单词 | 掏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 掏—fish out (from pocket)less common: scoop Examples:掏出—fish out take out (from a pocket, bag etc) 掏腰包v—payv 掏腰包—foot the bill
有关公私伙伴关系的国际经验显示,必须避免公共部门掏钱而企业 得利的局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | International experience with public private partnerships demonstrates the need to avoid the public sectorpaying for the costs while the companies reap the profits. daccess-ods.un.org |
消费者,尤其是穷人,自掏腰包的情况对于旨在减少 发展中国家的贫穷和收入不平等的政策举措而言大有深义。 daccess-ods.un.org | Out-of-pocket spending by consumers, [...] especially the poor, has important implications for policy initiatives aimed at reducing [...]poverty and income inequality in the developing world. daccess-ods.un.org |
至少 6 小时的音乐播放时间和 6 小时的通话时间,您可以放心地想走多远就走多远,从来不需要从您的口袋里掏出手机来。 jabra.cn | With a minimum of 6 hours music time and 6 hours of talk time, you’re free to go as far as you like, without ever having to take your phone out of your pocket. jabra.com |
人的安 全概念应当被用来为这些举措的成功提供便利,而不是掏空它们的重要资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | The concept of human security should be used to facilitate the success of those initiatives and not to siphon vital resources from them. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此您可以在任何地方播放音乐和接听电话,无需从口袋里掏出手机来。 jabra.cn | So you can play music and take calls anywhere while leaving your phone in your pocket. jabra.com |
举例而言,为得到基本服务, 例如为保持在某一监区或监舍中的床位,甚至只是为了到某一牢房,大多数囚犯 不得不掏钱。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, most prisoners had to pay to have access to basic services, such as keeping their beds in a cell block or dormitory, or simply to have access to a particular cell. daccess-ods.un.org |
马诺拉的地理和行政区划如同一具身体被掏空后丢弃的隐喻。 shanghaibiennale.org | The geography and administrative segmentation of Manora evokes the metaphor of a body that has been gutted and cast away. shanghaibiennale.org |
有些雇员在双年度的前三到四个月的差旅费用必 须自己掏钱。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some employees had to finance their own travel costs for the first three to four months of the biennium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些因素包括:诊所路途遥远, 交通不便或根本没有交通,支助服务不足,不够理想的治疗方案造成副作用,治 疗服务中非药品部分需要掏钱购买,与去诊所治疗有关的机会成本(例如失去收 入),以及保健方面的人力资源不足。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include inadequate or non-existent transport to distant clinical sites, insufficient support services, side effects associated with suboptimal treatment regimens, out-ofpocket expenses for non-drug components of treatment services, opportunity costs (such as lost income) associated with clinic attendance and inadequate human resources for health. daccess-ods.un.org |
E. 海关很少会要求你把每样物品从背包里他掏出来,因为他们知道要把东西再塞回去的时候,是个多大的工程啊。 4tern.com | E. Custom will hardly request a backpacker to get things out from backpack, they knows it takes time and effort to put it all back again. 4tern.com |
经常维修和清洁( 例如掏清粪便池或清洗水源周围) 对于确保卫生设施和供水 设施的可持久性及其持续使用是很重要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regular maintenance and cleaning (such as emptying the pits or cleaning [...] the water point surroundings) are essential to ensure [...]the sustainability of sanitation and water facilities and continued access thereto. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们可能包括但不限于有关监测和检验水质的法律和制度、环保的卫生 [...] 设施系统、在贫民区等复杂环境掏清厕所的创新方法、低成本的卫生设施解决办 [...]法使人和动物卫生地不与排泄物接触、净化、过滤或其他使水可以饮用的低成本 解决办法、卫生的家庭储水方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | They could include, but are not limited to, laws and systems in place for monitoring and testing water quality, systems of ecological sanitation, innovative [...] methods for emptying latrines in complicated [...] environments suchas slums, low [...]cost sanitation solutions which hygienically [...]separate excreta from human and animal contact, purification, filtration or other low cost solutions for rendering water potable, or hygienic household storage methods. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着交通流量持续增大(在亚洲尤为明显),不断攀升的燃料成本意味着世界各地的车主需要从口袋里掏出更多的钱。 wacker.com | As traffic volumes continue to swell, particularly in Asia, the [...] rising cost of fuel means that motorists all around the world will have [...] to dig deeper into their pockets [...]to pay for it. wacker.com |
爆破后的实际开挖进尺取决于多个因素,但最重要的是钻孔精度、准确的孔位、正确的爆破方法及类型,以及掏槽孔的位置等。 solidgroundmagazine.com | The actual advance after blasting depends on many factors, but the most important ones are drilling accuracy, accurate hole placement, correct blasting method and type and placement of the cut. solidgroundmagazine.com |
我不清楚Daiso的压缩袋是否全部都是需要吸尘机把空气掏空。 4tern.com | I am not sure whether all the Daiso’s compression bags need to use a vacuum cleaner to get rid the air. 4tern.com |
现在,如果我要坐头等舱,我要从自己的腰包里掏额外的费用。 embassyusa.cn | Now if I want to fly first class I have to pay the extra cost out of my own pocket. eng.embassyusa.cn |
相 反,病人可以自掏腰包或通过“医疗储蓄户口(Medisave)”(由病人按工资的百 分比出资)支付医疗保健费,或者也可使用“健保双全计划”(Medishield)(一种 不跨越年龄或健康风险进行交叉补贴的保险方案)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Instead, patients may pay for their health care eitherout-of-pocket or through Medisave (which is funded through a percentage of patients’ wages), or they may use MediShield (an insurance programme which does not cross-subsidize across age or health risks). daccess-ods.un.org |
有趣的是,当你专注于执行某一的 任务时,实验室测试仪可以掏空你的口袋,并能打动你的朋友,但他们的成本比专用工 具多很多,真的不是最方便的选择。 litepoint.com | They are fun to pull out of your pocket and can impress your friends but they cost a lot more than a dedicated tool and really aren’t the most convenient when you have a focused task to perform. litepoint.com |
虽然石料跟这一品种一般的烟壶不同,布满者灰色的斑点,可是石料还算是代表性的,就是雕艺的水平、掏膛的深度、胶亮的抛光,也是代表性的。 e-yaji.com | Although the material has prominent grey flecking throughout the stone, which is unusual for the group, the material is otherwise [...] rather similar, as are the quality of the [...] carving, degree of hollowing, soft matt polish, [...]and the fact that the mouth of the bottle [...]is drilled straight through the detailing of the bat’s mouth. e-yaji.com |
你认为单车骑士单次消费较少、消费频率较高,就是优良顾客,如此说来,那些骑单车的老人家每天上门,只买一两件东西,掏钱的速度又非常慢,必然是顶级客户了。 thisbigcity.net | Bikers spend less but shop more often, and that makes them better customers, you say. thisbigcity.net |
奥利弗和校长兰德尔博士带领学生一掏,使用这个借口来掩饰自己的真实动机寻找附近的恐龙蛋。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Dr. Oliver and Principal Randall take the students on a dig, using that pretence to hide their true motive of finding a nearby Dino Egg. seekcartoon.com |
在R11 版本中,我们提供一些新的功能例如:皮层厚度分布结果以及溢流设定,能分别帮助使用者更直觉模拟掏空情形以及更接近真实成型状况! moldex3d.com | In Moldex3D R11, we provide some new features including the skin thickness distribution result and overflow setting. moldex3d.com |
为了适应对被输送物料的不同掏取与投出特性,本机备有深圆底形与浅圆底形两种料斗。 mayastar.com.cn | In order to adapt to the conveying material [...] of different dip takeand cast [...]characteristics, the machine is equipped with [...]two hoppers that deep round bottom form and shallow bottom form. mayastar.com.cn |
20 年来我都是扮演相反角色 – 为诸如 Johnson & Johnson、L’Oréal、Colgate-Palmolive 之类的营销驱动型跨国机构工作的市场营销员 – 代理商乘飞机来看我——当然要我掏钱,有时是以商务舱机票——并展示一些陈旧、乏味、过时的想法。 bootb.com | For 20 years I was on the other side of the court – a marketing man working for the worldwide marketing-driven organizations like Johnson & Johnson, L’Oréal, Colgate-Palmolive – and these agencies were flying to see me – at my expense, of course, and sometimes using business-class tickets, to present old, tired, worn-out ideas. bootb.com |
从背心口袋里掏出一枚才,告知询问的路人准确的时间…这优雅的动作姿态对一些人来说,实在有点落伍了,但对一群醉心这类钟表的爱好者来说,他们仍然乐在其中。 audemarspiguet.com | Taking a pocket watch out of one’s waistcoat pocket to give a passer-by the time: this gesture, outdated for some, is still practiced with pleasure by several watch enthusiasts. audemarspiguet.com |
活泼的孩子通常很健康,但父母们却理所当然地担心一些春季户外活动或许会增加孩子受伤的机率,这类活动包括徒步旅行、游泳、骑自行车、爬树、掏蜂窝、划船、赛跑,或者是以碰撞速度穿越操场等。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | While an active child is often a healthy child, parents are rightfully concerned that spring outdoor activities – like trekking, swimming, biking, treeclimbing,beehive punting, racing and chasing across the playground at collision speeds – increase the potential for injury. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
就本壶来说,我们知道它不是二十世纪中期以後掏的膛,因为Michael Stern的收藏系列是1950、1960年代形成的。 e-yaji.com | In this case, however, we know that the bottle existed in this form from the mid-twentieth century, since Michael Stern formed his collection in the 1950s and early 1960s, disposing of it through Sydney L. Moss Ltd. e-yaji.com |