

单词 探视权

探视权 ()

visitation rights (law)

See also:


look inquiringly
visit (a patient, prisoner etc)


visit v
explore v
scout v

search out
stretch forward

External sources (not reviewed)

该国政府还注意到,这四个被拘 留者保留探视权和与 家人朋友保持通信的权利,并且目前这种探视仍在进行。
The Government also noted that the four detainees
[...] preserve their right to be visited by, [...]
and correspond with, family and friends
and that such visits are ongoing.
委员会要求涉及国政府改善受害者的监禁条件,尤其在更多更广 探视权 利 方面 (151 EX/3 PRIV.第 99 条)。
The Committee decided to request the government concerned to improve the conditions of confinement
of the alleged victims, in particular by granting more
[...] frequent and extended visiting rights (151 EX/3 PRIV., [...]
para. 99).
根据该法 令,惩罚可包括取探视权、吸 烟权、与外界的通信和接受来自外部的食物;所 有这些为期最多一个月。
According to the Decree, sanctions can include the
[...] removal of visiting rights, of the right to smoke, [...]
of corresponding with the outside world,
and of receiving food from the outside; all for a maximum of one month.
此外,如囚犯之探视权或接 受信件之权利对监狱秩序与安全构成危险或 潜在危险,或此权利可能会对其本身或其社会重返产生负面影响之时,囚犯也可 被剥夺此探视权或接受信件之权利。
Moreover, prisoners may be deprived of the right to receive visits and/or correspondence, if the exercise of such rights constitutes a risk or a potential risk to the order and security of the Prison Establishment, or may have a negative [...]
influence on the
prisoner or on his/her social rehabilitation.
家属几乎没探视权,而 那些正式规定的权利 则由于以色列实行的繁琐的许可证和核准制度而基本上失去意义。
Family members
[...] have almost no visitation rights, and those who [...]
are formally available are made essentially irrelevant due
to the onerous permit and permission system imposed by Israel.
委员会要求涉及国政府使所称受害者享有更多 探视权 ( 152 EX/3 PRIV.第 128 段)。
The Committee decided to request the government concerned to
[...] grant extended visiting rights to the alleged victims [...]
(152 EX/3 PRIV., para. 128).
(c) 支持向国际法院提出请求,对以色列将羁押的巴勒斯坦人转往以色列 监禁的做法以及拒绝正探视权等问题提出咨询意见,可能的话,一并提出一项 更宽泛的要求,对交战国长期占领的特殊性质作出法律说明
(c) Support be given for a request to the International Court of Justice for an Advisory Opinion on the Israeli practice of transferring detained
Palestinians to prisons in Israel,
[...] denying normal visitation rights, possibly joined [...]
to a broader request for legal clarification
of the special character of prolonged belligerent occupation
[...] 不卫生、不人道的监狱里,遭受身心虐待,其中包括 凌虐、单独拘禁和酷刑,而且继续被剥夺家 探视权, 无法获得适当的医疗服务和食物,这违反了国际人道 主义和人权法。
Palestinian prisoners and detainees continue to be held in unhygienic and inhumane conditions, subject to physical and mental ill-treatment, including abuse, solitary confinement and
torture, and continue to be
[...] denied family visits, adequate medical care and food, in violation of international [...]
humanitarian and human rights law.
各位部长表示严重关切在大多数情况下囚犯没有机会获得法律顾问和亲探视权,这 违反了国际人道主义法和人权法。
that, in most cases, prisoners are denied
access to legal counsel as well
[...] as family visitation rights, contrary to international humanitarian and human rights law.
7 如 1967 年以来巴勒斯坦被占领土人 权状况特别报告员的报告所述(见A/66/358,第 18 段),这一政策不仅给囚犯, 而且给囚犯的家属带来痛苦,家属几乎没 探视权 , 而那些正式规定的权利则由 于以色列实行的繁琐的许可证和核准制度而基本上失去意义。
The policy inflicts hardships not only on prisoners but also on family members who have almost no visitation rights, and those rights that are formally available are made essentially redundant due to the onerous permit and permission system imposed by Israel, as reported by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 (see A/66/358, para. 18).
[...] 资料表明:监狱人满为患、被关押者之间发生暴力行为,特别是在出租囚室和出 售医疗用品方面的腐败、不卫生和缺乏适当的食物、无卫生安全、无适当医疗、 剥探视权、有 些犯人刑期已满但未获自由。
The Committee has received reports of prison overcrowding; violence among prisoners; corruption (such as the renting of prison cells and sale of medical equipment); the lack of hygiene and adequate food; health risks and inadequate health
care; the violation of the
[...] right to receive visits; and reports that some persons awaiting [...]
trial have been held in prison
for a period longer than the sentence they face.
委员会还决定向缔约国发出照会,要求就下列问题做出书面答复,“鉴于缔约国 声称其法律允许提交人获探视权, 委 员会请缔约国提供详细资料说明在此法律 下提交人还能获得哪些有效补救办法”。
The Committee also decided to forward a note verbale to the State party requesting a written reply to the following question, "Since the State party
claims that its legislation allows the
[...] author to obtain visiting rights, the Committee requests [...]
the State party to provide detailed
information on effective remedies still available to the author under such legislation".
鉴于该案涉及对未成年人的探视问题,以及缔约国拒绝执行裁决,包括授予父探视权的裁 决,委员会请意见后续问题报告员安排与缔约国举行一次会议,以确 [...]
Given the fact that this case involves access to minors, and that the State party
refuses to implement the decision including
[...] granting access to the father, the Committee [...]
requested the Rapporteur on Follow-up
to Views to organise a meeting with the State party to ensure that the Committee’s grave concern on this matter is relayed to the State party.
他的家人也在他被捕后被剥夺探视 的 权利 (A/HRC/13/39/ Add.1,第37段)。
His family has
[...] also been denied visitation rights since his arrest [...]
(A/HRC/13/39/Add.1, para. 37).
委员会重申其建议 (CRC/C/15/Add.269,第49段) :缔约国应积极努力防止
[...] 和消除儿童非法转让和非返回的情况,确保适当和尽快地实施有关监护 探视权 方面的司法决定。
The Committee reiterates its recommendations (CRC/C/15/Add.269, para. 49) that the State party undertake all necessary efforts to prevent and combat illicit transfer and non-return of children
and to ensure proper and expeditious implementation of judicial decisions made with
[...] regard to custody and visiting rights.
委员会强调其关注难以实施有关一名父母居住在阿尔及利亚以外的阿尔及 利亚儿童的监护探视权的司 法决定,而且在混合婚姻的子女中普遍存在儿童绑 [...]
The Committee reiterates its concern about the difficulty in
implementing judicial decisions
[...] regarding custody and visitation rights for Algerian children [...]
with one parent living outside
Algeria and the prevalence of child abduction among children of mixed marriages.
(e) 采取一切必要措施,确保儿童在关押中不受虐待、关押设施的条件尽
[...] 可能不妨碍儿童的发展、不侵犯儿童的权利( 包括探视权) ,以及尽快审理少年 案件
(e) Take all necessary measures to ensure that children are not ill-treated in detention, that conditions in detention facilities are conducive, to the extent possible, to the child’s development and that their rights, including visitation rights, are not violated, and that cases involving juveniles
are brought to trial as quickly as possible;
[...] and (f) Seek technical assistance and [...]
other cooperation from the United Nations
各位部长要求占领国以色列全面遵守《儿童权利公约》、《联合国禁止酷 刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》等以色列加入的国
[...] 际条约和公约,保证维持适当的拘留标准,毫不拖延地审讯所有被拘留者 以及保证未成年人和囚犯探视权。
that Israel, the occupying Power to guarantee that appropriate standards of detention were maintained, that all detainees are brought to trial without delay, and that minors’ and prisoners’ visiting rights are guaranteed, in full compliance with international Treaties and Conventions, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations
Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, to
[...] which Israel is State Party.
红 十 字 委员会对《日内瓦第四公约》第一〇 六条的评 注,见国际红 十 字 会 网站
(www.icrc.org)。又见 Henckaerts 和 Doswald-Beck
[...] 著,《习惯国际人道主义法:规则》(第一 卷),(红十字委员会,2005 年),第 439-449 页,关于强制登记被拘留者个人情况的规定、与 家人联系权和探视权。
ICRC commentary to the Fourth Geneva Convention, art. 106, available at the ICRC website (www.icrc.org). See also Henckaerts and Doswald-Beck, Customary International Humanitarian Law, Volume I: Rules, (ICRC, 2005), at pp. 439-449, regarding
mandatory recording of personal details of
[...] detainees, the right to communicate with families and the right to receive visitors.
在本报告编稿时,伊朗当局 说,Ayatollah
[...] Boroujerdi 现在健康情况良好,可以获得各种医疗服务,享有 亲探视权,可 以读书看报和观看其他形式的媒体新闻。
At the time of writing of the present report, the Iranian authorities stated that Ayatollah Boroujerdi was in good
health, had access to medical services,
[...] enjoyed family visitation rights and had access to [...]
print and other forms of media.
她未曾受到任何身心虐待,每周都有家探视,她 还参与狱中的职业和教育活动。
She had not been subjected to any
physical or psychological mistreatment, she
[...] had weekly visits of her family and she was involved [...]
in professional and educational activities in the prison.
监狱管理部门应鼓励并在可能情况下便利对女性囚犯 探视 , 以此作为确保 她们心理健康和重新融入社会的重要前提。
Prison authorities shall encourage and, where possible, also facilitate visits to women prisoners as an important prerequisite to ensuring their mental well-being and social reintegration.
良心 犯的尸体往往在家人能探视之前 就火化了。
Often, the bodies of the prisoners of conscience are cremated before the family can view them.
因此,我作为法庭庭长,(a) 与 红十字国际委员会订立了关探视根 据 特别法庭管 权 被 剥夺自由者的协定 (2009 年 6 月 12 日生效),并且(b) [...]
与国际刑警组织订立了协定(2009 年 12 月 17 日生效)。
This has prompted me, as President of the Tribunal, to conclude (a) an
Agreement with the International
[...] Committee of the Red Cross on visits to persons deprived of liberty [...]
pursuant to the jurisdiction
of the Tribunal (which entered into force on 12 June 2009) and (b) an agreement with INTERPOL (which entered into force on 17 December 2009).
(e) 评估将儿童安置在远离家庭的寄宿学校的根本原因,同时审查这些学 校的教育质量和照料情况,以预防此种学校不必要地妨碍儿童在家庭环境中生活权利; 并且规定寄宿学校中的儿童应尽可能定期得到家 探视。
(e) Evaluating the root causes for child placement in residential schooling away from home while reviewing the quality of education and care at these schools, with a view to preventing such
schooling unnecessarily
[...] hindering the right of the child to a family environment; and providing for regular home visits for children [...]
in residential schools,
to the greatest extent possible.
2010 年,工发组织在维也纳主办的讲习班侧重于增强妇 女经济力量,同时,探讨国家所 权 促 进 发展,又 视 问 责制的许多方面——国 际问责机制、国内和民主问责制以及相互问责制。
In 2010, the workshop, hosted by UNIDO in
Vienna, focused on women’s
[...] economic empowerment while exploring both country ownership for development [...]
and the many facets
of accountability — international accountability mechanisms, domestic and democratic accountability, and mutual accountability.
俄罗斯缘何视缅甸》,《亚洲时报》,2007年10月10日; 《缅甸将军访问俄罗斯军火制造商》,路透社,2007年10月12 日;Aung Hla Tun,《俄罗斯公司获得缅甸矿物 探权 》 , 《纽 约时报》,2008年2月17日。
Why Russia’s mum on Myanmar”, Asia Times, 10 October 2007; “Myanmar generals visit arms maker in Russia”, Reuters, 12 October 2007; Aung Hla Tun, “Russian company gains right to explore for minerals in Myanmar”, The New York Times, [...]
17 February 2008.
[...] 决,我们将考虑在债权人和债务人的普遍参与下,以现有框架和原则为基础探 索完善主权债务 重组机制办法的方式,确保债务人共同分担同等责任,并让布雷 [...]
We acknowledge the need to continue to address all relevant issues regarding external debt problems, including through the
United Nations, and we will
[...] consider ways to explore enhanced approaches of sovereign debt restructuring [...]
mechanisms based on existing frameworks and principles, with broad creditors’ and debtors’ participation
and ensuring comparable burden-sharing among creditors, with an important role for the Bretton Woods institutions.




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