

单词 接任

External sources (not reviewed)

(3) 股東可在根據該等細則召開的任何股東大會上通過特別決議,隨時提前罷免核 數師之職務,並通過普通決議在該次會議上委任另一核數 接任。
(3) The Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Bye-laws, by special resolution remove the Auditor at any time before the expiration of his term of
office and shall by ordinary resolution at
[...] that meeting appoint another Auditor [...]
in his stead for the remainder of his term.
越来越多的工作人员 认为目前的招聘做法是为接任命大 开方便之门,甚至没有登招聘通知也无需工作人员个人 [...]
问题咨询委员会(PAB)的举荐意见, 要不然就是通过熟人或朋友关系,而置内部晋升和现行的 规定于不顾。
In the opinion of a growing number of the staff, current
recruitment practices are designed
[...] to facilitate direct appointments, made in some instances [...]
without publication of a vacancy
notice or a recommendation by a Personnel Advisory Board (PAB) but through personal acquaintance or cronyism, thus disregarding internal promotion and the rules in force.
例如,假定目前任职的人 是来自“北方”,接任人应 来自“南方”,附有要求对即将出现的空缺提名候 选人的空缺公告的普通照会应只送往“南方”的成员国,而对“北方”的成员国 [...]
For example, assuming that
[...] a current incumbent is from the North and a successor should [...]
be from the South, notes verbale
with the vacancy announcement requesting nominations of candidates for the upcoming vacancy should be sent to the Member States from the South only, with information to the Member States from the North.
小组委员会又注意到印度接任 2012 年地球观测卫星委员会主席一 职,并将主办该委员会下次全体会议。
The Subcommittee also noted that India had taken up the chairmanship of CEOS for 2012 and would host its next plenary meeting.
在新的一年里,在接任后, 委员会收到了国际 原子能机构(原子能机构)秘书处送来的原子能机构 [...]
总干事的一份报告的副本,报告题为“技术合作:机 构 2009-2011 年拟议方案”,以及题为“2009-2011 年 技术合作周期对伊朗技术合作评估”的报告增编。
In the new year, after I had taken over, [...]
the Committee received from the secretariat of the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) a copy of a report by the IAEA Director General, entitled “Technical Cooperation: The Agency’s Proposed Programme for 2009-2011”, as well as an addendum to that report, entitled “Evaluation of Technical Cooperation to be provided to Iran during the Technical Cooperation Cycle 2009-2011”.
豁免方」是指個別和所有原告及 [Lufthansa ] 全體和解團體成員,代表自身以及透過他們提 出索賠的任何個人或實體,包括繼承者、管理員、遺贈受益人、 任 、 接任 、 母 公司、子公 司、任何形式的代表、股東、合作夥伴、董事、任何形式的所有者、附屬機構、受託人、代 理商、雇員、承包人、律師或保險商;以及和解團體律師,代表自身以及透過他們提出索賠 的任何個人或實體,包括繼承者、管理員、遺贈受益人、 任 、 接任 、 母 公司、子公司、任 何形式的代表、股東、合作夥伴、董事、任何形式的所有者、附屬機構、受託人、代理商、 雇員、承包人、律師或保險商。
Releasing Parties” shall refer individually and collectively, to Plaintiffs and all [Lufthansa] Settlement Class Members, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer, and to Settlement Class Counsel, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer.
自 2010 年 2 月起,该部队的领导来自苏丹武装 部队,2010 年 8 月 15 日,由乍得武装部接任部队 的领导权。
From February 2010 the head of the Force was from SAF, and on 15 August 2010 the leadership of the Force was taken over by the Chadian armed forces.
检查专员相信,如果遵守第 87(b)和(c)段中 的准则,那么,第 46/232 号决议第 3(e)段中的要 求,即,作为一般的规则,不以同一会员国的国接任该国 国民所担任的高级职位,而且任何国家或国家集团均不得垄断高级职 位,就应能达到。
The Inspectors believe that if the guidelines in paragraph 87 (b) and (c) are followed, the requirements of paragraph 3 (e) in resolution 46/232, whereby the General Assembly decided that as a general rule, no national of a Member State should succeed a national of that State in a senior post and that there should be no monopoly on senior posts by nationals of any State or group of States, should be satisfied.
一旦出现 须轮换职位的空缺,而且需要由另一服务地点的工作人 接任 , 人 们常常倾向于采取时间更短和要 求不高的同级调动方式,可能是为了避开招聘/晋级所要求的透明和公平的规定。
In the case of a vacant post subject to rotation and intended to be taken up by a staff member from another duty station, the risk exists that the equal grade transfer procedure, which is faster and less supervised, may often be preferred, possibly as a way round the rules for transparency and fairness provided for in cases of recruitment/promotion.
[...] 员会的专员不由向赔偿委员会提出索偿的各方 接任 命 , 而是由管理委员会任 命。
In contrast, the Commissioners at
[...] UNCC were not directly appointed by [...]
the parties making claims before UNCC but by the Governing Council.
(b) 在接任計劃 方面,公務員事務局局長會定期與常任秘書長和部門首長會面,商討 個別部門和職系接任情況 ,以確保能及早識 接任 問 題 ,預先制定計劃,並採 取適時的措施。
(b) On succession planning, the Secretary for the Civil Service regularly meets with Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Departments to discuss the succession situation in respective departments and grades, with a view to ensuring early identification of any succession problems and [...]
advance planning and
timely implementation of measures.
同時,為了改善首長級職位接任計 劃 , 該職系又為具潛質的中層管理人員提供密集 指導。
For better succession planning to the directorate ranks of the grade, intensive coaching for potential middle managers of the grade is also provided.
不過,在 1996-97 年度開始的隨後數年,建築小組委員會所要處理的文件數 目,以及所批出的工程合約大大增加,以致當時的房委會主席及在 1996 年 4 月接任的建 築小組委員會主席林濬先生亦認為,小組委員會的工作繁重, 曾經考慮精簡該小組委員會的職能。
However, in the several years that followed 1996-97, both the number of papers that the Building Committee had to handle and the number of works contracts to be awarded had increased so much that both the Chairman of HA and Mr Daniel LAM, who took over chairmanship of the Building Committee in April 1996, were of the opinion that the workload of the Committee was too heavy and had once considered to streamline its duties.
使用上簡單方便,不需再接任何零 件,便可立即將產品無線化,提高產品附 加價值。
It is convenience to use in different products and external components is not necessary to make products be wireless also bring value-added for your products.
最後,隨著本接任主席職務,我謹藉此機會向各位客戶及股東的長期支持表示衷心 [...]
謝意,並多謝董事局及全體員工全力投入工作,發揮專業精神,為達致成功作出堅定 的承擔。
[...] as I take over as Chairman I would [...]
like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and equity holders for
their continued support, as well as the Board and all staff members for their dedication, professionalism and commitment to success.
此外,前政制及內地事務局局長林瑞麟 接任 政 務 司司長前的最後支持率為31%,支持率淨值為0%。
Besides, former Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Stephen Lam obtained an approval rate of 31% just before he became the new CS, with a net approval rate of 0%.
(5) 根據上文第(4)分段之條文罷免董事產生之董事會空缺可由股東於有關董 事遭罷免之大會推選或委任填補,任期直至下一次委任董事或直至已推選或 任接任人 為止,或倘並無推選或委任,股東大會可授權董事會填補任何空缺。
(5) A vacancy on the Board created by the removal of a Director under the provisions of subparagraph (4) above may be filled by the election or appointment by the Members at the meeting at which such Director is removed to hold office until the next appointment of Directors or until their successors are elected or appointed or, in the absence of such election or appointment such general meeting may authorise the Board to fill any vacancy in the number left unfilled.
因此,它不需要接任何区 域供热系统,并且能够在不使用化石燃料的情况下满足室内环境控制的需求。
As such, it does not
[...] require any connection to the district [...]
heating system and is able to satisfy its climate control needs without fossil fuels.
罗马尼亚近期为促进并支持和平利用外层空间开展的活动包括:于201 0年 接任联合 国和平利用外层空间委员会主席,并于2011年1 [...]
月签署了加入《欧洲 航天局公约》的协议。
Romania’s recent activities for promoting and supporting
the peaceful use of outer space include
[...] taking over the chairmanship of the United [...]
Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space in 2010 and signing the agreement on accession to the Convention of the European Space Agency in January 2011.
它可以接任何JD BC数据源并通一个XML文件完成数据转换。
It can connect to any JDBC data [...]
source and pass an XML file for data conversion.
应当特别注意确保通 过接任命或 普选让妇女担任领导职务。
Particular attention should be paid to ensuring the presence of women in leadership
[...] positions either by direct appointment or by popular [...]
如技术执行委员会一名成员辞职或因其他原因无法完成指定任期或履行职 能,考虑到距举行下届缔约方会议的时间接近程度,技术执行委员会可决定任命 来自同一推选集团的另一名成接任 该 成 员的余下任期,所作任命应算为一个任 期。
If a member of the Technology Executive Committee resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the assigned term of office or to perform the functions of that office, the Technology Executive Committee may decide, bearing in mind the proximity of the next session of the COP, to appoint another member from the same constituency to replace said member for the remainder of that member’s mandate, in which case the appointment shall count as one term.
由于奥斯卡•施米特突然去世,威廉•斯尼德(William Snead)接任总裁职务直到新的、长期的管理层被确定。
Upon the sudden death of Oscar Schmitt, William Snead assumes the presidency of Emerson until new, long-term management can be secured.
鉴于缅甸将在2013年举办东南亚运动会,在20 14 年 接任 东 南亚国家联盟(简称“东盟”)轮值主席国,未来两年给国家政治体系带来的压力只会进一步增大。
The pressures on the system are only likely to increase in the next two years as Myanmar hosts the South East Asia Games in 2013 and takes over the chairmanship of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2014.
查尔斯•奈特(Charles F. Knight)接任帕森 斯成为首席执行官,在前任打下的坚实基础之上继续发展。
Charles F.
[...] (Chuck) Knight succeeds Persons as CEO [...]
and builds on the solid foundation laid by his predecessor.
驱动因素(直接或接):任何直接 或 间 接引起生态系统改变 的任何自然或人类诱因。
Driver (direct or indirect): Any natural or human-induced factor that directly or indirectly causes a change in an ecosystem.
这个问题变得如此大以至于2011年乔布斯去世前不久刚 接任 苹 果 CEO的蒂姆•库克上周就职之旅中国行期间专门造访中部城市郑州的富士康工厂。
That issue has become so big that Apple’s Tim Cook made a special trip to a Foxconn factory in the central city of Zhengzhou during his inaugural trip to China last week since taking over as CEO of the company in 2011 shortly before the death of Steve Jobs.
作為信賴憑證者,閣下同意確保公司及其董事、股東、主管、代理商、員工 接任 者 以 及受讓人免於承擔因下列事由而肇生之任何第三方索賠、訟案、訴訟程序、審判、損害及費用 (包括合理的律師費以及支出),對其進行賠償,為其抗辯並使其免受損害:(i) 閣下未履行適用信賴憑證者協議中所規定之信賴憑證者的職責;(ii) 閣下信賴一個在此情況下已不合理之憑證;或 (iii) 閣下未檢查此等憑證之狀態,以確定憑證是否過期或被撤銷。
As a Relying Party, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Company, its directors, shareholders, officers, agents, employees, successors and assigns from any and all third party claims, suits, proceedings, judgments, damages, and costs (including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses) arising from (i) your failure to perform the obligations of a Relying Party as set forth in the applicable Relying Party Agreement; (ii) your reliance on a Certificate that is not reasonable under the circumstances; or (iii) your failure to check the status of such Certificate to determine whether the certificate is expired or revoked.
在过去 10 年的大多数时间里,两国双边关 系是富有建设性的而且正在日益改善中,然而,当 民主接任泰国 政府后,柬方突然发现他们的泰国 同行变得极不友好。
When the Democrats took over, Cambodia suddenly had a hostile counterpart in what had been for most of the previous decade an increasingly productive bilateral relationship.
管理机构的最高领导秘书长、副秘书长以及土耳其大国民议会议长首席顾问、顾问和办公室主任等由大国民议会议长 接任 命 , 其他工作人员由秘书长建议,议长任命。
The Secretary General, Deputy Secretaries General,
Chief Advisors and Advisors to the Speaker and the Head to the Office of the
[...] Speaker are appointed directly by the Speaker.




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