

单词 接线生

See also:

接生 n

midwifery n

接生 v

deliver v


deliver (a newborn child)

External sources (not reviewed)

同一人士还宣称辛杜希杰坚持与 Baranyanka 先生 接触, 并希望把他目前指挥的民解力量战斗人员转变成布隆迪民族革命 线。
The same source also claimed that Mr. Sinduhije had insisted on contacting Mr. Baranyanka and had aspired to transform the FNL combatants present under his command into FRONABU.
当模具中 的热电偶或加热器生接线错误 时,此功能将非常有用。
This is important in the instance where
[...] there may be mis-wired thermocouples or [...]
heaters in the mold.
學校亦會教 導生接納多 元文化、認識學校及校區法律、及了解個人權責。
Students receive instruction on diverse cultures, school and District rules and personal responsibility.
[...] 发达国家和经济规模有限的国家,移动电话革命和高速宽带与 线接 入 的 增长已 开始生可衡 量的经济影响,在公共部门 扩大电子政务能力加强了这些影响。
Even in small, least developed countries with limited economies of
scale, the mobile revolution and growth of
[...] high-speed broadband and wireless access have begun to have a [...]
measurable economic
impact, reinforced by expansion of e-government capacity in the public sector.
如果存在连接开路,则热过负荷开关开路或发动机内有 断开接线,或发动机线束中有断开 接线。
If there
[...] is an open connection, the thermal overload switch is open or there is a broken wire inside the motor, or a broken wire in the motor harness.
该中心的总任务是帮助儿童与其父母和监护人团 聚,主要职责是(a) 开通一个免费线,接受流 离失所儿童的报告;(b) 创建一个 网站,提供有关流离失所儿童的信息;(c) 派遣工作人员到已宣布生灾害 事件的 地方收集关于流离失所儿童的信息;(d) 为公众提供关于额外资源的信息;(e) 在 美国发生重大灾害期间,与联邦、州和地方执法机构合作;以及(f) 向总检察长 指定的机构和国家紧急家庭登记和定位系统提交关于成年流离失所者的报告。
With an overall mandate to help reunite children with their parents and guardians, the main responsibilities of the
organization are to (a)
[...] establish a toll-free hotline to receive reports of displaced children; (b) create a website to provide information about displaced children; (c) deploy staff to the location of a declared disaster [...]
event to gather information
about displaced children; (d) provide information to the public about additional resources; (e) partner with Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies during major disasters in the United States; and (f) refer reports of displaced adults to the Attorney General’s designated authority and the National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System.
卢旺达 公诉当局 8 名资深检察官和基加利独立大学法律系 34 名生接受了在线法律研 究方法培训,学习如何获取法律信息和资料,包括如何获取法庭判例。
A group of eight senior prosecutors from the National Public
Prosecution Authority of Rwanda and
[...] 34 students from the Faculty of Law of the Independent University of Kigali were trained in online legal research [...]
methodology, learning
how to access legal information and materials including the Tribunal’s jurisprudence.
检查发动机过接线组件 是否插入发动机控制板的 J9,请参见第 34 页。
Check that the motor overtemperature wire assembly is plugged into J9 on the motor control board, page 34.
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫线 以 下 家庭的儿 接 受 教 育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
[...] 和教育部的合作下,这些国家中的每一个国家都有三所学校的 生接 受 了当地手工艺中心的 基本技能培训。
In each of these countries, students from three schools have received
[...] basic training in local craft centres, [...]
in cooperation with the National Commissions
for UNESCO and the Ministry of Education.
这表明使用这生产线生产相 同数量的泡沫塑料,将会根据环境温度和其他因素浮动,也就 是说这种机器的控制技术不稳定”。
This indicates that when using this line to produce the same volume of foams will fluctuate in line with environmental temperature and other factors, that is to say the control technique of this machine is not stable”.
让有特殊需要的生接受教 育,为他们提供获得教育的平等机会,一直是 教育政策的优先事项之一。
Involvement of pupils with special needs [...]
in education and providing equal opportunities for them for acquiring education
has been one of the priorities of education policy.
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程接受其 它阿拉伯语的 线 内 容 ,开发多语种教学内容,通过提供不 同形式的授课方式增加终身学习的机会。
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of
national distance education
[...] courses and access to other online content to be made available [...]
in Arabic, multilingual content
development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems.
除了这个 VDA 标签之外,您也可以线生成 AIAG 标签,全球运输标签 (GTL), GS1 运输标签以及更多其它标签。
In addition to this VDA label you can also generate AIAG labels, global transport labels (GTL), GS1 transport labels and many more online.
修訂規 例第9條規定,在接 生效日期之後的36個月內,某些 關於第II期汽體 回收系統的條文就所有現存 油站而言 均不適 用,但 如某現存 油站的每 部加油機在接 生效日期之後的36個月內均已 安裝第II期汽體回收系 統,則該現存 油站屬例外 (下稱“豁免事項”)。
Section 9 of the Amendment Regulation provides that certain provisions relating to the Phase II vapour recovery system shall not apply to all existing petrol filling stations until the expiry of 36 months immediately following the relevant date, with the exception of any existing petrol filling station which has each of its petrol dispenser installed with a Phase II vapour recovery system within 36 months immediately following the relevant date (“the exemption”).
接线图 此 外,请注意欧盟和各国立法普遍有效的法律法规和其他具有约束力的规定, [...]
In addition, generally applicable legal and other [...]
binding regulations of European and national law and the regulations for
accident prevention and environmental protection in force in the country of use must be complied with.
[...] 件,其中一些型号的固件具有模块化设计功能,其特性包括 线接 口 、附 加传统端口和集成智能卡读卡器。
In addition, we make a broad range of hardware platforms, with some models
offering a modular design that includes
[...] features such as wireless, additional legacy [...]
ports and an optional internal smartcard reader.
请遵守下列提示: 温度传感器的接线不铺 设在回路中,因为会导致电压耦合,进而导致测量错 误。
Do not loop the
[...] temperature sensor connecting leads when laying [...]
because this can cause voltage coupling and result in measurement errors.
KSZ9692PB是高度集成的10/100/100Base-T千兆片上系统(SoC),其功能组件包括ARM 922T
[...] [...] 32比特处理器、IP安全引擎以及一整套外围设备,可满足各种网络和通信应用对低成本、高性能的需求,这些应用包括增强型住宅网关、高端打印服务器、VoIP系统、基于IP的多媒体系统、 线接 入 点 /网状网节点、USB设备服务器、工业控制、视频监控系统以及包括VPN路由器在内的SMB/SME网络安全。
The KSZ9692PB is a highly integrated 10/100/100Base-T Gigabit System-on-a-Chip (SoC) featuring an ARM 922T 32-bit processor, IP security engine and a comprehensive set of peripherals that address the cost-sensitive, high-performance needs of a wide variety of networking and communications applications including
enhanced residential gateways high-end printer servers, VOIP systems, IP-based
[...] multimedia systems, wireless Access Points/Mesh [...]
Nodes, USB device
servers, Industrial Control, video surveillance systems and SMB/SME network security, including VPN routers.
将产品附带的 USB 连接线缆插入 Jabra PRO 9400 底座上的迷你 USB 接口和电脑/笔记本上的空闲 USB 插槽中。
Connect the USB connection cable supplied to the mini-USB socket on the Jabra PRO 9400 base and a vacant USB slot on your PC/laptop.
向 CT 和
[...] PT 的 一次侧注入锯齿波信号,通过手持式的设备在二次系统接 线点对接线的极性正确性进行验证。
By injecting a sawtooth signal into the CT or VT, the operator
verifies with a handheld device that the signal has the
[...] correct polarity at the connection points of the secondary [...]
降低孕产妇死亡率的最具成本 效益的方法,是计划生育、由娴熟的助产士进 接生 和 紧急产科护理,更广泛地讲 是赋予妇女权利并消除使妇女无法当家作主并得到配偶支持的两性不平等现象。
The most cost-effective interventions to reduce maternal mortality are family planning, skilled birth attendants during delivery and emergency obstetric care and, more generally, the empowerment of women and the elimination of gender inequalities which prevent women from making their own decisions and from having the support of their partners.
[...] 织的主管机构颁布的规则应在葡萄牙国内法令内 接生 效 , 只要这是各自的组织 条约所规定的。
Additionally, it states that rules issued by the competent bodies of international
organizations to which Portugal is a member shall
[...] come into force directly in Portuguese [...]
internal legal order, on condition that this
is laid down in the respective constituent treaties.
总的来说,发现 98.25%的分娩(生命登记系统,2009 年)是由受过训练的人接生的(医 生、护 士、卫生工作者及训练有素接生员)。
Overall, it was found that 98.25% (VRS 2009) of deliveries were attended by trained personnel (doctors, nurses, health workers and trained birth attendants).
Xiss web采用XML来描述内容和展示布局,它内置各种功能包括:能够根据目录中的图片组织生成或更新现有XML描述;能够利用XML描述 线生 成 HT ML文件;能够根据现有HTML文件中的图片备注生成XML描述。
Xiss web using XML to describe the content and presentation layout , it is built-in features include : the ability to image tissue formation in the directory or update an existing XML description ; makes use of XML description generated HTML files offline ; to HTML files based on existing Note in the picture generates XML description .
每一框架都应用了稍微不同的观点,但 是又有一条始终如一的线:生态系统和生物多样性 向人类提供效益;许多效益都影响当地水平;许多都 是高度有形的,即使市场不能对其定价。
Each of the frameworks applies a slightly different
perspective but there
[...] is a consistent thread: ecosystems and biodiversity provide benefits to humans; many of these benefits impact at the local level; [...]
many are highly tangible
even if the market fails to place a price on them.
基于专用的多核架构,DAN的开放性SoC平台在单芯片硅产品中整合了设计各种移动 线接 入 网 络基础架构产品所需的全部处理子系统,包括基站、射频头、回程系统以及具有零成本自回程功能的全集成多扇区4G基站。
Based on a unique multi-layer, multi-core architecture, DAN open SoC platforms integrate in a single SoC product all four processing layers required
for the design of any type of mobile radio
[...] access network (RAN) infrastructure [...]
product, ranging from base stations, radio
heads, backhaul systems, and up to fully integrated multi-sector 4G base station systems with zero-cost self-backhaul -- on one chip.
在 中东同步光中心/JSPS/萨班哲大学(3 月,安塔利亚,土耳其),来自埃及、伊 朗、以色列、约旦、巴勒斯坦权力机构和土耳其的科学家及研 生接 受 了 日本和 中东同步光国际中心的讲师提供的培训。
Scientists and research students from Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Palestinian Authority and Turkey benefited from training given by lecturers from Japan and the SESAME region at the SESAME/JSPS/Sabanci University School (March, Antalya, Turkey).
(3) 在接生效日 期前依據前警監會的職能或在與該職能有關連 的情況下,而須由前警監會作出並正由它或正就它或正代它作出的任何事 情,自該日期起,在符合本條例的範圍內,可由警監會繼續作出或就它或 代它繼續作出。
(3) Anything that, immediately before the commencement date, is required to be done and is in the process of being done by, in relation to or on behalf of the former Council pursuant to or in connection with its functions may, as from that date, be continued by, in relation to or on behalf of the Council to the extent that it is consistent with this Ordinance.




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