

单词 控告





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意大利请刚果当局采取更为有效的措施,制止这一现象,尤其应通过制定法 律,控告实施巫术的行为定为刑事犯罪,提高这一问题的认识,并在国际 [...]
Italy appealed to the authorities to take more efficient measures to fight this phenomenon, in
particular by adopting legislation
[...] to criminalize accusationsofwitchcraft [...]
againstchildren, raising awareness on this issue
and implementing a rehabilitation and reintegration programme with the help of the international community.
如果申诉书控告不 肯提供证明或解释,此类行为即视为承认歧视。
If the person against whom an application has been filed refuses to provide proof or explanation, such behaviour is considered as admission of discrimination.
这些原则和准则并不核可任何特定的模式,而是鼓励各国保障被拘留者、 被逮捕者a 或被监禁者、涉嫌b 或控告 指控刑事犯罪的人获得法律援助的基 本权利,同时将法律援助扩大为列入与刑事司法系统有所接触的其他人并以多 种方式提供法律援助计划。
The Principles and Guidelines do not endorse any specific model but encourage States to guarantee the basic right to legal aid of persons detained, arresteda or imprisoned, suspectedbor accused of, or charged with a criminal offence, while expanding legal aid to include others who come into contact with the criminal justice system and diversifying legal aid delivery schemes.
[...] 报告指出,这种行为通常发生在提出正 控告以及审前拘留期间,被拘留者 被剥夺了基本的法律保障,特别是无法获得法律咨询。
It is also
[...] concerned at credible reports that such acts [...]
commonly occur before formal charges are laid, as well as during
the pretrial detention period, when the detainee is deprived of fundamental legal safeguards, in particular access to legal counsel.
委员会要求,缔约国在其下次定期报告中载列针 对种族或族裔歧视行为所提控告 诉和判决的统计数据,以及说明这些统计 [...]
The Committee requests that the State party include in its
[...] next periodic reportfurther statistics [...]
on complaints, prosecutions and judgments
relating to acts of racial or ethnic discrimination, and examples of actual cases illustrating these statistical data.
对于行使这种权力的国家来说,就有可能追究那些在铸 铅行动期间代表以色列或哈马斯犯下所谓战争罪的人,对其进行逮捕 控告诉和惩罚。
For those that do, it is possible to pursue allegations of war crimes in relation to those who acted on behalf of either Israel or Hamas during Operation Cast Lead, to arrest, indict, prosecute, and punish.
於就涉及收回任何催缴股款应付款项之任何法律诉讼或其他法律程序进行审讯 或聆讯时,倘能证明控告之姓名於股东名册中列为有关应计债项股份之持有 人或其中一名持有人,及作出催缴股款之决议案已在会议记录中妥为记录,且有关 催缴股款通知已根据本章程细则向 控告正式发出,即为充分证明;而毋须证 明作出有关催缴股款之董事之委任或任何其他事宜,只要证明上述事宜即为有关债 务之最终证明。
On the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the member suedis entered in the register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book, and that notice of such call was duly given to the membersued,in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.
(b) 为了儿童的根本利益务使被拘留、被逮捕、涉嫌或 控告指控刑 事犯罪的儿童能够立即与其父母或监护人取得联系,禁止在其律师或其他法律 援助提供人缺席的情况下以及禁止在父母或监护人本可在场但却缺席的情况下 与儿童进行任何面谈
(b) Enabling children who are detained, arrested, suspected or accused of, or charged with a criminal offence to contact their parents or guardians at once and prohibiting any interviewing of a child in the absence of his or her lawyer or other legal aid provider, and parent or guardian when available, in the best interests of the child;(c) Ensuring the right of the child to have the matter determined in the
(d) 农发基金总裁应向法院转递原告在劳工组织行政法 控告基金的 诉讼过程中所作的且原告可能希望提请法院注意的意见陈述;将 2010 年 10 月 29 日定为作为判决书主体的原告可以向法院提交任何可能陈述的截止日期,并将 [...]
2011 年 1 月 31
(d) Decided that the President of IFAD should transmit to the Court any statement setting forth the views of the
complainant in the
[...] proceedings against IFAD before the Administrative Tribunal of theInternational Labour Organization [...]
which the
said complainant may wish to bring to the attention of the Court; and fixed 29 October 2010 as the time limit within which any possible statement by the complainant who is the subject of the judgment could be presented to the Court and 31 January 2011 as the time limit within which any possible comments by the complainant could be presented to the Court.
此外,她也可以在监察员办公室对涉案军官提出行 控告 至在案件尚 未判决的时候,也可能导致涉案军官被免职或立即停职。
In addition, administrative charges could be brought against the military officials involved in the case with the Office of the Ombudsman, which could result in the removal from office or immediate suspension of the officials even while the case is pending.
贵族院结论认为,法律中受质疑的准许未 控告决无限期拘留外国人的 规定非法,尽管申请克减。
The House of Lords ruled that the provisions of the challenged statute
allowing for the indefinite detention of
[...] aliens without charge ortrial were [...]
unlawful despite the derogation requested.
(2) 在 关 乎 判 逆 罪 以 外 的 任 何 罪 行控 告、 检起 诉 书 审 讯 中,即 使 被 告 人 被 证 明 没 有 犯 该 罪,若控 告、 检起 诉 书 中 的 指 控 足 以 构 成 另 一 罪 行,或 以 明 示 或 暗 示 的 方 式 包 括 另 一 罪 行,而 该 罪 行 又 属 主 审 法 院 的 审 理 范 围,则 被 告 人 可 被 裁 定 犯 了 该 另 一 罪 行 或 犯 了 特 别 指 控 该 另 一 罪 行控 告、 检起 诉 书 中 的 罪 行 。
(2) If on the trial of any
[...] information,charge or indictment for any offence other than treason it is proved that the accused is not guilty of that offence but the allegations in the information, charge or indictment amount to or include, whether expressly or by implication, an allegation of another offence falling within the jurisdiction of the court of trial, he may be found guilty of that other offence or of an offence of which he could be found guiltyon aninformation,charge or indictment specifically charging that other offence.
尽快汇编与酷刑和残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇有关案件的确 切、详尽的统计数据,包控告查、起诉、定罪和判罚等方面。
(f) Compile relevant and comprehensive statistics as soon as possible on complaints, inquiries, legal proceedings, convictions and sentences passed in cases of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
如 果 被 落控 告意 欲 作 出 陈 述 作 为 回 应 , 则 应 向 其 施 行 惯 常 的 警 诫 。
If the person charged desires to make a statement in reply, the usual caution should be administered.
更特别的是,在基于检察官控告用警察权力进行的初步刑事法律程序 中,警官采取措施,解决案件,确认、逮捕和向主管检察官办公室报告犯罪嫌疑 人。
More specifically, police officers
undertake measures to resolve incidents,
[...] identify, bring inand report suspects tocompetent [...]
prosecutor’s offices in the course
of preliminary criminal proceedings based on the claims of public prosecutors and by applying police powers.
秘 书处在收到文化财产遭到破坏控告曾经 多次重申这一立场。
This position has been reiterated on a number of occasions when the Secretariat received complaints about the destruction of cultural property.
但是,不清楚在将违法者移送法庭 方面有何进展,或者对于与种族仇恨、反犹太主义
[...] 行动或者其他形式的煽动性行为相关的侵犯人权事 件是否提起了诉讼控告予赔偿。
It was unclear, however, to what extent the wrongdoers had been brought before the courts, or whether there had been prosecutions, indictments, or compensation paid
for violations committed in connection with acts of racial
[...] hatred, anti-Semitism or other forms [...]
of inflammatory behaviour.
此控诉控告银行控股公司的前任首席执行官兼董事长Thomas Wu以及前任首席信贷官Ebrahim Shabudin通过向投资民众发布严重错误申明而触犯了联邦证券法。
The complaint chargesUCBH,its former CEO and Chairman, Thomas Wu, and its former Chief Credit Officer, Ebrahim Shabudin, with violating federal securities by issuing materially inaccurate financial statements to the investing public.
最后,《宪法》第 10 条对刑事司法系统提供的逮捕控告夺自由方 面的程序及人的基本权利的保护做出了重要保障。
Lastly, article10 of the Constitution lays down the essential guarantees offered by the criminal justice system in terms of procedure and protection of the fundamental rights of persons in case of arrest, charge or deprivation of liberty.
工作人员还提出了一控告待教科文组织上诉委员会或国际劳工组织行政法庭做出 判决。
Staff members have also lodged complaints which are pending before the UNESCO Appeal Board or the International Labour Organization Administrative Tribunal.
[...] 未被定罪或尚未得知其权利或为其提供法律辩护,因为这种曝光不仅可能导致他 们控告构成了残忍、不人道和有辱人格待遇。
The Subcommittee recommends that the State review and abolish the widespread practice of publicly exhibiting to the mass media detainees who have not yet been convicted or advised of their rights and provided legal defence, as this
type of exposure is not only likely to
[...] lead to their incrimination, but also constitutes [...]
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
(i) 本 集 团
[...] 为 一 名 定 期 买 卖控 告产 品 同 一 种 类 [...]
之 货 品 之 商 人,已 违 反 其 於 美 国 之 所 有 权 保 证 及 免 专 利 申 索。
(i) the Group is a merchant regularly dealing in goods
[...] of the kindof accused products and [...]
has breached its warranty of title and freedom
from a claim of patent in the United States of America.
实 际上,国际性法院有控告个人犯有国际罪行,对他们进行审判,并命令被 定罪的个人服刑。
Indeed, international courts have the authority to charge such individuals with international crimes, to bring them to trial and, if they are convicted, to order that they serve sentences of imprisonment.
控告夫·伊斯拉姆·卡扎菲案,我们正 怀着极大的兴趣关注可受理性的质疑的进展;这一质 疑已提交国际刑院,不久将由其一个分庭作出裁决。
With regard to the case againstSaif Al-Islam Al-Qadhafi, we are following with great interest the development of the admissibility challenge that has been brought before the Court, which should be decided upon soon by a chamber of the Court.
其中最主要的是:㈠ 她返回巴基斯坦参加政治活动;㈡ 2007 年的自由 和公正选举;㈢ 穆沙拉夫退役;㈣控告 她的丈夫阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达 里的刑事案件中实行特赦;㈤ 取消规定前总理不得第三次担任总理的禁令,因 为该禁令妨碍布托女士再次担任这个职务。
The most central of these were: (i) her return to Pakistan to participate in politics; (ii) free and fair elections in 2007; (iii) Musharraf’s resignation from the Army; (iv) amnesty in the criminal cases against her and her husband, Asif Ali Zardari; and (v) the elimination of the ban on third terms for former prime ministers, which would impede her from holding that office again.
其中,定义方面的差异(例如,“正式指控”这 一术语既可以理解为“所有被正式起诉的人”,也可以理解为“ 控告”) 意指,数据可比度,在很大程度上取决于刑事司法系统的性质和数据记录所采用 的方法。
In particular, differences in definitions (for example, the term “official charge” might be understood to mean “all persons officially prosecuted” but also “persons indicted”) mean that the degree to which data are comparable depends heavily on the nature of the criminal justice system and methods used to record statistics.
发言人介绍了禁止酷刑委员会的年度报告 (A/63/44),指出委员会已经审议了《禁止酷刑和其 他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》的 14个缔约国的报告,对16项个控告了态度。
Introducing the annual report of the Committee against Torture (A/63/44), he said that the Committee had considered the reports of 14 States parties to the Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
[...] DegradingTreatment orPunishment, and had taken decisions on 16 individual complaints.




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