单词 | 掖咕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 掖咕 —toss asidemisplaceSee also:掖—support by the arm • at the side • tuck (into a pocket) 咕—(onom.) for the sound of a bird, an empty stomach etc 掖 v—hide v
代表们注意到门上刻着《指环王》电影三部曲 中 咕 噜 的 名字‘ the Gollum’ 和画像。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the door the delegates noticed the inscription ‘the Gollum’, and a picture of the said character from the film trilogy ‘The Lord of the Rings’. daccess-ods.un.org |
他希 望藝發局可以整合其工作方針,更着重於 扶 掖 新 進 藝術 工作者/新成立的藝術團體。 legco.gov.hk | He hoped that HKADC would consolidate and focus more of its work on new and budding artists/arts groups. legco.gov.hk |
在這個情況㆘,雖然有 ㆒些高級㆟員提早退休,引致經驗流失, 實令㆟惋惜,但這亦未嘗不是㆒ 個扶掖後進的好機會。 legco.gov.hk | Under the circumstances, the early retirement of some senior officers, though a regrettable loss of experience, is an opportunity for regeneration. legco.gov.hk |
1738年,咕咕钟在 德国南部的黑森林地区被发明;至今该地区仍 是 咕咕 钟 的 中心生产地。 swissworld.org | It was invented in the Black Forest of southern Germany in 1738, the area which is still the centre of their production. swissworld.org |
為了配合西九文化區的發展,我們會加強文化軟件內涵、培育觀 眾,以及扶掖更多中小型藝術團體。 legco.gov.hk | To tie in with the development of the WKCD, we will strengthen our cultural software, develop our audience base, and support more small and medium arts groups. legco.gov.hk |
創新產品包括會走路、說話、爬行、飛行以及發 出 咕 嚕 聲的小玩具,這些小玩具還會替各家庭成員進行遠端網真和通信。 tipschina.gov.cn | These innovations include gadgets that walk, talk, crawl, fly, purr and enable remote telepresence and communications -- something for every member of the family. tipschina.gov.cn |
施政報告中指出:“為配合西九文化區的發展,我們會加強文化 軟件內涵,培育觀眾,扶掖更多 中小型藝術團體。 legco.gov.hk | It is pointed out in the Policy Address that, "To tie in with the development of the WKCD, we will strengthen our cultural software, develop our audience base, and support more small and medium arts groups. legco.gov.hk |
經過她這麼動聽的述說,我的肚子也 咕 嚕 咕 嚕 起 來。 4tern.com | After I heard her description, my stomach started to growl. 4tern.com |
售 “ 咕 ” 商人表示美 國 並 沒 有 這 些 標 準 , 但如果 香港確有這 些 標 準 的 話 , 他可以與美 國 方面說 , 因為合約 規定如 果 貨 物不符 合香港的 標 準 , 他 是 可以退貨的,但 海 關 說 : 對不起 , 雖 然 他 沒 有 賣 出 任 何 “ 咕 ” , 但由 於 這 批已入口 的 “ 咕 ” 不 符 合香港法例,所以要沒收, 這 名 商人最 終 白白 損失了 不知多少萬元。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, the Customs told him that though he did not sell any cushions, as that shipment of imported cushions failed to comply with the law of Hong Kong, they had to be confiscated. Finally, the businessman had lost tens of thousands of dollars for no cause. legco.gov.hk |
特別值得一提 的是,社企諮詢委員會就制訂扶掖社 企 持續成長的新措施提供 了寶貴的意見,例如社企訓練課程和社企獎勵計劃。 legco.gov.hk | Notably, SEAC had offered valuable advice on the formulation of new initiatives for the sustainable growth of SEs, such as the SE Training Programme and the SE Award Scheme. legco.gov.hk |
店內其他貨品種類還包括咕臣、家具、牆上掛飾、香薰蠟燭,甚至潔衣液等,每項也是店主因應生活中的各種需要而從世界各地搜羅,如同樣由環保物料製作的地毯、包裹環保毛絨面料的Yoga [...] Ball、英國製的花紋耐熱餐具,以及可用於居室、麻質等布料上的香體噴霧套裝等,每種挑選均由日常生活的體驗出發,XAVA同時把歐洲、美加以及荷蘭等地的原創產品帶到香港,給本地顧客加添更多選擇。 think-silly.com | Other categories include cushion, homeware, [...] wall decoration, scented candles and even washing liquid. Each item is handpicked [...]by the owner from all over the world, according to everyday needs — carpet made with green material; yoga ball wrapped with eco velvet; heat proof pattern dining utensils; room and textile spray. think-silly.com |
末底改和里格比,然而,Benson和其他穴居类动物,只有 在 咕 哝 着 说。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mordecai and Rigby, however, see Benson and the others as cavemen-like creatures that speak only in grunts. seekcartoon.com |
现在可不是讲究风度的时候,把自己包裹得严严实实,衬 衣 掖 进 裤 子里,手套塞进袖子内,将薄绒衫、外套、长裤拉上拉链,全副武装,切不可麻痹大意。 visitfinland.com | Dress well – and we’re not talking stylish here – tuck your shirts into your trousers, gloves into sleeves, and zip your fleece, jacket and trousers all the way up. visitfinland.com |
所以,我买了一座咕咕钟,如果我能把它带回家,这个某人就成了“我的盘中餐”。 swissworld.org | So I bought the cuckoo clock; and if I ever get home with it, he is "my meat," as they say in the mines. swissworld.org |
咕 - 假 装是一个国际流行歌星 - 生气的时候,男孩不想和她一起玩,让她做,相信一帮恶棍,这将迫使他们听她幻想的演唱会。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Goo – who pretends to be [...] an international pop star – gets upset when the boys don’t want to play with her, so she make-believes [...]a gang of villains that will force them to listen to her imaginary concert. seekcartoon.com |
洳舞钴飨偈惋镲专业憷1991掖沔开 设为飨偈惋镲专业燮肜躞瞩毕业哝,瞍啶氧渫颌区掬会钴飨偈悬术煅瞀钴完给朽SOC孙设耖衙瞩耢椹钴是咪。 china.mokpo.ac.kr | Established in 1991, our department of civil engineering has been playing important role of supplying civil engineering human resources in the southwest regional community and constructing social overhead capital producing the graduate students. eng.mokpo.ac.kr |
通过将录音中的咕噜声 和口哨声与已知的鱼类声音对比,南佛罗里达大学的研究人员发现,红石斑鱼(如图所示Epinephelus morio)和蟾鱼 (Opsanus spp.) 的声音出现的最为频繁。 chinese.eurekalert.org | By comparing the grunts and whistles on their recordings to known fish calls, University of South Florida researchers found red grouper (shown, Epinephelus morio) and toadfishes (Opsanus spp.) were the most frequent fish sounds recorded, the team reports this month in Marine Ecology Progress Series. chinese.eurekalert.org |
隨著哈比族人佛羅多與山姆和咕魯前往末日山脈,甘道夫、精靈射手雷高拉斯、矮人金靂、法拉墨也積極對抗索倫魔君,捍衛中土世界,直到最後西瑞安迪爾的陷落,亞拉岡將拾起王者之劍,重掌剛鐸王位,並在帕蘭諾平原展開影史上最奇幻、壯觀的浴血戰役。 buyoyo.com | While Frodo & Sam continue to approach Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring, unaware of the path Gollum is leading them, the former Fellowship aid Rohan & Gondor in a great battle in the Pelennor Fields, Minas Tirith and the Black Gates as Sauron wages his last war against Middle-Earth. buyoyo.com |
对张掖(Zhangye)服务水平低下地区 供应能源的最低成本备选方案进行评 估,对农村贫困人口支付的意愿进行评 估,制定商业计划,使农村贫困人口从 可再生能源开发项目中获得的利益达到 最优化。 carecinstitute.org | Assess least cost options for supplying energy to underserved areas in Zhangye, assess willingness to pay by rural poor, and develop a business plan to optimize gains to rural poor from renewable energy development. carecinstitute.org |