单词 | 排遣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 排遣 —divert oneself from loneliness
第 ㆓,外㆞船員在海㆖搜索及拯救行動㆗獲救,而船隻東主不 安 排遣 返。 legco.gov.hk | Secondly, when foreign seamen are rescued at sea in the course of search and rescue operations and the [...] shipowner fails to arrange repatriation. legco.gov.hk |
很多人沒時間或方法排遣自己 心理上和情緒上的鬱結,久而久 之,惟有在家中爆發和發泄,有些甚至演變成家暴事件。 legco.gov.hk | Many people do not have the time [...] or way to give vent to their psychological [...]and emotional distress. Over time, their pent-up [...]frustrations can only erupt in families and in some cases, domestic violence incidents are caused. legco.gov.hk |
他們與其他非法入境者一樣,被截 獲後一般會被拘留,並盡快被安排遣 返 越 南。 legco.gov.hk | Like other illegal immigrants, they are normally detained when [...] intercepted, and arrangements are made for their prompt repatriation to Vietnam. legco.gov.hk |
至於不具有在香港逗留權利的兒童,政 府當局應作出承諾,保證有待安排遣 送 離 境的兒童,無論在香 港逗留多久,均可於逗留期間在本港接受教育。 legco.gov.hk | For children who had no right to stay in Hong Kong, the Administration [...] should give an undertaking that for [...] children pending arrangements for their removal, [...]they should be guaranteed access to [...]education in Hong Kong irrespective of the duration of their stay. legco.gov.hk |
若有關人士在港 的逗留期限已屆滿或屬非法入境,我們會 安 排遣 返。 legco.gov.hk | We will arrange to repatriate those whose limit [...] of stay has expired and those who are illegal immigrants. legco.gov.hk |
这对大幅度调整特派团的配置带来极大困难,以致不得不细致 规划和安排遣返、 调整和部署的先后次序,以求在短暂的干季最大限度地进行调 度。 daccess-ods.un.org | This presents particular challenges to implementing major adjustments to the Mission’s [...] configuration, making it necessary to carefully [...] plan and sequence repatriation, reconfiguration [...]and deployment to maximize movements during the short dry season. daccess-ods.un.org |
保安局局長: 主席,每 名 有 關的兒童須在香港逗留多 久 才 被 安 排 遣 返 ,是須 視乎個別情況, 亦 須 視乎是 否 涉 及 訴訟而 定,而 訴訟亦分為 多 種 類別。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR SECURITY (in Cantonese): Madam President, how long each of the child concerned has to remain in Hong Kong before being removed depends on individual circumstances and whether litigation is involved, and litigation can also be classified into many types. legco.gov.hk |
舉例來說,在去年六月廿㆓日,財務委員會撥款批准 1 億 2,736 萬元,作為越南難民 基本工程費用,另追加 1 億 7,654 萬元經常開支費,在八月廿㆕日,又再增撥 1 億 7,560 萬元難民營工程預算費,在十㆒月十六日又再為安置越南難民工程費撥款由 2 億 1,815 萬 元加至 2 億 9,700 多萬元,在今年㆒月廿五日又再撥款 100 萬元以作為安排遣返第㆒批難 民的部份費用,原定今日當局要求撥款 2 億元以興建越南船民安置㆗心等。 legco.gov.hk | On 16 November, approval was given to an increase in the project estimate of accommodation for Vietnamese refugees from $218,150,000 to upwards of $297,000,000. On 25 January this year, a further $1 million was approved to meet part of the expenses for the voluntary repatriation of the first batch of Vietnamese boat people (VBP) back to Vietnam and it was originally scheduled that approval for the provision of $200 million would be sought today for the construction of another VBP centre. legco.gov.hk |
(四 ) 對於被定罪的非法勞工,入境處在安 排遣 送 他 們回原居地後,會 把這類訪客列入監察名單,以便在他們再次來港時,進行詳細入 境檢查。 legco.gov.hk | (d) Convicted illegal workers will, after being removed to their place of origin, be put on a watch list by the ImmD so as to facilitate the conduct of detailed arrival clearance on them upon their re-entry into Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
此外, 對 於一些 較 年 幼的兒童, 例 如 是 3 至 6 歲 的 兒童,由 [...] 於 得不到他 們 家長的合作,在 安 排 遣 返 上 有 點 困難, 因 為 我們不能夠由入 [...]境主任把 兒童帶 到 羅 湖 入 境 站 , 再 轉 交 給 公 安,便算是 遣 返 。 legco.gov.hk | We will actively make arrangements for their removal. Furthermore, regarding younger children, such as those between three to six years of age, since the co-operation of their [...] parents cannot be secured, there is [...] some difficulty in arranging for their removal, [...]since we cannot simply let Immigration [...]Officers take these children to the Lo Wu Immigration checkpoints, hand them over to Public Security Bureau officers and consider the removals effected. legco.gov.hk |
所 以 , 當時入境 [...] 處處長是真 誠 相信可以盡快安 排 遣 返 這些兒童, 但我們亦承 認 ,經過 [...]了這麼久 的 時間, 這些兒童仍 然 未 能 遣 返 ,是因 為有些個案 的 訴訟程序 尚未結 束 , 所 以入境 處 處 長 亦 願 意重新審核 有 關 個 案。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, at that time the Director believed in good faith that it [...] was possible to arrange for the removal [...]of these children very soon. However, we [...]also admit that despite the lapse of such a long period, these children still cannot be removed because the legal proceedings of some of the cases have not yet been concluded. legco.gov.hk |
总干事打算一旦情况允许,就重新安 排 派 遣 考 察 团的计划,以便 教科文组织能够像第 175 EX/INF.14 号文件中呼吁的那样,制定一份援助黎巴嫩的综合计 划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Director-General intends to reschedule the mission as soon as circumstances permit, so that UNESCO can draw up a comprehensive programme of assistance to Lebanon as called for in document 175 EX/INF.14. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有关特遣队所属装备的现有安排(见《特 遣队所 属装备手册》,2008 年版,(A/C.5/63/18))规定了标准的人员费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Standard personnel costs are provided [...] for in existing arrangements for contingent-owned [...]equipment (see Contingent-Owned [...]Equipment Manual 2008 edition (A/C.5/63/18)). daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国注意到,不可能完全排除他被 遣 返 回埃及后受到类似待 遇的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party notes that it is not [...] possible to fully exclude that he would be [...]exposed to similar treatment if returned to Egypt. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,无法完全排除他被遣返回埃及后也会受到相同待遇的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, it was not [...] possible to fully exclude that he would be [...]exposed to similar treatment if returned to Egypt. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别委员会 请秘书处在排定的部队派遣国会 议中定期提供关于现有特派团的威胁评估。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Committee requests the Secretariat to provide [...] the threat assessment in the existing missions on a regular basis [...] during the scheduled troopcontributing country meetings. daccess-ods.un.org |
如 有 甄 [...] 別測試呈陽性 反應,食環署 會立即 與有關 的 檢 驗 檢 疫局跟 進,例如安 排 把 整批禽鳥遣回內㆞。 legco.gov.hk | If any screening test shows positive results, FEHD will take [...] immediate follow-up actions with the [...] relevant CIQ such as arranging repatriation of the concerned [...]consignment to the Mainland. legco.gov.hk |
第二,它还请求安理会增加对非索特派团的一揽 子支助,根据新核定兵力,通过联合国摊款供资,并 安排偿付特遣队拥 有的装备的费用,包括小型和大型 装备,以及按照联合国标准发放部队津贴,以确保非 [...] 索特派团获得充足、可预测和可持续的支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Secondly, it requests the Council to enhance the support package for AMISOM, funded through United Nations-assessed contributions, on the [...] basis of the newly [...] authorized strength, and arranging for reimbursements for contingent-owned [...]equipment, including minor and [...]major equipment, and the payment of troop allowances at United Nations rates so as to ensure adequate, predictable and sustainable support to the Mission. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,由于从外勤支助部将联黎部队 200 多名参谋人员的旅行安排职责移交 给该部队,已确定需要扩大总务科旅行股,因为该股需投入现有全部资源处理文 职人员旅行事务,还要平均额外安排 70 个医疗遣返和探亲的旅行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, with the transfer of functional responsibilities from the Department of Field Support to UNIFIL for the travel arrangements of over 200 staff officers of the Force, it has been determined that the Travel Unit of the General Services Section would need to be augmented, as the existing resources of the Unit are fully required in the processing of the [...] travel of civilian [...] personnel as well as arrangements for an average of 70 additional trips related to medical repatriation and compassionate travel. daccess-ods.un.org |
提议编列 16 200 美元,用于聘用一个月专题专家,评估缺口清单对军事 和文职能力规划和优先事项编排以及 扩大 派 遣 国 群 体的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The amount of $16,200 is proposed to engage a subject-matter expert for one month to assess the impact of gap lists in terms of military and civilian capacity planning and prioritization and expanding the base of contributing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 按照教科文组织的规定及其理事机构的决定,临时向中心 派 遣 并 由 中心 安 排 使用 的教科文组织工作人员。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (c) members of UNESCO’s staff who are temporarily seconded and made available to the Centre, as provided for by UNESCO’s regulations and by the decisions of its governing bodies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
港府亦有責任向公眾交代,日前被釋放的船民 在 遣 返 安 排 方 面 出了甚麼問題,令政府 須對他們作特別的安排。 legco.gov.hk | The Hong Kong Government has also the responsibility to make it clear to [...] the public what has actually gone [...] wrong in the repatriation arrangement in respect of [...]the boat people released recently that [...]necessitated special treatment by the Government. legco.gov.hk |
特别委员会吁 [...] 请维持和平行动部和外勤支助部在现有双边和多边倡议获得成功的基础上再接 再厉,鼓励会员国拟订互利合作安排 , 扩 大部队 派 遣 国 的 基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Committee calls upon the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support to build on the success of existing bilateral and multilateral initiatives in order to encourage [...] Member States to develop mutually beneficial cooperation [...] agreements to enlarge the base of troop-contributing [...]countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 军事特遣队(13 865 500 美元,即 3.2%),原因是:根据口粮合同条款, 每人口粮费用降低;由于协助通知书 安 排 使 亚洲 特 遣 队 人 员的轮调差旅费降低, 每人轮调差旅费用减少;偿还特遣队所属装备的所需经费减少,而这又被计划外 部署及返还特遣队所属装备运费的所需费用增加而部分抵消 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Military contingents ($13,865,500, or 3.2 per cent), attributable to the lower per-person costs for rations, based on the terms of the rations contract, and for rotation travel, owing to the lower cost of the rotation of contingent personnel from Asia through letter-of-assist arrangements, as well as reduced requirements for reimbursement for contingent-owned equipment, offset in part by additional requirements for freight charges for the unplanned deployment and repatriation of contingent-owned equipment daccess-ods.un.org |
2011/2012 年期间主要优先事项包括: 对本国和外国的武装团体采取多元做法;采取行动执行《内罗毕公报》,包括根据 刚果民主共和国和卢旺达之间达成的协议,对剩余的外国武装团体实行自 愿 遣 返或 其他安排(迁移 );向国际伙伴开展外联活动,以向联刚稳定团的复员方案和复员遣 返方案活动提供支持;同政府和邻国协作,继续参与这一进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main priorities for the 2011/2012 period will include: a multidimensional approach for national and foreign armed groups; actions to implement the Nairobi communiqué, including the voluntary repatriation or other arrangements (relocation) of remaining foreign armed groups as agreed between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda; outreach to international partners to support MONUSCO in its DDR and DDRRR activities; and work with the Government and neighbouring States to remain engaged in the process. daccess-ods.un.org |
中心应由一名主任和中心正常履行职能所需的工作人员组成,其中可包括临时向中心 派遣并由其安排使用 的教科文组织工作人员。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Centre shall consist of a Director and such staff as is required for the proper functioning of the Centre that may include members of UNESCO’s staff who are temporarily seconded and made available to the Centre. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(c) 按照教科文组织的管理规定及其理事机构的决定,临时向中心 派 遣 并 由 中心 安排 使用的教科文组织工作人员; (a) 根据理事会确定的计划和指导方针,管理中心的资源,实施中心的活动; (b) 向理事会提出中心的工作安排草案以及中心运行预算 unesdoc.unesco.org | (c) members of UNESCO’s staff who would be temporarily detached and made available to the Centre, as provided for by UNESCO’s regulations and by the decisions of its governing bodies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
雖然當局願意撤銷有 關書面承諾的規定,令僱員只要在減薪時得到僱主的口頭承諾,日後的遣散 費的特惠款項便可以承諾的金額計算,但事實上,現時失業率高企,僱員議 價能力低,當面對減薪時,根本沒有膽量向僱主要求承諾日 後 遣 散 費 的安 排。 legco.gov.hk | Employee rights are thus directly threatened. Although the Administration is willing to remove the requirement on written undertaking, so that in the future, the ex gratia severance payment of an employee can be calculated on the basis of the agreed amount, if he secures a verbal undertaking from the employer at the time of the reduction. legco.gov.hk |
这要求对教科文 组织总部的征聘和任命政策进行审查,以确保被 派 遣 至 多 国办事处的工作人员拥有专 门知识开展所需的技术支持,并赢得该国政府和联合国对应机构的尊重。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This begs a fundamental review at UNESCO Headquarters in its recruitment and nomination policy, to ensure that staff deployed to cluster and national offices have the expertise to carry out technical support required and to earn the respect of the government and United Nations counterparts. unesdoc.unesco.org |