

单词 掐捏

See also:

pinch (with one's fingers)
make up


squeeze v

External sources (not reviewed)

该决议草案具有明显的政治动机,是 阴谋捏造,与人权毫无关联。
The draft resolution was clearly politically motivated, a plot and a fabrication, and had nothing to do with human rights.
過去的火災和彩色搪瓷錶盤穩定,工藝美術大師的功力沙面揭示了鏡面設計 掐 絲 金屬邊緣的繪圖。
Once the dial past the fire and colored enamel stabilized, it takes a master craftsman's skill to sand the surface to get a mirror finish revealing, filigree metal edges of the drawing.
捏造虚假指控或干扰道德调查本身就是对该规范的重大违反,并且 可能导致被立即解聘 。
Knowingly making a false allegation or interfering with an ethics investigation is itself a major violation of the Guidelines and may lead to immediate termination of your employment.
为 履行这项责任,服务提供商应采取某些措施,诸如确保其供水的水质安全、确保 正常供水、武歧视的经营、采取公平的程序处理不付费时的断水情况,以及当人 们因无法付费而被断水会得不到最起码的基本用水时,不 掐 断 供 水。
To meet this responsibility, service providers should take certain measures, such as ensuring that the water they provide is of safe quality, ensuring the regularity of supply, not discriminating in their operations, adopting fair procedures in cases of disconnections due to non-payment and refraining from disconnections when people are unable to pay and the disconnection would leave them without access to minimum essential levels of water.
在他的脖子上的小盒试掐死他 ,,但罗恩到达营救哈利。
The locket around his neck attempts to strangle him, but Ron arrives to rescue Harry.
當然,主體答覆也提到, 我們會不斷與相關部門溝通,務求在處理這些問題時(當然包括我剛才 所說),即使是輕微罪行,但只要涉及有關人士的生計問題,便必須準 確地以合乎公眾利益的方式捏。
Of course, I have also mentioned in the main reply that we will continue to communicate with the relevant departments, so that when we deal with these issues (of course, they include the issues I mentioned just now), even for minor offences, so long as the livelihood of the people are concerned, we handle all cases in the public interest.
到目前為止,只能用液體矽膠液體矽橡膠(LSR)實現了零件的幾何形狀 掐 絲 設 計。
So far were part geometries with filigree designs realized only with liquid silicone (Liquid Silicone Rubber, LSR).
這套溫和的改 革建議倘有任何闕漏,都會令㆟對政府留㆘㆒個不可磨滅的印象,就是港府是㆒隻苟 延殘喘的跛腳鴨,由現時起計不出 48 個月內就會掐死,然後斬件㆖碟。
Anything less than this modest set of reforms will leave an indelible image that the Government is but a lame duck dragging on to be choked and served in pieces in less than 48 months from now.
The Joker
[...] then pins him to the ground [...]
and begins to strangle him.
随着时间的推移,客观和科学的军事分析以及围绕这起事件的各种情况都表 明,该事件捏造出 来的,完全是出于美国的政治和军事目的。
As days go by, the objective and scientific military analysis and the environment surrounding the incident reveal that the incident is a fabricated scenario, purely for the political and military purposes of the United States.
如果您載入的是 A4 或 Legal 這類較長尺寸的紙張,捏住長 度導引夾定位拉片,接著配合要載入紙張的 長度,將長度導引夾回推到適當的位置。
If you are loading a longer size of paper like A4 or legal, squeeze the length guide tabs and slide the length guide backwards to the position for the length of paper you are loading.
輿論的焦點,主要在於「長毛」如何 捏 其 在 建制內外的角色矛盾;而政界的困擾,則是如何與這個不速之客周旋。
The focus of the discussion, was how "Long Hair" could handle his contradictory roles within and outside the establishment.
由于曾有这样的先例,而且青年党发 言人还声称人道主义紧急局势是“完全的、百分之百错误的而且毫无依据的宣 传”,是联合国出于政治目的捏造 的 ,据此独立专家对于青年党宣布开放的实 际范围感到担忧。
Given these precedents and the claim by the Al-Shabaab spokesperson that the humanitarian emergency situation is “totally, 100 per cent wrong and baseless propaganda” fabricated by the United Nations for political purposes, the independent expert is concerned at the real scope of the opening announced by Al-Shabaab.
告诉真相的一个小工具捏肚子 里的怪物,然后多啦A梦和现金被抛出。
A gadget
[...] which tells truth pinches the stomach of [...]
the monster and then doraemon and cash are thrown out.
阿塞拜疆的宣传捏造与 国际社会解决冲突的努力完全背道而驰。纳戈尔 诺-卡拉巴赫当局因被剥夺了在国际组织中自己对此直接作出回应的可能性而不 得不求助亚美尼亚在国际组织(包括联合国)中的代表,请他们表达纳戈尔诺-卡 拉巴赫对阿塞拜疆含沙射影所持的立场。
The authorities of Nagorny Karabakh, who have been deprived of the possibility of providing their own direct response in international organizations to the propaganda and fabrications put about by Azerbaijan, which run entirely counter to the efforts by the international community to settle the conflict, are naturally obliged to appeal to the representatives of Armenia at international organizations, including the United Nations, requesting them to put forward the position of Nagorny Karabakh in response to the insinuations made by Azerbaijan.
相結合,的額外光konzipiertem傳感器頭,精度高,非常快的點記錄,特別是在小到中等規模的新的機 掐 絲 部 分的的移動3D數字化。
The combination of extra light konzipiertem sensor head, high precision and extremely fast point Recording, particularly in the mobile 3D digitization of filigree parts of small to medium size new opportunities.
似乎以色列在这一严肃辩论中的孤立无援使得 其代表不得不再一次求助捏造事 实和玩弄小的把 戏,将讨论的话题扯到巴勒斯坦问题之外,以便转移 人们的视线,不再关注以色列占领巴基斯坦领土,以 无法描述的方式不分昼夜地压迫巴基斯坦人民的问 题症结。
It seems that Israel’s isolation in this serious debate left its representative with no alternative but to resort yet again to fabrications and card tricks, and expanding the scope of the discussion beyond the limits of the question of Palestine, in order to divert attention from the crux of the matter, which is Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories and its oppression of the Palestinian people around the clock in a way that is indescribable.
据报告其中两人死亡,第三个人声称遭到枪支抽打和电 刑,有人在他身掐灭烟 头,并试图将他吊在天花板上。
Two of them reportedly died, while the third stated that he had been beaten with rifles, electrocuted, had cigarettes extinguished on his body and suffered attempts to hang him from the ceiling.
這正好說明「官 字兩個口」,將國際標準「搓捏扁 」,變成雙重標準,欺壓本㆞工㆟,保障資本家的 利益。
This can best illustrate the “double talk” of the Administration which can twist and mould the international standard into double standards so as to protect the interests of the capitalists at the expense of local workers.
三个室内空间(出租、小卖、公共厕所)也不再 捏 合 成 一块,而是按最方便游人使用的方式与多个室外休息空间交错布置。
The three indoor spaces (rental, snack shop and public restrooms) were not grouped into one chunk, but rather mingled with the outdoor spaces to allow visitors use them conveniently.
I saw an article in Vogue about two editors debating over the peplum, one strongly against it who argued that it’s unflattering for curvy women because peplum tops are narrow on top and then widen out on the waist line which draws attention to the hip area.
对朝鲜人权情况的负面评价是根据背叛其祖国的 捏 造 的 事实提 出的。
Negative assessments of the human rights situation in DPRK are based on misinformation fabricated by those who betrayed their country.
掐丝珐 琅彩绘,又名景泰蓝 (Cloisonné) 是在表盘或者纸上制作设计图案轮廓,利用兩个钳子,将宽度只有0.07毫米幼如发丝的金线手工屈曲成设计图案,以勾勒輪廓区分需要上色的区域。
Cloisonné is an enamelling [...]
technique in which the outline of the dial designs is produced either on the dial itself, or
on paper. Extremely fine strips of gold wire measuring only 0.07 mm wide (no larger than a human hair) are hand bent and applied to the outline using two pliers.
鄭慕智議員問(譯文):律政司可否解釋為何呈交法庭的案情紀錄顯示雙方曾互相毆 打,而受害㆟只是左手被割傷,但受害㆟在㆒份書面證供㆖,卻聲稱曾被毆打 3 小 時及被㆟用刀指嚇和割傷,更掐住 脖 子直至她失去知覺,而且,醫生亦證明她雙 眼被嚴重打瘀,面部、背部、身體及㆕肢均有瘀傷,手及喉部曾被割傷,嘴唇爆裂, 頸部因被扼而腫起,以及面部亦有傷口?
MR MOSES CHENG: Would the Attorney General be able to explain, why the fact sheet presented to the Court showed that blows had been traded and the victim was only cut in her left hand when the victim has claimed in a written statement that she was beaten for three hours, threatened and cut with a knife and strangled until she lost consciousness and a doctor has certified that she has sustained heavy bruising to both eyes, bruising to her face, back, body and limbs, cut to her hand and throat, split lips, swollen neck due to strangulation and laceration to her face?
品牌注重发扬光大与腕表装饰有关的传统工艺,尤其是各项珐琅工艺:“大明火”珐琅(一项秘而不宣的技术,凝聚深厚专业技艺) 掐 丝 珐 琅(将金箔或银箔上的细小图案镶嵌在半透明珐琅上)与著名的微绘珐琅,这些工艺完全由手工完成,有时仅一个图案就需耗时一周才能大功告成。
The firm is particularly keen to keep alive the crafts traditionally linked with watch decoration, beginning with the various type of enameling: Grand Feu enamel (an ancestral technique demanding great know-how), spangles (minuscule motifs cut form gold or silver leaf and covered with translucent enamel) and the famous miniature painting on enamel, entirely carried out by hand, and sometimes requiring a whole week for a single decoration.
掐丝珐 琅彩绘,又名景泰蓝 (Cloisonné) 是在表盘或者纸上制作设计图案轮廓,利用兩个钳子,将宽度只有0.07毫米幼如发丝的金线手工屈曲成设计图案,以勾勒輪廓区分需要上色的区域。
Extremely fine strips of gold wire measuring only 0.07 mm wide (no larger than a human hair) are hand bent and applied to the outline using two pliers.
现代城市人经常埋首于办公室的繁琐工作或过于久坐,而忘了活动放松,以致腰酸背痛,久而久之就会引起颈椎等疾病,而有了这个简单小巧的按摩器,只需把两块传动贴片轻轻一贴在要按摩的部位,选择自己喜欢的 捏 , 捶 打,自动按摩,针灸,指压等方式,再加以力度选择(10段不同的力度),就可以达到如同真人的按摩感觉,边工作边按摩,充分利用时间,使你精力更充沛,工作更持久,是不可多得的贴身帮手,两片贴片可同时按压穴位道,有效消除疲劳;可模拟8种真人按摩运动- -- 揉 捏 , 捶 打,自动按摩,舒筋,指压......利用高频率刺激穴位,加快体内气血循环,有助于快速消除疲劳。
The modern city people often hammered away at the office work or too trival sedentary, and forgot about the activities that waist sour backache, relax, as time passes can cause cervical vertebra disease such as, and have this simple small massage device, only to the two pieces of transmission patch a stick to massage gently in the site, choose your favorite kneading, knock, automatic massage, acupuncture, finger pressure, again to choose way efforts (10 section different strength), can achieve human like massage feel, and work at massage, make full use of our time, make you more energetic energy more lasting, is rare and personal assistant, two pieces of patch can also press the point way, effectively eliminate fatigue; Can simulate the 8 kinds of real massage exercise--kneading, knock, automatic massage, relaxes the muscles, refers to the pressure... By using high frequency stimuli, speed up the points in the body blood circulation, help to fast eliminate fatigue.
10.5 申诉人称,她儿子的在第14条第1 款下的权利被侵犯,因为法院在处理 调查中捏造和 篡改证据问题以及核实主要证人证词的可信度问题时,没有将可 雪冤的事实和证据考虑进去,这样就给了公诉方不公平的优势。
10.5 The author claims that her son’s rights under article 14, paragraph 1, have been violated, as the court has failed to take into account exculpatory facts and evidence, to address the issue of fabrication and tampering with evidence by the investigation, as well as to verify the credibility of the main witness's testimony and, by doing so, it has given an unfair advantage to the prosecution's side.




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