

单词 推故

See also:


cause n
reason n
former n

External sources (not reviewed)

基 於 與 該 公司簽 訂 租 約 的 租 客目前數目有限,而 該 公司亦 要為它 與 租 客 所 訂 立的租 務 資 料 保 密 及 避 免 在這方面產生 不 必 要推測, 故 此 ,政府不能夠 提 供 所 需 的 資 料 。
Given the limited number of tenants who have currently signed up with the Company, that the Company has to keep the information in the lease documents signed with its tenants confidential, and to avoid unnecessary speculation in this respect, the Government is unable to provide the requested information.
(2) 任何人不得致使、准許或容受任何投射物、物品或其他的任何物體 推 向 、 拋擲故意丟 掉在任何巴士、西北鐵路車輛或鐵路其他部分。
(2) No person shall cause permit or suffer any missile, article or
other object whatsoever to be
[...] propelled at or thrown at or wilfully dropped upon any bus [...]
or vehicle of the North-west Railway or other part of the railway.
推銷員更故 意躲 在後樓梯、雜物房及垃圾房內,待住戶回家時便撲出來,把該住戶也嚇 [...]
Some promoters would even deliberately [...]
hide in staircases, store rooms and refuse rooms and jump out when residents were
going into their flats, thus giving them a scare.
这涉及“多次实施行为”,因此不包括单一一次的、孤立的或随机 进行的个人单独行动,而且推定是 蓄意的 故 意 的 行为。
It is a “multiple commission of acts” which, as such, excludes a single, isolated incident or the random conduct of an individual acting alone and presumes intentional, wilful conduct.
收費電視的營業員在向客推銷服 務時 故 意 用 誤導及欺騙的手 法,訛稱必須上台並成為有線電視的客戶,才可以收看在今年年底推出市場 的數碼電視等。
When promoting their services to customers, promoters of pay television services would deliberately [...]
employ misleading and
deceptive practices, misrepresenting to customers that they must subscribe to their services and become customers of the Cable TV in order to view the digital television broadcasting to be launched in the market at the end of this year.
该办事处正在强调保护少数群体无形文化遗产的重要性(在一项日本 信托基金项下开展濒临消失中国少数民族民 故 事 的 保护 推 广 工 作)。
The Office is putting emphasis on the importance of the preservation of minority groups’
intangible cultural heritage
[...] (Protection and Promotion of Minority Chinese Nationalities Folk Tales in Danger of Extinction [...]
– under Japanese FIT).
而上文所述由商界所推動 的計劃,由於它們主要推廣性質, 故 此 並 不一定為業 界在實際引入清潔生產技術和作業方式上,提供所需的 [...]
技術支援和知識,尤其是個別行業所獨有的生產技術和 作業方式。
The above-mentioned initiatives launched by the business community, [...]
because of their nature, do not always provide to the
industries the required technical support and know-how in applying cleaner production technologies and practices, especially those that are specific to particular industry sectors.
[...] 下長者作出有關長者生活津貼的遺產申索將不獲受理﹕可受惠於自動 轉換安排,但卻在長者生活津推出 前 身 故 的 長 者;以及尚未作出郵 遞申請或提出新申請已身故的其他長者。
However, the Government will not entertain any estate claims for OALA for any elders who could have benefited from the
auto-conversion arrangement but have passed
[...] away before OALA is launched, and for any others [...]
who have passed away without having
made a postal submission or new application.
委員會考慮到人權教育為公民教育的其中一環故 此會繼續推廣及 宣傳公民教育時,就人權事宜進行相關推廣及 [...]
Since human rights education forms part
and parcel of civic education, the
[...] CPCE will continue to promote/publicize and undertake [...]
education work on human rights when
it promotes/publicizes civic education.
[...] 社会活动家表示,他们担心这些公司正在剥削当地民众和开采当地资源 故推行 监 测和导则,以确保所有交易是公平的。
Civil society activists, particularly in Africa, have expressed concerns
that corporations are exploiting local
[...] people and resources and have pressed for [...]
monitoring and guidelines to ensure that
all transactions are equitable.
这些宣传讲推翻被征服故事并 宣扬自决和自主的权利,这可帮 助解释为什么基于性别的暴力似乎不仅发生率高,而且在以前曾被征服的社区和 [...]
These narratives tell stories of overcoming subjugation [...]
and asserting the rights of self-determination and self-definition,
and may help to explain why the incidence of gender-based violence appears not only to be high, but also to be tolerated in formerly subjugated communities and States.
故此,我們要推學徒 制度,或更新現時 的學徒制度,以符合現時的經濟環境需要,檢視如何增加青少年的就業 [...]
As this is the
[...] case, we have to re-launch the apprenticeship [...]
system, or update the existing apprenticeship system, in order
to meet the needs of the current economic situation, assess how the employability of the youth can be enhanced, and how their employment opportunities can be increased.
他認為,事務委員會較 適宜討論醫管局為避免公營醫院發生醫療 故而 將會推行的改善措施。
He considered it more appropriate for the Panel to discuss the improvement measures to be put in place by HA with a view to avoiding the occurrence of medical incidents in public hospitals.
As part of the Government’s ongoing efforts to enhance public health and in line
with the international trend, the Government has taken
[...] active steps to introduce a mandatory nutrition [...]
labelling scheme.
除此之外,全球氣候變遷也掀起社會運動,改變都會結構整體面貌,哥倫比亞首都波哥大推行「Ciclovia」計畫之初,許多人都覺得將街道做為公共空間相當奇怪,但因為人們想要對抗全球暖化,且內容相當創新 故推 展 頗 為順利,世界許多城市也紛紛起而效尤。
When Bogotá, Colombia, first began its “Ciclovia” programme, many found the concept of using streets as public space to be strange.
故此,推動資 訊及通訊科技的應用與 普及時, 必須確保弱勢社群使用資訊及通訊科技的機會不會受損。
Hence, promotion of ICT application [...]
and deployment must be complemented with the principle of making ICT facilities accessible to the underprivileged.
董事認為股東週年大會通告所載之建議普通決議案均符合本公司及股東之最佳利益故董事推薦股 東於股東週年大會上投票贊成將予提呈之所有該等決議案。
The Directors therefore recommend Shareholders [...]
to vote in favour of all these resolutions to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
故此,政府必推 行更 為有效的節流措施,例如加強資源增值計劃的效益,加快檢討及精簡公 務員架構,精簡一切公營部門,實現第五份施政報告中所提到的“小政府” 的理念,控制公共開支在國民生產總值 20%以下,並繼續把部分有發展潛力 的部門和公營機構公司化或私有化。
So the Government must implement more effective measures to minimize expenditure, such as those which will enhance the effectiveness [...]
of the Enhanced
Productivity Programme and expedite the review of the civil service structure with a view to streamlining it, streamline all public sector organizations, put the small government philosophy as mentioned in the fifth policy address into practice, control public expenditure and keep it below 20% of the Gross Domestic Product, and continue to corporatize or privatize those departments or public sector organizations with potentials of development.
小組的成員 覺得由於政府不願意承擔最終財務風險 故推 行 起來不大容易,因此,亦㆒樣要求政 府不如重新考慮設立㆗央公積金。
It is for this reason that it also demanded that the Government should consider again the issue of setting up a central provident fund.
委員指出,由於目標樓宇可能亦是市區重建局(下稱"市建 局 ")將會重建的樓宇故當局在推行強 制驗樓計劃時應與市建局的 工作妥為協調,避免出現若干樓宇可能會在維修工程展開後不久 列為市建局的重建項目,又或是部分業主因預計名下樓宇會重建 而拒絕進行維修工程,但市建局最終沒有把該等樓宇列為其重建 項目的情況。
Members pointed out that as the target buildings might also be potential buildings for redevelopment by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), there should be good coordination between MBIS and URA's work to avoid the situation where some buildings might be included in URA's redevelopment projects shortly after maintenance works had been carried out, or where some owners refrained from carrying out maintenance works for their buildings in anticipation of redevelopment but those buildings were not included in URA's redevelopment projects in the end.
該署會透過自然流失、 再培訓和重行調配,以達到減省人手的目的 故推 行 客 戶服務及發單 系統無須強制遣散超額員工。
Through natural wastage, retraining and redeployment, there will be no forced redundancy as a result of the implementation of the CCBS.
切尔诺贝利故推动进 行大规模合作,以支持乌克兰环绕着受损的反应堆建 立一个新的掩蔽所。
The Chernobyl accident spurred large-scale cooperation to support Ukraine in building a new shelter around the damaged reactor.
在写入以外的情况下或电源投入之后,因在电源 OFF 之前也执行写入工作禁止指令故推 荐 在 识别误写入指 令的情况下也不执行写入工作的设计。
It is recommended to implement a design that prevents an incorrect write operation when a write instruction is erroneously recognized by executing the write operation disable instruction when executing instructions other than write instruction, and immediately after power-on and before power off.
(五) 鑒於根據協調中心於 2006
[...] 年年底發表的數據,保安事故的數字 有上升的趨勢,是否知悉協調中心會否效法亞太區其他主要電腦 保安故協調中心推行網 絡威脅監察系統,以主動監察潛在風 險;若會,相關的詳情,以及預計涉及的費用和推行時間表;若 [...]
(e) given that the number of security incidents is on the rise according to the data released by the HKCERT in the end of 2006, whether it knows if the HKCERT will follow the practice of other major
computer emergency
[...] response team co-ordination centres in the Asia-Pacific Region to introduce a monitoring [...]
system on network
threats, so as to proactively monitor potential risks; if it will, of the details, as well as the estimated costs involved and the implementation schedule; if not, the reasons for that?
然 而,若干措施可 能會 影響政府收 入 或 不 太 熟 識資訊科技的社群, 或 需更改運作程序 甚 至 修訂法 例故 推行時可能 較 為 複 雜 和需時 。
Some of the more prominent examples are presented in Annex B. However, since many of these incentives may impact on Government revenue, or the less IT-literate members of the community, may require certain changes in operational procedures or may require legislative amendment, implementation may be complex and time-consuming.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病毒逸漏 故 , 必 須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關 故 , 並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.




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