

单词 接踵而来

See also:


follow on sb's heels

来接 v

pick v

接来 ... v

fetch sth. v

External sources (not reviewed)

东欧广播电视节目交流网之所以存在,就是因为需要恢复和改善在前南斯拉夫 解体接踵而来的冲 突之后中断的巴尔干各国之间的合作关系。
ERNO came into existence due to the need to
reestablish and improve
[...] the cooperative links that had been cut between the Balkan countries following the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia and the ensuing conflicts.
父亲和儿子结合您好厄接踵而来当 爸 爸需要杰克,TRIXIE和新泽西州的森林中露营,在进水口上。
Father-son bonding hi jinx ensue when Dad takes [...]
Jake, Trixie and Spud on a camping trip in the forests of New Jersey.
如果每一个会员国都如法炮 制接踵而来将是一片混乱。
If each and every Member State
[...] followed that practice, chaos would ensue.
没有这些要素,则暴力、腐败、不平等和冲突就 接踵而来 , 造 成不稳定、 不确定和社会分裂。
Without them, violence, corruption, inequity and conflict ensue, creating instability, uncertainty and societal fragmentation.
关于他的身体另一方面话语的塞维鲁这使得基督的苦难自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congru ou s l y 接踵而来 一 个 灵魂封圣的身体和精神化的,因为实际上是复活的情况后,从这个角度来看,的确是人性的可能性是自愿的(即,神颁布的意愿),而不是由于它在该州是它固有的联盟后,虽然人的本质是它自己的性质passible)除了联盟(圣托马斯,三,问:十四,答:1,广告2。
On the other hand utterances of Severus which make Christ's sufferings voluntarily permitted, rather than naturally necessitated by the treatment inflicted on His Body, might perhaps be defended by the consideration that from the union and consequent Beatific Vision in the Soul of Christ, would congruously ensue
a beatification of the Soul
[...] and a spiritualizing of the Body, as was actually the case after [...]
the Resurrection; from this
point of view it is true that the possibility of the Humanity is voluntary (that is, decreed by the Divine will) and not due to it in the state which is connatural to it after the union; although the Human Nature is of its own nature passible apart from the union (St. Thomas, III, Q. xiv, a. 1, ad 2).
在 2009 年 9 月至 10 月的几周 中,严重洪灾、热带气旋、海啸和多次大地震在本区 接踵而来 , 损 失巨 大。
A series of severe floods, tropical cyclones, a tsunami and several major earthquakes, which occurred in the region over a few weeks in September and October 2009, caused enormous damage.
石油停产导致国家丧失 98%的收入,经济危机接踵而来;与 苏丹交界地区的敌对行动、部族间的紧张关系以及叛乱民兵团体的活动带来重大 安保和保护挑战;粮食安全危机逐步显现,与关闭苏丹边界以及南苏丹人从苏丹 返乡有关的危机迫在眉睫。
The looming economic crisis following the shutdown of
[...] oil production and loss of 98 per cent of the nation’s income; the major security and protection challenges emanating from the hostilities [...]
at the border
with the Sudan, inter-communal tension, and activities of rebel militia groups; as well as the unfolding food security crisis and an impending crisis related to the closure of the border with the Sudan and return of South Sudanese from the Sudan are expected to continue to impede progress in the coming months.
让-米切尔·巴斯奎特的最新纪录比2007年创下的旧纪录整整高出1,350 万美元,价值过百万的拍卖交易从2012年5月的纽约大型拍卖会开 接踵而 来,菲利普斯拍卖行在当时以1,450万美元的价格拍出了一件完成于1981年 的优质混合媒介作品,而该作品的最高估价为1,200万美元(《Untitled》,5 月 10日)。
The dance of the millions began with the major New York sales of May 2012, when Phillips de Pury & Company sold a superb 1981 mixed media for $14.5 million, after a high estimate of $12 million (Untitled, 10 May).
一旦丑闻被曝光,就引起公众的抗议 接踵而来 的 是 大量的诉讼,政府的回应 (通常包括调查),最后,发布新政策对血液进行集中控制管理,对受害者作出赔偿:尽管各国不 [...]
Once they came to light, there was a public [...]
outcry, a flood of lawsuits, a government response (usually including an investigation),
and ultimately, new central government policies on blood regulation and compensation for victims; though these have not always occurred in the order presented.
此后,一些重要项接踵而来,包 括为印染企业Hoechst 的某种产品制定垂直市场战略,以及为一家德国大银行的财务顾问业务提供创新性的营销理念。
Other spectacular projects follow, including the innovative vertical market strategy for Trevira, a product of former dyeworks Hoechst, and an equally inventive marketing concept for a large German bank's financial advisory activities.
接踵而来的打 击是 发生全球经济和金融危机,导致就业机会减少,信贷紧缩,来自国外的家庭汇款 急剧减少,对公共支出的财政限制收紧。
The next blow was the global economic and financial crisis, which resulted in falling employment opportunities, the tightening of credit, a sharp curtailment in family remittances from abroad and further fiscal constraints on public expenditures.
但新难接踵而至,又带来了挑 战,2009 年,对来 自厄立特里亚、埃塞俄比亚和索马里的近 24 000 [...]
However, continuous new arrivals pose a challenge, [...]
with nearly 24,000 refugees and asylum-seekers from Eritrea, Ethiopia
and Somalia registered in 2009.
另一方面接踵而至的 危 机促使人们加强了对实现这些目标的政治承诺。
On the other hand, the succession of crises has [...]
led to an enhanced political commitment to achieving these goals.
因此,他們只可以繼續工作更長時 間及給予病人更少的時間,以應付這 接踵而 來 的 工作壓力和工作量。
What the staff can do is to work longer and longer hours and give less and less time to the patients in a desperate bid to cope with such crushing pressure at work and heavy workload.
此外,毁灭性的自然灾害造成的危 接踵而 至, 时常提醒我们需要维持持续的合作努力。
Moreover, the successive crises caused by devastating natural disasters regularly remind us of the need to maintain continuous cooperation efforts.
由於沒有先例,無線衛星台在公佈計劃後,來自四方八面的壓 接踵而 來 , 當中包括政府中央選舉委員會的勸喻。
Since there was no precedent, after TVBS announced its plan, pressure came from different sides, including the urge from the government's Central Election Commission.
現在面臨的問題,不單是如剛才一些人所說的金融海嘯 接踵而來 是經濟風暴,所以大家應該顧全大局。
The problems before us now are not the financial tsunami or the economic turmoil that follows, as some people maintained just now, who said that we had to keep in view the overall situation.
这些变化大部分都有前几次危机的教训作为前车之鉴,削弱了过去外部冲击 在国内放大、引发新兴市场危 接踵而 至 的 影响,使许多新兴市场国家自从采用 资产分类来首次 能够实行反周期政策。
These changes, mostly driven by lessons from preceding
crises, neutralized
[...] the domestic amplifiers of external shocks that triggered contagious emerging market crises in the past, allowing many emerging market countries to conduct countercyclical policies for the first time since the inception of the asset class.
这项工作已变得更加重要,这是由于出现了 种种阻碍发展的严重因素,包 接踵而 至 的 全球危机 ——能源、粮食和金融危机——以及因而造成的全球 [...]
This had become even more imperative as a result
of serious factors inhibiting development,
[...] including a convergence of global crises [...]
— the energy, food and financial crises
— and their culmination in the global economic meltdown that has since plunged the entire world into a deep economic recession.
由於香港面接踵而來的 各大重要選舉,各黨派之間的競爭可能 會逐漸趨於激烈。
As a series of major and important elections will soon be held in Hong Kong, the competition among various political parties and groupings will be intensified.
[...] 力,使社会更容易长期陷于脆弱和危难状态,尤其是在多种震 接踵而 至 的 情况 下,粮食、燃料和金融危机正是这种情况。
This hinders efforts to avoid the cumulative deflationary effects of economic shocks and contributes to perpetuate a situation of vulnerability
and social distress, particularly when
[...] multiple shocks come each on top of the other [...]
as was the case with the food, fuel and financial crises.
當然,我們現在要主力收拾金融海嘯的殘局, 接踵而 來 對 金融市場監 管的改革,實在無可避免。
Of course, our prime task now is to deal with the shambles caused by the financial tsunami but a reform of the supervision of the financial market will also be inevitable.
除了 這事件外,香港將會進入一個非常困難的境況,尤其是第二浪、第三浪接踵而來,如果銀行還要繼續說干它底事,又或只發回5%云云,致 [...]
令這事件惡化下去,便可能會引致全部人都要走上街頭,造成強烈的沖 擊,我相信這不是大家想見到的場面。
In particular, given that the second wave and the third wave
[...] will hit us in succession, if banks continue [...]
to say that this has nothing to do
with them or that it will only pay back 5%, so on and so forth, thus leading to further deterioration of this incident, this may make all the people take to the streets and cause great repercussions.
由于厄立特里亚的预算和支出不向公 众公而接受监 督,故要采取“恪尽职守”的措 来 确 保采矿收入不会用于资 助违反武器禁运或在整个地区支持反对派武装团体的行为等违反第 1907(2009) [...]
Since the budget and expenditure of
[...] Eritrea are not open to public scrutiny, there is very limited potential for due diligence measures [...]
to ensure that mining
revenues are not spent to finance violations of resolution 1907 (2009), such as arms embargo violations or support to armed opposition groups throughout the region.
项目简介: Bytecode
[...] Outline可以把当前的正在编辑Java的文件或者class文件 接 显 示 出其相应的字节码 来 , 而 且 可 以进行两个Java文件的字节码比较或者两个class文件的字节码比较或一个Java文件与一个class文件进行字节码的比较。
Project Information: Bytecode Outline to the current file
[...] being edited or Java class files directly reflect the corresponding byte code [...]
out , and two Java
files can be compared or two class bytecode file or a Java byte code comparison file and a class file byte code comparison.
它 们可加强共同负责,即捐助者对受援者负责, 因 为受援者 在 今后必须以更可预测 的方来 接 受援助,受援者对捐助者负责, 因 为受援者必 须 确 保 他们收 到的粮食援助按 照 适 当 的国家战略投 入 使 用,同时捐助者和受援者 对援助的受益者负责而受益者的关切 可 由 非 政府组织代 为转达 。
They could enhance mutual accountability - of donors towards recipients, who must receive aid in more predictable ways in the future, of recipients towards donors, who must ensure that the food aid they receive is used in accordance with appropriate national strategies, and of both donors and recipients towards the beneficiaries of aid, whose concerns non-governmental organizations may be in a position to convey.
鑒於雷曼兄弟事件引起的廣泛關注,以 接踵而 來 的 問題的 嚴重性,內務委員會於2008年 10月 13日舉行特別會議,聽取政府、 金管局、證監會、香港銀行公會及20多間金融機構就最新事態作出的 簡報。
Given the widespread concerns caused by the Lehman Brothers incident and the magnitude of its ensuing problems, the House Committee held a special meeting on 13 October 2008 to receive a briefing by the Government, HKMA, SFC, the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) and over 20 financial institutions on the latest state of play.
日本經歷前所未見的9級地震、滔天海嘯席捲日本海岸 而接 踵而來的,更是核輻射微塵擴散的潛在危機,無數生命被摧毀,家庭 遭永久拆散。
Unleashed by the unprecedented earthquake of magnitude 9.0 occurred in Japan, followed by gigantic tsunami barrelling into the Japanese coast and followed by the possible nuclear fallout, countless lives were lost, and families were forever shattered.
组织法》第 IV 条第 4 段把公约与建议区分来,而第 6 段则明确规定:“大会接 受并 研究各会员国就落实以上第 4 段之建议案及公约向本组织提交之报告;如大会决定提交 报告的分析性概要,则亦可提交概要。
While Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution distinguishes between conventions and recommendations, paragraph 6 stipulates that “The General Conference shall receive and consider [...]
the reports sent
to the Organization by Member States on the action taken upon the recommendations and conventions referred to in paragraph 4 above or, if it so decides, analytical summaries of these reports”.
接踵而來的 ,是在另一宗涉及無罪推論的終院案中,政府在敗訴後, 又再作同樣要求,即要求宣告“延遲生效”,要是違反了無罪推論,也可以 當作沒有違反來處理,這是不是一個守法的政府應有的立場呢?
What followed was that in another case dealt with by the Court of Final Appeal involving presumption of innocence, the Government made the same request again by asking for a declaration of "suspension" after it had lost its case.




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