

单词 接受信号

See also:

接受 v

accept v
receive v
take v
undergo v
take up v
take on v

接受 n

acceptance n
recipient of n

受信 adj

fiduciary adj

接受 adj

accepted adj

External sources (not reviewed)

We cannot accept credit card numbers on-line.
将扫信号清晰的频道,然后接收 机 设置在该 频道。
This scans for a clear channel and sets the receiver to that channel.
在分接开关储油柜里的油太少,会导致有载分接开关 受损!
[...] 在分接开关储油柜里的油太少的情况下,继续操作有 载分接开关会导致有载分接开受损! 一定要确保有载分接开关储油柜内最低油 信号接点 接入断路器的跳闸回路中,只要储油柜内油位低于最 低油位,断路器立刻切断变压器。
Make sure that the contact for signaling the falling below the minimum oil level in the on-load tapchanger’s oil conservator was looped through to the tripping circuit of the circuit-breaker and
that the circuit-breaker will
[...] immediately de-energize the transformer when the oil has fallen below this minimum oil level in the oil conservator.
接口的延迟应该已知和稳定,且 受信号 抖 动或丢失的影响。
The delay of the interface has to be known, stable, and free from jitter or [...]
a) 就“除害劑”和其他相關詞彚採用與食品法典委員會一致的定義; b) 制定最高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量名單,以食品法典委員會建議的最高殘餘限量 /再殘餘限量為骨幹,並採納食品法典委員會的食物分類方法; c) 對於沒有訂明最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量的除害劑,除非食環署署 信 納 檢 測 到的除害劑殘餘水平不會危害或損害公眾健康,否則不容許輸入和售賣含有這 類除害劑的食物; d) 制定獲豁免物質名單; e) 接受增加 /修訂最高殘餘限量和獲豁免物質的申請; f) 讓擬議規例與《除害劑條例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害劑註冊作出配 合;以及 g) 擬議規例會在兩年寬限期屆滿後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned
food for which no
[...] MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the [...]
proposed Regulation with the
registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period.
一些代表团对卫信号受到干 扰 表示关切,并认为这个问题与小组委员会议程项目 5 有关。
Some delegations expressed serious concern about the
[...] interference with satellite signals and referred to [...]
the relevance of this subject to item 5
of the agenda of the Subcommittee.
这是因为,如果以色接受阿拉伯和平倡议,就 会确保以色列结束其对自 1967 年以来所占领的所有 叙利亚领土以及在同一年所占领的其余黎巴嫩领土 的占领,确保建立一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立的 巴勒斯坦国;此外也因为这将保证达成协议,根据大 会第 194(III)号决议 解决巴勒斯坦难民问题;并且将 确保以色列同所有阿拉伯国家缔结和平协议,同其他 35 个伊斯兰国家建立正常关系。
That is because Israel’s acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative would guarantee the end of its occupation of all Syrian territories occupied since 1967 and the remaining Lebanese territories occupied in the same year and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, and because it would guarantee an agreed resolution [...]
of the issue of Palestine
refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) and would secure for Israel peace agreements with all Arab States and normal relations with 35 other Islamic States.
最后几个阶段的翻修工作采纳了第 181 EX/42 号报告中所载的外聘审计员的建议,并 按照执行局在同一届会议上作出的决定(第 181 EX/42 号决定)接受审计
The final stages of this operation took into account the recommendations of the External Auditor contained in document 181 EX/42 and were audited in compliance with the decision by the Executive Board at the same session (181 EX/Decision 42).
上拉或下拉的高阻抗值应加入到X 和Y轴输出中,那么如果发生配线接 插 件 失效的事件时,输 信号 就 会 超出这个范 围。
A high value pull-up or pull-down resistance should be added to the
X and Y outputs such that in
[...] the unlikely event of a wire or connector failure, the output will be pulled [...]
out of range.
根據新增訂的第13I條,如任何商戶在就某產品(下稱"有 關產品")接受付款或其他代價時,該商戶意圖不供應有關產品, 或意圖供應與有關產品有重大分別的產品,或沒有合理理由信該商 戶將能在所指明的期間內或在合理時間內,供應有關產 品,則該商戶即屬不當地就有關產 接受 付 款
Under the new
[...] section 13I, a trader wrongly accepts payment for a product if, at the time of accepting payment or other consideration for the product, he intends not to supply the product, intends to supply a materially different product, or there are no reasonable grounds for believing that he will be able to supply the product within [...]
the period
specified by him or within a reasonable period.
澳门居民可以 免接收中 国内地及香港的无线电视广 信号 , 因 此中国内地及香港电视节目非 常普遍;本地居民收听中国内地及香港电台的节目也十分普遍。
Televisions broadcasts are received free-to-air from the Mainland of China and Hong [...]
Kong and widely watched by Macao residents,
Mainland of China and Hong Kong radio stations are also widely heard.
为了使 LINK 850 从电接收稳定电平的输信号,Wi ndows 设置已被禁用。
To secure that LINK 850
[...] receives a constant leveled input signal from the PC, the windows settings [...]
has been disabled.
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使 信 息 传 播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程接受其它 阿拉伯语的在线内容,开发多语种教学内容,通过提供不 同形式的授课方式增加终身学习的机会。
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of national distance education courses and access to other online content to be made available in Arabic, multilingual content development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems.
巴基斯坦是一个核武器国家,因而不 接受 包括 第 1887(2009)号决议 在内的有关文书要求我国作为 一个无核武器国家加入《不扩散核武器条约》(不扩 散条约)的不现实内容。
Pakistan is a nuclear-weapon
[...] State and cannot accept unrealistic references, including in resolution 1887 (2009), [...]
calling for joining
the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as a non-nuclear-weapon State.
在这方面,阿塞拜疆共和国认为对亚美尼亚共和国非法活动坐视不理是断然 不接受的, 这与国家间关系原则背道而驰,等同于把侵略者与受害者划上 号, 相 当于容忍在国际社会成员的国家领土内采取针对阿塞拜疆共和国主权和领土 完整的行动。
In this regard, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers it unacceptable and inconsistent with the principles of inter-State relations to turn a blind eye to illegal activities of the Republic of Armenia, to proceed from the approach based on equating the aggressor and its victim and to tolerate within the national territories of the members of the international community the actions directed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
6.52. 与会代表们一致同意:重大计划 V 中的主要优先事项应予保留,不过应当更好地把 重点放在那些强调为尤其是少数民族及其他少数群体提供同等的、支付得起 接受信 息 与知 识的机会的计划内容上。
6.52 There was unanimous agreement among participants that the principal priority for Major Programme V should be retained, however with a better focus on programme content emphasizing the need for equitable and affordable access to information and knowledge, especially for ethnic and other minorities.
我国代表团表示,我们深为关切以色列挑战国际 社会的侵略性政策,以色列拒接受 包 括第 242(1967) 号和第 338(1973)号决议在内的所有安全理事会相关 决议,无视世界各国的一切呼吁和要求,消极回应国 际倡议,其中包括姐妹般的沙特阿拉伯的国王阿卜杜 拉·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹·阿勒沙特国王提交的《阿 拉伯和平倡议》,该倡议为实现该地区和平提供了一 个政治框架。
My delegation expresses its deep concern at the aggressive policies with which Israel is challenging the international community, at its rejection of all relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), at its disregard of all appeals and calls by the countries of the world, and at its negative response to international initiatives, including the Arab Peace Initiative submitted by King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of sisterly Saudi Arabia — the initiative that provided a political framework for peace in the region.
向无核武器国家转让源材料或特殊裂变材料或专门为加工、使用或生产 特殊裂变材料而设计或准备的设备或材料而作出的新的供应安排,作为 一项必要的先决条件,都必须要接受原子能机构的全面保障监督,接 受基于 INFCIRC/540 号文件 (更正本)范本的《附加议定书》。
New supply arrangements for the transfer of source or special fissionable material or equipment or material specially designed or prepared for the processing, use or production of special fissionable material to non-nuclearweapon States should
require, as a necessary
[...] precondition, acceptance of the IAEA full-scope safeguards and an Additional Protocol based on the model INFCIRC/540 (Corrected).
鉴于利比亚局势严重,根据理事会执行第 2011/300/CFSP 号决定,执行针对 利比亚局势的限制性措施的第 2011/137/CFSP 号决定,另有其他人和实体也被列 入接受第 204/2011 号条例 (欧盟)附件三所述限制性措施的个人和实体的清单 中。
In view of the gravity of the situation in Libya and in accordance with Council Implementing Decision 2011/300/CFSP implementing Decision 2011/137/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya, an additional person and an additional entity have been included in the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures set out in annex III to Regulation (EU) No. 204/2011.
[...] 际法保护的表达自由权的一个方面,不仅保障传播信息和观点的权利,而且保护寻求 接受 信息与观点的权利。
Of far more recent vintage, however, is recognition of the right to information as a fundamental human right, an aspect of the right to freedom of expression
which, under international law, guarantees not only the right to impart, but also to
[...] seek and receive information and ideas.
缔约方大会第 XVIII/17 号决定接受了这一论点:可以把某些显然超量生产的 CTC 视为储存,供以后用作原料。
Decision XVIII/17 of the Meeting of the Parties accepted the reasoning [...]
that some apparent over-production of CTC could be
treated as stockpile for future feedstock use.
受信財產 不再包括任何股份,本公司按掉期協議履行之責任即構成本公司之接、無 抵押優先責任,並將於隨後任何時間與本公司所有其他未償還之無抵 押及優先債務或責任具有同等地位。
If the Fiduciary Property ceases to comprise any Share, the Company’s obligation under the Swap Agreement shall then constitute direct, unsecured senior [...]
obligations of the Company
and shall all time thereafter rank pari passu with all other outstanding unsecured and senior indebtedness or obligations of the Company.
这些原则与以下两个 方面都是密不可分的:确保所采取的政策的有效性;回应各国在参与公共生活、 寻求接受信息和在侵权情况下获得有效补救的诸项权利方面的义务。
These principles are integral both to ensuring effectiveness in the adopted policy and responding to the obligations of States with regard to the rights to take part in public life, to seek and receive information and to have access to effective remedies in cases of violation.
此外,如囚犯之被探视权接受信件 之 权利对监狱秩序与安全构成危险或 潜在危险,或此权利可能会对其本身或其社会重返产生负面影响之时,囚犯也可 被剥夺此被探视权接受信件之权利。
Moreover, prisoners may be deprived
of the right to
[...] receive visits and/or correspondence, if the exercise of such rights constitutes a risk or a potential risk to the order and security of the Prison Establishment, or may have a negative influence on the prisoner or on his/her social [...]
現時,向馬會發出的賽馬博彩、足球博彩和獎券活動的牌照中,已 加入多項條款,要求持牌機構採取措施,減少賭博對市民,尤其是青少
[...] 人士的投注或向未成年人士派彩、宣傳或推廣活動不可以未成年人士為 目標、不可提供賒帳接受信用卡投注、不可在指定時段內,在電台或 電視台播放廣告等,持牌機構亦須在投注場所和投注網頁中展示告示, [...]
就沉迷賭博可引致的嚴重問題作出警告,以及為問題和病態賭徒提供的 服務及設施的資料。
At present, the licences of horse race betting, football betting and lotteries issued to the HKJC have imposed a number of conditions requiring the licensee to adopt measures to minimize the negative impact of gambling on the public, especially young people, including the licensee shall not permit juveniles to enter its betting premises, shall not accept bets from juveniles or pay dividends to juveniles, shall not target juveniles in its
advertising or promotional activities,
[...] shall not accept bets on credit or accept credit cards as a [...]
means of payment for placing
bets, shall not advertise on television or radio in specific time slots, and shall display notices in its betting premises and on its betting websites warning against the serious problems caused by excessive gambling and providing information on the services and facilities available for problem or pathological gamblers.
公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十九条规定,见解和言论自由权由三个 不同要素组成:(a) 有权持有主张而不受干涉;(b) 有权寻求接受信息和 获取 信息的权利;以及 (c) 有权传播各种信息和观念,而不论国界,也不论口头、 书面或印刷,以艺术形式,或通过自己选择的任何其他媒介。
As provided for in article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the right to freedom of opinion and expression comprises three different elements: (a) the right to hold opinions without interference; (b) the right to seek and receive information and the right of access to information; and (c) the right to impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of one’s choice.
空间段由五颗卫星组成,其中除其他外将安装以下设备:使用多种频率监 测电离层状况的无线电物理系统(电离层探测仪);测量电离辐射情况的设备; 监测磁场和波活动的系统;在 150 至 400 兆赫频率传播无线信号的双频发射 器;全球定位系接收器 ;以及监测太阳活动情况的诊断系统。
The space-based segment comprises five satellites aboard which, inter alia, the following equipment is to be installed: radiophysical systems that use a wide range of frequencies (ionosondes) for monitoring the state of the ionosphere; equipment for the measurement of ionizing radiation; a system to monitor magnetic and wave activity;
a dual-frequency
[...] transmitter of radio signals at frequencies of 150 to 400 MHz; global positioning system (GPS) receivers; and a diagnostics [...]
system to monitor solar activity.
安装于开关头中供运行监控用 信号接点 (端子箱位于 管接头 Q 上,见第 [...]
16 节,外形尺寸图 8996483D)必须接 至电动机构的相应接线端子(见图, 49 和相关电动机 构的接线图)。
The signaling contacts, installed in [...]
the on-load tap-changer head for tap-change supervisory control during operation (terminal box at pipe connection Q, see section 16, dimension
drawing 8996483D), must be connected to the corresponding terminals of the motor drive unit (see Figure 49 and the connection diagram for the corresponding motor drive unit).
除了理事会针对利比亚实施限制性措施的第 204/2011 号条例(欧盟),尤其 是其中第 16(2)条,其他人和实体也被列入 接受第 204/2011 号条例 (欧盟)附件 三所列各项限制性措施的个人和实体清单中。
In addition to the Council Regulation (EU) No. 204/2011 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya, and in particular article 16(2) thereof, additional persons and entities have been included in the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures set out in annex III to that Regulation.




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