

单词 推卸

推卸 ()

pass the buck
shift (the blame)
avoid (esp. responsibility)

See also:


unload v

remove or strip

External sources (not reviewed)

由於政府在健康醫護的財政方面缺乏明確承擔,因而被指 削減醫療開支推卸基本責任。
The lack of a clear commitment by the Government on the financial aspect of health care has given rise
to the alleged cut-back in medical spending and the criticism that the
[...] Government is shirking its basic responsibility.
我们负有在武装冲突中保护平民的不 推卸 的责任。
We have the unshirkable responsibility [...]
to protect civilian populations in armed conflict.
但我認為,這 只是政府企推卸其社會責任的藉口。
But I think that this is only an excuse of the
[...] Government to shirk its social responsibility.
顯然,發展綜合社會保障援助計劃是政府最基本的責任,這 個責任亦不能夠以任何藉口推卸的。
Obviously, spending on the CSSA Scheme is the Government's basic
[...] responsibility, the shirking of which [...]
cannot be justified under any circumstances.
正在进行的向私营公司移交保护计划的工作以及其他相关改革应当咨询受益 人的意见,因为国家有义务维护、保护和确保在其管辖范围内充分享有权利,不 能把这种义推卸给其他人。
The ongoing transfer of protection schemes to private companies and other related reforms should be made in consultation with beneficiaries, in the understanding that the State obligation to uphold, protect and ensure the full enjoyment of rights within its jurisdiction cannot be delegated.
到底政府是否打算永遠以傳 統文化規範為託詞推卸它對 ㆒個公平社會應負的責任?
Does the Government forever intend to shirk its obligations to a just society through the pretense of traditional cultural norms?
去年 7 月,我已聯同同
[...] 事和居民代表向電訊管理局投訴,但政府 推卸 責 任 ,說甚麼收費電視作為 電訊商推銷的產品,是不在監管之列,因此形成收費電視“無皇管”的情況。
In July last year, I lodged a complaint to the OFTA jointly with
colleagues and residents' representatives, but
[...] the Government shirked its responsibility [...]
on the pretext that pay television, being
a product of telecommunications service operators, is outside the scope of regulation and so, pay television has become totally unregulated.
香 港 特別行政區 ( “ 特區” )政府對於公務員的不 安 情
[...] 緒 , 以 及 改 革 方 向 的 迷 失 , 負有不推 卸 的 責 任 。
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
[...] Government must not shirk its responsibility [...]
for the agitation of civil servants and
the loss of direction in reform.
在这方面,区域内那些纵容对索马里的入侵和统治及其给索马里人民带来的 痛苦的各国政府,或那些因狭隘的自身利益或不了解情况而选择保持沉默的各国 政府,最终也不推卸自己的责任。
In this connection, Governments in the region that are either condoning the invasion and domination of Somalia and the sufferings meted out to its people or that have chosen to keep silent, for reasons of narrow self-interest or due to lack of information cannot, ultimately, shrug their responsibilities.
如果並無理據,而當問題發生時,只是將責 推卸 別 ㆟ , 試問這種態度怎可令市民信服,又怎能令本局相信政府是會真正解決問題呢?
If they do not have any ground, and
only shift their
[...] responsibility to others when a problem arises, how can they convince the public with such kind of attitude [...]
that they are displaying,
and how can they convince this Council that the Government will really solve the problem?
本來,政府在界定批准專利權的準則、批准合理收費、監察服務質素、監督發展 計劃及制訂合理「利潤管制計劃」等工作的角色是無 推卸 的 , 但是,過往政府在公 共事業問題㆖的表現卻是令㆟失望。
Though it is incumbent upon the Government to lay down the criteria for granting franchises, approve reasonable fee-charging, monitor the quality of service, supervise development plans and formulate reasonable "profit control schemes" and so on, the Government's track record on public utility issues has been very disappointing.
這不但違背了公共服務及社會福利的原則,也顯示出政 推卸責 任的態度。
It will not only be contrary to the
principles of public services and
[...] social welfare but also indicative of the Government's responsibility-shirking attitude.
這些本來其實就是 社會的責任,我們怎推卸呢?
How can we shirk these responsibilities which are after all society's responsibilities?
政府不應再將對抗污染的責推卸給 市 民和諉過於 工業界,而是扮演較為積極的角色,制訂㆒套有完善統籌及持續發展的全面環境保育 政策。
The Government should stop "passing the muck" to the community and blaming industry but take a more proactive role by making a comprehensive environmental protection strategy that is well co-ordinated and sustainable.
彼此加強合作正好表示 認識到要共同承擔責任,不推卸責 任
Closer co-operation means a recognition of shared responsibility, not shedding of responsibility.
旁遮普邦警察总监在其后的信中,重申了市警察局长 Saud Aziz 信中对事
[...] 件的误导性概述,反映出他的行政上司希望推动这 推卸 责 任,掩盖未进行尸检 背后的真正原因。
The subsequent letter by the Inspector General of Punjab reiterating the misleading summary of events set out in CPO Saud Aziz’s letter reflects the
willingness of his administrative superior to
[...] further this shift of responsibility [...]
and perpetrate a cover-up of the true reason
behind the lack of a post-mortem examination.
如果情況是如此,我覺得政府有必要立即面對 這個問題,不要再左推卸責任
If this is the case, I think the Government must address this problem at once instead of evading the responsibilities anymore.
持牌人互推卸責任 的情況不難想象;而由多人共同管理, 也可用作集體逃避責任的借口。
It is not difficult to envisage the scenario when the licensees are shifting the blame to each other; and that multiple co-management may be used as a cover for collective evasion of responsibility.
如果在這些嚴重的事情上,管治階層仍然互 推卸 責 任 ,而非盡快 釐清程序,決定應該由哪個本土部門負起發出首個預警的責任,即使我 們擁有多少先進儀器和電腦,也是無法幫助當局在第一時間告訴香港市 民,我們將會受到嚴重的空氣污染吹襲。
If the administration authorities shift responsibilities onto one another in the face of these matters of consequences, instead of expeditiously clarifying the procedures to be followed and deciding which local department should take the responsibility for issuing the first early warning, in spite of the number of advanced equipment and computers we have, it will not enable the authorities to inform Hong Kong people in the first instance of the imminent attack of serious air pollution.
此外,可能存在一种倾向,新到任的高级领导只关注最近启动的改革,而把积累下来的问 推卸 给前任领导。
In addition, there may be a tendency for newly appointed senior managers to focus on recently initiated reforms and attribute prior problems to previous management.
1991 年,美利坚合众国单方面决定,指定既非《停战协定》一方、也非“联 合国军司令部”成员的南朝鲜一名“将军”担任联合国军司令部高级成员,参加 军事停战委员会,推卸这一 成员位置赋予的责任,因此造成军事停战委员会完 全瘫痪。
In 1991, the United States made the unilateral decision to designate an army “general” of south Korea, which is neither party to the Armistice Agreement nor a member of the “United Nations Command”, as the senior member of the “United Nations Command” side to “MAC” and eluded its responsibility from that seat, thus completely paralysing MAC.
政務司司長表示,若吳靄儀議員可在會 後 向 他 提供具體例子,證 明律政司與有關政 策 局 “互推 卸 責 任 ”,他很 樂 意 要 求 雙 方 共同合作,致力 解 決 有關事宜。
CS said that if Miss NG could provide specific cases of D of J and the relevant Policy Bureau “passing the responsibility to each other” to him after the meeting, he would be most willing to ask both sides to work together to resolve the matter in question.
我 認 為,我們這樣 做 , 總比一些只 喊 口 號、只 懂 把 責推卸 給 別 人 和 責 罵 別 人的人(不管他們是 誰 ) 積極得多。
This, I think, is far more positive than those people who know only chanting slogans, and who know only seeking to pass the buck and shift the blame to others (whoever they are).
法官或行政长官不得拒绝采取人身保护措施,并且有不 推卸 的 义 务立即 阻止侵犯自由权或人身安全的行为。
Judges and magistrates may not dismiss a habeas corpus action and are under an absolute obligation to take immediate steps to halt the violation of personal liberty or safety.
小组委员会认为当局和监狱管理部门不得对监狱 出现的情推卸责任 ,无论是提供基本生活必需品,如食品、饮用水和最低保健 和卫生条件,还是实行控制措施,包括强制手段或惩罚。
The SPT considers that the authorities and the prison
administration must not
[...] abrogate their responsibility for what goes on in prisons, whether it be the provision of basic necessities of life, such as food, [...]
drinking water and minimum
conditions for health and hygiene or whether it be the imposition of control measures, including restraints or punishments.
He wondered how the United States could renege on its global responsibility for that crisis.
他們不 應以他們只是根據議員的決定行事,而議員應該 集體承擔責任為理由推卸他們 即使沒有充分理 據,仍然動議有關議案的責任。
They should not shirk their responsibility for going ahead with the moving of the motion even if there was no case on the ground that they only acted on the decision of Members and that Members should bear collective responsibility.
假 如 政 府能夠 以 開 放 的 態 度 , 不 是 單單透過顧問報告作推卸責 任 的 “ 擋箭牌 ” , 而 是 集 思廣益 , 吸 納 各 方 面 學 者 、 專 家 的 意見, 則 同 樣 數 額的公 帑 , 必 定 會 是 用 得 更 物 有所值 , 香港的環境不 知 會 更 改 善 多少倍 , 而 香港的就業 機 會,到 目前亦不 知 會 增加多少。
If the Government can be more open in this and stop using consultancy reports as a means to shield itself from blames and accusations, and if it can take on board more views from the academics and experts, then the same amount of public money can certainly be spent in a more cost-effective manner, our environment will have been improved by a much greater extent and our employment opportunities will have been increased also by a much greater extent.
[...] 么变化事件或者危机而始终不变的原则包括 推卸 善治 责任、实行合理的政策,以及对国家为可持续 [...]
Principles which remained constant regardless of changing events or crises
[...] included not shirking commitments [...]
to good governance, sound policies and international
support to national efforts towards sustained development and fighting poverty.
倘若萬㆒出現了最壞的情況,英國政府對香港市民特有的責任顯然是不 推卸 的, 而這責任之㆒是盡量爭取世界各國的協助。
If the worst were to happen, plainly the special responsibility of the United Kingdom for the people of Hong Kong would be inescapable and part of that responsibility would be the responsibility to mobilize the widest possible international help.




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