

单词 接管人

See also:


take over
assume control


meet a person

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 就委任 臨接管人 而 言 ,是否 有需要在有關糾紛待 決期 間 [...]
介入及保護 有關資 產 。
(c) where an interim receiver is sought, whether [...]
there is a need to get in and protect assets pending resolution of the relevant dispute.
[...] 享有股份的人士發出通告,郵件可以已故者的姓名或其遺產代理人的稱衍或破產 受託人或委員會接管人、財 產保佐人或其他性質為委員會 接管人 、 法 院指派 的財產保佐人或任何類似描述為收件人,並寄往聲稱有權享有股份的人士就此提 供之位於百慕達或香港的地址(如有),或(於獲提供有關地址前)如並無身故、 [...] [...]
A notice may be given by the Company to the persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a member by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressed to them by name or by the title of representatives of the deceased or
trustee of the bankrupt
[...] or committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis [...]
appointed by the court or by any like description
at the address, if any, within Bermuda or Hong Kong supplied for the purpose by the persons claiming to be so entitled or, until such an address has been so supplied, by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
7.4 你必須在聲明書(a)項作出聲明是否已破產、是否已申請「個人自願安排」及是否知悉針 對你的破產的法律程序正在進行 [或等待舉行或可能提出]或任何人就你的任何或全部資 產被委任接管人、管理人、行政 接管人 、 受 託人或其他同類人員。
7.4 You are required to declare in part (a) of the declaration whether or not you are bankrupt, has applied for IVA and is aware that legal proceeding(s) has / have been started (or are pending or being threatened) against you for your
bankruptcy or for the
[...] appointment of a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or [...]
similar officer over any or all of your assets.
政府當局對此項關注 作出回 應時,同意動 議一項委員會審 議 階段修 正 案,以修訂擬議第
305(1A)條,澄清目的聲 明 涵 蓋 董事和其他高級人員 以外而其資料須予備存 以 供 公 眾查閱的 人士,使目的聲 明 亦涵蓋 就為
[...] 有關公司行事的 承 按 人 、清盤 人 、 臨 時清人 、 接 管 人 及 經理人等所 作出的查閱。
In response to this concern, the Administration agree to move a CSA to amend proposed section 305(1A) to clarify beyond doubt that the purpose statement covers persons other than directors and other officers whose data are kept for public inspection, so that it will also cover searches
in respect of mortgagees, liquidators,
[...] provisional liquidators, receivers and managers who act in relation [...]
to a company.
(1) 就任何目的而言屬有關精神健康的病人的股東,或由任何對於保護或管理 無能力管理其本身事務人士的個人事務具有管轄權的法院作出的命令所指人士的股 東,不論是在舉手或按股數投票表決中,均可由 接管人 、 受 託監管人、財產保佐 人,或由該法院所指定具接管人、 受 託監管人或財產保佐人性質的其他人士作出表 決,此接管人、受 託監管人、財產保佐人或其他人士均可在按股數投票表決中,由 代表代為表決,亦可以其他方式行事及就股東大會而言,被視作猶如該等股份的登記 持有人,惟須於大會或續會或按股數投票表決(視情況而定)指定舉行時間不少於四 [...]
(1) A Member who is a patient for any purpose relating to mental health or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdiction for the protection or management of the affairs of persons
incapable of managing their own affairs may vote, whether on a show of
[...] hands or on a poll, by his receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a receiver, committee or curator bonis appointed by such court, and such receiver, committee, curator bonis or other [...]
may vote on a poll by proxy, and may otherwise act and be treated as if he were the registered holder of such shares for the purposes of general meetings, provided that such evidence as the Board may require of the authority of the person claiming to vote shall have been deposited at the Office, head office or Registration Office, as appropriate, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be.
3.1 接管人指出,待與雷曼兄弟達成的有條件協議成為無條件後,相關迷債系列的投資者 [...]
將可收回投資款項的 70%至 93%。
3.1 The Receivers have advised that [...]
the conditional agreement with Lehman Brothers will, upon it becoming unconditional,
enable investors of Relevant Series of Minibonds to recover between 70% and 93% of the amounts they invested.
(y)b 擔保妥為執行及履行官方的財 接管人 及 其 他清盤人、監管人、監護人、 遺囑執行人、遺產管理人、受託人、受權人、經紀及代理各自的責任及 職責。
(y)b To guarantee the due performance
[...] and discharge by receivers official and other liquidators, committees, guardians, executors, administrators, [...]
trustees, attorneys, brokers and
agents of their respective duties and obligations.
精神不健全的股東,或由對於精神病案件具有司法管轄權的法院判定為精神不健全 的股東,不論是在舉手表決或投票表決中,均可由其受託 管人 、 接管人 、 財 產保 佐人,或由法院所指定具有管人、 接管人 或 財產保佐人性質的其他人作出表決; 任何此等受託管人、接管人、財 產保佐人或其他人,均可在以投票方式進行的表 決中,由代表代為表決。
A member of unsound mind or in respect of whom an order
has been made by any
[...] court having jurisdiction in lunacy may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court and any such committee, receiver, curator [...]
bonis or other person may on a poll vote by proxy.
(1) 倘股东为有关精神健康的病人或已由任何具司法管辖权(可保护或管 理无能力管理其本身事务人士的事务)法院颁令,则可由其财 接管人 、 监 护人、 财产保佐人或获法院委派具财 接管人 、 监 护人或财产保佐人性质的其他人士投票 (不论是否以举手方式表决或投票表决),而该等财 接管人 、 监 护人、财产保佐 人或其他人士可委任代表于投票表决时投票,亦可以其他方式行事及就股东大会而 言,视作犹如该等股份的登记持有人,惟须于大会或续会(视情况而定)举行时间 不少于四十八(48)小时前,向办事处、总办事处或过户登记处(倘适用)递呈董事 会可能要求的证明拟投票人士有权投票的凭证。
(1) A Member who is a patient for any purpose relating to mental health or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having
jurisdiction for the
[...] protection or management of the affairs of persons incapable of managing their own affairs may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a receiver, committee or curator bonis appointed by such court, and such receiver, committee, curator [...]
bonis or other person
may vote on a poll by proxy, and may otherwise act and be treated as if he were the registered holder of such shares for the purposes of general meetings, provided that such evidence as the Board may require of the authority of the person claiming to vote shall have been deposited at the Office, head office or Registration Office, as appropriate, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be.
由於該公司現時已由臨接管人接管 , 通 訊辦 已於十月二十二日去信臨接管人, 提 醒對方牌照條款中播放頻 道的規定,並要求對方交代 DBC 最新廣播服務安排的詳情,以 確定該公司履行牌照條款的情況。
As DBC is now under receivership, OFCA has written to the interim receiver on 22 October 2012 to remind [...]
him the requirements in the licence
conditions regarding the channels to be provided, and to request for more details on the latest arrangement on DBC’s broadcasting service so as to ascertain the company’s compliance with licence conditions.
股東如精神不健全或任何具有司法權區的法院已就其頒令為精神錯亂,則無 論舉手表決或投票表決,亦可由其監 人 、 接管人 、 財 產保佐人或該法院所 指定屬監人、接管人、財 產保佐人性質的其他人士代為表決,而任何有關 監人、接管人、財產保佐人或其他人士均可於投票表決時委派委任代表投 票,惟董事可能要求聲稱有表決權人士獲授權的證據,須不遲於大會或續會 指定舉行或投票表決進行(視乎情況而定)前不少於四十八小時,交付本公司 [...]
A member of unsound mind, or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdiction in cases of mental disorders, may vote, whether on a show
of hands or on a
[...] poll, by his committee, receiver, curator bonis, or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court, and any such committee, receiver, curator bonis or other [...]
person may, on a poll,
vote by proxy, provided that such evidence as the Directors may require of the authority of the person claiming to vote shall have been deposited at the registered office of the Company not less than forty-eight hours before the time for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be.
6.6.2 彌償人如在簽立彌償契據後,因任何原因無法履行彌償契據所規定的責任;或彌償
[...] 或彌償人被法院頒布破產令;或彌償人申請「個人自願安排」;或你知悉已有人就 彌償人任何或全部資產被委任 接管人 、 管 理 人 、 行 政 接管人 、 受 託人或其他同類 人員;或彌償人牽涉於任何在香港或其他地方進行的訴訟、仲裁或行政法律程序之 [...]
中;或有人針對彌償人或其任何資產在香港或其他地方提出任何申索,你必須立即 以書面通知本處。
6.6.2 After the Indemnifier signs the Deed of Indemnity, you should notify the Agency in writing immediately if for any reason your Indemnifier becomes incapable of fulfilling the obligations required under the Deed; or deceased; or if you are aware that a bankruptcy petition is filed by him/her or presented against him/her or a bankruptcy order is made against him/her; or your Indemnifier applies
for an IVA; or if you are
[...] aware that a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or [...]
similar officer has been appointed over any or all of your Indemnifier’s assets; or your
Indemnifier is a party to any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) or if there is any claim (whether inside or outside Hong Kong) against him/her or any of his/her assets after he/she signs the Deed.
精神不健全的成员或者被有管辖权的法院作出命令宣布其属精神病人的成员,可 以由其受人、接管人、财 产保佐人或该法院指派有受 人 、 接管人 或 财产保佐 人性质的其他人代他在举手或投票表决中投票,而任何此等受 人 、 接管人 、财产保佐人或其他人可在投票表决中由委托代表投票。
A Member of unsound mind, or in respect of whom an order has
been made by any
[...] court having jurisdiction in lunacy, may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee, receiver, curator bonis, or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court, and any such committee, receiver, curator [...]
bonis or other person
may, on a poll, vote by proxy.
精神不健全之股東或任何具有司法權力之法院裁定其精神失常之股 東,可由其委員會接管人、監 護人或由該法院委任具委員會 接管人 或 監 護人性質 之其他人士(無論以舉手或投票方式)投票表決,而任何有關委員會 接管人 、 監 護 人或其他人士亦可以受委代表進行投票表決。
A member of unsound mind or in respect of whom an
order has been made by
[...] any court having jurisdiction in lunacy may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by that court, and any such committee, receiver, curator [...]
bonis or other person may on a poll vote by proxy.
如果客户,个人,或作为一个公司,如果客户的任何合伙人的破产令,或申请临时命令,根据1986年破产法第八世的一份请愿书的主题是,或者如果客户,是一家公司,其债权人或委 接管人 或 经 理,其资产就全部或任何部分或第1部分的主题是应用程序的管理秩序,或任何自愿安排的建议下1986年破产法,或是否强制或自愿合并或重组的目的,或者如果承包商有合理理由相信,上述事件即将发生,则承包商应有权立即进入清算,并在其后任何时间,立即终止任何合同或合同的任何未完成的部分。
If the Customer, being an individual, or being a firm, if any partner in the Customer is the subject of a petition for a bankruptcy order or of an application for an interim order under Part Vlll of the Insolvency Act 1986, or if the Customer, being
a company, compounds with its
[...] creditors or has a receiver or manager appointed in respect [...]
of all or of any part of its
assets or is the subject of an application for an administration order or of any proposal for a voluntary arrangement under Part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986, or enters into liquidation whether compulsorily or voluntarily otherwise than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction, or if the Contractor reasonably believes that any of the above events is about to occur, then the Contractor shall be entitled immediately, and at any time thereafter, to terminate forthwith any  Contract or any unfulfilled part thereof.
(b) 檢視死者的保管箱,以確定是否有任何遺囑或類似的文書或 指明的任何文件或物品,並准許擬就有關遺產申請授予人 接管上述物件。
(b) the inspection of the safe deposit box of the deceased to ascertain if there is any will or similar instrument or any specified document or
article and to permit the person intending to apply for a grant in
[...] respect of the estate to take possession of the same.
倘 在企業拯救程序展開後,僱傭合約不 獲臨時管人接受,又或被 臨 時監管人終 止,則在該 些 合約下應予發放的工資、 薪金及其他 酬 金,如 [...]
有任何 拖欠,應視 作公司的負 債,由臨時監管人從 公司 的資產支付。
Where a contract of
[...] employment was not accepted or was terminated by the provisional supervisor [...]
after the commencement of
the corporate rescue process, any outstanding wages, salaries and other emoluments under the contract would be regarded as the liabilities of the company and would be charged on and paid out of the property of the company by the provisional supervisor.
根据安全理事会第 1991(2011)号决议,今后重新确定联刚稳定团部队的配置
[...] 时,将依据实地局势的变化,并依据刚果民主共和国政府和联刚稳定团实现下列 目标的情况:(a) 完成目前在南北基伍和东方省采取的军事行动;(b) 刚果民主 共和国政府建立持久性安全部队,提高有效保护民众的能力,以逐 接管 联 刚 稳 定团的安保职责;(c) 在全国各地巩固国家权力,包括在已清除武装团体的地区 部署刚果文职行人员, 特别是警察、领土行政机构和法治机构。
In line with Security Council resolution 1991 (2011), future reconfigurations of the force will be determined on the basis of the evolution of the situation on the ground and on the achievement of the following objectives to be pursued by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and MONUSCO: (a) the completion of the ongoing military operations in the Kivus and Orientale Province; (b) an improved capacity of the Government of the Democratic
Republic of the
[...] Congo to effectively protect the population through the establishment of sustainable security forces with a view to progressively taking over the security role of MONUSCO; and (c) [...]
the consolidation of
State authority throughout the territory through the deployment of Congolese civil administration personnel, in particular the police, territorial administration and rule-of-law institutions in areas freed from armed groups.
根據《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》擬議新訂第60C條,民政事 務局局長可應申請向申請人發出證明書,容許檢視死者的保管箱,以
[...] 確定是否有任何遺囑或類似的文書或指明的任何文件或物品,並准許 擬就有關遺產申請授予人接管上述 物件。
Under the proposed new section 60C of PAO, SHA may on application issue a certificate to the applicant to allow the inspection of the safe deposit box of the deceased to ascertain if there is any will or similar instrument or any specified document or
article and to permit the person intending to apply for a grant in
[...] respect of the estate to take possession of the same.
在本双年度期间,青年和体育运动计划由社会科学 人 文 科 学部门(S HS ) 接管 , 从而扩 大了该部门的活动范围,重新为这两项计划确定方向,以便提高对各级决策的影响。
During the biennium youth and physical education and sport
programmes were
[...] transferred to SHS, thus broadening the scope of activities of the sector, which led to a reorientation [...]
of these two programmes
with a view to improving impact on policy-making at all levels.
教科文组织总干事作为本公约的 管人 , 应 将第 32 条和第 33 条规定交存的所有批准 书接受书、赞同书或加入书和第 36 条规定的退约书的情况通告本组织各会员国,第 33 条 提到的非本组织会员国的国家以及联合国。
The Director-General of UNESCO, as the Depositary of this Convention, shall inform the States Members of the Organization, the States not Members of the Organization referred to in Article 33, as well as the United Nations, of the deposit of all the instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession provided for in Articles 32 and 33, and of the denunciations provided for in Article 36.
MSC游艇俱乐部的客人可以通过您的 人管 家 预 定不限时的购物体验,所购物品会 接 送 到 您的套房,还有特意精选的系列珠宝可以送至您的房供您观赏和选购。
As an MSC Yacht Club guest you can book private out-of-hours shopping accompanied by your butler, [...]
personalized delivery of purchases
to your suite and exclusive selection of jewellery to view in the comfort and privacy of your suite.
因此,教科文组织出版部门应当借并入公众宣传局之机,根据以下原则进行组 织结构的调整:进一步向各部门提供帮助,使所采用的手段与所追求的目标完全吻合, 在计划的这些文件、报告、期刊或辅助材料的设计、编印和发行方面由外部来承担的最 佳方式;增强与外部出版商或制 人接 触 、 谈判和转让版权的能力,以便争取到尽可能 优惠的联合出版或联合制作的条件,使出版处已经尝试过的这种联合出版或联合制作的 方法成为面向不是计划活动所直接针对的广大公众的一切出版物的首选操作方式;通过 因特网和分包的方式集管理现 有出版物。
The UNESCO Publishing Office will, as a consequence of its integration into BPI, have to be reorganized in keeping with the following principles: development of assistance to the sectors for the purpose of ensuring a perfect match between the objectives pursued and the means chosen to attain them and identification of the best outside services for the design, production and
distribution of these programme-related documents, reports, periodicals or other products; capacity-building with a
[...] view to contacts, negotiations and licensing arrangements with outside publishers and producers in order to obtain the best possible conditions for co-publishing or co-production ventures – this approach, which UPO has already used in the past, becoming the preferred method for everything aimed at a wide audience not directly targeted by programme activities; concentration of management of the existing catalogue [...]
by use of the Internet and subcontracting.
按支持協議的條款及條件,根據西北地區商業公司法第197(2)條,倘於屆滿時間或要約日期後120 天(或具司管轄權 的法院可能允許的有關較長時間)(以較早者為準),要約獲得不少於於屆 滿時間已發行的普通股(不包括由或代表要約人或要約人的「聯屬人士」或「聯繫人」(定義見 西北地區商業公司法)持有的普通股)的90%的持 人接 納 ,則要約人將在可行情況下收購(「強 制收購」)餘下並無接納要約的Anvil股東的普通股。
Pursuant to the terms
[...] and conditions of the Support Agreement, if, within the earlier of the Expiry Time or 120 days after the date of the Offer (or such longer time as a court having jurisdiction may permit), the Offer has been accepted by holders of not less than 90% of the outstanding Common Shares as at the Expiry Time, excluding Common Shares held by [...]
or on behalf of the
Offeror, or an “affiliate” or an “associate” (as those terms are defined in the NWTBCA) of the Offeror, the Offeror shall, to the extent practicable, acquire (a “Compulsory Acquisition”) the remainder of the Common Shares from those Anvil Shareholders who have not accepted the Offer, pursuant to section 197(2) of the NWTBCA.
(i) 就起重機及所有其他起重機械(吊車及升降機除外)而言,任何工廠內(aa) 其中每一部分(包括固定或不固定的工作裝備、繩索及鏈條及錨及固定裝 置)須為(i)結構良好、材質堅實及具足夠強度;(ii)妥善保養;(iii)由 管人 員至 少每十二個月徹底檢驗一次,且須保存載有每次檢驗規定詳情的登記 冊;(bb)該等機器的負荷不得超出其上清楚標示的安全工作負荷;及(cc)倘 任何人士受僱在起重機輪道接近輪 道的地方工作,因而可能受到起重機 碰傷,須採取有效措施以確保起重機無法到達該地方的二十英呎之內。
(i) In respect of cranes and all other lifting machinery, other than hoists and lifts, in any factory (aa) every part thereof, including the working gear, whether fixedor movable, ropes and chains and anchoring and fixing appliances shall be (i) of good construction, sound material and adequate strength; (ii) properly
maintained; (iii) thoroughly
[...] examined by a competent person at least once in every period of twelve months, and a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particularsofevery such examination; (bb) no such machinery shall be loaded beyond the safe working load which shall be plainly marked thereon; and (cc) while any person is employed or working on [...]
or near the wheel-tract of a travelling
crane in any place wherehe would be liable to be struck by the crane, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the crane does not approach within twenty feet of that place.
5.2 於法律容許的範圍內,對於任何業務代理、交易對手、 管人 、 附屬 託 管人 、 專 業顧問、 經紀、交易商、代理人或任何締約方或根據協議聘用的任何人士的作為或不作為而 接或 間接導致 的損失或損害,本行毋須承擔任何責任。
5.2 To the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to or responsible for any loss or damage you sustain or suffer directly or indirectly arising out of any act or omission of any Correspondent Agent, counter-party, custodian, sub-custodian, professional advisors, brokers, dealers, agents or of any party contracted or retained for the purposes hereunder.
由于国家还不具备健全 的监狱体系,即由司法部接管理的 监狱和有关监狱管理的明确立法,目前正在 联合国开发计划署的支持下执行一项改革方案,其中包括设计适当的立法、恢复 监狱和培训监管理人员。
Additionally, since the country lacks an effective
prison system, i.e. prisons operated directly by the Ministry of Justice subject to clear legislation governing prison management, a UNDP-backed prison reform programme entailing devising adequate legislation, renovating prison facilities, and training prison staff is currently under way.
(dd) 融資及參與任何公司或法團的證券發行及註冊,配售其資本或證券或其他發
[...] 或部份類似本公司該等宗旨的任何附屬公司或其他公司,或該等宗旨包括收 購接管全部 或任何資產及負債或於任何方式計算以直接或間接提高本公 [...]
(dd) To finance and take part in the floatation and registration of any company or corporation and the placing of its capital or securities or other issues and in particular but so as not to limit the generality of the foregoing to promote or join in the promotion of any subsidiary or other company having objects wholly or in part similar to those of this Company, or
whose objects shall include the acquisition
[...] and the taking over of all or any [...]
of the assets and liabilities of or shall be
in any manner calculated to advance directly or indirectly the objects or interests of the Company and to subscribe for, acquire and hold shares, stocks or securities of, and guarantee the payment of any securities issued by any such company.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都接回应 肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes
implemented by the
[...] Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support [...]
Programme (KESSP), the
education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.




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