

单词 接替

接替 noun

relay n

接替 ()

take over (a position or post)


使 ... 接替 v

relay sth. v

接替人员 n

relay n

接替...的职位 v

relieve v

See also:


for prep
on behalf of prep


replace v
take the place of v
substitute for v
stand in for v

External sources (not reviewed)

大会同届会议选举匈牙接替放弃席位的白俄罗斯任期的剩余部分(第 64/406 B 号决定)。
At the same session, the Assembly elected Hungary for the remaining term of office of Belarus, which relinquished its seat (decision 64/406 B).
比利接替 加拿 大担任联络小组协调员,呼吁缔约国在自己的区域内倡导普遍加入。
Belgium replaced Canada as coordinator [...]
of the Contact Group and called upon States Parties to become champions of universalization
in their own regions of the world.
15.2 如果报告员不再代表委员会的某一委员,或因故无法任满其任期,应在委员 会中进行磋商后指定一位副主接替 其 任 满现有任期。
15.2 if the Rapporteur ceases to represent a Member of the Committee or if for any reason he/she is
unable to complete his/her term of office,
[...] he/she shall be replaced by a Vice-Chairperson, [...]
after consultation within the Committee,
for the remainder of the term of office.
財政司司長在公布此消息時向公眾表示, 政府物接替任先 生人選的程序已進入最後階段,待當局作出最 [...]
FS also advised the public during the announcement that the
Government was in the final stages of
[...] identifying Mr YAM's replacement, and that an [...]
announcement would be made after a final
decision on Mr YAM's successor was taken.
还需要采取其他一些措施,比如新老交替规划,以决定以下事项:即将退休人员最好 是通过提升现有工作人员接替,还 是从组织外征聘,为 P.1 到 P.4 级和一般事务类的工作 [...]
There is a need for a number of additional measures such
as succession planning to
[...] determine whether retiring staff are best replaced by developing existing [...]
staff or recruiting
from outside the Organization; the development of competency frameworks for staff at the P-1 to P-4 levels and staff in the General Service category; the development and implementation of training and development plans to support the competency frameworks; and appropriate contractual arrangements and benefits that promote UNESCO as an employer of choice.
至于科威特哈龙项目的筹备,该国 的臭氧官员已去世,一接替她的 人员被任命,主办银行哈龙设备问题将能够得到解决。
As for the Kuwait halon project
preparation, that country's ozone officer had died,
[...] and once her replacement had been appointed [...]
the question of hosting the halon bank equipment could be resolved.
秘书长执行办需要更加警觉一些,以便处理必 要的延期或启接替计划 ,从而能够做 接替 及 时、不留空当,并尽可能做到任 职人员之间至少有两个星期的重叠相交。
The EOSG needs to be more vigilant in
order to process the
[...] necessary extensions or to initiate succession planning so that it is timely, [...]
gaps do not exist, and
to the extent possible that there is a minimum two week overlap with incumbents.
各位部长支持非洲联 盟呼吁安全理事会向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供更大的支持,并承担起对索 马里及其人民的全部责任,包括实行海上封锁和禁飞区,阻止外国武装分子进 入索马里并向反对过渡政府的武装团伙提供弹药和设备,部署联合国维持和平 行动接替非洲 联盟驻索马里特派团,以及支持索马里的长期稳定和重建。
The Ministers supported AU’s call to the Security Council to provide greater support to AMISOM and fully assume its responsibilities towards Somalia and its people, including the imposition of a naval blockade and no-fly zone to prevent the entry into Somalia of foreign fighters and the delivery of ammunitions and equipment to the armed groups opposed to the TFG and the deployment of a UN Peacekeeping operation to take over from AMISOM and to support the long-term stabilization and reconstruction of Somalia.
因此, 雖然 中電會開始進行必 須的籌 劃 工 作及前期的工程, 但 作出這項 目主要投資前,中電會基於政府長遠 環保政策接替 的規管 架構,檢討這項目的 未來去向。
Hence, while CLP would proceed with the necessary preparatory planning and upfront engineering work, it will review the way forward in the light of the Government’s long-term environmental policy and the successor regulatory regime, prior to making major investment commitment for this project.
范大为(David N. Farr)于2000年当选公司首席执行官 接替 保 留 公司董事长头衔的奈特。
David Farr elected CEO in 2000, succeeding Knight who retains chairman title.
(A) 於股東特別大會處理的所有事項均須視為特別事項,而除批准股息、 省覽、考慮並採納賬目、資產負債表、董事會報告及核數師報告、資 產負債表須附加的其他文件、選舉董事及委任核數師及其他高級職員接替行將 卸任者、釐定或轉授權力予董事會釐定核數師酬金、投票 表決或轉授權力予董事會釐定董事的一般或額外或特別酬金、向董事 會授出一般授權以配發、發行或處理股份及就此等目的訂立協議以及 授出一般授權特准董事會行使本公司權力以回購本公司證券以外,於 股東週年大會處理的一切事項亦須視為特別事項。
(A) All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an extraordinary general meeting, and also all business that is transacted at an annual general meeting with the exception of sanctioning dividends, the reading, considering and adopting of the accounts and balance sheet and the reports of the Directors and Auditors and other documents required to be annexed to the balance sheet, the election of Directors and appointment of Auditors and other officers in the place of those retiring, the fixing of or delegation of power to the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors, and the voting of or delegation of power to the Directors to fix the ordinary or extra or special remuneration to the Directors, the grant of a general mandate to the Directors to allot, issue or deal with shares and to enter into agreements for such purposes, and the grant of a general mandate authorising Directors to exercise the power of the Company to repurchase its own securities.
理想情况是,政府和参与安全部门改革的双边伙伴商定应接受审查、培训、装备 和准备部署的刚果民主共和国武装部队和国家民警各单位人数,以便在受冲突影 响的东部各省和联刚特派团缩编的每个阶 接替 联 刚 特派团发挥的作用。
Ideally, the Government and the bilateral partners involved in security sector reform should agree on the number of FARDC and National Police units that should be vetted, trained, equipped and ready to be deployed to take over the role of MONUC at every stage of the drawdown from the conflict-affected provinces in the east.
(c) 第三阶段(12 至 24 个月),有可能为部署联合国维持和平行动创造条件,接替非索特派团,并协助索马里长期重建和稳定。
(c) Phase III (12 to 24 months), which will make it possible to create conditions for the deployment of a United Nations peacekeeping operation, to take over AMISOM and assist in the long-term reconstruction and stabilization of Somalia.
在 2011 年 2 月 22 日第 2
[...] 次会议上,委员会选举木村彻也(日本)担任副主 席接替已辞 去副主席职位的足木孝(日本)。
At the 2nd meeting, on 22 February 2011, the Commission elected Tetsuya
[...] Kimura (Japan) to replace Takashi Ashiki [...]
(Japan), who had resigned as Vice-Chair.
在这方面,我们欢迎秘书长 最近就苏丹问题提交特别报告(S/2011/314*),以及
[...] 联合国迄今为规划成立新特派团以便在南苏 接替 联苏特派团一事所做的工作。
In that regard, we welcome the recent special report of the Secretary-General on Sudan
(S/2011/314*), as well as the work that has so
[...] far been done by the United Nations [...]
to plan for the establishment of a new mission
to succeed UNMIS in Southern Sudan.
如果主席或副主席辞职或因其他原因无法完成任期,技术执行委员会应从 适当的候选人中选举一接替,以完成余下的任期。
If either the Chair or the Vice-Chair resigns or is otherwise unable to
complete his or her term of office, the TEC
[...] shall elect a replacement from the appropriate [...]
constituency to complete the remainder of the term.
在特別大會上所處理的一切事務,均須當作特別事務,而在週年大會上所 處理的一切事務,除宣布或批准股息;審議並採納帳目、資產負債表、董
[...] 事與核數師之報告書及其他須隨附的文件;選舉董事及委任核數師及其他 高級人接替卸任 者;及釐定核數師酬金,及就董事之酬金或額外酬金投 [...]
All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an extraordinary general meeting, and also all business that is transacted at an annual general meeting, with the exception of the declaration or sanctioning of dividends; the consideration and adoption of the accounts and balance sheet and the reports of the Directors and Auditors and other documents required to be annexed thereto; the election
of Directors and appointment of Auditors and
[...] other officers in the place of those [...]
retiring; and the fixing of the remuneration
of the Auditors, and the voting of remuneration or extra remuneration of the Directors.
此外,技术转让中心利用以下替代技术进行的番茄生产也已开始:结合 化学品和生物熏蒸替代品进行的太阳能消毒;结合使用其他替代品的 接 ; 替 代 化 学品(主 要是威百亩和 1.3-二氯丙烷);以及利用天然和浓缩有机物质的生物熏蒸。
Furthermore, the production of tomatoes in the technology transfer centre has begun using the following alternative technologies: solarization combined with chemical
and bio-fumigation
[...] alternatives; grafting combined with other alternatives; chemical alternatives (mainly metam-sodium [...]
and 1.3
dichloropropene); and biofumigation with natural and enriched organic matter.
(e) 管理特派团支助高级领导人员接替 规 划 、空缺管理和招聘及职务安 排。
(e) Managing succession planning, vacancy management and recruitment and placement for senior mission support leadership.
推举金正恩作为政府的国防委员会副委员长和党的中央军事委员会 副委员长,显然是将其作为接班人,准 接替 金 正 日成为朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国领袖。
The selection of Kim Jong-un as one of the two Vice-Chairmen of the National Defence Commission of the State and the Party’s Central Military Commission places him in a position of heir apparent to succeed Kim Jong-il as the head of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
2007年5月29日,联合国秘书长潘基文宣布,任命苏丹的弗朗西斯•登先生担任新的秘书长防止灭绝种族罪行问题特别顾问 接替 阿 根 廷的胡安•门德斯先生。
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced, on 29 May 2007, the appointment of Mr. Francis Deng of
Sudan as the new
[...] Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, succeeding Mr. Juan Méndez of Argentina.
法官被选接替任期 未满之法官者,应任 职至其前任法官任期届满时为止。
member whose term of office has not expired shall hold office for the remainder of his predecessor’s term.
牙醫的病人是指曾在任何時候接受該牙醫、其執業上的合夥 人、或接替執業 的牙醫診治,而在執業記錄上載有其姓名的 人士。
A patient of a dentist means someone who has, at any time, consulted that dentist, a partner in his dental practice, or a dentist in a practice which that dentist has taken over, and whose name appears in the records of the practice.
註 : 市 區 更 新 基 金 有 限 公 司 於 2011 年 8 月 成 立 ,接 替 市 建 局 承 擔 向 社 區 服 務 隊 提 供 撥 款 的 責 任 。
Note : The Urban Renewal Fund Limited was set up in August 2011 and has since taken over the funding responsibility for social service teams from the URA.
特首最近委任周一接替楊永 強為衛生福利及食物局局長,調查顯示,16%被訪市民初步認為周一嶽是出任有關職位的理想人選,5%則認為不理想,61%表示不認識周一嶽,另外18%表示不知道。
CE Tung Chee-hwa recently appointed York Chow Dr York
[...] Chow Yat-ngok to succeed Yeoh Eng-kiong [...]
as Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food.
Survey findings revealed that, 16% thought he was the ideal candidate for the this posting, whereas 5% thought he was not, 61% did not know him and another 18% had no idea whether he was the ideal candidate.
董事局同時宣布亞洲衛星前任副行政總裁及本公司執行董事魏義軍 接替 本 人 為亞洲衛星行 政總裁,任命由二零一零年八月一日起生效。
It was also announced that William WADE, previously Deputy Chief Executive Officer of AsiaSat and an Executive Director of the Company, would be appointed by the Board to succeed me as Chief Executive Officer of AsiaSat with effect from 1 August 2010.
由於(i)於往績記錄期間中山生產工廠的膠黏劑及處理劑產能分別佔本集團的膠 黏 劑 及 處 理 劑 總 產 能 約20.8%及24.3%;(ii)於 截 至 二 零 零 九 年 九 月 三 十 日 止 三 個 年 度 各 年, 銷 售 中 山 生 產 工 廠 所 加 工 產 品 所 貢 獻 的 營 業 額 分 別 約 為64,600,000港 元、 72,900,000港 元
及68,900,000港 元, 佔 本 集 團 總 營 業 額 約29.6%、25.3%及25.7%; 及
[...] (iii)本集團位於中國廣東省珠海市的生產工廠有能 接替 中 山 生產工廠的產能,故董事 認為中山生產工廠對本集團的營運及財務表現並不重要。
Since (i) the production capacity of adhesive and primer of the Zhongshan Production Plant was approximately 20.8% and 24.3% of the Group’s total production capacity of adhesives and primers respectively during the Track Record Period; (ii) the turnover attributable to the sale of products processed by the Zhongshan Production Plant amounted to approximately HK$64.6 million, HK$72.9 million and HK$68.9 million, representing approximately 29.6%, 25.3% and 25.7% of the Group’s total turnover for eachofthethree years ended 30 September 2009 respectively; and (iii) the production plant of the
Group located at Zhuhai, Guangdong, the PRC has
[...] the capability to take over the production [...]
of the Zhongshan Production Plant,
the Directors are of the view that the Zhongshan Production Plant is not crucial to the Group’s operation and financial performance.
此调节器可接替换常 用的 Veeco 手动调节器,并可与现有电源配合使用,由于 [...]
UNI-Bulb 在稳定性、可再现性和能效方面的优点,此调节器已成为氧化物和氮化物应用领域的极佳材料提供系统。
A direct replacement for the popular [...]
Veeco manual tuner, this tuner works with existing power supplies and is an excellent
material delivery system for oxide and nitride applications due to UNI-Bulb stability, reproducibility, and energy-efficiency.
大会同一决议第五节第 6
[...] 段确认秘书长已根据大会各项决议采取措施,处接替语文 部门退休工作人员的问题,请秘书长继续并加紧这些努力,包括加强与 [...]
In section V, paragraph 6, of the same resolution, the General Assembly acknowledged the measures undertaken by the Secretary-General, in
accordance with its resolutions, to address
[...] the issue of the replacement of retiring staff [...]
in the language services, and requested
the Secretary-General to maintain and intensify those efforts, including the strengthening of cooperation with institutions that train language specialists to meet the need in the six official languages of the United Nations.
在此基础上通过NBU6.5每天定时自动将ORACLE数据库恢复动一台冷备主机上,这样冷备主机上的数据即可以做为测试使用,也可以在生产系统发生灾难时以最短的时 接替 生 产 系统主机。
On top of that, NBU 6.5 regularly backs up the ORACLE database to a cold-standby server every day so that data on the cold-standby server can be used for test purposes and the cold-standby server can take over the server of the production system in case of disaster with the production system within the shortest time.




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