单词 | 排外 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 排外 noun —xenophobia nless common: anti-foreign n 排外 —xenophobicless common: anti-foreigner
除了为保护机密资料可能需要做出适当的 安 排外 , 伊美青年组织和教科文组织同意交 换与商定的合作领域相关的信息和文件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Subject to such arrangements as may be necessary [...] for the safeguarding of classified material, OIJ and UNESCO agree to exchange [...]information and documentation relevant to the agreed areas of cooperation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
歧视、排外和种族主义助长了对移民的 暴力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Discrimination, xenophobia and racism facilitated [...] violence against migrants. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为我们在不断努力改进移民政策,在社会中 消除排外主义 、种族主义和不容忍现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is consistent with our continuing efforts to improve our immigration policies and to eliminate xenophobia, racism, and intolerance in our society. daccess-ods.un.org |
鑒於法案委員會提出關注,政府當局承諾除在稅務局的 [...] 《釋義及執行指引》中訂明為稅務目的而釐定知識產權真正市 值的安排外,負 責的公職人員在條例草案恢復二讀辯論時,亦 [...]會在其演辭中提及有關安排。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the Bills Committee's concern, the Administration has undertaken that apart from specifying the arrangements for [...] determining for tax purpose the true market value of an IPR in the DIPNs of [...] IRD, the relevant arrangements would be mentioned [...]in the speech of the [...]public officer in charge during the resumption of the Second Reading debate on the Bill. legco.gov.hk |
经合组织的成员国包括经济上最发达的 [...] 国家,创造了“最富国的俱乐部”,它是一 个排外的组 织,代表了不到世界六分之一人 [...] 口,提供了大约三分之二的全球货物生产、 五分之三的世界出口和五分之四的全球公共 发展援助。 paiz.gov.pl | The organisation includes the most [...] economically developed countries to create ‘the [...] richest club’, an exclusive organisation [...]representing less than 1/6 of the world’s population, [...]and providing about 2/3 of the global production of goods, 3/5 of world exports and 4/5 of the total public development aid. paiz.gov.pl |
根据大会第 32 届会议通过的《教科文组织反对种族主义、歧视、仇外及相关的不宽容 行为的综合战略》(32 [...] C/13)的要求,反对歧视和种族主义科参加了落实德班“关于种族 主义、种族歧视、排外即相关的不宽容行为的世界会议”(2001 [...]年)后续活动机制。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In accordance with the UNESCO Integrated Strategy to Combat Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (32 C/13), which was adopted by the General Conference at its 32nd session, the Section to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination has participated in the mechanism of [...] follow-up to the World Conference on Racism, Racial [...] Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related [...]Intolerance in Durban (2001). unesdoc.unesco.org |
(一) 現時使用上述通道的各類型車輛的平均每天實際數量與預測數 字如何比較; (三) 除了容許跨境貨運公司貨車無須事先向廣東省有關部門辦理增 加深圳灣口岸的批注,以及延長過境私家車試用該口岸的 安排 外,粵 港兩地政府會否採取其他措施,鼓勵更多貨車、貨櫃車以 至其他類型的車輛使用上述通道,以確保該通道可以發揮分流作 用;若會,有關措施的詳情? legco.gov.hk | (c) in addition to exempting goods vehicles of cross-boundary freight companies from the requirement for applying to the relevant authorities in Guangdong Province in advance for additional Shenzhen Bay Port (SBP) crossing endorsement, and extending the arrangements for cross-boundary private cars to use that control point on a trial basis, whether the Governments of Hong Kong and Guangdong will adopt other measures to encourage more goods vehicles, container trucks and other types of vehicles to use the above corridor, so as to ensure that the corridor can achieve its function of diverting traffic flows; if so, of the details of such measures? legco.gov.hk |
(第4条) [...] 委员会敦促缔约国采取更有效的措施,防止并制止种族主义 、 排外 和 不 容忍 现象,鼓励更积极的政治对话气氛,包括在地方和全国选举中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee urges the State party to take more effective [...] measures to prevent and suppress manifestations [...] of racism, xenophobia and intolerance [...]and to encourage a positive climate of [...]political dialogue, including at times of local and national election campaigns. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询小组审查了该方案的现行安排、 外 部 研究提供的备选办法、道德操守办 公室自 2006 年以来在施行方案方面积累的实践经验、联合国各基金和方案在施 行各自财务披露方案方面的经验以及其他可能的备选办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The advisory group [...] reviewed the current arrangements for the programme, the alternatives presented in the external study, the practical [...]experience of [...]the Ethics Office in administering the programme since 2006, the experience of United Nations funds and programmes in running their own financial disclosure programmes and other possible alternatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
强烈的共同价值观或使命感有时容易导 致 排外 偏 狭。 12manage.com | Strongly shared values or a strong sense of mission can lead to an [...] insularity that becomes xenophobic. 12manage.com |
巴基斯坦很担心地注意到,拒绝多样性引发的 种族主义和排外行为 不断扩展并取得了新的合法 性,以民族特性和爱好为名,移民、外国人和少数 [...] 民族一直无法享有最基本的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pakistan noted with concern [...] that racist and xenophobic behaviours motivated [...]by a rejection of diversity had spread and gained [...]new legitimacy, and that in the name of identity and national preferences, migrants, foreigners and minorities continued to be denied their most fundamental rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
当南部国家已经证明在促进人权方面团结与 [...] 合作大有好处的时候,上述国家集团却宣扬文化、 民族、政治或宗教的差异会破坏人权的普遍性 ,排 外主义和歧视由此卷土重来。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whereas the nations of the South were proclaiming the benefits of solidarity and cooperation in the promotion of human rights, those groups of countries were seeking to impose the notion that cultural, ethnic, political or religious diversity could compromise [...] the universal nature of human rights, an attitude that was at the root of the [...] resurgence of xenophobia and discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
他并呼吁注 意由于种族主义和排外情绪 等“使我们大家都变得弱小”的态度而对保护空间持 [...] 续造成了威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | He had also called attention to the continuing threat to protection space caused by [...] racism and xenophobia, attitudes [...]which “diminish us all”. daccess-ods.un.org |
强调移民对全世界各个社会作出了积极的经济、社会和文化贡献,以及政 治言论和媒体有必要支持这一积极形象,以避免助长歧视 、 排外 和 暴 力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The positive economic, social and cultural contributions of migrants to societies worldwide were stressed, as well as the need for the [...] political discourse and the media to support that positive image to avoid fuelling [...] discrimination, xenophobia and violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
承辦商只要符合有關政府部門的規定(包括外 [...] 判員工數目及該等員工必須具備的資歷及/或經驗),便可安排任何僱員到 有關政府部門工作,或在合約期內基於不同理由另行 安 排外 判 員 工以作補 替。 devb.gov.hk | As long as the requirements of the government departments (in terms of the number of outsourced workers and the qualifications and/or experience required from outsourced workers) are satisfied, the contractor may arrange any of [...] their employees to work in the [...] departments or arrange replacement outsourced workers during [...]the contract period for different reasons. devb.gov.hk |
委员会还注意到居民中普遍存在的怀疑外国人的情绪,这可能显示了一 种 排外主 义态度和偏见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee further notes that information on [...] prevailing sentiment of [...] suspicion towards foreigners among its population [...]may be indicative of xenophobic attitude and prejudice. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年,消除种族歧视委员会指出,芬兰已采取措施,同青年中的种族主 义和排外态度做斗争,包括开展推广文化多元的项目,并开展反种族主义的工作 或提高意识的措施,既针对老师又针对学生。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2009, CERD noted that Finland has adopted measures to combat racist and xenophobic attitudes among the young through the projects for the promotion of multiculturalism and anti-racist works and awareness-raising measures directed at both teachers and students. daccess-ods.un.org |
在聊天会话中向网站游客展示旅行目的地的图片、宾馆 安 排 、 外 国 城 市的地图以及更多信息。 providesupport.cn | Show your website visitors pictures of travel destinations, hotel [...] accommodations, maps of foreign cities, and more [...]during the chat session. providesupport.com |
这意味着华为和其他中国公司需要使用更加积极的策略,不只是当它们受到直接攻击时,而且当它们进入市场遭遇当地利益团体可能用像国家安全、不公平补贴和更广泛 的 排外 恐 惧等借口阻止它们进入这个市场。 youngchinabiz.com | That means that it, as well as other Chinese companies, will need to use more aggressive tactics, not only when they come under direct attack but also when they are entering markets where local interests might [...] want to use excuses like national security, unfair [...] subsidies and broader xenophobic fears to keep [...]them out of the market. youngchinabiz.com |
在这次会议上,不结盟国家重申尊重宗 教或信仰自由和社会制度的多样性,反对一切形式的不容忍 、 排外 、 仇 外 心 理或 种族主义。 daccess-ods.un.org | At that event, the non-aligned countries reaffirmed respect for freedom of [...] religion or belief and diversity in social systems while opposing all [...] forms of intolerance, exclusion, xenophobia or racism. daccess-ods.un.org |
關 稅 聯 盟 雖 然 宣 稱 旨 在 促 進 普 魯 士 [...] 與 世 界 的 貿 易 發 展 ﹐但 最 後 卻 為 建 立 一 個 統 一 和 排 外 的 中 歐 舖 路 。 除 了 將 德 意 志 的 貿 易 由 易 北 河 (Elbe)和 [...]萊 茵 河 (Rhine)推 至 北 海 外 [...]﹐ 關 稅 聯 盟 最 終 會 使 普 魯 士 以 其 軍 隊 保 衛 由 柏 林 (Berlin) 至 巴 格 達 (Bagdad)的 鐵 路 交 通 。 hkahe.com | The Zollverein, instead of promoting the [...] exchange of goods between [...] Prussia and the outer world, would ultimately prepare the way for a unified and exclusive central [...]Europe; and instead [...]of drawing German trade down the Elbe and Rhine to the North Sea it would end by committing Prussia’s military resources to the support of the Berlin to Bagdad railway. x. The impact of the Zollverein was simply impressive. hkahe.com |
巴拉圭政府委托公共事务秘书处拟定了《包容和不歧视地开展公务活动指 南》,希望通过这份文件支持国家从 排外 文 化 转变成包容文化;第 942/09 号决 议指出,“通过这份文件,建立不歧视和包容政策的基本框架,并对依据第 2226/09 号法令设立的公共事务秘书处下辖的不歧视和包容政策局的职责加以规 范”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The executive branch also promulgated Decision No. 942/09 which laid down the basic framework for non-discriminatory and inclusive policies within the civil service and established regulations for the Directorate-General of Equality and Inclusion Policies, a department of the Civil Service Secretariat, established by Decision No. 2226/09. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,安排外国舰 船在几内 亚比绍领水巡逻,并与几内亚比绍警察一道开展联合 治安活动,也会表明几内亚比绍政府坚定致力于在这 [...] 一重要问题上取得进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meanwhile, arrangements to allow for foreign vessels to patrol [...] territorial waters off Guinea-Bissau and conduct joint policing [...]activities with Guinea-Bissau police would also be a sign of the firm commitment of the Government to achieving progress on this important issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着预算的紧缩,我们看到出现了歧视移民工人的紧缩措施、鼓励对非常规移民施行暴力的 恐 外排外 言 论,以及提议立法,使警察可不受处罚地在执法时特别盯住移民。 un.org | As budgets tighten, we are seeing [...] austerity measures that discriminate against [...] migrant workers, xenophobic rhetoric that [...]encourages violence against irregular migrants, [...]and proposed immigration laws that allow the police to profile migrants with impunity. un.org |
一些外排的分 子还具有荧光活性,有转运活性的细胞外观不同,当这些染料存在的时候,可通过流式细胞术分离。 labome.cn | Some of the [...] molecules that can be excreted are fluorescent [...]and cells with active transporters have a distinctive appearance, [...]by flow cytometry, when in the presence of these dyes. labome.com |
但是,注意到秘书处就大气寿命计算的相对精确性和缺少重要四氯化碳自然来源问 题所咨询的科学专家所达成的协商一致,科学观点所表达的是,《议定书》第 7 条下报告 [...] 的受控使用所产生排放量以外的额 外排 放 量 必须与尚未归类的使用或化学过程损失有关。 multilateralfund.org | Nonetheless, noting the consensus among the scientific experts consulted by the Secretariat about the relative accuracy of atmospheric lifetime calculations and the absence of significant natural sources of CTC, the [...] implication from the scientific perspective is [...] that emissions additional to those arising [...]from controlled uses reported under Article [...]7 of the Protocol must be related to as-yet uncategorised uses or losses in chemical processes. multilateralfund.org |
这些活动可能包括过度利用海洋生物资源、采用破坏性的做法、 [...] 船舶的实际影响、引进外来入侵物种以及由各种来源,包括陆地来源和船只造成 海洋污染,特别是非法和意外排放油 类和其他有害物质、遗失或弃置渔具以及非 法或意外倾倒诸如放射性物质、核废料和危险化学品等有害废弃物造成的污染。 daccess-ods.un.org | These may include overutilization of living marine resources, the use of destructive practices, physical impacts by ships, the introduction of invasive alien species and marine pollution from all sources, including from [...] land-based sources and vessels, in [...] particular through the illegal and accidental discharge of oil [...]and other harmful substances, [...]the loss or release of fishing gear and the illegal or accidental release of hazardous waste such as radioactive materials, nuclear waste and dangerous chemicals. daccess-ods.un.org |
吁请联合国系统和国际社会酌情协助加勒比国家及其区域组织努力确 保加勒比海得到保护,使之不会因为船舶的污染,特别是违反相关国际规则和标 [...] 准非法排放石油及其他有害物质造成的污染、非法倾弃或 意 外排 放 放 射性材料、 核废料和危险化学品等有害废物造成的污染以及陆地活动的污染而退化 daccess-ods.un.org | Calls upon the United Nations system and the international community to assist, as appropriate, Caribbean countries and their regional organizations in their efforts to ensure the protection of the Caribbean Sea from degradation as a result of pollution from ships, in particular through the illegal release of oil and other harmful [...] substances, and pollution from the [...] illegal dumping or accidental release of hazardous [...]waste, including radioactive materials, [...]nuclear waste and dangerous chemicals, in violation of relevant international rules and standards, as well as pollution from land-based activities daccess-ods.un.org |