

单词 掌相

See also:

palm of the hand
hold in one's hand
sole of the foot

External sources (not reviewed)

通过培训班的模拟考试,您将深入了解考试的形式和内 容掌握相应的考试技巧,有助于您顺利通过考试。
By using example papers in the test training course,
you will learn how to tackle the examination and what techniques you need to solve
[...] the tasks effectively and successfully.
實 施 這 兩 項 計 劃 的 工 作 , 主 要 由 現 有 人 員
[...] 處 理 , 他 們 都 充掌 握 相 關 的 專 業 和 技 術 知 識 。
The implementation of the two schemes
will mainly be handled by existing staff, who are fully
[...] equipped with the relevant professional and [...]
technical expertise.
此外,宋韶光的著作有《風水百寶箱》、《家居好風水》第一、二、三輯,《古靈精解》、《風水新廣場》、《風水百答》、《為你解風水》 、《為你解命理》及《為你掌相》 等 等,議論精闢,文筆淺顯生動,風行港澳、台灣、星馬及歐美各地。
In addition, the Song Infoking writings feng shui treasure chest "," home good feng shui, two, three series, DIE solution "feng shui Square," feng shui 579 "," solution for your feng shui " solution numerology "you" for your solution-telling, "and so argumentative incisive, vivid writing is simple and obvious, popular Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Europe and America around.
比较理想 的是可以建立同侪团体,在老年人在看医生或在其他提供护理的工作者治疗之掌握相关的 信息,这可能会帮助克服诸如缺乏培训等直接的问题。
It is also desirable to establish peer groups who would provide older persons with information before their visit to a doctor or other care provider for treatment, which might help overcome immediate problems such as lack of training.
维州教育法》力促职教机构与企业建立紧密联系,虽然该法律于1996年得以通过,但政治与劳动力市场的影响因素,又一次表明行业在确保工 掌 握 相 应 实 际工作技能方面,已不再重视业界与培训机构的联系。
Despite the passing of the Vocational Education Law in 1996 - which urged VET institutions to forge close ties with enterprises - political and labour market influences once again meant that industry no longer focused on a connection with training institutions to ensure workers had appropriate practical skills.
各答复国突出介绍了提倡学生参与和促进学校与广大社区互动的国家一级举措 的实例;人权教育并不局限于正规课程,它的范围是使所有学校行为者,特别是 学生,不掌握相关知 识,而且具备必要的技能,从而成为他们所处社会中的积 极公民和人权倡导者,这一点似乎得到了广泛的理解。
The respondents highlighted several examples of national-level initiatives which promote the engagement and participation of students and interaction between schools and the wider community; it seems to be widely understood that human rights education goes beyond the formal curriculum, as its scope is to equip all school actors, and in particular students, with not only knowledge but also skills to be active citizens and human rights advocates in their societies.
我 敦促安理会对这项规定采取后续行动,授权刚果民 主共和国制裁委员会从联合国组织刚果民主共和国 稳定特派团(联刚稳定团)和委员会专家组那里,以 及从非政府组织和可掌握相关资 料的其他人道主 义行为体那里收集所有必要的资料。
I urge the Council to follow up on this provision by mandating the Democratic Republic of the Congo Sanctions Committee to gather all necessary information from the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) and the Committee’s Group of Experts, as well as from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other humanitarian actors who may have relevant information.
澳门特区政府旅游局与广东省旅游局早已建立「春节黄金周旅游通报机制」,通报旅客数字以及酒店和公寓价格等讯息,由省旅游局通报当地主要传媒,让计划来澳的内地旅 掌 握 相 关 讯 息。
Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) and Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province have long established the "Tourism Notification System for Spring Festival Golden Week" to
report number of visitors, room rates of
[...] hotels and guest houses, etc. which the [...]
provincial tourism authorities would release to their local major media.
過份嚴格的法律及管治規管,不利資訊及通訊科技的發展與應用,較平衡 的做法是加強社會層面的資訊保安及私隱保障教育,使普羅市 掌 握 相 關 知 識以 保障個人權益,從而消除機構與個人之間資訊不平衡的情況。
A more balanced strategy would be to strengthen the community-wide education concerning IT security and privacy protection, in a bid to ensure members of the public would be more knowledgeable, therefore well-informed of their right to be protected.
本组织于 1999 年 推出的新型信贷联盟小额信贷向穷人的细分市场提供可持续的金融服务:全国性 合作伙伴联合会能掌握相应的 技能和产品业务框架,得以向其信贷联盟成员提 供该产品。
The credit union microfinance innovation, introduced by the organization in 1999, provides sustainable financial services to the poor market segment: a national partner federation can acquire the appropriate skills and operational framework of the product, making it possible to offer that product to its member credit unions.
信息共享,无论在国内还是在国际上,仍然存在问题,但如果有关机构做足 够的初步分析,了解自掌握的相关 信 息对其他方面的意义,填补知识空白的实 际重要性,了解谁能提供帮助,问题可能会更容易解决。
The sharing of information, whether nationally or internationally, remains a problem, but it is more easily resolved when the concerned agencies have done enough preliminary analysis to understand both the relevance to other parties of the information they have, and the actual importance of filling gaps in their knowledge and who might be able to help.
该安全机构 (PSB) 是贸易及工业部所指定的法定机构 掌 管 相 关 法 规。
The Safety Authority (PSB) is the statutory body appointed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to administer the regulations.
今日我們把它們略加刪剪後並列刊登,以便讀者能夠更加全 掌 握 這 些 相 關 調 查的發展。
Today, we release an updated version with some editing, so that readers can have a more comprehensive picture of such development.
培训可能包括灵活、自定步调的学习、在线培训,以及正式考评工作,评估学生是 掌 握 了 相 关 技 能。
Training may include flexible, self-paced learning and/or online training as well as formal assessment to see whether the student is competent at the skill or not.
[...] 以散发文件,是因为秘书处认为这些文件重要,能够让执行委员会考虑核准氟氯烃淘汰管 理计划的第一阶段掌握所有相关要 点。
He said that the Secretariat had circulated the documents because it had been felt that they
were important to give the Executive
[...] Committee all the relevant elements when considering approval [...]
of stage I of the HPMP.
为就仲裁员人数作出 决定,指定机构掌握所有相关信 息,或者根据第 6 条第 5 款要求提供信息。31 [...]
根据第 6 条第 6 款,此类信息将包括仲裁通知副本以及对仲裁通知的答复的副 本。
The appointing
[...] authority should have all relevant information or [...]
require information under article 6, paragraph 5, to make
its decision on the number of arbitrators.31 Such information would include, in accordance with article 6, paragraph 6, copies of the notice of arbitration and any response thereto.
今日我們把有關調查簡介再次刊登,以便讀者能夠全 掌 握 這 些 相 關 調 查的發展。
Today, we post it again in order to give readers a complete picture of such developments.
5. 请大会第
[...] 194(III)号决议所设联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会以及与巴勒 斯坦问题有关的其他联合国机构继续同委员会充分合作,并在委员会要求时,向 委员会提供它掌握的相关信息和文件
Requests the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, established under General Assembly resolution 194 (III), and other United Nations bodies associated with the question of Palestine to continue to cooperate fully with the Committee
and to make available to it, at its
[...] request, the relevant information and documentation which they have at their disposal
为使应对工作侧重于最为重要的油类污染方面, 务必掌握有关相对浓 度和最高浓度的信息。
For response efforts to be focused on the
most significant areas of oil pollution, it is important to have
[...] information on the relative and heaviest concentrations.
我们认为会员国可随时得到各教育机 掌 握 的 相 关 信 息,而且这些机构的 活动是透明的,它们积极向会员国通报自己的组织情况、计划和作出的重要决 定。
We would expect that member states have ready access to pertinent information held by the Institutes, and that the Institutes were transparent, actively communicating key information on their organizations, its programs, and key decisions taken to member states.
在这种 情况下,在委员会没掌握其他相关 信息的情况下,委员会得出结论认为,这部 分来文为受理目的没有得到充分证实,因此,根据《任择议定书》第二条不予受 理。
In the circumstances, and in the
[...] absence of any other relevant information before [...]
it, the Committee concludes that this
part of the communication is insufficiently substantiated for purposes of admissibility, and therefore inadmissible under article 2 of the Optional Protocol.
是作為SD協會的指定測試實驗室,百佳泰能協助廠商執 相 關 品 質 掌 控 、 合規性 相 容 性 等多樣化驗證及測試服務。
As the Designated Laboratory (D-Lab) of SDA, our mission is to assist vendors in various validations and testing services with quality control, compatibility, interoperability and so on.
这份报告引用的一个例子,就是南非科学和工业研究理事会根据一种叫做Hoodia仙人掌研发并取得专利的一种食欲抑制剂,San族人在传统上把Hoodia仙 掌 用 作 相 同 的 用途。
The report cites the example of an appetite suppressant developed and patented by the South African Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research from
[...] the Hoodia cactus, used traditionally by the indigenous San people for the same purpose.
建議學與教活動 ─ 列出一些可行的活動,協助學掌握 與課 題 相 關 的技 能。
Suggested Learning and Teaching
Activities − lists some possible activities that may enable students to acquire
[...] some of the skills associated with the topic.
[...] 及数代人,提高人们对于不扩散核武器条约核心问题的认识,将使年轻人终掌 握和了解相关的 知识和意义并惠及后代。
Given the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and that the effects of nuclear activities span the lives of generations, raising awareness about issues at the core of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons will provide young people with
[...] knowledge and insight of relevance throughout their lifetime [...]
and beyond.
跟信息权的另外两个方面不同——那两个方面与公 共组织已掌握的信息相关— —这第三个方面是规定国家有明确的责任确保某些重要类别 的信息便于获取。
Unlike the other two aspects of the right, which relate to information already held by public bodies, this third aspect posits a positive obligation on States to ensure that certain key categories of information are available.
还须铭 记,如果不把国际社掌握的所有相 关 手 段付诸于行 动,国际社会就无法战胜气候变化的不利影响。
It is also important to keep in mind that the international community cannot win the battle against the detrimental consequences of climate change without putting into action all the relevant instruments in its possession.




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