

单词 探看

探看 ()

go to see what's going on

看看 verb ()

see v
look at v

See also:


explore v
visit v
scout v

search out
stretch forward

External sources (not reviewed)

至於較舊款的公共小巴,政府當局會與 業 界、汽車 製造 商 及 獨 立的核證機 構 共探 討,看看如 何在車上安裝安 全 帶 , 以 加強道路安全。
For those older models, the
[...] Administration would explore with the trade, vehicle manufacturers and independent certification bodies to see how seat belts [...]
could be installed
at the vehicles to enhance road safety.
基多办事处有意进一步探索,看是 否可能将国家委员会的援助纳入到这些 横向专题和共同国家评估/联合国发展援助框架有关的活动中,作为一种确保充分代表 [...]
The Quito
[...] Office intends to explore further the possibility [...]
of enlisting the assistance of the National Commissions in these
CCT and CCA/UNDAFrelated activities as a way to ensure that UNESCO’s interests are well represented.
今年,我們邀請了國內及本地的學者專家進行一次深入探 討,看看海峽 西岸的發展機遇與香港新經濟增長的關係。
This year, we have invited Mainland and local academics and experts to conduct an in-depth study on the relationship between the development opportunities of the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait and the new economic growth in Hong Kong.
摩洛哥驻莫斯科大使馆的一名代表将与委员会一 探 监 , 查 看 他 的 拘留条 件,并确保在本案中提供了必要的保障。
A representative of the Moroccan Embassy in Moscow will join the
[...] Committee when it visits the prison to check [...]
on his conditions of detention and to
ensure that the necessary guarantees have been provided in this case.
從初步探結果看來,興 建隧道是可行的,我們打算以隧道取代小欖連接路。
From the initial investigation, we have found the tunnel feasible and are prepared to pursue it to replace Siu Lam Link Road.
在达达布的难民告诉独立专家,他们希望看到过渡联邦政府和 索马里议会的成员定期到难民营探 访 , 查 看 他 们 的生活情况。
Refugees in Dadaab told the independent expert that they wanted to see members of the
Transitional Federal Government and
[...] Somali Parliament visit them in the refugee camps regularly and observe how they lived.
鄺其志先生表 示,事看來, 當時若就建議“探”業看 法 ,應會 有助港交所作 出 適 當的諮詢安排。
Mr K C KWONG said that in retrospection, some “sounding out” with the industry on the proposals would have benefited HKEx in making the appropriate consultation arrangements.
Drilling down to reveal the date, time and duration of each fault.
在名为《婴儿和洗澡水》的博文中,Jim York探讨了如何看待五花八门的敏捷实践、工具和技术。
In the blog post the baby and the
[...] bath water, Jim York looks at how to deal with [...]
the many practices, tools and techniques that agile has.
今天,少數族裔的《中國 語文課程補充指引》其實並未完善;按此撰寫的中文教科書,只是實驗性的 起步,這是我探訪學校所看到的 ;教科書更要解決中小學的銜接問題,配 合 GCSE 的考試要求;少數族裔學童融入主流學校,仍然未能發展出理想的 模式;少數族裔學童的中文水平差異,也造成教學上的重大困難,有需要總 結一些有效的教學方法;少數族裔升學和就業的路,仍是荊棘滿途。
To date, there is still much room for improvement in the Supplementary Guide to the Chinese Language Curriculum for ethnic minorities. As can be observed during our school visits, Chinese Language textbooks compiled in accordance with this Supplementary Guide are only an experimental first step, and issues like the bridging over of the primary and secondary textbooks and how to tie in with the requirements of GCSE have yet to be resolved; an ideal mode for the integration of ethnic minority students into mainstream schools remains to be developed; the great discrepancy in the Chinese standard between ethnic minority students has also posed immense difficulties in teaching, which calls for the need to consolidate effective teaching methods; and ethnic minorities' pursuit of education and employment, which is still filled with twists and turns, is also a difficulty and a challenge to be overcome by society and the education sector as a whole.
我們的第一個視頻報告“的發展探 客 人 觀 看 首 映
Watch the
[...] premiere of our first video report "development scout to a guest.
我們並非佔據道德高地,今天討論的,即使是我們 現時討論中、在公園內的吸煙區和食肆的吸煙房,我們過去均是利用一些很 科學的引證探討這個問題看看怎 樣才能做得最好。
With regard to our discussion are discussing today, and even on the question of providing smoking areas in parks and smoking rooms in restaurants
under discussion now, we have used
[...] scientific evidence to explore these issues, in order to see how we can do [...]
the best.
微波-从美国航空航天局的Wilkinson微波异向 探 测 卫 星 看 到 天空的微波景象,展示了宇宙大爆炸后380,000年的宇宙。
* Microwave - A view of the microwave sky from NASA’s Wilkinson
[...] Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), which shows [...]
the universe as it was 380,000 years after the big bang.
预计PEL 112区域内的第一口井将在2013年第一季度开始 探 , 不 过还需 看 钻 井平台的准备情况。
It is anticipated that drilling of the first well will commence in Q1 2013 on PEL 112, subject to rig availability.
在金沙萨,我们有所谓的安全理事会 外加模式,我们至少每两个星期举行一次会议,通报 情况并讨论军事和政治事态发展,就新出现的具有战 略重要性的问题,例如选举、安全部门改革以及秘书 长即将提交安理会的报告等,进探 讨 并交 换 看 法。
In Kinshasa, we have the so-called Security Council-plus format, which meets at least every two weeks and where we brief and discuss military and political developments and explore and exchange ideas on emerging issues of strategic importance, such as elections, security sector reform and upcoming reports of the Secretary-General to the Council.
这可以解释为什么代 表看到探视者在来客接待处向值勤宪兵支付现金。
This would explain
[...] why the delegation saw visitors paying [...]
cash to the gendarme on duty at the visitors’ reception desk.
這點我是明白的,亦已承諾先看 看這數個月的發展,稍後會在2月 16日的事務委員會會議上向大家作 全面交代探討改善空間看看有哪些地方可以改善。
I appreciate this point and have undertaken to observe the development in the next few months first, as well as giving Members a full
account at the panel meeting on 16
[...] February, so as to explore the room for improvement and see which areas [...]
can be improved.
我很希望在我們 討論這項問題時,能減少一些政爭,並能多點現實 看 問 題 和加 探 討。
I very much hope that in our discussion, we
[...] can examine and explore the matter in a [...]
more pragmatic manner without entangling in too many political wrangles.
03/06/2006 - 紐探訪護士看護部主任Regina Hawkey和華埠服務中心主任閔柳芳6日拜訪伍銳賢主席,並向伍主席介紹該會服務計劃。
03/06/2006 - Representatives from the Visiting Nurse Service of New York, Program Director Regina Hawkey of the Congregate Care Program, and Nurse Liufang Mien from the Chinatown Program, visited CCBA and explained their programs to President Ng.
使这一想法更上一层楼的时机已到,为此应当评估各项成绩、总结教训和 最佳做法、查明各种障碍和制约因素并就复制、推广和变通应 探 讨 各 种 看 法。
The time has come to take this idea to a higher level by assessing achievements, identifying lessons
and best practices as well as obstacles
[...] and constraints, and exploring views on replicability, [...]
scaling up and adaptation.
从长远看,特派团正探索是 否有可能利用海地政府提供的土地 在太子港建立统一的联合国营地,设计建造的建筑物将能抵御地震和飓风的来 袭。
In the long
[...] term, the Mission is exploring the possibility of an [...]
integrated United Nations compound in Port-au-Prince on
Government-provided land, with buildings designed to withstand earthquakes and hurricanes.
本中心日前投入大量资金建立了病患数据库,使得本中心各分院之间相互联网,病人及顾客资料各分院医师可以共享,病人外出工作 探 亲 时 可就 看 诊 ,这不仅方便病人,也利于本中心的病人档案管理,相信这是本地第一间利用高科技将病患的档案资料统一管理,各分院又能相互联网的中医诊所。
The center has invested heavily to establish a patient database, making the phase between the center of each branch of the Internet, each branch of physicians in patient and customer
information can be shared,
[...] can conveniently see the doctor when the patient go to work or visiting relatives, which [...]
is not only more convenient
for patients, patient file management in favor of the center, I believe this is the first local use of high-tech archives unified management of patients, each branch of Chinese medicine clinics but also relative to the Internet.
本周,在审查过去十年间联合国在实现千年发展 目标方面所取得的进展时,我们还必须透过数 看本 质,探讨我们可以从中取得的收获。
As we review the last decade of progress
on the MDGs at the United Nations this
[...] week, we must also look beyond and behind the [...]
numbers to see what we can learn from them.
科学研 究与科学政策相结合,有助于人们从积极的角度 看 待 科学 , 探 讨 科 学如何能够促进实现 《千年发展目标》、促进尊重各项人权和伦理原则、增强人与机构的能力、促进社会变革以 及减轻自然灾害、人为灾害和技术灾害的后果等。
Taken together, they offer the means to approach science from a positive perspective of how it can contribute to the realization of the MDGs, respect for human rights and ethical principles, building human and institutional capacity, social transformations, and the mitigation of the consequences of natural, human and technological disasters.
以色列继续采取集体惩罚等一系列非法和严 厉措施非人道地对待巴勒斯坦囚犯和被拘留者, 包括强迫他们居住在肮脏和不卫生的条件下;不 让他看病;限制家探访; 长时间隔离监禁, 有些人被独禁时间至少有 10 年;剥夺他们作为 囚犯所享有的教育权;夜间强行搜查牢房;剥夺 他们依照适当法律程序接受处理的权利。
Israel has continued its inhumane treatment of Palestinian prisoners and detainees via a series of illegal and harsh measures, such as collective punishment, which includes forcing them to live in unsanitary and unhygienic conditions; denial of health care; restrictions on family visits; solitary confinement for long periods of time, with some held in isolation for at least 10 years; deprivation of the prisoners’ right to education; forced night-time searches of prisoners’ cells; and denial of due process.
(c) 拆卸現時設有通訊室、收押室、大 看 守 室 及 探 訪 室 的大樓,繼而建 造 1 座新的多用途大樓,以原地重置這些設施。
(c) demolition of the existing block accommodating the communication room, reception office, gate lodge and visit room and in-situ reprovisioning of these facilities in a new multi-purpose block to be constructed.
请 请请 请大会第六十六届会议主席在全体会议上举行高级别专题辩论,让会员 国、独立专家和其他利益攸关方参加,以促进交 看 法 , 探 讨 如 何处理粮食和相 关金融和商品市场价格过度波动问题,同时考虑到国家、区域和国际各级所做的 相关工作
the President of the General Assembly at the sixty-sixth session to convene a high-level thematic debate, to be held in plenary meeting, with the participation of Member States, independent experts and other stakeholders, to promote an exchange of views on addressing excessive price volatility in food and related financial and commodity markets, while taking into account relevant work done at the national, regional and international levels
在农村地区人们出行的主要目的是购买日用 品、出售作物/产品、上学、农产品加工、打水、收集柴火 看 病 、 探 亲 访 友、 往返工作场所和获取官方证件。
The main purpose of people taking trips in rural areas is to buy provisions, sell crops/products, pursue education, process agricultural products, fetch water, collect fuel wood, access medical care, visit family and friends, commute to places of work and obtain official documentation.
採用SQL-MapReduce 專利方法的公司能夠比以往更輕鬆地在無限的多結構新數據來源範圍中, 看 、 探 索 和理解未來的種種可能,此前,企業通常無法利用這些數據來源。
These factors are requiring enterprises to consider new and improved data management approaches, driven by requirements for performance, security, availability, manageability, and integration,?




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