

单词 接力赛跑

See also:


relay race

赛跑 n

race n


race (running)

External sources (not reviewed)

当 Stanford 得赛马跑过赛道而触 发接快门 的细线时,就有 24 幅照片被拍摄下来,从而证明了某些时刻所有的赛马都四 蹄腾空。
As Stanford's horse ran the track, it tripped the wires and recorded 24 photographs that proved that all four of the horse's feet were off the ground at the same time.
执法人员火跑最终段的接力象征 着年复一年由执法人员发起的多项募款活动。
The Final Leg is a symbol of the numerous fundraising events that happen every year to make fundraising by law enforcement officers the biggest single source of donations to Special Olympics.
这提供了可将扭矩导向具有最大抓地力的车轮、或是改变扭矩分配以调节高性能车或汽车 力赛 等 赛 车 运动 中 跑 车 操作平衡的优势。
This gives the advantage of directing torque to the wheel or wheels with the most grip, or varying
torque split to adjust the handling balance of the car in high
[...] performance or motor sport applications, such as rallying.
我们还组织团队完成长岛(LongIsland)半程/全程马拉 赛跑 , 筹 款 接近 40,000 美元。
We also fielded a team to compete in a half/full
[...] marathon on Long Island, raising nearly $40,000.
贝尔法斯特马拉松(Belfast City Marathon)每年也吸引全世界的马拉松爱好者来到北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)参加马拉松跑、竞走、 接力 活 动 , 接力 比 赛 中 , 五位选手可以分担这长得惊人的26.2英里行程。
The Belfast City Marathon also attracts athletes from all over the world to Northern Ireland for a marathon run and walk, team relay and fun run.
但我们认为,恰恰相反,人权的一个内容就是要表明,人们有权参加马拉 赛跑 而 不 遭受 力 , 有权享受没有恐怖的假日,人民的权利由许多不同形式体现出来。
But we thought that on the contrary, that it’s a part of human rights
to make clear that people have
[...] the right to run in a marathon without violence, and people [...]
have a right to enjoy a holiday
without terror, and that the rights of people are represented in many different ways.
以別出心裁的對比配襯、專業的接 裝 飾 和精確的裝置,增 跑 車 的 動人 力 , 做 到內外兼備,更體現了平治對細節的堅持和品牌的設計方針。
Precisely executed decorative and contrasting stitching enhances the visual impression, heightens the hand-crafted look and reflects the attention to detail which is the hallmark of Mercedes design.
可是,由於大家無須親自奪人家園,奪人耕地,亦無須 接跑到 票 站門外搶奪市民的選票,只要當權者設有執法部門及訂有整套程 序,可代表他們行使這種力,大 家便可以披上和平、理性的外衣, 神閒氣定地在此說出種種歪理,忽視事實,甚至表決進行這些暴力行 為。
Nonetheless, as the perpetuators need not get personally involved when taking away people's homes and farmland, or taking away people's votes outside the polling stations, Members can still state their crooked theories here calmly and ignore the facts completely while donning
the outer guise of
[...] peace and reasoning, and they can even vote to support the perpetuation of these violent acts, so long as the rulers have a law-enforcement agency and a set of procedures [...]
in place to perpetuate
such violence on their behalf.
在通过 21 公里世界最具挑战性的赛道之一后,他评论道,时速达到 325 公里的 Superleggera “非常出色”,并称他“驾驶一部拥有超凡 力 的 跑 车 在一条令人惊叹 赛 道 上 完成了一次绝妙的驾驶体验。
After 21kms of one of the world's most challenging circuits, he professed that the 325 km/h Superleggera was "superb" and that he'd had a "brilliant experience driving an amazing car on an amazing track.
这是在有限的资源下与时赛跑,因 为首先必须要对许多以往的 ICT 项目进行巩固, [...]
This is a race against time with limited [...]
resources, as many past ICT initiatives must first be consolidated to ensure sustainability, reliability and security.
C 63 AMG轎跑車的安全配套十分完善,標準配備包括8個安全氣袋,所有座椅均設有安全帶 力 及 接力 限 制 器。
With eight airbags as standard, belt tensioners and belt-force limiters for all seats, the C 63 AMG Coupé has extensive safety features.
雖然機場管理局早前已經公布中場範圍首期發展計劃,提升大樓 客運的處理力,但現時的兩跑道 已 接 近 飽 和,第三條跑道根本上接影響機場的競力。
Although the Airport Authority announced earlier on the first phase of the midfield expansion
project to raise the
[...] passenger handling capacity of the terminals, the two runways currently have almost reached their maximum handling capacity, so a third runway will have a direct bearing on the competitiveness of the airport.
通过分析两种动物的跑模式和接触 力 , 研 究人员明确了一些帮助猎豹在与犬科动物的竞争中胜出的生物力学因素。
By analyzing the
[...] two animals' sprinting patterns and contact forces, the researchers identified several biomechanical [...]
factors that help
the cheetah outstrip its canine competition, they reveal today in The Journal of Experimental Biology.
在上海期间,Meyer先生接任力赛佳 上 海的生产经理之前就首次成功地开始了HIPAC的生产。
During his time in Shanghai Mr. Meyer had first been successful in developing HIPAC production before taking over the post of manager of overall production at LISEGA PST.
[...] 行通知,例如单独使用宣传手册和互联网,或者配合更加简洁的通知方式和 接 向 参赛 者提供的文件。
This also may include furnishing notices through generally available sources, such as brochures and Internet websites, alone or
preferably in combination with more succinct notices on forms and other
[...] documentation provided directly to Participants.
诞生于 1980 年的力士超级帆船杯天生就是 Maxi 级游艇(在 70 年代开始大行其道)的秀场,Maxi 级游艇可以在这里展开接竞赛,这 里的环境充满挑战,非常适合比赛。
Established in 1980, the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup was born of a
[...] desire to provide the Maxi class of yacht – first prevalent during the 1970s – with an opportunity to engage in a direct competition, in a suitably challenging environment.
他 表示,部分跑馬地居民及區議會議員關注到當局於 設計階段有否預留空間,以便興建日後的跑馬地港 鐵站及接跑馬地 與銅鑼灣的行人隧道。
He said that some Happy Valley residents and District Council members were concerned whether space had been earmarked during the design stage for
the future provision of an MTR station in Happy Valley and a
[...] pedestrian subway connecting Happy Valley with Causeway Bay.
力管理 公司伊顿(Eaton Corporation)的参赛人数达到令人惊讶的152人,同时 跑赛 也 举办于该公司100周年纪念的前夕这一特别时刻。
Eaton Corporation, a power management company, had an impressive gathering of 152 and for its own special occasion — the [...]
eve of the 100th Anniversary of the company.
由於香港舉辦馬術項目,我們須應國際奧林匹克委員會( 下稱「國 際奧委會」) 和第 29 屆奧林匹克運動會組織委員會( 下稱「北京奧組委」) 的要求,推行若干活動,例如在奧運會期間設立「奧運文化廣場」、 舉辦火接力跑等全港性慶祝活動,以及在奧運會舉行前及舉行期間 推出營造奧運協辦城市氣氛的項目。
As a result of Hong Kong’s staging of the Equestrian Events, we are required by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) to undertake certain initiatives such as territory-wide carnivals entitled “Live Sites” during the Games period, Torch Relays and those initiatives for cultivating the Olympic co-host city atmosphere before and during the Games.
这些力包括 鼓励大学提供空间 法方面的单元;为空间法方面的本科生和研究生教育提供研究金;协助制定国 家空间立法和政策框架;组织讲习班、研讨会和其他专业活动以促进加深理解 空间法;为法律研究提供财务和技术支助;编写空间法方面的专门研究报告、 文件和出版物;支助空间法模拟法庭 赛 ; 支 助青年专业人员参加与空间法有 关的区域和国际会议;为积累经验提供培训和其他机会;支助专门从事空间法 研究的实体。
Those efforts included encouraging universities to offer modules on space law; providing fellowships for graduate and postgraduate education in space law; assisting in the development of national space legislation and policy frameworks; organizing workshops, seminars and other specialized activities to promote greater understanding of space law; providing financial and technical support for legal research; preparing dedicated studies, papers and publications on space law; supporting space law moot court competitions; supporting [...]
the participation of young
professionals in regional and international meetings relating to space law; providing for training and other opportunities to build experience; and supporting entities dedicated to the study of and research relating to space law.
[...] 的,这是因为,就预防与烟草相关的疾病和死亡而言, 我们是在同时赛跑,这是一场我们输不起的角逐。
Such results can be, and must be, replicated worldwide, because when
it comes to preventing tobacco-related illnesses and
[...] death, we are in a race with time, a race we cannot afford [...]
to lose.
根据保留的力接受保 留的后 果问题不是、而且不应该是被提出,其探究停止在可允许性的阶段,这一点不 [...]
The question of the
[...] consequences of acceptance in terms of the [...]
effects of the reservation is not and should not be raised;
the inquiry stops at the stage of permissibility, which is not and cannot be acquired as a result of the acceptance.
政府當局在推廣奧運時會秉持這種精神,並會確保 香港區火接力會在 有秩序的情況下進行。
The Administration would uphold this spirit in promoting Olympism and would ensure that the Torch Relay in Hong Kong would be conducted in an orderly manner.
玛莎拉蒂自2005年参加世界超跑车锦 标赛以来,已获得14个冠军头衔(和19次胜利):2个汽车制造商冠军(2005和2007)、5个车手总冠军(巴特尔斯/贝托里尼2006年;托马斯•比亚吉(Thomas Biagi)2007年;巴特尔斯/贝托里尼2008年、2009年和2010年);6个车队冠军(2005年以来,Vitaphone车队已连续六年获此殊荣);1个荣誉冠军(JMB车队的绅士车手本•奥库特Ben Aucott 2007年获得);另外还在3次斯帕24小时 力赛 中 夺 冠(2005、2006和2008)。
Maserati's participation in the FIA GT from 2005 to today is crowned with fourteen titles (and 19 victories): two Car Maker Cups (2005 and 2007), five Driver Championships (Bartels-Bertolini in 2006, Thomas Biagi in 2007, and Bartels-Bertolini in 2008, 2009 and 2010); six Team Championships (uninterruptedly since 2005, by the Vitaphone Racing Team); one Citation Cup in 2007 by gentleman driver Ben Aucott, JMB Racing, in addition to three absolute victories in Spa's 24 Hours (2005, 2006 and 2008).
活泼的孩子通常很健康,但父母们却理所当然地担心一些春季户外活动或许会增加孩子受伤的机率,这类活动包括徒步旅行、游泳、骑自行车、爬树、掏蜂窝、划船 赛跑 , 或 者是以碰撞速度穿越操场等。
While an active child is often a healthy child, parents are rightfully concerned that spring outdoor activities – like
trekking, swimming, biking, tree climbing,
[...] beehive punting, racing and chasing across [...]
the playground at collision speeds –
increase the potential for injury.
After all these, users start the game that
[...] consists in a solo race in which the player [...]
must dodge certain obstacles while his
two friends in the background perform various funny tasks (such as being violently yelled at by the boss in the‘office space’ setting).
(d) 推进一年一度的赛跑(国际军体 赛跑 ) ,这是一项世界性赛事,旨 在促进军事和民间社区内部的体育实务,并以此作为健康和社会生活方式的组成 部分。
(d) Advancing its annual day run (“CISM Day Run”), a worldwide event aimed at promoting the practice of sports within military and civilian communities as a component of health and social lifestyle.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治 力 , 促 进在普 接受 的 国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that,
despite ongoing
[...] political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles [...]
of international law,
the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
(a) 策劃、推廣及支持藝術(包括文學藝術、表演藝術、視覺藝術及 電影藝術)的廣泛發展,並培養及提高在藝術方面的參與、教育、 知識、技藝、欣賞力、接觸機 會及明達的評論,以期改善整體 社會的生活素質;”。
(a) to plan, promote and support the broad development of the arts, including the literary, performing, visual and film arts, and to develop and improve the participation and education in and the knowledge, practice, appreciation, accessibility and informed criticism of the arts, with a view to improving the quality of life of the whole community;”.




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