单词 | 接见 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 接见 —receive sbless common: grant an interview See also:见 v—meet v • appear v 见—interview • appear (to be sth)
此外,担任总部委员会委员的两个代表 团(阿尔及利亚和法国)也同意接见 审 计小组,审计小组还会晤了两个工作人员协会的主 席。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two delegations serving on the Headquarters Committee (Algeria and France) agreed to receive the audit team, which also met the presidents of the two staff associations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2009 年,在明斯克举行了一次国际会议“基督教和犹太教的对话:作为尊重民 间团体基础的宗教价值”,与会者受到了白俄罗斯共和国总统 的 接见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international conference entitled “Judeo-Christian dialogue: religious values as a basis of respect in civic society”, held in Minsk in 2009, was attended by the President of the Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
基尔总统在亚的斯亚贝 巴接见了外 交部长杨洁篪,杨洁篪希望急剧发展的 局势得到逆转,并警惕石油停产对于中国石油集团 运营所造成的影响。 crisisgroup.org | President Kiir met in Addis Ababa with Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, who hoped for a reversal of the drastic development and cautioned on the ramifications of a shutdown for CNPC operations. crisisgroup.org |
这位年轻人在本大楼附近举行的一个仪式中受到 了秘书长潘基文的接见。 daccess-ods.un.org | This young man was received by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at a ceremony that took place near this building. daccess-ods.un.org |
12 月 4-5 日:外交部长杨洁篪访问内比都,受到缅甸外交部 [...] 长吴年温和国家安全与发展委员会主席丹瑞大将 的接 见。 crisisgroup.org | December 4-5: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met the Myanmar Foreign minister U Nyan Win and SPDC Chairman Senior [...] General Than Shwe in Naypyidaw. crisisgroup.org |
与非洲成员国的关系通过以下行动得到加强: 总干事前往非洲大陆进行正式访问;非洲国家元首到总部访问 ; 接见 大 量 非洲知名人士;为常驻代 表举行通报情况会议;就第 34 C/4 号文件和第 34 C/5 号文件的编制工作召开非洲国家委员会区域 磋商会议(2006 年 6 月于罗安达)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Relations with African Member States were strengthened in particular through the Director-General’s official visits to the continent, visits to the Organization’s Headquarters by African Heads of State, meetings with many eminent African personalities, information meetings with the Permanent Delegates, and the regional consultation of African National Commissions on documents 34 C/4 and 34 C/5 (Luanda, June 2006). unesdoc.unesco.org |
Tonio Borg 先生和马耳他众议院外交和欧洲事 务常设委员会接见了委员会代表团。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee delegation had been received by Mr. Tonio Borg and by the Standing Committee on Foreign and European Affairs of the House of Representatives of Malta. daccess-ods.un.org |
在与总统会晤前,代表团还受到总理 的 接见 , 并 与其内阁主要成员举行了一 次会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Prior to the meeting with the President, the delegation was also received by the Prime Minister and held a session with key members of his Cabinet. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们开始 在的黎波里到 Jurud al-Dinniyah 的 Al-Safira 镇针对叙利亚开展破坏行动,他 们在 Jurud al-Dinniyah 受到伊斯兰极端团体成员的接见,以 便推动他们向 Akkar 平原的 Akrum 进发,并由此进入 Wadi Khalid,以便进入叙利亚境内实施恐怖行 为。 daccess-ods.un.org | They set out to commit acts of sabotage against Syria from Tripoli to the town of Safirah in Jurud al-Dinniyah, where they are received by members of Islamic extremist groups in order to facilitate their travel to Akrum in the Akkar Plain and from there to Wadi Khalid in order to enter Syrian territory for the purpose of carrying out terrorist acts. daccess-ods.un.org |
接见提交人的官员向他提供 了一套已经过时的登记规则。 daccess-ods.un.org | The officials with whom he met quoted him information from a set of outdated registration rules. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国大使馆官员和四位领事同中国主管宗教事务的政府官员会晤,也 曾 接见 中 国 官方和非官方宗教团体的神职人员和教徒。 embassyusa.cn | Officials from the Embassy and the four consulates met with government officials responsible for religion and with clergy or practitioners in official and unofficial religious groups. eng.embassyusa.cn |
因此,作为土耳其大国民议会最高级别的代表,土耳其大国民议会议长会见外国同行 、 接见 外 国 代表团、参加国际会议、出访国外,构成了议会外交最重要的支柱。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | In this sense, meetings of the Speaker with his counterparts, foreign [...] delegations he receives, international [...]meetings in which he participates, official [...]visits he pays to foreign countries, representing the Grand National Assembly of Turkey at the highest level, form the most important leg of parliamentary diplomacy. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
这里展示的是这份报纸一共 201 期的内容,发行日期为 1848 年 4 月至 12 月,是 1848 年革命事件的直接见证。 wdl.org | The 201 issues of the [...] newspaper shown here, spanning the April–December 1848 period, are a direct witness to the [...]revolutionary events of 1848. wdl.org |
他又提请注意 1955 年 8 月 30 日第一届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会通过的《囚 犯待遇最低限度标准规则》规则 37,该规则规定,“囚犯应准在必要监视之下, 以通信或接见方式 ,经常同亲属和有信誉的朋友联络”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Attention is also drawn to rule 37 of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, adopted on 30 August 1955 by the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, which provides that “prisoners shall be allowed under necessary supervision to communicate with their family and reputable friends at regular intervals, both by correspondence and by receiving visits”. daccess-ods.un.org |
宗教自由事务无任所大使约翰·V·汉福德曾在美国华盛 顿 接见 宗 教 自由活动家。 embassyusa.cn | Ambassador at Large for Religious Freedom John V. Hanford III met with several religious freedom activists in Washington, D.C. eng.embassyusa.cn |
(i) 接见外国使团负责人,批准外交人员入境,以及经参议院同意任命巴 拉圭驻外大使 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) Receive the heads of diplomatic missions and consuls of foreign countries; appoint ambassadors, with the approval of the Senate daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,国内还专门举行了两次公民协商会议,其中第一次会议于 2010 年 5 月 12 [...] 日星期三在总统府举行,总统在各位部长以及巴拿马大主教的陪同 下 接见了 企 业人士、工人领袖以及教育界代表,这些代表们在会上自由表达了国家在卫 [...]生、住房、教育、安全等方面的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | At that meeting, the President, accompanied by ministers and the Metropolitan Archbishop, received business and labour leaders and [...] representatives of the education sector, who [...] set out their views, freely and without [...]intermediaries, on the country’s needs [...]in such areas as health, housing, education, security and so forth. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过外部COM-SIPOS接口连接,例如: 如果执行机构的电气连接部分为圆形插 头连接(见插图)。 sipos.de | for connection via external COMSIPOS connection, [...] i.e. if the actuator is equipped with a lead through round plug connector at the [...] electrical connection (see illustration). sipos.de |
土耳其大国民议会议长除与来访的外国议长进行会见和会谈外,还经常会见来访的外国总统 , 接见 来 访的外国总理、大使和其他代表团。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | The Speaker of the Assembly also meets with presidents paying official visits to our country, inter alia his or her counterparts from other parliaments. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
观察团通过与人们直接见面进行广泛接 触,并在阿拉伯国家联盟为此目的创建的网站上,得 [...] 到了被羁押人员和失踪人员的详细名单。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mission was able to obtain lengthy [...] lists of detainees and missing persons through extensive contact with the people [...]in direct meetings and on the websites created by the League of Arab States for that purpose. daccess-ods.un.org |
国王 Iphitos [...] 来到希腊内陆城邦 Elis 接见 Delphic Oracle(一位通神及提供建议的智者)。 peaceoneday.org | King Iphitos travelled from his country of Elis, which is in [...] mainland Greece, to see the Delphic Oracle [...](a wise person who communicates with the gods and gives advice). peaceoneday.org |
一旦合约被接受,那么公司或者网站的logo将显示在球队介绍中,logo下将是赞助商网站的 链 接(见 下 图 )。 ppm.powerplaymanager.com | Once the deal has been accepted, the logo of the client's company or website will be displayed in the team profile [...] and below it will be the link to the [...] sponsor's website with a direct prompt to visit the sponsor (see the image below). ppm.powerplaymanager.com |
此外,防范小组委员会还直接见证了 当局在镇压要求恢复宪法秩序的抗议 活动时发生的暴力冲突事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Subcommittee itself witnessed acts of violence that took place during the suppression of demonstrations demanding the restoration of the constitutional order. daccess-ods.un.org |
希腊总统帕普利亚斯(Papoulias)接见 了 日 前正在出访欧洲的中国工会代表团,出访国家包括希腊(7月7日至8日)。 grpressbeijing.com | President [...] Papoulias received high ranking members [...]of the Chinese Federation of Workers who are on an official visit to Europe including Greece (July 7-8). grpressbeijing.com |
晚会前Claude Imauven和Normant Emmanuel(伊曼)先生亲切接见了第 一届圣戈班奖学金第一名获得者,并参观了这所有着百年文化底蕴的校园。 weber-china.cn | Just before the event, Mr. Imauven and Mr. Normant met with the first Saint-Gobain scholarship top award winner and visited the campus, experiencing deep culture embedded in its over 100 years history. weber-china.cn |
11月9日,重庆市副市长余远牧在市外贸大 厦 接见 了 我 司董事长塞泊院士及其随行人员,其中包括董事长夫人、瀚阳国际执行总裁孙峻岭博士、瀚阳国际(美国)总裁Robert Dameron 先生等。 sunengineering.cn | On November 9th, 2007, the Deputy Mayor of Chongqing City, Mr. Yuanmu Yu, met with SECI chairman, Dr. Seible, and his accompanies, Including Dr. Seible’s wife, the CEO of SECI Dr Sun and the USA Regional CEO of SECI, Mr. Robert Dameron. sunengineering.cn |
萨马拉斯总理受到了土耳其总统Abdullah Gul的接见;随 后与土耳其总理举行了会谈,会谈之后双方共同参加了由希腊工业联盟(SEV)、希腊-土耳其商业委员会和土耳其对外经济关系委员会(DEIK)联合举办的商业论坛。 grpressbeijing.com | The PM was received by Turkish President Abdullah Gul and then meet his Turkish [...] counterpart, before both of them attended [...]a Business Forum, jointly organized by the Federation of Greek Industries (SEV), Greece-Turkey Business Council and Turkey's Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK). grpressbeijing.com |