

单词 排成纵列行进

See also:

排列成行 v

line up v

行进 v

proceed v
travel v
march v
advance v
go v


forward motion

External sources (not reviewed)

每种受控物质的数据库条目排在一 个矩阵中,其中每个 行 代 表 一个第 5 条国家, 其报告和计算的数据在矩阵纵列中 分 析。
The database entries were organised for each
[...] controlled substance in a matrix where each row represents an Article 5 country whose reported and calculated data are analysed in the matrix columns.
在高级别会议期间,下列缔约方的代表团团 进行 了 发言(按发言先后顺排列): 马达加斯加、中国、美利坚合众国、欧洲联盟及 成 员 国 、赞比 亚、玻利维亚、日本、乌克兰、印度尼西亚、罗马教廷、布隆迪、斐济、柬埔 寨、津巴布韦、尼日利亚、巴西、约旦、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、伊朗伊斯 兰共和国、肯尼亚、乌干达、马尔代夫、尼泊尔、苏丹、基里巴斯、也门、几 [...]
合共和国、塞尔维亚、东帝汶、加拿大、孟加拉国、刚果民主共和国、巴基斯 坦、伊拉克、尼加拉瓜、马来西亚、蒙古、帕劳、巴拿马、科特迪瓦、智利和 印度。
During the high-level segment statements were made by
heads of delegation of the following parties, listed in the order in which they spoke: Madagascar, China, United States of America, the European Union and its member States, Zambia, Bolivia, Japan, Ukraine, Indonesia, Holy See, Burundi, Fiji, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Brazil, Jordan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kenya, Uganda, Maldives, Nepal, Sudan, Kiribati, Yemen, Guinea, Philippines, Mozambique, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Malawi, United Republic of Tanzania, Serbia, Timor-Leste, Canada, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Iraq, Nicaragua, Malaysia, Mongolia, Palau, Panama, Côte d’Ivoire, Chile and India.
俄罗斯联邦 在发展交通运输系统方面取得了若干重 成 就 , 包 括:(a) 赤塔-哈巴罗夫斯克公路竣工,从而使东部和西部边界之间实 现交通运输无缝连接;(b) 在行修复韩半纵贯铁 路项目方面取进展;(c) 在 2015 年前把西伯利亚铁路的跨越时间减少至 7 天(7 日 横跨西伯利);以及(d) 以及通过全球轨道导航卫星系统(全球导航 卫星系统)和全球导航卫星系统/全球定位系统利用卫星追踪系统。
The Russian Federation had made a number of major achievements in the development of its transport system, including: (a) completion of the construction
of Chita-Khabarovsk
[...] road, which provided a seamless transport connection between the eastern and western borders; (b) progress in the implementation of the project for the rehabilitation of the trans-Korean railway; (c) reduction of transit time [...]
on the Trans-Siberian
Railway to seven days (Transib 7 days) by 2015; and (d) the use of satellite tracking systems with the Global Orbital Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) and GLONASS with the Global Positioning System (GPS).
9.24 按照职权范围,委员会以下列方式协助经济及社会理事会:(a) 安排进行研究并就列问题向 理事会提供咨询意见:人口问题和趋势;人口与发展战略的一体化;人口与相关发展政策和方 案,提供人口援助,并处理联合国主要机关或附属机关或专门机构可能征求咨询意见的所有人 口和发展问题;(b) 监测、审查和评价《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》在国家、区域和国际 各级的执行情况,查成功和 失败的原因并就此向理事会提供咨询意见;(c) 审查关于国家、 区域和国际各级人口与发展相互关系的研究和分析结果,并就此向理事会提供咨询意见。
9.24 Under its terms of reference the
Commission is to assist
[...] the Council by (a) arranging for studies and advising the Council on population issues and trends, the integration of population and development strategies, population and related development policies and programmes and the provision of population assistance as well as addressing any population and development questions on which either the principal or the subsidiary organs of the United Nations or the specialized agencies may seek advice; (b) monitoring, reviewing and assessing the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development at the national, regional and global levels, identifying reasons for success and failure, [...]
and advising the
Council thereon; and (c) reviewing the findings of research and analysis pertaining to the interrelationships between population and development at the national, regional and international levels and advising the Council thereon.
最后,条例规定了禁止任何在过去纵宗教、造成“国 家悲剧”的人从事政治活动的政治措施,并宣布不受理任何 对共和国防卫和安全部队(包括所有部 门 ) 成 员 所采取的保护人员和财产、捍卫国 家以及保护共和国机构所采取行动 进行 的 个人或集体诉讼。
Finally, the ordinance prescribes political measures, such as a
ban on holding
[...] political office for any person who exploited religion in the past in a way that contributed to the “national tragedy”, and establishes the inadmissibility of any proceedings brought against individuals or groups who are members of any branch of Algeria’s defence and security forces for actions undertaken to protect persons [...]
and property, safeguard
the nation and preserve its institutions.
由 于土著人民自从 2007 年在印度尼西亚巴厘行联合 国气候变化会议以来持续努 力,已取得几成绩:土著人民一直积极参与RED D( 降 排 ) + 进 程 , 并与那些热心 于将REDD(降排)+列入联 合国气候变化会议 成 的 协 议中的各国政府和非政府 组织建立了联系。
Owing to the sustained efforts of indigenous peoples since the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Bali, Indonesia, in 2007,
there have been several
[...] achievements: indigenous peoples have become actively engaged in the REDD-plus process and links have been established with Governments and NGOs that are keen to have REDD-plus included in the agreements reached at United Nations climate change [...]
秘书长称,所需经费之所 以减少,是因为预计效率会有所提高,实现的途径是对资 进行 积 极 管理 排列 优先次序,包括尽量减少征聘非本地临时人员,对会议服务流程进行技术投资, 更严格地实行页数限制,更多地采用外包翻译,以及采取与简要记录和向总部基 金和方案提供会议服务有关的减少费用措施(另见上文第一.45 段)。
According to the Secretary-General, the
[...] decrease is due to anticipated efficiencies arising from the proactive management and prioritization of resources, including through minimizing [...]
the non-local recruitment
of temporary staff, technological investment in conference-servicing processes, stricter enforcement of page limits and increased use of contractual translation, as well as cost-reduction measures related to summary records and the provision of conference services to funds and programmes at Headquarters (see also para. I.45 above).
当晚,在莱斯特广场行的《 迈阿密风云》伦敦欧洲首映礼上,迈克尔•曼则佩戴着另一枚江诗丹顿时计—— 黑色表盘的Overseas纵横四海系列计时 腕表走上红地毯,亦是他在出席洛杉机首映礼,与片中的女配角,英国女演员尼奥梅•哈里斯(Naomie Harris)进场时所选擇佩戴的腕表。
For the evening, on the Leicester Square red carpet for the London European Premiere of Miami Vice, Michael Mann was wearing an another Vacheron Constantin timepiece: the Overseas black dial chronograph, the same as he was wearing on the red carpet of the Miami Vice Premiere in Los Angeles - Michael Mann had got Naomie Harris, British actress who plays a supporting role in Miami Vice, to go with him.
莫桑比进一步报告说该国审查了所有现行标准,以确 保根据《国排雷行动标 准》将核证土地无雷的概念纳入莫桑比克的国家标准, 并称通过适当的非技术和技术调查,可疑危险区域的估计面积预计将大幅减少, 这种减少将确保排雷工作者更加有效地利用时间和资源,从而缩短不同省份和地 区成排雷的估计时间。
Mozambique further reported that all the existing standards have been reviewed to ensure the land release concept is integrated throughout Mozambique’s national standards in compliance with the IMAS, that it is expected that through proper non-technical and technical survey there will be a significant reduction to the estimated suspect hazardous area, and, that this reduction will ensure a more efficient use of time and resources for demining operators, [...]
which could reduce
the estimated completion timelines of in various provinces and districts.
此后不久,所有人的注意力被吸引到令人十分遗憾的1号门事件:一些蒙面 者在那里对检查站建筑进行纵火。
Soon thereafter, everyone’s attention was drawn to a highly regrettable incident at Gate 1, where masked
[...] individuals set fire to the checkpoint [...]
仲裁庭可作出后勤安排,便利公众列席审理的介入权(酌情包括通过 视频链接或其认为适当的其他手段 排列 席 , 并可在出于后勤原因而需要 时成为必要时,[举行非公开审理][举行闭门审理 ]。
The arbitral tribunal may make logistical arrangements to facilitate the public’s right of access to hearings (including
where appropriate by organising
[...] attendance through video links or such other means as it deems appropriate) and may [hold the hearings in private][close the hearings] where this is or becomes necessary [...]
for logistical reasons.
我希望在㆒年內,在過度擠逼的病房 排列成 行的帆布床,將成為歷史陳蹟。
Within a year, rows of camp beds in overcrowded [...]
wards will, I hope, be a thing of the past.
与此同时,核裁军领域缺进展并 不是国际社会 面临的唯一挑战,因为一些核武器国家继续搞与无核 武器国家及其它核武器国家共享核武器的 排 , 以致 横向纵向扩散核武器。
At the same time,
[...] the lack of progress in nuclear disarmament is not the only challenge facing the international community, as some nuclear-weapon States are proliferating nuclear weapons horizontally and vertically by continuing nuclear-weapon-sharing arrangements with non-nuclear-weapon [...]
States and other nuclear-weapon States alike.
简单地说,可持续发展寻求各行政 部门、部委和机构之进行横向 合作,而传统决策和政治权力(预算控制、雇员 人数成就认)是纵向组成的。
Expressed simply, sustainable development seeks to work horizontally across administrative departments, ministries and agencies, while traditional decision-making and political authority (control of budgets, number of employees, recognition of achievements) is organized vertically.
可对颗粒的限定类进行列举, 并测量混合物 成 分 的 具体特征,例如:活性成分的粒度分布。
This allows enumeration of defined classes of particles as well as the measurement [...]
of component specific characteristics
in a blend, such as the particle size distribution of an active ingredient.
有些法列入了处理企业集团内部交易的其他办法,例如允许根据企业集 团内部的贷款安排而借款的企业集团成员所欠债务自动排在该借 成 员 外部债 权人的权利之后;准许法院对企业集团内部的财务 排进行 审 查 ,以确定是否 能够把给予企业集团成员的特定资金视作注入股本,而不是视作贷款,在这种 情况下,法律规定注入股本排序次于债权人的债权(关于对股本的处理办法, 见下文);并允许集团内部的债权自愿排在外部债权人的债权之后。
Some laws include other approaches to intra-group transactions such as permitting debts owed by a group member that borrowed funds under an intra-group lending arrangement to be involuntarily subordinated to the rights of external creditors of that borrowing member; permitting the court to review intra-group financial arrangements to determine whether [...]
particular funds
given to a group member should be treated as an equity contribution rather than as a loan, where the law subordinates equity contributions to creditor claims (on treatment of equity, see below); and allowing voluntary subordination of intra-group claims to those of external creditors.
进程的所有各方都了解到,将以列排除在 理事会区域小组之外,限制以色列在人权理事会内的地位,都违背了 所有联合成员国主权平等的原则以及《联合国宪章》的其他条款。
All parties to the review process were aware that Israel’s exclusion from the Council’s regional groups as well as Israel’s restricted role within the Council, were contrary to the principle [...]
of sovereign equality
of all UN Member States and other provisions of the UN Charter.
人居署的活动,加上来自技术合作经常方案的更多资源,有一个强大的乘数 效应,并产生了一个重要的项目组合,这体现在 列成 果 中 :为受 2010 年 1 月 地震影响的海地城市制定统筹恢复和重建的战略方针;多方捐助者支持方案,协 助 10 个试点发展中国家采用关于权力下放和获得基本的普遍服务的国际准则; 城市间合作方案,为西部非洲 5 个国家提供培训、研究和能力发展;阿拉伯区域 可持续城市发展战略,将在 2012 年 5 月在科威特行的“促进阿拉 伯城市可持 续性的市政管理和城市发展”区域会议上启动。
UN-Habitat activities, with additional resources from the regular programme of technical cooperation, had a large multiplier effect and generated an important project portfolio, as demonstrated by the following results: the formulation of strategic lines for integrated recovery and reconstruction developed for Haitian cities affected by the January 2010 earthquake; a multi-donor support programme, assisting 10 pilot developing countries to adopt international [...]
guidelines on decentralization and access
to basic universal services; a city-to-city cooperation programme providing training, research and capacity development for five countries in Western Africa; and a sustainable urban development strategy for the Arab region, to be launched at the regional conference “Municipal management and urban development for sustainability in Arab cities” to be held in Kuwait in May 2012.
已对活动实施情况行了评 估,包括简述了特成功的革新行动,这些都列进 32 C/3 的相关章 节。
An assessment of the activities implemented in this context, including a brief description of particularly successful innovative action, is provided under the relevant chapter of 32 C/3.
排列优先次序的行标准 添加一项额外标准以考虑发展中国家的具体需要 的请求,食典委注意到现行标准已适当地处理了这一事项,必要时可在以后根据应 用现行标准的经进一步 审议该项标准。
In response to the request that an additional criterion be added to the existing criteria for the prioritization to give consideration to the specific needs of developing countries, the Commission noted that the existing criteria adequately covered this matter and that the criteria could be further reviewed later, if required, in the light of experience with the application of existing criteria.
时机现成熟,执行局应在对这些 排进行 适 当 修改之后使 成 为 长 期安排。
The time is ripe for the Executive Board to make these arrangements permanent after revising them [...]
as it sees fit.
[...] Outlook®网格的观感和特性——它以表格的形式显示数据,并支持大量数据构形和分析功能,包括:对无限数量 列进行 数 据 分组 排 序 、 行预览部分、总统计和分组统计、数据过滤、单元格合并等。
This standard Grid View emulates the look feel and behavior of the Microsoft® Outlook® grid - it displays data as a table and supports numerous data shaping and analysis features including:
data grouping and sorting against
[...] an unlimited number of columns, row preview sections, [...]
totals and group summaries, data filtering, cell merging, etc.
路桥国际张花高速公路第八合同段项目 成 立 了 以项目领导班子为核心的上部结构指挥部,精心组织,合理 排 , 现场技术人员及施工人员昼夜两 进行 钢 纵 梁 及 桥面板的运输铺设,从6月28日开始第一片钢纵梁和桥面板的铺设至8月1日,仅1个月的时间就 成 了 中 央通道的架通,又经过20天的拼搏奋战,至8月21日完成最后一片桥面板的铺设。
Luqiao international Zhang Hua highway eighth contract
section of project department was set up to the project leading group as the core of the upper structure
[...] of command, elaborate organization, arrange, on-site technical staff and construction staff and two steel stringer bridge deck paving and transportation, beginning in June 28th the first piece of steel girder and bridge deck paving to August 1st, only 1 months time to complete the central channel of the frame, and [...] [...]
after 20 days of hard fighting, August 21st to complete the last piece of bridge deck paving.
工作组商定,如成员国和政府间国际组织没有提出要在 2013 年讲习班上 作专题介绍,它将在 2013 年小组委员会第五十届会议期间根据小组委员会第四 十七届会议通过的其 2014 年工作计划中确立的排进行工作 (A/AC.105/958, 附件二,第 8 段)。
The Working Group agreed that,
should no presentations be offered from member States and international intergovernmental
[...] organizations for the workshop in 2013, it would conduct its work during the fiftieth session of the Subcommittee, in 2013, under the arrangements established in its workplan for 2014, as adopted by the Subcommittee at its forty-seventh session (A/AC.105/958, annex II, para. 8).
这个评价的依据包括列成 就: (i) 通过与世界艾滋病研究基金会的资深科学 进行 非 正 式磋商,各国政府首 脑和内阁成员,特别是在撒哈拉以南地区,都对艾滋病毒/艾滋病有了更科学的认 识;(ii) 在教科文组织发起的一次会议上,加勒比海各国教育部长签署了《哈瓦 那宣言》,根据这一宣言,该地区各国政府承诺在学校教学中引入艾滋病毒/艾滋 [...]
病方面的内容;(iii) 在亚太地区引入的一套宣传材料正在被广泛应用;(iv)
文化 部门的成果(从文化的途径防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病)包括三年内完成的 21 种出版 物(国别研究、方法论文、使用手册)。
[...] leading to this assessment include: (i) the informal consultations between senior scientists of the World Foundation for AIDS Research has contributed [...]
to a more scientifically
based understanding of HIV/AIDS among heads of governments and cabinet members, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa; (ii) the Havana declaration, signed by Ministers of Education in the Caribbean in the course of a UNESCO instigated conference, commits all governments in the region to introduce the subject of HIV/AIDS in the school system; (iii) the advocacy tool kit introduced in the Asia and the Pacific region is being widely used; and (iv) the outputs of the Culture Sector (the cultural approach to HIV/AIDS) with some 21 publications (country studies, methodological papers, manuals) over a three-year period.
因在法庭上和商业领域中善于攻击别人而更为人所知的奇虎公司,突然发现它的应用程序被苹果公司(Nasdaq: AAPL)中国应用程序商店下架,指控奇虎通过非正常渠道 排行 榜 , 操 纵 由 程 序买方发布的信息评分。
Qihoo, better known for launching assaults on others, both in the courtroom and in the business arena, saw
its applications
[...] abruptly removed from Apple’s (Nasdaq: AAPL) China app store, amid allegations of manipulation of the ratings information posted by buyers of [...]
its apps.
(d)鼓励从体制和财政上支持能够产生针对性别的知识,并为所有涉及教育、 培训和研究的政策和方案提供信息的学术科目,支持为找出教育和职业发展道路 上的具体差距进行的研究,包纵 向 政 策研究,以促进科学技术各领域和其他 相关学科保留妇女和女孩
(d) Encourage the provision of institutional and financial support for academic studies that can produce gender-specific knowledge and feed into all policies and programmes on education, training and research and support research, including longitudinal policy research, to identify specific gaps in education and career pathways, so as to promote the retention of women and girls in different fields of science and technology and in other relevant disciplines




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