be [...] directly measured or inferred from a battery voltage [...]measurement. mesalabs.com |
通过和太阳类比,可以合理地推断出 , 由 于晚型恒星大气和太阳大气 有着相似的物理性质和整体结构,因而,前者的 Ca II 辐射也和磁结构有关。 neutrino.aquaphoenix.com | By analogy with the Sun, it was reasonable to assume that Ca II emission in late-type stellar atmospheres [...] that had physical [...]properties and overall structure similar to the Sun’s atmosphere would also be associated with magnetic structures. neutrino.aquaphoenix.com |
当SMS短信从Dukascopy银行发出,未经允许的第三方有可 能 推断出 你 在我们银行有账户。 dukascopy.com | As SMS originate from Dukascopy Bank SA, unauthorized third parties could conclude that you have an account with us. dukascopy.com |
参与式估值通常在群众集中讨论之后进行,在讨论 [...] 中,利益相关者可表达其担忧,并提交讨论议题,以 间接推断出价值。 teebweb.org | Participatory valuation is often [...] carried out after a focus group exercise where stakeholders voice concerns and [...] table issues to infer values indirectly. teebweb.org |
产出’,即资助活动的投资回报,可从对这些活动的性质、范围、 目标、预期成果和结果的定量和定性分析 中 推断 得 出。 daccess-ods.un.org | Outputs, that is, the returns on investments in the activities financed, as can be inferred from a [...] quantitative and qualitative analysis of the nature, scope, objectives, expected outcomes [...] and results of these activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于大会和执行局会议运作费用问题,总干事的代表一开始就明确指出,所介绍的数 字仅供参考,因为这些数字是在 2004--2005 年结账之前推断出来的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to the operating costs of the General Conference and the Executive Board, the representative of the Director-General clarified at the outset that the figures presented in the document were provisional as they were extracted before the closure of the 2004-2005 accounts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
准则 2.9.8 指出,不得对解释性声明的赞同或反 对进行推定,同时也在第二款中承认,在特殊情况 下,在考虑到所有相关情况之后,可以从有关国家 或国际组织的行为中推断出赞同 或反对。 daccess-ods.un.org | Guideline 2.9.8 stated that, approval of, or opposition to, an interpretative declaration should not be presumed, while also recognizing, in the second paragraph, that in [...] exceptional cases approval or [...] opposition could be inferred from the conduct of the States or international organizations concerned, taking into account all relevant circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
马萨罗是设计者这一结论是由历史学家通过一张财务报 表 推断出 的 , 报表中有一笔 112 里弗(法磅)15 苏斯的支出,其中有 10 里弗 5 苏斯用于“购买铸造一枚要压接边角的头像硬币所需的金子”。 wdl.org | Nassaro’s authorship is known to historians through an account statement that shows he was paid 112 livres Tournois (Tours pounds), 15 sous, of which ten livres, five sous were “for the gold he gave and used in a medal that he struck on the corner of these testons. wdl.org |
在介绍本项目时,联席主席回顾称,缔约方在第 XXIII/8 号决定中决定要 [...] 求技术和经济评估小组继续调查从报告的生产和消费中得出的排放估算量与从 大气测量中推断得出的排 放估算量之间已确定出现差异的原因,并向本次会议 [...]汇报其工作。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Introducing the item, the Co-Chair recalled that the parties had decided, in decision XXIII/8, to request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to continue to investigate the reasons for the identified discrepancy between emissions estimates [...] derived from reported production and [...] consumption and those inferred from atmospheric [...]measurements and to report on its work at the current meeting. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
认识到经济危机的严酷性及深入性,我们将面临一个全新的且无法预料的 现实,我们必须重新审视原来的推断 , 提 出 并 评 估新的想法,鼓励打破陈 规的思考。 worldfuturefound.org | Recognize that the severity and depth of the economic crisis represents an entirely new and unanticipated set of realities for us, and we must be willing to re-examine old assumptions, suggest and weigh new ideas, and welcome out-of-the-box thinking. worldfuturefound.org |
随着公司向综合信息服务提供商转型和新业务的 不 断推出 , 现 有的10060客户服务系统的业务量不断增长,系统承载的业务也日益增多,同时,集团对综合客户服务系统在业务范围、业务功能、系统性能、系统的安全性和稳定性上都提出了更高的要求。 surekam.com | In the expansion project, the 10060 client [...] service system and client resource management (CSM) system are integrated so [...]that the staff at business halls and client service representatives can accept service requests, provide service consultancy and query services, accept complaints and fault reports to meet the demands of clients. surekam.com |
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方 不 断 作 出 政 治 努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途 径 推 行 的 政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211). daccess-ods.un.org |
该厅将加强与会员国、各部、外部组织和其他联合国实体的协作,实施外 联和征聘战略,并物色高素质的候选人,特别强调为外地行动的职位找到最佳候 选人;将全面推出 Insp ira,总结从完成 Inspira 稳定阶段中获得的经验教训, 并将与外勤支助部外勤人事司协作,为用户提供培训和情况介绍;协助秘书长制 订包括总部与外地之间人员流动的秘书处人员流动综合政策,以便促进总部与外 地行动之间的工作人员一体化和知识共享;支持发展一支随时准备应对本组织不 断变化的任务的全球工作人员队伍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Office will implement outreach and sourcing strategies through strengthened collaboration with Member States, departments, external organizations and other United Nations entities, and identify high-quality candidates, with particular emphasis on finding optimal candidates for positions in field [...] operations; will [...] implement the global roll-out of Inspira and conclude lessons learned from the completion of the stabilization phase of Inspira, and will provide training and orientation for users in collaboration with the Field Personnel Division of DFS; will assist the Secretary-General in developing a comprehensive mobility policy for the Secretariat, including between Headquarters and the field with the aim of fostering integration and knowledge-sharing of staff between Headquarters and field operations; and will support the development of a global workforce, ready to respond to the evolving mandates of the [...]Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
联苏特派团在有其人员派驻的各州为作出协调一致的反应提供支助,应对 那些不断出现的 破坏《全面和平协议》的地方性人道主义危机;支助民族团结 政府、苏丹南方政府以及联合国和民间社会合作伙伴规划 和 推 动 向 复原和发展 的过渡。 daccess-ods.un.org | In states where UNMIS is present, it supports a coordinated response to recurring localized humanitarian crises that undermine the Comprehensive Peace Agreement; and it supports the Government of National Unity and the Government of Southern Sudan, as well as United Nations and civil society partners, in planning and facilitating the transition to recovery and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于 Inspira 不 断推出,包括在特派团推出,为确保 Inspira 系统的实施顺利并促进实现在整个 [...] 秘书处使用一个统一系统这一整体目标,需要不断提供支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | As Inspira [...] continues to be rolled out, including in missions, continued [...]support will be needed to ensure that the system [...]is implemented seamlessly and in a manner that facilitates the achievement of the overall goal of a harmonized system used across the entire Secretariat. daccess-ods.un.org |