

单词 推敲


仔细推敲 adj

choice adj

See also:

rip sb. off


strike v
hit v

External sources (not reviewed)

调查还表明,目前的选举安保计划可能需要 进一推敲。
The survey further indicated that the current plans for ensuring safety and security during the election may need
[...] some further refinement.
[...] 询委员会和世界遗产委员会主席保持密切磋商的情况下,对此机制操作层面的内容作进一步 的细推敲”。
By decision 31 COM 5.2, the World Heritage Committee adopted, “with immediate effect, the reinforced monitoring mechanism proposed by the Director-General to ensure the proper implementation of the World Heritage Committee’s decisions” and requested “the World Heritage Centre to refine the operational aspects of
this mechanism in close consultation with the Advisory Bodies, and with the Chairperson
[...] of the World Heritage Committee”.
例 如 究 竟 爆 竊 與 欺 詐 是 同 類 罪 行 , 還 是 欺 詐 與 刑 事 毀 壞 才 屬 同 類 , 便 須 加推 敲 。
It is a matter for conjecture, for instance, whether burglary and deception are similar offences, or deception and criminal damage.
2003 年 7 月,教科文组织在巴黎主持了世界首脑会议闭会期间 会议,与会者有 600 多人,包括政府代表和政府间组织、国际非政府组织、民间社会和私营 部门的观察员推敲有关原则宣言草案和行动计划草案的工作文件。
In July 2003, UNESCO hosted the WSIS Intersessional meeting in Paris which brought together about 600 participants, made up of governmental representatives and observers from intergovernmental organizations, international non-governmental organizations, civil society and the private sector, to refine the working documents for the Draft Declaration of Principles and the Draft Plan of Action.
增编阐述了委员会在 一读和二读推敲有关条约之解释和修改的条款草案的情况以及 1969 年《维也 纳条约法公约》对这些条款草案作出的修改。
The addendum addressed the work of the Commission concerning the elaboration, on first and on second reading, of the draft articles relating to the interpretation and modification of treaties, as well as the modifications introduced to those draft articles by the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
在这方面,教科文组织通过与全球各地区各国政府、各非政府组织和 民间社会群体举行各种会议和磋商积极参与了首脑会议的筹备工作,包括参加 2002 年 7 月 和 2003 年 2 月在日内瓦举行的第一和第二次筹备委员会会议,(2003 年 7 月)在巴黎主持 筹备委员会闭会期间会议,以便推敲 有 关 原则宣言草案和行动计划草案的工作文件,从而对 形成有关信息社会的共同观点和原则作出了贡献。
In this respect, UNESCO’s active involvement in the preparations for WSIS, through conferences, meetings and consultations with governmental, nongovernmental and civil society groups in different regions of the world, including the First and Second Preparatory Committee meetings (PrepCom I and PrepCom II) held in Geneva in July 2002 and February 2003, and its hosting in Paris (July 2003) of the intersessional meeting of the Preparatory Committee to refine the working documents for the Draft Declaration of Principles and the Draft Plan of Action, has contributed to shaping a common vision and principles for the information society.
民建聯接 納政府這項解釋,相信有關符合《香港人權法案》的測試,是經過深思熟慮 和反推敲才提出的。
The DAB accepts this explanation for the general test is consistent with the Hong Kong Bill of Rights and has been duly considered and deliberated upon.
因此,教科文组织国 际工作人员协会热忱希望这一人力资源管理中期规划能予进一 推敲 , 以 便进一步完善本组 织在招聘、轮换、内部评估计划、晋升、培训计划和机会及责任制(Accountability)等重要 领域的政策。
It is therefore ISAU’s fervent wish that this medium-term human resources strategy may be further refined as soon as possible in order to complete the Organization’s policy in such important areas as recruitment, rotation, internal evaluation programmes, promotions, training programmes and opportunities and the accountability system.
这种情绪对求知没有益处——除非这些知识所依赖的历史观经不 推敲。
This amazement is not the beginning of knowledge—unless it is the knowledge that the view of history which gives rise to it is untenable.
至於圍繞球場的行人通道,根據研究隊的觀察 推敲 , 最 接近舞台的3個硬地足球場的南面通道,平均密度為每平方米2.27人,北面通道的平均密度為每平方米3.12人;而離開舞台最遠的3個硬地足球場,南面通道的平均密度為每平方米1.28人,北面通道的平均密度則為每平方米2.87人。
As for the pathway around the soccer pitches, according to the research team's observation and estimation, the average density in the southern pathway of the 3 soccer pitches closest to the stage is about 2.27 people per sq. meters; the average density of the northern pathway of these 3 pitches is about 3.12 people per sq. meters.
宣传委员会、归还问题和基金的资料包将由秘书处仔 推敲 , 并在近期内发布。
An information kit promoting the Committee, [...]
restitution issues and the Fund is being elaborated by the Secretariat and will be available shortly.
主席的说明:将随着在相关问题上的讨论的进展,进一步详 推敲 衡 量 、报告和 核实的具体要素,包括体制安排。
Note from the Chair: Specific elements of measurement, reporting and verification of support, including institutional arrangements, will be further elaborated as discussions on related issues progress.
总干事参加了这次会议,各 组织行政首长还认推敲了共同方法和提供给世界首脑会议的资料。
The Director-General participated in this session and the Executive Heads refined their joint approach and input to the summit.
因為我在調查的過程中,反覆思量 推敲 , 我 們事實上 也看不到有甚麼蛛絲馬跡,指她是串謀、有動機配合或有利益的存 在。
It is because throughout the investigation, we had pondered over and examined the evidence repeatedly but there was nothing to show that she had any conspiring role, nor she had any motive to play along or any interests involved.
建立共識之後,每次啟動投票機制之前,也須要小 推敲 和 審 議投票的議題和採用的文字。
After building a consensus, cautions must be given to the decision of motions and their wordings whenever a referendum mechanism is activated.
梁美芬議員的發言 內容雖然好像很偉大,說要幫助很多人,但看回當中很多的內容,其 實也是經不推敲的,只要再說深入一點,便出現互相矛盾,存有很 多問題。
While Dr Priscilla LEUNG has seemingly spoken in a noble manner about her wish to help others, but upon examining the contents of her amendment, we can see that her arguments are incoherent; and if we inspect closer, they are even self-contradictory and plagued with problems.
主席请特设工作组利用《公约》缔约方会议第十七届会议/ 《议定书》/《公
[...] 约》缔约方会议第七届会议之前的时间,为争取意见汇合而进一 推敲 各 种 设 想,主席还感谢缔约方以建设性的态度参加讨论。
The Chair asked the AWG-KP to use the time before the COP 17/CMP 7
[...] sessions to further develop ideas for convergence, [...]
and thanked Parties for their constructive engagement in the discussion.
结合环境因素,对格子条的粗细进 推敲 : 南 面为了留出充足的采光口,使用细格子条;东、西面为了遮挡朝夕斜射进入的阳光,选择较粗的格子条。
The thickness of the grid is adjusted according to its surrounding environment.
不過,由於兩岸問題亦觸及大陸和台灣社會的發展,因此,讀者 推敲 有 關 數字的變化時,也要同時考慮本港媒體對兩岸新聞的報導,尤其是關於國民黨最近選舉失利的消息。
However, because these cross-strait questions touch upon the development of both
Mainland and Taiwan societies, when
[...] readers make their inferences, they should also [...]
consider local media's reports of the
two societies, especially the defeat of Kuomintang in recent elections.
然 而 , 由於黃議員的議案 措
[...] 辭 較為簡潔, 因此, 在 我 預備發 言 稿 時,也只能 憑 議 案 措推 敲 黃議員的訴求。
He merits our respect. However, as the wording of Mr WONG's motion is rather
concise, so when I prepared my draft speech, I
[...] could only speculate on the demands of Mr WONG from [...]
the wording of his motion.
例如,尽管该文本 的质量为各会员国所广泛认同,但对许多条文还是进一步明确和斟 推敲 , 从 而使之尽可能 忠实地反映专家们在整个政府间协商过程中表明的种种希望和关切。
Thus, although the quality of that text was widely acknowledged by the Member States, many provisions were clarified and refined to reflect as faithfully as possible the wishes and concerns expressed by the experts throughout the intergovernmental negotiation process.
(许多会员国在 早期正是因此原因反对该决议草案,尽管它们其后屈从于美国的压力。)如下所 述,这些捕风捉影的暗指的确经不起认真 推敲
(Many member States objected to the draft resolution in the early days precisely for this reason though they acquiesced to United States pressure later).
提到自己的创作,Baan 说,“我们反推敲每个拍摄的瞬间,直到我们确认找到客户想要的那种姿势和态度。
Says Baan, “We shot every moment meticulously until we had the right pose and attitude.
因為中大的調查剛好跨越事件前後,而港大的調查則要用兩次調查加 推敲。
Due to the fact that the CUHK's survey was exactly conducted before the incidents and when they were over,
whereas the HKUPOP used two
[...] surveys to predict the outcomes, the findings between the two institutes are certainly different.
無疑,我們在很早前曾有一個想法,認為歧視新移民的問題可在有關 種族歧視的法例內一併考慮,但經過進一 推敲 和 分 析有關理據後,我們的 結論是這個做法並不恰當,並已於 2004 年年底,就種族歧視立法的公眾諮 詢中表明了政府的立場。
But after further considering and analysing the justifications, we have concluded that it is inappropriate to do so, and we already stated the Government's position in the public consultation on legislation on race discrimination at the end of 2004.
吳亮星議員: 主席,我始終認為現時計劃正在草擬階段,所以 推敲 考 慮 一 下,政府想業主勘測樓宇的結構有否問題,而業主聘請認可人士進行詳細檢 查,如果認可人士驗不到樓宇有問題,引致日後樓宇結構出現問題的話,根 據政府現時的構思,這些認可人士會有甚麼責任?
But if an AP fails to detect the structural problems of a building, and if such problems thus emerge later in the future, then, under the present thinking of the Government, will the AP have to shoulder any responsibility?
到安全理事会核可,并在今天摆在安理会面前的报告 (S/2009/149)中得到重申的 2008 年 11 月报告,其经 过确推敲的文 本规定,欧盟驻科法治团的介入必须 保持中立,从而保障其任务的任何一部分都不会被用 于执行关于科索沃独立的阿赫蒂萨里计划;用前述报 告中的话说,该计划遭到了塞尔维亚共和国的反对, 并且没有获得安全理事会的核可。
The precisely formulated text of the November 2008 report, welcomed by the Security Council and reaffirmed in the report (S/2009/149) before the Council today, defines the status-neutrality of EULEX’s engagement, which is a guarantee that no part of its mandate can be devoted to the implementation of the Ahtisaari plan for Kosovo’s independence, which was rejected by the Republic of Serbia and was not endorsed by the Security Council, in the words of a previous report.
本人認為, 存 款 保 險 制 度 在本港的推 行 涉 及 政 策 目 標 、 成本與收費、市 場 公平性 、 甚 至道德風險 等多方 面的因素,亟 需 公 眾 、 業 界以至監管當 局 慎 重與全面地 綜推 敲 與 思 量 。
Personally, I think that the implementation of the deposit insurance system in Hong Kong would involve policy objectives, costs and charges, the fairness of the market and even other factors such as the risk of moral hazard.
吳亮星議員:主席,我首先對今次議案及相關修正案進行基 推敲, 然 後便同意盧偉國議員提出的修正案,要求政府在明年3月底之前就 發出額外免費電視牌照作出決定,並且盡快發出有關牌照。
MR NG LEUNG-SING (in Cantonese): President, after making basic deliberation on this motion and the amendments, I agree with Ir Dr LO Wai-kwok's amendment, and I request the Government to make a decision on the issuance of additional free television licences (free TV licences) by the end of March next year, and issue the licences expeditiously.
请教育局理事会根据总干事所提建议进一 推敲 大 会的主题,并提出召开第四十七 届国际教育大会的日期,最好是定在2005年第一季度。
Invites the IBE Council to develop that theme, taking into account the suggestions made by the Director-General, and to propose a date for the 47th session of the International Conference on Education, preferably during the first quarter of 2005.




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