

单词 接待

接待 noun, plural ()

receptions pl

接待 ()

admit (allow sb. to enter)
receive (a visitor)

接待 verb

cater v



reception room

接待处 n

reception area n

接待区 n

reception area n
meeting room n

See also:


wait v
treat v
need v
stay v

about to
deal with
intending to

External sources (not reviewed)

这可以解释为什么代 表团看到探视者在来接待处向值勤宪兵支付现金。
This would explain why the delegation saw visitors paying cash to the gendarme on
[...] duty at the visitors’ reception desk.
在位于内门外的来接待处值班的警卫肩背步枪坐在那 里。
The guard on duty
[...] at the visitors’ reception desk, situated immediately [...]
outside the inner gate, sat with his rifle over his shoulder.
委员会还吁请缔约国确保国家有关住 房标准的条例,特别有关过分拥挤的条例也适用 接待 中 心
The Committee also calls on the State party
to ensure that national regulations on housing standards, particularly on
[...] overcrowding, also apply to reception centres.
(5) 管理任何樓宇(不論屬於本公司與否)或於任何期間以本公司認為適當之
[...] 佔用人及其他人供應照明、熱力、空調、茶點、服務員、通信員 接待 室、閱讀室、盥洗室、洗衣設施、電子設備、車庫、娛樂設施及本公司 [...]
公司以按本公司認為適當之條款進行或從事或提供該等管理、租賃及利益 。
(5) To manage any buildings, whether belonging to the Company or not, or let the same or any part thereof for any period and at such rent and on such conditions as the Company shall think fit; to collect the rent and income and to supply to tenants and occupiers and others light,
heat, air-conditioning, refreshments,
[...] attendants, messengers, waiting rooms, reading rooms, [...]
lavatories, laundry facilities,
electric conveniences, garages, recreation facilities and other advantages which from time to time the Company shall consider desirable, or to provide for such management, letting and advantages as aforesaid by employing any person, firm or company to carry out or to supply the same on such terms as the Company may think fit.
(g) 与暴力侵害妇女行为及其因果问题特别报告员和贩运人口特别是妇女
[...] 和儿童问题特别报告员合作并协助其履行法定任务和职责,为此按要求提供一切 资料接待特别 报告员来访及回复其函文。
(g) To cooperate with and assist the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences and the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children, in performing their mandated tasks
and duties by supplying all information requested
[...] and responding to the Special Rapporteurs’ [...]
visits and communications.
雖然秘書處會竭盡全 力,調配足夠人力資源,按照訪問團成員人數
[...] 為是次職務訪問提供所需支援,但議員或擬考 慮,訪問團的成員人數會否影響 接待 機 構進 行有效及深入交流。
While the Secretariat would use its best efforts to deploy adequate manpower resources to provide the necessary support to the duty visit having regard to the number of participants, Members might wish to
consider whether the size of the delegation would affect effective and in-depth
[...] exchange with the receiving organizations.
[...] 方举办了一些活动,在德国发起了“黑色大西洋:旅游文化、相反的记忆、相互关联的特 性”项目,在瑞典和在纽约联合 接待 了 巡 回展览“记忆的义务”。
Activities were also organized in Germany (launch of the project “Black Atlantic: Travelling Cultures, Counter-Memories, Networked
Identities”), in Sweden, and at the United
[...] Nations in New York (reception of the travelling [...]
exhibition “Lest We Forget”).
她的愿景非常简单:在蒙特利尔(Montreal)设立一个中心 接待 魁 北 克的所有残障儿童。
Her vision was simple: to provide a centre in Montreal that would welcome handicapped children from all over Quebec.
她的工作包接 待来议 会的重要客人,准备会议文件,打扫报告员办公室。
Her work included receiving distinguished [...]
visitors to the Parliament, preparing documents for the sittings and cleaning the rapporteur’s office.
最后,几内亚危机调解人布基纳法索总统先生阁下、民主与发展全国委员会 主席兼几内亚共和国总统先生、民主与发展全国委员会副主席兼几内亚共和国临
[...] 时总统先生深切感谢摩洛哥国王穆罕默德六世陛下以及摩洛哥当局所有成员,包 括医疗队人员,感谢他们慷接待并 以 专业精神尽心尽力医治穆萨·戴维斯·卡 [...]
Lastly, the President of Burkina Faso and Mediator in the Guinean crisis, the President of CNDD and President of the Republic of Guinea, and the Vice-President of CNDD and Acting President of the Republic of Guinea warmly thanked His Majesty King Mohammed VI and all of the Moroccan authorities, including the members
of the medical profession, for their great
[...] generosity in receiving and providing [...]
care to Captain Moussa Dadis Camara with
great professionalism and affection.
香港基督教服務處Cheer融匯-少數族裔服務中心,由中心主任岑潔儀小姐及多元文化校園訓練計劃計劃主任冼仲賢先生以及少數族裔的工作人 接待 , 透過有趣的遊戲、簡報以及參觀讓學生認識香港少數族裔服務推行狀況以及技巧等。
Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents (CHEER) – After a warm welcome by Centre-in-charge of CHEER Ms. SHUM Kit Yee, Katherine, Project Leader of Multicultural Education at Schools (MES) Mr. SIN Chung Yin, Timothy, and a number of ethnic staff, all students were introduced the kinds of services and the skills related to the ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, through interesting games and brief presentations.
[...] 大使以及阿富汗政府其他部门包括阿富汗安全部队 的深切谢意,感谢他接待如此富有成果的访问以及 他们给予的热情款待。
Finally, let me underscore our profound thanks to President Karzai, Ambassador Tanin and the rest of the Afghan
Government, including the Afghan security forces, for hosting such a productive visit
[...] and extending such warm hospitality.
自1996年起,协会便致力于协助为世界各地罹患心脏疾病的儿童提供治疗,至今已成功为600多位儿童进行手术,并在法国为其安排友善 接待 家 庭
Since 1996, the association has continuously worked to help cure children with cardiac disorders from all over the world. More
than 600 children have been successfully operated
[...] and found a warm, welcoming environment in their French host families.
(b) 信息和文化部部长、巴勒斯坦教育、科学及文化委员会主任 Yasser·Abed Rabbo 先生。 Abed Rabbo 先生两接待了代 表团:一次是在他的拉马拉的办公室,他 的几位助手也出席了会见;还有一次是在关于巴勒斯坦委员会大楼的工作会议 上,该委员会的秘书长,教育和高等教育部部长以及计划和国际合作部联合国和 国际合作处处长出席了会议。
(b) The Minister of Information and Culture and President of the Palestinian Committee for Education, Science and Culture, Mr Yasser Abed Rabbo, who hosted the delegation on two occasions: at his office in Ramallah, with several of his collaborators present and during a working session on the premises of the Palestinian Committee, attended by, among others, the Secretary-General of the Committee, the Minister of Education and Higher Education and the Director of the Department of United Nations and International Organizations in the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation.
到需求进行评估,与国内流离失所者和接纳国内流离失所者融入或重新融入 的社区进行协商,对于确保考虑国内流离失所者的具体需求和权利和努力加强现 有流离失所接待战略是重要的。
Needs assessments and consultations with IDPs as well as with communities that have to integrate or reintegrate the displaced are essential to ensure that the specific needs and rights of IDPs
are taken into account and that the efforts undertaken
[...] reinforce existing coping strategies of the displaced population.
马里接待联合 国评估团的国家之一,我国注 意到主管政治事务的副秘书长刚才介绍的报告(见 [...]
Mali, which was one of the countries
[...] that hosted the United Nations [...]
mission, takes note of the report (see S/2012/42) that
has just been introduced by the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs.
行预咨委会从同一报告第 70 段中注意到,
[...] 除了目前在后勤基地执行的任务(维持战略部署物资储备、提供后勤、信息和通 讯及培训支助服务接待租用 单位)外,全球服务中心将进一步发展,以支持专 [...]
外地中央审查机构提供秘书处服务并在全球一级提供货物和服务的预先界定配 套服务。
The Committee notes from paragraph 70 of the same report that, in addition to the current tasks performed at UNLB (maintenance of the strategic deployment stocks reserve, provision of logistics, information
and communications and training support
[...] services, and hosting of tenant units), [...]
the global service centre would be further
developed to support centres of expertise for service delivery to field missions in the administrative, budgeting and financial management areas, and also provide field central review body secretariat services and deliver predefined service packages for goods and services at the global level.
另一个问题是人口拥挤:中心的容量是 4 004 个位置,接待的外国人往往超 过此数。
Overcrowding is another problem: the Centre has room for 4,004 aliens, but it often accommodates many more.
公室的所有函件,特别是关于移交通知和结束任务报告的函件的电子日志;复制 并按照时间顺序保留办公室要求保存的所有这些函件和主题文件的硬拷贝,因为
[...] 联黎部队任务结束报告要求该办公室收集这些文件;在工作周延长期间 接待该 办 公室的直接来访者和接听电话,协助联黎部队行政文件的处理,以及视需要执 [...]
The Team Assistant will maintain an electronic log of all correspondence directly to or from the Office, in particular handover notes and End of Assignment Reports; reproduce and maintain in chronological order hard copies of and subject files for all correspondence required to be kept by the Office, which is mandated to collect all End of
Assignment Reports for UNIFIL; attend to
[...] visitors and calls directed to the Office [...]
during extended coverage of the working week;
assist with the processing of UNIFIL administrative documents; and perform other administrative duties as required.
帮扶政策:家庭政策;社会救济;移民 接待 和 融合;残疾人、老年 人和年轻人政策;对囚犯的社会救济。
(b) Social assistance, which covers family
[...] policy, welfare, reception and integration [...]
of immigrants, policies on disabled persons,
senior citizens and young people, and prisoners’ welfare.
第 二 , 我們以接 待 從 香 港以外來港的 高層政 要 時,有 [...]
時 候 除了港府的 代 表外, 還 會 有其他的政府 代 表在場 ,例如中央 駐 港 機構的 代 表 , 或 有 一 些 駐 港總領事,但 中 華 旅 行 社 在 香
港 是一個 非 官 方 機構, 從 來都沒 有這類 的 官 方 代 表 身 份 。
Secondly, in the past, when we received some overseas
[...] senior politicians coming to Hong Kong, [...]
apart from representatives
for the SAR Government, there might be representatives for other governments, for example, representatives for central authorities stationing in Hong Kong or some consul generals posted to Hong Kong.
在 第四项核心要素方面,尽管首席法官指出缅甸实行司法独立,他同意邀请 接待 法官和律师独立性问题特别报告员。
On the fourth core element, even though the Chief Justice
mentioned that the judiciary was
[...] independent in Myanmar, he accepted to engage and receive [...]
the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers.
在上海和睦家医院接种进口流感疫苗只需88元(全部费用只可以现金或信用卡支付,不能享受进一步折扣),接种流感疫苗无需预约,您只需在医院大 接待 处 简 单地提出申请即可。
Receive an imported flu shot at Shanghai United Family Hospital & Clinics for only RMB 88 (cash and credit card only, no further discounts apply).
因此,C 系 列是多种零售和酒接待设置的首选。
As a result the C-Series is an excellent fit for a wide variety of retail and hospitality settings.
申 索 中 介 人 會 在 這 些
[...] 辦 公 地 點 的 電 梯 大 堂接 待 處 流 連 , 尋 找 涉 及 勞 資 [...]
糾 紛 的 申 請 人 、 法 律 援 助 的 申 請 人 或 交 通 意 外 受 害 人 或 他 們 的 家 人
, 向 他 們 兜 攬 生 意 。
Claims intermediaries would loiter in
[...] the lift lobbies or reception areas of the relevant [...]
offices and approach applicants involved
in labour disputes, applicants for legal aid, or victims of traffic accidents or their family members to solicit business.
接待成员 国应审查此一情况是否暂时性困难,同时考虑到居留时间长短、个 人情况以及所给予援助款额,以确定受益人是否构成本国社会援助制度不合 理的负担,并于必要时进行受益人隔离。
The host Member State should examine whether it is a case of temporary difficulties and take into account the duration of residence, the personal circumstances and the amount of aid granted in order to consider whether the beneficiary has become an unreasonable burden on its social assistance system and to proceed to his expulsion.
书记官长在法庭接待了一 些官员和组织人员,包括黎巴嫩巴卜达的安东 尼大学代表、伊拉克法官团以及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳法院战争罪分庭法官检察 官团。
Visits were made by representatives of Antonine University, in Baabda, Lebanon; by a group of judges from Iraq; and by a group of judges and prosecutors from the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
此外接待中心 还有一个少数民族权利办公室,专门负 接待 一 些 弱势群 体,主要工作目的是,为检察官在国内开展调查工作提供专业的技术支持,确保 《宪法》的相关规定得到贯彻执行,特别是针对那些涉及土著居民的罪行展开的 特别调查程序。
With regard to assistance to vulnerable groups, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has an Office of Ethnic Rights, the principal aim of which is to provide specialized technical investigative support to public prosecutors and to ensure effective compliance with constitutional provisions, particularly those concerning the special procedure for punishable offences relating to indigenous peoples.




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