

单词 接待室

接待室 noun ()

anteroom n

See also:

接待 n

reception n
hospitality n

接待 pl

receptions pl


admit (allow sb. to enter)
receive (a visitor)

接待 v

cater v

External sources (not reviewed)

军事检察 机关的军官在俄罗斯士兵母亲委员会联合会协调委员会 接待室 ( 莫 斯科 ) 接 待军 人及其家庭成员。
Officers of military procurators’ offices hold meetings with service personnel and
members of their families
[...] in the common room of the Coordinating Council of the Union of the Committees of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia in Moscow.
秘书处的代表对可利用的资金和在丰特努瓦入口 处建接待室将确 定的资金作了说明,并重申了建造这 接待室 切 身 利益。
Explanations were provided on
[...] available funds and funds to be identified for the construction of a reception area at the Fontenoy entrance.
如果房间接待室,则应测试从走廊 接待室 以 及 接待室 到 房 间的压力差。
If the room has an anteroom, the pressure differential should be tested from the corridor to the anteroom, and from the anteroom to the room.
2007 至 2010 年,保护妇女、儿童和少年权利的工作取得各种进展,主要在
[...] 改革和设备方面:妇女与家庭事务专员办事处;照顾妇女公民联合中心;全面保 护权利乡村委员会;医院提供特别照顾 接待室。
Much progress has been made in protecting the rights of women, girls and adolescents between 2007 and 2010, including the renovation and equipping of women and family commissariats; consolidated public health-care
centres; cantonal boards for comprehensive rights
[...] protection; and hospital reception centres offering specialized care.
在 Zogbodomey 宪兵队,有一个前面是铁栏杆的小牢房(面积
[...] 2m x 2.4m, 高 2.6m) ,面朝主办室/ 接待室。
At the Gendarmerie of Zogbodomey,
there was one small bar-fronted holding cell (2m x 2.4m, with a height of 2.6m) giving on
[...] to the main office/reception room.
在 Suffren 大街
[...] 125 号门口建造长期安全检查岗哨 接待室 ( 由总部场地外租基金 (HQF)出资 [...]
900,000 美元)的工程正在进行之中。
The construction of the permanent
[...] security post and reception area at the 125 [...]
Suffren gate ($900,000 financed by HQF) is under way.
(5) 管理任何樓宇(不論屬於本公司與否)或於任何期間以本公司認為適當之
[...] 佔用人及其他人供應照明、熱力、空調、茶點、服務員、通信員 接待 室、閱讀室、盥洗室、洗衣設施、電子設備、車庫、娛樂設施及本公司 [...]
公司以按本公司認為適當之條款進行或從事或提供該等管理、租賃及利益 。
(5) To manage any buildings, whether belonging to the Company or not, or let the same or any part thereof for any period and at such rent and on such conditions as the Company shall think fit; to collect the rent and income and to supply to tenants and occupiers and others light,
heat, air-conditioning, refreshments,
[...] attendants, messengers, waiting rooms, reading rooms, [...]
lavatories, laundry facilities,
electric conveniences, garages, recreation facilities and other advantages which from time to time the Company shall consider desirable, or to provide for such management, letting and advantages as aforesaid by employing any person, firm or company to carry out or to supply the same on such terms as the Company may think fit.
请到我们的学生活室来——接待室 的 门一直是开着的。
Come into our
[...] apprentice shop - the door to our reception room is open.
在太子港民事监狱建造一个探 接待室 和 急 救室。
Construction of a
[...] visiting room and a first-aid clinic at the civilian prison in Port-auPrince
接待室可自 行向共和国总统或 国民议会建议采取适当措施,以确保政府机构运作的效率、公正和诚实。
The Chamber may, on its own motion, recommend to the Presidency of the Republic or the National Assembly such measures as it deems fit in order to ensure efficiency, justice and probity in the performance of governmental institutions.
將所有院所集㆗於㆒處,多類支援設施如醫院、廚房、 洗衣房、探接待室、物料倉、狗房等亦可合併於同㆒ ㆞點。
With full co-location of all institutions, support facilities such
as hospital, kitchen,
[...] laundry, visitor reception facilities, supplies [...]
store, dog kennel etc would be combined and centralised.
[...] 善防火设施,使之符合安全标准,翻新玻璃墙面,安装空调和办公室现代化(包括全面翻修 技术网络和内部精修及改进隔音系统),以及改 接待室。
of air-conditioning and modernization of offices (including the thorough overhaul of
technical networks and interior finishings and improvement of sound insulation) and the
[...] rehabilitation of reception areas.
一些移民拘留中心只允许受到监 视的来访:接待室中用玻璃板分隔,不让亲友同被拘留者身体接触。
Some migrant detention centres only allow monitored visits, and have dividing screens in the visitation areas, preventing physical contact with visiting family and friends.
这个建筑将模仿北京传统胡同中的四合院,内有花园、树木、茶室和朴素的贵 接待室。
The building will resemble a traditional Beijing hutong, with a center courtyard, garden, kitchen, and modest guest rooms for VIP visitors.
本着这一思路,在 1 号楼和 2 号楼之间的“米尔罗”四边形场地内整理出一块受到特
[...] 别保护的空间,考虑在这里建造一个专门用于安排高层人士 接待室 , 需 要特别的安保措 施,并在这里举办展示具有重要价值物品的展览,这块空间将提供一个得体舒适和安全的场 [...]
In a similar vein, the creation of a specially protected area inside the “Miro” quadrilateral
between Buildings I and II could be used
[...] to create a VIP reception room requiring [...]
special security features, as well as for
the staging of exhibitions presenting highly valued objects that the present layout does not allow.
客人还必须接 待室进口出示请柬。
Guests will also be required to present their invitation cards
[...] at the entrance to the reception room.
建築工程和屋宇裝備工程的預算費用分別為 5,520 萬元和 2,240 萬元,主要用於裝修並翻新前台和接待處設施;改善賓 接待室 及 其他 現有及支援設施;改善空調和照明系統,以及改善主場天花板的現有器 [...]
材懸掛系統,以方便懸掛音響、照明和舞台設備,從而符合不同表演和 活動的要求。
These mainly cover renovation and face-lifting
[...] of front-of-house and reception facilities, upgrading of the hospitality room and [...]
other existing and supporting
facilities, improvement of the air-conditioning and lighting systems, and upgrading of the existing rigging system at the arena area to facilitate hanging of sound, lighting and stage equipment to meet the requirements of different performances and activities.
是包接待室、值 班 室、消防用的泵房及 3 組登岸的梯級,那些設施是讓人員在船隻泊岸後上岸 時用的,只會是很少量、很簡單和低層(一層或一層多)的。
These facilities, used by officers after their vessels have berthed at the dock, will be very small in number and basic and low-rise (one-storey or one-odd storey).
在 Suffren
[...] 大街 125 号门口建造长期安全检查岗哨 接待室 ( 由总部场地外租基金 (HQF)出资 900,000 [...]
美元)的工程在大会第三十三届会议前已经完工,并且证明符合安全 和接待要求。
The construction of the permanent
[...] security post and reception area at the 125 Suffren [...]
gate ($900,000 financed by HQF) was
completed before the 33rd session of the General Conference and proved to be compliant with security and reception requirements.
为了明确地确定至 2008 年大概需要接待室 间和 为满足这些需要而确定第二期工程中要优先完成的工程,这一部分根据因本 组织机构下放和调整而腾出的办公场所,提出了重新安置教科文组织工作人员的 建议
and to identifying the work to be carried out as a priority under Phase 2 in order to meet those needs, it puts forward options concerning the redeployment of UNESCO staff corresponding to the vacating of premises resulting from the decentralization of services and the restructuring of the Organization.
除商务中心、咖啡吧等配套外,还拥有专设的会议中心、贵 接待室 、 多 功能演示厅及大小会议室等,让您享受全方位的办公服务体验,周边遍布凯悦等五星级酒店,汇集诸多高级餐厅,更有汇集世界知名品牌大型购物商场。
The local area is full of five star hotels such as the Hyatt JW Marriot and the Golden Dragon, top restaurants, cafes and shopping malls full of the world's most prestigious brands.
(f) 其他輔助設施有辦室、接待區、 禮品店、會議室、藏品室,以 及供復康小巴上落乘客的地方。
other supporting facilities
[...] such as offices, a reception area, a gift shop, [...]
a meeting room, a collection store, and drop-off
/ picking up facilities for rehabilitation mini-bus.
她的工作包接 待来议会的重要客人,准备会议文件,打扫报告员办 室。
Her work included receiving distinguished visitors to the Parliament, preparing documents for the sittings and cleaning the rapporteur’s office.
公室的所有函件,特别是关于移交通知和结束任务报告的函件的电子日志;复制 并按照时间顺序保留办公室要求保存的所有这些函件和主题文件的硬拷贝,因为
[...] 联黎部队任务结束报告要求该办公室收集这些文件;在工作周延长期间 接待该 办公室的直 接来访者和接听电话,协助联黎部队行政文件的处理,以及视需要执 [...]
The Team Assistant will maintain an electronic log of all correspondence directly to or from the Office, in particular handover notes and End of Assignment Reports; reproduce and maintain in chronological order hard copies of and subject files for all correspondence required to be kept by the Office, which is mandated to collect all End of
Assignment Reports for UNIFIL; attend to
[...] visitors and calls directed to the Office during [...]
extended coverage of the working week;
assist with the processing of UNIFIL administrative documents; and perform other administrative duties as required.
為了協助這些 受影響的㆟士找尋其他工作,職業訓練局已把電話接線課程改為辦 室接待 實 務 課 程;這項課 程包括與辦公室實務有關的電腦技術訓練。
To assist those affected to seek alternative employment,
the Vocational Training
[...] Council has changed its Telephone Operator Course to an Office Reception Course which [...]
incorporates training
in computer skills related to office practice.
Dr. von Hauner儿童医院( kinderklinik.klinikum.uni-muenchen.de )附属儿童医院及儿童门诊医院以及专业儿童外科中心每年要接待约60,000名住院患者和门诊患者, 其中包括提供全天候服务的急 室接待 的 众 多患者。
Every year, the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital ( kinderklinik.klinikum.uni-muenchen.de ) children’s clinic and polyclinic – together with the specialist children's surgical center – treats around 60,000 patients as in- and outpatients, including many cases in the emergency rooms that are manned around the clock.
(b) 信息和文化部部长、巴勒斯坦教育、科学及文化委员会主任 Yasser·Abed Rabbo 先生。 Abed Rabbo 先生两接待了代表团:一次是在他的拉马拉的办 室 ,他 的几位助手也出席了会见;还有一次是在关于巴勒斯坦委员会大楼的工作会议 上,该委员会的秘书长,教育和高等教育部部长以及计划和国际合作部联合国和 国际合作处处长出席了会议。
(b) The Minister of Information and Culture and President of the Palestinian Committee for Education, Science and Culture, Mr Yasser Abed Rabbo, who hosted the delegation on two occasions: at his office in Ramallah, with several of his collaborators present and during a working session on the premises of the Palestinian Committee, attended by, among others, the Secretary-General of the Committee, the Minister of Education and Higher Education and the Director of the Department of United Nations and International Organizations in the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation.
此外,接待中心还有一个少数民族权利办 室 , 专 门负 接待 一 些 弱势群 体,主要工作目的是,为检察官在国内开展调查工作提供专业的技术支持,确保 《宪法》的相关规定得到贯彻执行,特别是针对那些涉及土著居民的罪行展开的 特别调查程序。
With regard to assistance to vulnerable groups, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has an Office of Ethnic Rights, the principal aim of which is to provide specialized technical investigative support to public prosecutors and to ensure effective compliance with constitutional provisions, particularly those concerning the special procedure for punishable offences relating to indigenous peoples.




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