单词 | 掌玺官 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 掌玺官 —chancellor (rank in various European states)See also:掌—palm of the hand • wield • paw • sole of the foot • horseshoe • hold in one's hand 玺—ruler's seal 官 n—official n 官—organ of body • surname Guan 掌 v—slap v
腐败和违反职业道德和伦理的案件须 向 掌玺 部 长 报告 , 掌玺 部 长 酌情采取 程序对有关人员进行纪律处分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cases of corruption or unethical behaviour are reported to the Minister of Justice who, as appropriate, initiates disciplinary proceedings against the officials concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组不排除找到的这些武器中可能有一些是卖出来的战斗 人员指挥官掌控的小部分武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel has not ruled out that some of those weapons discoveries resulted from the sale of small caches under [...] the control of combatant commanders. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是在此类进程中, 应将熟练掌握所在国官方语 文作为一项重要的有利条件加以考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, [...] good command of the official language spoken in [...]the country should be taken into account as an essential asset during these processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們建議銷售監管局由 首長級乙級政務官掌管, 下設一名首席行 政主任,作為副首長。 legco.gov.hk | We propose that the SRPA be headed by an AOSGB, who will be underpinned by a PEO as the Deputy Head. legco.gov.hk |
y 针对司法部附属的所有法院或机构运行以及 与 掌玺 机 构、司法部相关部 门,其附属的组织工作、工作方法以及人员服务情况、服务质量与效率、 遵守法律法规情况、司法机构节奏、 法 官 以 及司法部门工作人员效率、行 为和举止拥有全面调查权、审查权、管理权 daccess-ods.un.org | General powers of investigation, verification and oversight of the performance of courts or their subsidiary organs, and of all units reporting to the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, regarding in particular staff organization, methods and service provided, quality and productivity of units, compliance with legal and statutory requirements, speed of administration of justice, and productivity, performance and behaviour of members of the judiciary and judicial staff daccess-ods.un.org |
抗议者还要求,不得在法院使用“科索沃共和国 国 玺 ”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Protesters also demanded that the “Seal of the Republic of Kosovo” not be used in the court. daccess-ods.un.org |
各部总监察署提出的与上述问题有关的建议已根 据 掌玺 部 长 的指示由司 法、立法及人权部中央局、处逐步落实。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of the recommendations made by the Inspectorate-General of Ministries regarding the above-mentioned problems have been gradually implemented upon the orders of the Minister of Justice through the relevant central departments and services of the Ministry of Justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果一个初步调查机构、调查员、检察官或 法 官掌 握 了 关于某宗刑事案件的 足够资料,有理由担心受害人、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人、辩护人、证人、鉴定人、 [...] 专家或其他参与诉讼的人以及他们的近亲面临着危险,有可能被杀害或遭遇武 力、暴力或虐待,财产被毁或受损,或遭遇到刑法所禁止的其他行为,则前者须 [...] 采取一切措施保护后者的生命、荣誉、尊严和财产,确保他们的安全,并找出肇 事者和将其绳之以法。 daccess-ods.un.org | If an initial inquiry body, [...] investigator, prosecutor or judge has sufficient [...]information in connection with a criminal case [...]to fear that the victims, suspects, accused persons, defendants, witnesses, experts, specialists or other participants in the proceedings and their close relatives risk being killed or being subjected to force, violence or cruelty, having property destroyed or damaged, or other acts prohibited by criminal law, the former must take all measures to protect the lives, honour, dignity and property of the latter, ensure their safety, identify the perpetrators and bring such persons to justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
各部总监察署接收和处理来自当事人的申诉或请求或司法、立法及人权部 向其转来的送交掌玺部长 的投诉或请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Inspectorate-General of Ministries receives and processes complaints and petitions filed by individuals or referred to it by the Ministry of Justice when they are addressed to the Minister of Justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
波兰是第一个 与中国签署此项协议的欧盟新入盟成员国”,中国驻波兰大使 孙玉玺强调,“这项协议只会和在他们各自区域具有很强的经 济地位及政治影响力的国家签署,如:法国、德国、意大利, 而现在就是波兰。 paiz.gov.pl | Poland is the first country among new EU member states to sign such agreement with China, noted Sun Yuxi, China’s ambassador to Poland. “Such agreements are always signed with countries that have a strong economic position and political influence in their region, such as France, Germany, Italy and now Poland. paiz.gov.pl |
在掌握權 力時,官員不應狐假虎威,胡亂地欺騙及誤導市民,侮辱議會或抹黑泛 民主派。 legco.gov.hk | When they are in power, officials should not swagger [...] in borrowed plumes by deceiving and misleading the public, insulting [...]the legislature or slinging mud at the pro-democracy camp. legco.gov.hk |
5.35 小組委員會依然認為,由於西九管理局將獲賦廣泛權 [...] 力,並會獲撥大量公共資源供其支配運用,若西九管理局由極 高級的公職人員掌管,政府官僚架構的上司/下屬關係定會發 揮干預影響,並很可能會凌駕透過條例草案及其他現有條例所 [...]施行的各種制衡措施。 legco.gov.hk | 5.35 The Subcommittee remains of the view that as WKCDA would be given wide ranging powers and endowed with substantial public resources at its disposal, if it is to be led by a very senior public officer, the [...] supervisory/subordinate relationships [...] of the government bureaucracy would definitely [...]interfere with and very likely prevail [...]over the various checks and balances instituted through the Bill and other existing ordinances. legco.gov.hk |
这枚印玺是在紧挨着 西墙的地方发现的,可以追溯到 2 700 年前的西希家 王时代。 daccess-ods.un.org | The seal was found right next to the Western Wall and it dates back 2,700 years to the time of King Hezekiah. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012年10月30日,ISC汇同绿色建筑专家尹 鸿 玺 博 士以及美国绿建院执行总裁由利斯·波斯顿先生与扬州市城市建设局郑璐局长以及扬州老城低碳改造项目的各方会面,详细了解了扬州老城改造项目的实施情况。 iscchina.org | On October 30th, ISC [...] together with green building expert [...]Dr. Yin Hongxi and expert Julius Poston from Stalwart Green Global [...]met with all the implementing parties in Yangzhou demonstration project. iscchina.org |
易玺国际,于2011年集结国内外多位醉心于艺术产品创作的资深人士在香港正式注册成立,主攻方向定位在国际中高端艺术灯饰和首饰。 100percentdesign.com.cn | IXISM International was established in August 2011 by a group of like-minded individuals in the pursuit of simple and sustainable design that will nourish your experience of everyday life. 100percentdesign.com.cn |
系列灵感源自夏日的花园派对,美丽活泼而生机勃勃,闪耀着璀璨光华的钻石幻化为灵动的鸟儿和盛放的花朵,引领我们走入一座闪烁着翡翠和钻石的花园,玉髓与 碧 玺 的 幽 幽光芒更令人情不自已。 piaget.com.cn | Inspired by a typical summer garden-party, the vivacious collection contains animated diamond-set birds and precious sparkly [...] blossoms as the pieces transport you to a garden full of Emeralds and Diamonds with flashes of [...] chalcedony and pink tourmalines. piaget.com |
底盖镌刻总统印玺,"白 宫"(The White House)字样也铭刻在每只腕表的刻度环上。 audemarspiguet.com | The Presidential Seal is engraved on [...] the back and “The White House” [...]is inscribed on the graduated ring of each watch. audemarspiguet.com |
由于内部司法理事会推荐的候选人人数与空缺席位数相当并体现了地域分 [...] 配和性别均衡,因此提议按照大会第 34/401 号决定第 16 段,大会不以无记名投 票方式选举审案法官,而采用鼓掌方 式 任命。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the number of candidates recommended by the Internal Justice Council correspond to the number of seats to be filled and reflect geographical distribution and gender balance, it is proposed that, in accordance with paragraph 16 of General Assembly decision 34/401, the [...] General Assembly dispense with a secret ballot for the election [...] of the ad litem judges and appoint them by acclamation. daccess-ods.un.org |
Red Carpet红毯系列中镶嵌明艳宝石:红宝石、 碧 玺 、 紫 水晶、红 碧 玺 、 尖 晶石、蓝宝石与钻石。 wthejournal.com | The Red Carpet collection [...] features rubies, emeralds, tourmalines, amethysts, rubellites, [...]spinels, sapphires and diamonds. wthejournal.com |
规 则 117 至 119 试图在有关不公开检察官或被告方掌 握 的保密资料的来源或确切内 容的规定与确保充分尊重另一方权利的公平审判的必要性之间达成一种平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | In rules 117-119, an attempt has been made to strike a balance between the requirement not to disclose the source or the exact content of confidential information in the possession of the prosecution or the defence and the need to ensure a fair trial that is fully respectful of the rights of the other party. daccess-ods.un.org |
我只是希望能夠就應否以 專業人士代替政務官掌管某 些部門的問題,再一次展開辯論。 legco.gov.hk | My aim is to open up once again the debate of whether certain departments should be headed by professionals [...] rather than by Administrative Officers. legco.gov.hk |
本次级方案的主要内容包括:组织 [...] 各种学位和证书课程,使成员国公、私部门的中高 级 官 员 掌 握 各 种技能,以应对非洲现有的和 正在出现的发展政策挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The key elements of the subprogramme include the organization of degree and [...] certificate programmes aimed at equipping [...] mid-career and senior officials from the public [...]and private sectors of member States with [...]the skills to respond to current and emerging development policy challenges in Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
公共机构必须“颁布”它们掌握的官方 文 件中所包含的官方信息,以及法律规定必须公布的其他类别的信息(第 12 条) 。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Public bodies must [...] “promulgate” official information contained in their official documents, [...]as well as other categories [...]of information required to be published by law (Article 12). unesdoc.unesco.org |
政府對這項規則的批評,實際㆖是針對這項規則所牽涉的技術細則,令部分法官 吃不消,而且由於部分法官仍未能掌 握 該 項規則,所以他們會向陪審團或自己(倘若 是沒有陪審團)給予不充分的警告或錯誤的警告。 legco.gov.hk | The Government's criticism of the rule in effect is that it involves [...] technical details that overwhelm [...] some of our judges and that because some judges have not [...]mastered the rule, they give inadequate [...]warning or wrong warnings to the jury or to themselves if they sit without a jury. legco.gov.hk |
尽管制冷管理计划部分第一期和第二期, 良好做法培训(DMI/REF/26/TRA/03)已经完成,环境规划署告知,由于丧失机构能力, [...] 并且为了一份最新制冷管理计划的增订,应审查培训项目结果,以便使新任臭 氧 官 员 掌握 最新情况。 multilateralfund.org | UNEP sent a mission in April to restart the project. Although the Phase I and II RMP component, training in good practices (DMI/REF/26/TRA/03) was completed, UNEP advised that due to the loss of institutional capacity, and in order [...] to prepare an RMP update, a review of the training project results was needed to [...] bring the new ozone officer up-to-date. multilateralfund.org |
統籌處由統籌處處長(首長級乙級政務 官)掌 管 ,下設副處長(首 長級丙級政務官)和 12 名非首長級支援人員。 legco.gov.hk | The PPCU is led by the Head (AOSGB) who is underpinned by the Deputy Head (AOSGC) and 12 non-directorate supporting staff. legco.gov.hk |
換言之,政府希望計程車資訊能開放Uber等企業使用,但 由 官 方 掌 控 資 訊內容及運用方式。 thisbigcity.net | In other words, to make all the [...] city’s cab information available to companies [...] like Uber, but to keep control over what [...]that information is, and how it’s used. thisbigcity.net |
他會督導四個各 由一名首長級丙級政務官掌管的專責部別,以及由一名首席行政主任 掌管的行政部。 legco.gov.hk | He will supervise four functional divisions each headed by an AOSG‘C’, and an Administration Division headed by a PEO. legco.gov.hk |
身为行政创作总监 (创意及策略),Jerry 创作及督导的广告计划赢取了主要国际及国家奖项, 当中包括时报广告奖、时报世界华文广告奖、AME 广告奖、戛纳广告奖、Ad Festivals、 伦敦国际广告奖、纽约广告奖、4A创意奖、媒体广告奖、 龙 玺 广 告 奖,以及金手指网络奖。 creativesbehindthelens.com | With his current role as Creative & Strategy Executive Creative Director, Jerry has created and directed notable campaigns that have won major international and national awards, including the Times Awards, Times Int’l Chinese Advertising Awards, AME International Awards, Cannes Lions, Ad Festivals, London Int’l Awards, New York Festivals, 4A Creative Awards, Media Advertising Awards, Long-Xi Awards, and the Click! creativesbehindthelens.com |
2010 年,上诉分庭确认了预审法官的裁定,即特别分庭对 El Sayed 先生提 出的获取检察官办公室所掌握的 证据材料的要求拥有管辖权,以及他有权在法庭 [...] 出庭。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010, the Appeals Chamber confirmed a decision of the Pre-Trial Judge that the Special Tribunal has jurisdiction over Mr. El Sayed’s request for access to [...] evidentiary material in the possession of [...] the Office of the Prosecutor and that he had standing [...]to appear before the Tribunal. daccess-ods.un.org |