

单词 接通

接通 ()

put through


接通费 n

connection fee n


connection charge

接通率 n

reachability n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 路网会促进服务的交付、安全以及贸易,例 接通 市场 ,与新的石油勘探区域相连,以及对非石油收 [...]
An expanded network would facilitate service
delivery, security, and trade, including
[...] access to markets, links to new oil exploration [...]
areas and the opening-up of non-oil
revenue sectors such as agriculture.
缔约国凡知道地中海地区发生污染紧急事件的,应毫不拖延地通知本组 织,并通过本组织或接通知任何可能会受该紧急事件影响的缔约国。
Any Contracting Party which becomes aware of any pollution emergency in the Mediterranean Sea area shall without delay
notify the Organization and,
[...] either through the Organization or directly, any Contracting [...]
Party likely to be affected by such emergency.
对撞口 (IP) 与空气室 (AC) 接通,使清洗空气能流经 混合室喷嘴 (N)。
Impingement ports (IP) open to air chamber
[...] (AC), allowing purge air to flow through mix chamber nozzle (N).
這是必要的,因為來自活塞發動機的燃燒的氣體會產生一個非常響亮的噪音,它會從引擎 接通 過 排氣閥被送往周圍環境空氣中的。
It is necessary because the gas coming from the combustion in the pistons of the engine would
generate an extremely loud noise if
[...] it were sent directly in the ambient air surrounding engine through the exhaust valves.
在本双年度的最后六个月,这些目标已经实现,其做法是,开展 各种行动和活动,如面向会员国的宣传运动、出版和修订重要文件、宣传资料、提供各式各
[...] 样的传播和信息服务、组织培训班、以及装备全国委员会与更新办事处的设备 接通 因 特网 等等。
During the last six months of the biennium, these objectives continued to be met through the development of different actions and activities, including an advocacy campaign directed at the Member States, the publication and updating of key documents and information materials, the provision of manifold communication and information services, the organization of
training seminars and the equipment of National Commissions with updated office
[...] equipment and Internet connection, etc.
如果插入血盒接通电源 ,或当显示主菜单 屏幕时插入血盒,则分析仪均会自动启动一次病人测试而不是 QC测试。
If a cartridge is inserted to power-on the analyzer, or inserted at the main MENU screen, the analyzer will automatically initiate a patient test, not a QC test.
因此,目前该研究所的活 动主要由公共基金资助,或者直接从预算拨款(通过相关部委),或者 接通 过 支 付协议服 务的组织资助;因此,这些活动一般使用的是国家或城市预算拨付的资金。
Therefore, the activities of the present Institute of Information Science are mainly
financed from public
[...] funds, either directly from the Budget (through the relevant ministries), or indirectly, through the organizations [...]
paying for
services performed on the basis of agreements; for that purpose, they usually use funds, allocated to them from the state or the municipal budget.
依照热钢管中超声波的速度,该系统可 接通 过两 个超声回波信号的运行时间计算钢管壁厚。
On the basis of the ultrasonic
velocity in the hot tube, the tube wall thickness can
[...] be calculated directly from the run [...]
time of two ultrasonic echo signals.
委员会赞赏缔约国采取措施以加强民间社会组织在保护儿童权利方面的作 用,例如成立争取儿童权利的非政府组织联盟和由民间社会组织积极参与制定
[...] 《国家行动计划》,然而,委员会关注的是,缔约国与民间社会代表之间,在相 当程度上的合作,是接通过与 国际组织或私营部门实体之间的合作进行的。
While the Committee appreciates measures aimed at strengthening the role of civil society in protecting children’s rights, such as the establishment of the Coalition of NGOs for Children and the active involvement of civil society organizations in the development of the National Plan of Action, the Committee is concerned that the State party’s cooperation with
representatives of civil society to a
[...] considerable degree occurs indirectly through cooperation with [...]
international organizations or
entities of the private sector.
为了确保切换开关油室 (内部)和切换开 关芯子得到充分的干燥,有必要使用内径为 50 mm 的连通管将至少两个接通 往切 换开关内部的分接开关头接头连接到煤油蒸汽管上。
To ensure sufficient drying of the interior of the diverter switch oil compartment and of the diverter
switch insert, it is
[...] necessary to connect a common tube of at least 50 mm nominal width between the kerosene vapor lead and at least two pipe connections of [...]
the on-load tap-changer
head leading into the diverter switch compartment.
民研計劃的工作人員會按照次序撥出有關號碼 接通 後 會說明是由八大傳媒委託,以隨機方式抽取100位市民參加行政長官選舉論壇。
The staff of HKUPOP would dial the numbers
[...] in order. Once connected, we would state [...]
that we were commissioned by the eight
media to randomly select 100 citizens for the CE election debate.
[...] 部選址帶來較少的環境影響,並且比較接近香港國際機場及迪士尼樂 園,過境車輛只需較短的接駁基建,便能 接通 往 此等目的地,故建 議大嶼山西北部為相對較佳的着陸點。
The Administration had compared the various options and recommended that North West Lantau was comparatively a better landing point, in view of its lesser environmental impact and closer proximity to Hong Kong International Airport and the
Disneyland, which could bring cross
[...] boundary traffic directly to these destinations through a shorter connecting [...]
除了这个米德拉士,接通道与 圣经上所依据的,独立的,明确的Halakah,除了从经文halakic解释的形式被用在非常早的时期,在某些情况下,以及有关halakot藏品编译(comp.霍夫曼,LCP的11注2)。
In addition to this form of
[...] the Midrash, which connects the halakic interpretation with the Scriptural passage on which it is [...]
based, the independent,
definitive Halakah, apart from Scripture, was used in very early times in certain cases, and collections of such halakot were compiled (comp. Hoffmann, lcp 11, note 2).
当我试图用我的桌面电话拨打电话时,Jabra GN1000 RHL 提起但电话未接通。
When I try to make a call using my desk phone, the Jabra GN1000 RHL lifts
[...] but the call is not connected.
政治事务部在这些工作中起着核心作用,它监测和评估全球政治的发展;建议联合国秘书长采取行动;推动和平事业;在该领域提供支持和指导;联合国和平特使和政治任务; 接通 过 选 举援助和服务,并通过对安全理事会和联合国其他机构的工作,支持会员国。
The Department of Political Affairs plays a central role in these efforts: monitoring and assessing global political developments; advising the UN Secretary-General on actions that could advance the cause of peace; providing support and guidance to UN peace envoys and political missions
in the field; and serving
[...] Member States directly through electoral [...]
assistance and through the support of the work of the Security Council and other UN bodies.
装上新的接通/关断开关 (130f),使开关的突耳在盖 子的内侧咬接就位。
Install new pump ON/OFF switch (130f) [...]
so tabs of switch snap into place on inside of cover.
主席請委員注意一份在會議上提交的意見書,西貢 區議會交通及運輸委員會在意見書中要求當局在職業訓 練局( 下稱" 職訓局")新校園與都會 商場之間興建行人 天橋,提供接通道。
The Chairman drew members' attention to a submission from the Traffic and Transport Committee of the Sai Kung District Council (SKDC) tabled at the meeting regarding the request for the construction of a footbridge to provide a direct link between the new campus of the Vocational Training Council (VTC) and the Metro Town shopping mall.
[...] 当地启用了自动播放时,SD 卡上第一个演示程序的第一个序列在电 接通 时 立 即开始。
Auto Play]: When Auto Play is enabled, the first sequence of the first show on the SD card starts automatically
[...] when the power supply is connected.
要订阅瓦克RSS源,您需要安装一个独立于浏览器或邮件软件的“RSS阅读器”来阅读和管理RSS源,或者 接通 过 浏览器或邮件软件订阅RSS源,最新版本的浏览器和邮件软件都具有该项功能。
To subscribe to a WACKER RSS feed, you need either a "feed reader" for reading and managing RSS feeds independently of
your browser or mail program, or simply
[...] subscribe to the RSS feeds directly via your browser [...]
or mail program (all the latest
versions are capable of this).
海外致電︰首創採用通用國際免費電話號碼(UIFN)作為我們的海外緊急通訊,而全新的國際免費電話號碼方便於海外旅程中的緊急情況下免 接通 A I A S。
Calling from Overseas: pioneering the use of Universal International Freephone Number (UIFN) for emergency communication while travelling
overseas, we have introduced a brand new Toll-Free
[...] Telephone Number for you to call AIAS in an emergency while travelling.
委员会注意到,一个非政府组织开设了针对儿童和青年的24 小时免费紧急
[...] 救助热线,但它同时感到关切的是,该热线缺乏长期财政支持,只能通过一个特 定电话运营商接转,不能用手接通。
While noting the 24-hour, toll-free SOS helpline for Children and Youth operated by an NGO, the Committee is concerned that
it lacks long-term financial support, can only
[...] be accessed through one specific [...]
telephone operator and is not accessible from mobile phones.
58 45. 因此,结论必定是:由于亚美尼亚共和国 接通 过 其 机构、代理人和官员并接通过在被占领的纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫当地的亚美尼亚部队和下属地方行政部 门而对阿塞拜疆的最初和持续侵略,以及对该国得到国际公认的领土的持续占领 [...]
认定的必要程度的有效控制),亚美尼亚共和国对已经发生的和继续发生的违反 国际法行为负有全面的国际责任。
Accordingly, the conclusion must be that due to its initial and continuing aggression against Azerbaijan and
persisting occupation of
[...] this State’s internationally recognized territory accomplished both directly through its own organs, [...]
agents and officials
and indirectly through local Armenian forces and the subordinate local administration in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh over which the Republic of Armenia exercises the requisite degree of effective control as it is understood under international law and the European Convention on Human Rights system, the Republic of Armenia bears full international responsibility for the breaches of international law that have occurred and continue to occur.
此外,委员会还收到某会员国 2012 年 2 月 22 日
[...] 的照会,表示该国公民、居民以及该国境内的各实体 均应接通过协 调员向委员会提出其除名请求。
Furthermore, the Committee received from a Member State a note verbale dated 22 February 2012, indicating that its citizens and residents, as well as entities
based in that Member State, should address their de-listing requests to
[...] the Committee directly through the focal points.
露西与乔治奥塔通过创作既有趣又发人深省的雕塑和装置作品来揭示这些问题。他们在作品中纳入了具有完整功能的低成本的净水设备、装瓶站、配送设备等, 接通 过 水 泵采集附近受污染水源中的污水并进行过滤。
Lucy + Jorge Orta communicate these issues by creating sculpture and installations that are both playful and provocative, incorporating fully functioning low-cost purification machinery, bottling stations,
distribution devices that enabling filthy water to be pumped
[...] and filtered directly from neighboring [...]
polluted water sources.
联合国地雷行动小 组开展的杰出工作不仅为国家地雷行动方案提供支 助,还接通过联 合国管理的方案开展活动。
The excellent work of the United Nations Mine Action Team not only provided
support to national mine action programmes, but was
[...] also carried out directly through United Nations-managed [...]
展望未来,新兴经济体特别是中国和印度预计将带动全球经济复苏,并接 通过增加对非洲商品出口的需求和流入非洲的资本, 接通 过 对全球商品价格产 生积极影响,刺激非洲的增长。
Looking ahead, emerging economies, especially China and India, are expected to lead the global economic
recovery and to stimulate
[...] growth in Africa, directly through increased demand for Africa’s commodity exports and capital inflows into Africa as well as indirectly through its positive impact [...]
on global commodity prices.
如今,TIBCO的基础设施解决方案通过在面向服务的架构中实现应用和数据的 接 , 通 过 业务流程管理提高活动效率,以及为用户提供做出更快、更明智决策所需的信息和智能工具,赋予客户不断创新能力,也就是我们称之的“当下的力量”(The Power of Now)。
Today, TIBCO's infrastructure solutions
give companies the
[...] means to innovate by connecting applications and data in a service-oriented architecture, streamlining activities through business [...]
process management, and
giving people the information they need to make faster and smarter decisions, what we call The Power of Now(R).
(h) 在没有中间人介入的情况下,采购实体负责就采购程序与供应商或承 包商接通信并 直接接收供应商或承包商来信的一名或多名官员或雇员的姓 名、职称和地址
(h) The name, functional title and address of one or more officers or employees of the procuring entity who are authorized to communicate directly with and to receive communications directly from suppliers or contractors in connection with the procurement proceedings, without the intervention of an intermediary.
(s)项提及采购实体负责“就拍卖前和拍卖后的采购程序”与供应商或承 包商接通信的 一名或多名联系人的姓名、职称和地址,阅读该项时必须参照 [...]
第 56 条第(2)款(d)项[**超级链接**]的规定,该项禁止采购实体和出价人在拍卖 期间进行任何通信。
Subparagraph (s), referring to the name, functional title and address of contact
person(s) in the procuring
[...] entity for direct communication with suppliers [...]
or contractors “in connection with the procurement proceedings
before and after the auction”, has to be read together with the provisions of article 56(2)(d) [**hyperlink**] that prohibits any communication between the procuring entity and bidders during the auction.
在继2.2版本提供FMC支持之后,2.3版本又增加了对集团邮箱和家庭邮箱的支持以及视频呼 接通 特 性 ,为正在部署3G网络和相关视频消息系统的电信运营商提供了视频/PC融合支持。
On top of the FMC support already included into the 2.2 version, 2.3 adds Group Mailboxes and Family Mailboxes
support plus a Video
[...] Call Completion feature bringing Video/PC convergence for Carriers deploying [...]
3G networks and related video-messaging systems.




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