单词 | 排射 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 排射 —a salvoa barrage of fireSee also:射 v—launch v 射—allude to • radio- (chemistry)
有意见认为,管辖外层空间的国际法律制度并 不 排 除 发 射 国 和 当前运营商 所属国之间的内部安排。 daccess-ods.un.org | The view was expressed that the international legal [...] regime governing outer space did not [...] preclude internal arrangements between the launching [...]State and the State of the current operator. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果表明有一部分发动机室的辐射声能向后 辐 射 , 与 排 气 管 口的辐射噪声汇合到一起。 bksv.cn | The result showed that a proportion of the sound energy [...] radiating from the engine compartment radiated backwards and combined with noise [...] being radiated from the exhaust outlet. bksv.com |
最小化挤奶持续时间可以在奶牛最理想 的 排 乳 反 射 阶 段实现充分挤奶,同时减轻奶牛和挤奶工的负担。 delaval.cn | Minimizing milking duration allows for milk-out during the cows’ optimal reflexive let-down period - putting less stress on cow and milker. delaval.com |
由於重新安排的發射日期 未能提供充足時間 ,於一旦首次發射未能成功時 ,可以重新建造 [...] 及再次發射衛星 ,本公司繼續探討各種方案 ,以確保對客戶提供的服務不會間斷 。 asiasat.com | As this rescheduled launch date may not [...] provide sufficient time for such a re-build and re-launch in the event of an unsuccessful [...]first launch, the Company continues to explore options to ensure the continuity of service to its customers. asiasat.com |
使用这些模式的经验和传统的知识表明 , 排 污 水 以 射 流 方 式进入海洋表层能达到的 最大稀释比率是 10:1。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Although the potential consequences of sea level rise are not addressed explicitly, the effects of human activities on coastal habitats should be considered in this context. unesdoc.unesco.org |
吁请联合国系统和国际社会酌情协助加勒比国家及其区域组织努力确 [...] 保加勒比海得到保护,使之不会因为船舶的污染,特别是违反相关国际规则和标 准非法排放石油及其他有害物质造成的污染、非法倾弃或意 外 排 放 放 射 性 材 料、 核废料和危险化学品等有害废物造成的污染以及陆地活动的污染而退化 daccess-ods.un.org | Calls upon the United Nations system and the international community to assist, as appropriate, Caribbean countries and their regional organizations in their efforts to ensure the protection of the Caribbean Sea from degradation as a result of pollution from ships, in particular through the illegal release of oil and other harmful substances, and pollution from [...] the illegal dumping or [...] accidental release of hazardous waste, including radioactive materials, [...]nuclear waste and dangerous [...]chemicals, in violation of relevant international rules and standards, as well as pollution from land-based activities daccess-ods.un.org |
生 署 及醫管 局會按 [...] 照諮詢委員會的 建 議,在 未來數個月為 其 醫 護 人員安排 流感疫 苗 注 射。 legco.gov.hk | In line with the Advisory Committee's recommendations, the [...] DH and the HA will arrange influenza vaccination [...]in the coming months for their health care staff. legco.gov.hk |
4.确认加勒比国家努力创造条件,力求实现以消除贫穷和不平等现象为目 标的可持续发展,并就此感兴趣地注意到加勒比国家联盟在可持续旅游业、贸易、 运输和自然灾害等重点领域的举措; [...] 5.吁请联合国系统和国际社会酌情协助加勒比国家及其区域组织努力确 保加勒比海得到保护,使之不会因为船舶的污染,特别是违反相关国际规则和标 [...] 准非法排放石油及其他有害物质造成的污染、非法倾弃或意 外 排 放 放 射 性 材 料、 核废料和危险化学品等有害废物造成的污染以及陆地活动的污染而退化 daccess-ods.un.org | the United Nations system and the international community to assist, as appropriate, Caribbean countries and their regional organizations in their efforts to ensure the protection of the Caribbean Sea from degradation as a result of pollution from ships, in particular through the illegal release of oil and other harmful substances, and from illegal [...] dumping or accidental release of [...] hazardous waste, including radioactive materials, [...]nuclear waste and dangerous chemicals, [...]in violation of relevant international rules and standards, as well as pollution from land-based activities daccess-ods.un.org |
温室气体通过对辐射的吸收和排放产 生直接 辐 射 强 迫 ,并可能通过影响其他温室气体或颗粒物的化学作用产生间接辐射强迫。 ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch | A greenhouse gas causes [...] direct radiative forcing through absorption and emission of radiation [...]and may cause indirect radiative [...]forcing through chemical interactions that influence other greenhouse gases or particles. ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch |
經過一天漫長的辛勞,與情人或同事在擁有海濱景觀和新加坡天際線美景的環境下用餐,觀賞由濱海灣金沙精心 安 排 的 雷 射 水 舞 秀等娛樂活動,這精采絕倫的夜晚絕對是犒賞自己最佳方式。 hk.marinabaysands.com | After a long day of work dining by the waterfront with a view of the [...] Singapore Skyline and watch entertaining [...] activities such as the Laser & Water show organized [...]by Marina Bay Sands will be the best [...]evening to pamper one's self, dine with your love once or business associates. marinabaysands.com |
㈡ 公共辐照的情况,包括环境监测、 排放控制和放射性废物管理 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) Medical exposure, including diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine (ii) Public exposure, including environmental monitoring, discharge control and radioactive waste management daccess-ods.un.org |
在俄罗斯联邦南乌拉尔州马雅克核电厂开展的工人健康流行病学研 究,以及对 Techa 河附近因该厂的放射性物质排放而 暴露于 辐 射 的 人 口进行的流 行病学研究,为长期暴露于低剂量内部结合态放射性核素提供了有价值的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Valuable information on the long-term low-dose exposures [...] to internally incorporated radionuclides has been provided by epidemiological [...]studies of the health [...]of workers at the Mayak nuclear complex in the southern Urals of the Russian Federation, and of the population near the Techa River whose exposure was due to radioactive discharges from that facility. daccess-ods.un.org |
治療後,醫生可能會安排您接受放射 診 斷 檢查,確保無結石,或結石在您體內已完全被擊碎。 hksh.com | After the treatment, [...] your doctor may arrange a follow-up radiological examination for [...]you to ensure that there are no stones [...]or stone fragments remaining in your body. hksh.com |
回顾特拉特洛尔科条约序言中,各缔约国宣称相信“核武器对军队和平民一 样都会不分皂白地造成残酷的可怕后果,并由于其 所 排 放 的 放 射 性 物 质的持续存 在,对人类的完整是一种进攻,最终甚至可能使整个地球无法居住 daccess-ods.un.org | the preamble of the Treaty of Tlatelolco in which States Parties declared that “the nuclear weapons, whose terrible effects are suffered, indiscriminately and inexorably, by military forces and [...] civilian population alike, [...] constitute, through the persistence of the radioactivity they release, [...]an attack on the integrity [...]of the human species and ultimately may even render the whole earth uninhabitable daccess-ods.un.org |
輻照則使用電 子束或 從 放射性 同 位 素 排 出的其 他 高 能 量 微 粒 把廢物消毒。 legco.gov.hk | Irradiation is the use of electron beam or other high energy particles emitted from radioisotopes to disinfect waste. legco.gov.hk |
由第一射之纖維 排向(圖 6),可知第一射內部的主要排向沿 著環 狀方向;因為纖維側向的強度較軸向小,因此造 成了考慮第一射纖維排向的 Run3 有著比 Run2 更小的內徑與外徑;這說明了第一射 纖 維 排 向對 第二射翹曲的影響。 moldex3d.com | Due to the flow direction, the primary direction of fiber orientation toward Y direction is in the center, and that toward Z direction is on the surface. moldex3d.com |
在日常作业中,核设施向大气和水体 排 放 少 量的 放 射 性 物 质。11 对排放物 进行持续监测,并不断监测环境,以理解对生物群系和生态系统的影响——这应 当成为核电站运行不可或缺的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | During routine operation, nuclear [...] installations release small [...] amounts of radioactive substances into the atmosphere and water bodies.11 The continuous monitoring of such discharges and the ongoing [...]monitoring of the [...]environment to understand the impacts on the biota and ecosystem should be integral to the operation of nuclear power plants. daccess-ods.un.org |
具体而言,这些资料包括一般信息、记录表格、进 口和出口规定、回收协议、安全考虑以及安全管理 辐 射 源 的 财务 安 排。 daccess-ods.un.org | These cover in particular general information, record forms, import and export [...] requirements, take-back agreements, security considerations [...] and financial arrangements for the safe management of the sources. daccess-ods.un.org |
审核结束后,决定把排泄物指标(排第 19 位)和太阳辐射衰减(排第 1 6 为)纳入,把 底栖生物多样性和沉积物中的氧化还原电位去掉。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) System was established in 1961 to “enhance marine research, exploration and development by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
咳嗽反射的作用为排出呼 吸道内的异物和过多的分泌物,有清洁、保护和维持呼吸道畅通的作用。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The cough reflex is meant to clear the air [...] passage of foreign objects or of excess fluids; it helps clean and protect the respiratory tract. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在紧急情况下,源地点的实际排放量和 (放射性物 质及大气参数的)监测数据,对于大气传输模型的模拟以及对评估可能的影响而言, 乃是必不可少的投入,到头来还可供主管当局确定适当防护行动时使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | During an [...] emergency, actual emissions at the source and monitoring data, of both the radioactivity and atmospheric [...]parameters, are essential [...]inputs for atmospheric transport modelling simulations, for assessing possible impacts and in turn for competent authorities to use when determining suitable protective actions. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,有色染料会注射进入这些排化 系 统,然后X光图片上会显示出任何的障碍物或异常的部位。 mahkotamedical.com | Dye is injected into these ductal systems and x-ray pictures are taken to show any obstructions or abnormalities. mahkotamedical.com |
位于引脚1和电缆屏蔽之间的1 MHz 24 [...] Ohm 的EMI抗氧体磁珠,提供低通滤波器,改 进 射 频 排 斥。 neutrik.com.cn | An EMI suppression ferrite bead with 24 Ohm at 1 MHz between pin 1 and the cable screen provides a low-pass [...] filter for improved RF rejection. neutrik.com |
该燃油喷射系统符合排放标 准,通过运行其中的一台燃油泵产生高压,使燃油通过共轨分 布到各油缸的每个喷油器。 hitachi-c-m.com | In this fuel injection system complying with the Emission Regulations, one [...] fuel pump runs to generate high pressure for [...]distributing fuel to each injector per cylinder through a common rail. hitachi-c-m.com |
巴塞尔公约》的免除包括受其他国际控制的化学品、 放 射 性 废 物、船舶 排放物 以及与非缔约国交易的化学品或来自非缔约国的化学品或取决于一个国家 [...] 发展水平的化学品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Exemptions under the Basel Convention include [...] chemicals that are subject to other [...] international controls, radioactive wastes, and discharge [...]from ships, as well as those traded [...]to or from non-State Parties, or depending on a country’s level of development. daccess-ods.un.org |
空气以及水中放射性物质排放的监控 tuv-sud.cn | Surveillance of radioactive discharges in air and water tuv-sud.com |
这一数据经由深空网络从航天器传回地球。在深空网络中,数据受到 辐 射 校 准, 编 排 成 由14个独立CCD图像条组成的马赛克图像,校正后即可表示航天器与火星的距离和定位,最终以几何学方法映射至行星坐标。 analog.com | This data is transmitted from the spacecraft [...] to Earth via the Deep Space Network, [...] where it will be radiometrically calibrated, organized [...]into a mosaic image comprised [...]of the fourteen individual CCD image strips, calibrated to account for spacecraft-to-Mars distance and positioning, and, ultimately, geometrically mapped to planetary coordinates. analog.com |
城市的各个功能设施围绕中心的滴水湖扩散式的分布开来:湖畔林荫大道,商务区,500米宽的环形城市公园,以可供13000人居住的块状街区为单位组成的居住群呈 放 射 状 排 开。 chinese-architects.com | The use structure is divided into radial rings from the inside to the outside: promenade, business district with high density, 500 meter wide ring-shaped city park, block-like [...] residential districts for 13,000 people each [...] situated along radial roads accord-ing [...]to the principle of a compass card. chinese-architects.com |