

单词 掌玺大臣

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

腐败和违反职业道德和伦理的案件须 掌玺 部 长 报告 掌玺 部 长 酌情采取 程序对有关人员进行纪律处分。
Cases of corruption or unethical behaviour are reported to the Minister of Justice who, as appropriate, initiates disciplinary proceedings against the officials concerned.
2.2 同樣,在 IN35/01-02 號文件所描述的英國申報利益程序不單 適用於內閣大臣,同時亦適用於其他非內 大臣 , 其 中包括 掌 管部大臣。
2.2 Similarly, the UK declaration of interests procedure described in IN35/0102 applies not only to Cabinet Ministers, but also other Ministers not in the Cabinet, including those Ministers without portfolio.
如有關 大臣重投家族 生意或專業工作(例如務農 、行醫 或 執 教 ), 而 諮詢委 員會又 認為此等 生意或 工作與大臣所 掌 握 的資料無關,而 且 並不涉 及不恰 當 的利益,諮詢委 員會可豁 免 該 3 個 月 的 自動等候 期 。
The Advisory Committee may waive this automatic waiting period if, for example, the former Minister is returning to a family business or to the practice of a profession (eg farming, medicine or teaching) where the appointment is not connected with his or her Ministerial knowledge, and no considerations of improper advantage could apply.
(b) 聘用離任大臣的僱主可能 不 恰 當地使 用 該大臣所 掌 握 的官方資料; 或
(b) an employer could make improper use of official information to which a former Minister has had access; or
波兰是第一个 与中国签署此项协议的欧盟新入盟成员国”,中国驻波 大使 孙玉玺强调,“这项协议只会和在他们各自区域具有很强的经 济地位及政治影响力的国家签署,如:法国、德国、意大利, 而现在就是波兰。
Poland is the first country among new EU member states to sign such agreement with China, noted Sun Yuxi, China’s ambassador to Poland. “Such agreements are always signed with countries that have a strong economic position and political influence in their region, such as France, Germany, Italy and now Poland.
各部总监察署提出的与上述问题有关的建议已根 掌玺 部 长 的指示由司 法、立法及人权部中央局、处逐步落实。
Most of the recommendations made by the Inspectorate-General of Ministries regarding the above-mentioned problems have been gradually implemented upon the orders of the Minister of Justice through the relevant central departments and services of the Ministry of Justice.
抗议者还要求,不得在法院使用“科索沃共和国 玺 ”。
Protesters also demanded that the “Seal of the Republic of Kosovo” not be used in the court.
葉國謙議員匯報,法案委員會曾詳細審 議各項藉適應化修改建議作出修訂的條文,並參
考了《釋義及通則條例》(第 1章 )所載有關英國駐 香港軍隊的權利、豁免及義務,以及對" 女皇陛 下 "、 "皇室"、
[...] "官方"、 "英國政府"及 "國大臣" 等提 述的釋義原則;政府當局的法律適應化計劃 [...]
的指導原則;以及《中華人民共和國香港特別行 政區駐軍法》。
Mr IP Kwok-him reported that the Bills Committee had examined in detail the provisions to be amended by the adaptation proposals, and had made reference to the interpretative principles as set out in the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) relating to the rights, exemptions and
obligations of military forces stationed in
[...] Hong Kong by the United Kingdom, and [...]
references to "Her Majesty", "the Crown", "the
British Government" and "the Secretary of State"; the guiding principles for the Administration's adaptation of laws programmes; as well as the Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
这枚玺是在紧挨着 西墙的地方发现的,可以追溯到 2 700 年前的西希家 王时代。
The seal was found right next to the Western Wall and it dates back 2,700 years to the time of King Hezekiah.
出席会议的有:秘书长;巴拿马国家元首;克罗地亚总理;比利时外 大臣; 南 非、印度尼西亚、意大利和法国外交部长;俄罗斯联邦副外长;大不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国主管非洲、亚洲和联合国事务的国 大臣 ; 越南、美利坚合众国、 阿拉伯利比亚民众国、哥斯达黎加常驻代表以及中国副常驻代表。
The meeting was attended by the Secretary-General, the Head of State of Panama, the Prime Minister of
Croatia, the Foreign
[...] Ministers of Belgium, South Africa, Indonesia, Italy and France, the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, the Minister of State for Africa, Asia and United Nations Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as the Permanent Representatives of Viet Nam, the [...]
United States of America,
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Costa Rica and the Deputy Permanent Representative of China.
底盖镌刻总统玺,"白 宫"(The White House)字样也铭刻在每只腕表的刻度环上。
The Presidential Seal is engraved on
[...] the back and “The White House” [...]
is inscribed on the graduated ring of each watch.
各部总监察署接收和处理来自当事人的申诉或请求或司法、立法及人权部 向其转来的送掌玺部长 的投诉或请求。
The Inspectorate-General of Ministries receives and processes complaints and petitions filed by individuals or referred to it by the Ministry of Justice when they are addressed to the Minister of Justice.
y 针对司法部附属的所有法院或机构运行以及 掌玺 机 构 、司法部相关部 门,其附属的组织工作、工作方法以及人员服务情况、服务质量与效率、 遵守法律法规情况、司法机构节奏、法官以及司法部门工作人员效率、行 为和举止拥有全面调查权、审查权、管理权
General powers of investigation, verification and oversight of the performance of courts or their subsidiary organs, and of all units reporting to the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, regarding in particular staff organization, methods and service provided, quality and productivity of units, compliance with legal and statutory requirements, speed of administration of justice, and productivity, performance and behaviour of members of the judiciary and judicial staff
Red Carpet红毯系列中镶嵌明艳宝石:红宝石、 玺 、 紫 水晶、红 玺 、 尖 晶石、蓝宝石与钻石。
The Red Carpet collection
[...] features rubies, emeralds, tourmalines, amethysts, rubellites, [...]
spinels, sapphires and diamonds.
平常 我們可 從外國的例子看到, 外 國的公用 事業的董 事局裏 ,是掌 管 運大 臣 訂 定 加 價 機 制的,又或有一些公 式 計算加費的 。
Normally, we can see from overseas examples that on the Boards of public utilities, it is the Minister in charge of transport matters who devises the mechanism for fare increase or there are some formulae for determining the increase.
研究主任4回 應時表示,才 幹 規 則 原 先規定,倘 若大臣 負 責 掌 管 某 部門的一切 事務,該大臣 須 就 該 部 門的作為向國會負 責 。
In response, RO4 said that the competence rule originally held ministers accountable to Parliament for the actions of their departments, if the ministers exercised control over the departments' activities.
條例草案審議委員會亦注意到,為反映香港在金融及財務政策㆖獨立自主,以及 為了符合基本法第㆒百㆒十㆔條的規定,如果本條例草案獲得通過,將使到現時由英 國國大臣掌握的 若干控制外匯基金的權力得以移交香港政府。
The Bills Committee has also noted that to reflect Hong Kong's autonomy in monetary and financial policies and be consistent with Article 113 of the Basic Law, the Bill, if passed, will allow for transfer to the Hong Kong Government certain powers over the control of the Exchange Fund which are presently vested in the Secretary of State in London.
谨随函附上 2010 年
[...] 6 月 6 日卡塔尔国首相兼外大臣谢赫哈马德·本·贾 西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼给你的信(见附件)及其附文,即关于和平解决厄立 [...]
特里亚国和吉布提共和国边界争端的协定,该协定由厄立特里亚国总统和吉布提 共和国总统以及卡塔尔国埃米尔谢赫哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼殿下作为调
解人和见证人代表卡塔尔国于 2010 年 6 月 6 日签署。
I have the honour to enclose herewith [...]
a letter dated 6 June 2010 addressed to you by Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani,
Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar (see annex), with its enclosure, the Agreement concerning peaceful settlement of the border dispute between the State of Eritrea and the Republic of Djibouti, signed on 6 June 2010 by the President of the State of Eritrea and the President of the Republic of Djibouti, and signed on behalf of the State of Qatar as mediator and witness by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar.
2012年10月30日,ISC汇同绿色建筑专家尹 鸿 玺 博 士以及美国绿建院执行总裁由利斯·波斯顿先生与扬州市城市建设局郑璐局长以及扬州老城低碳改造项目的各方会面,详细了解了扬州老城改造项目的实施情况。
On October 30th, ISC
[...] together with green building expert [...]
Dr. Yin Hongxi and expert Julius Poston from Stalwart Green Global
met with all the implementing parties in Yangzhou demonstration project.
这些变 化反映出渔业价值链的日益全球化趋势,且国际销售渠道的增长 掌 控 在 大 型零 售商的手中。
These changes reflect the increasing globalization of the fisheries value chain, with large retailers controlling the growth of international distribution channels.
十、 黃宏發議員問:鑑於現任立法局主席獲選時,有關的《英皇制誥》尚未經 英國掌璽大臣蓋印 ,而經御筆簽署及御璽鈐印的《皇室訓令》亦未發出,因此令 ㆟質疑該次選舉、由獲選主席所召開及主持的會議,以及立法局其後所通過的法例 及決議案是否有效。
MR ANDREW WONG asked (in Cantonese): As the current President of the Legislative Council was elected before the Great Seal had been affixed to the relevant Letters Patent or the issue of the associated Royal Instructions under the Queen’s Sign Manual and Signet, doubts have been expressed regarding the validity of the election, the sittings called and presided over by the President so elected, and the legislation and resolutions passed by the Legislative Council since then.
(7) 國大 臣 可 不 時 修 訂 根 據 本 條 發 出 的 職 務 孚 則 的 全 部 或 任 何 部 分 , 並 發 出 經 修 訂 的 孚 則 , 而 本 條 前 述 的 條 文 ( 已 予 適 當 修 訂 ) 應 適 用 於 經 修 訂 的 孚 則 , 正 如 適 用 於 首 次 發 出 的 孚 則 一 般 。
(7) The Secretary of State may from time to time revise the whole or any part of a code of practice issued under this section and issue that revised code, and the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply (with appropriate modifications) to such a revised code as they apply to the first issue of a code.
俄罗斯联邦外交部长与联合王国外交事 大臣 一 致同意合力促进和支持奥 林匹克休战的理想,以建立一个更美好的世界并使来自不同国家的多样化的人们 [...]
The Minister for
[...] Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation [...]
and the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom agreed to work
together to promote and support the ideals of the Olympic Truce to build a better world and bring people from different nations and diversities together to enjoy competition through sport in a peaceful environment.
此外,由大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国外 大臣 及 加 共体外交和社区关系 理事会主席共同主持的、于 2012 年 1 月 21 日和 22 日在格林纳达举行的第七次 联合王国-加勒比部长级论坛除其他外还确定“支持所有人民、包括福克兰群岛 岛民的自决原则和权利”(另见 A/65/850 和下文第十节)。
Further, the Seventh Ministerial UK-Caribbean Forum, co-chaired by the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom and the Chair of the CARICOM Council for Foreign and Community Relations, held in Grenada on 21 and 22 January 2012, agreed, inter alia, “to support the principle and the right to selfdetermination for all peoples, including the Falkland Islanders” (see also A/65/850 and section X below).
此外,在同一场合,上述国家总统通过了一项特别声明, 反对英国国大臣关于 在“马尔维纳斯群岛区”部署战斗机和海军的言论,并反 对联合王国举行军事演习,包括从领土发射导弹(见 A/C.4/66/SR.2)。
Further, on the same occasion, the Presidents of the countries in question had adopted a special declaration in which they rejected the statements of the British Minister of Defence regarding the deployment of combat aircraft and naval power in the “Malvinas Islands zone”, as well as the conduct of military exercises by the United Kingdom, including the firing of missiles from the Territory (see A/C.4/66/SR.2).
[...] 汗、巴勒斯坦自治领土、伊拉克、俄罗斯联邦( 臣 ) 、 大 湖 地 区和西非的教育系统重新运 作的能力建设支持和基本支持。
UNESCO continued to provide support for countries in crisis and reconstruction through capacity-building and basic support aimed at restoring the functioning of the education system in Afghanistan,
the Palestinian Autonomous Territories, Iraq, the
[...] Russian Federation (Chechnya), the Great Lakes region [...]
and West Africa.
2005 年 7 月 7
[...] 日伦敦公共交通遭到爆炸袭击之后,英国内 大臣 查 尔 斯·克拉克宣布,他将 利用他的权力,从英国驱逐任何试图以任何方式方法策动恐怖主义行为或煽动他人实施此类行 [...]
为的外国人,包括:(1) 编写、编制、出版或分发材料;(2)
公开演讲,尤其是说教;(3) 管 理网站;(4) 利用责任职位(如教师、社区领导或青年事务领导人)表达下列意见:(a) 策动、 辩解或美化为某些信念服务的恐怖主义暴力;(b) 寻求煽动他人实施恐怖行为;(c) 策动其他 严重犯罪活动或寻求煽动他人实施严重罪行;(d) 灌输可能在英国引起族群间暴力的仇恨。
Following the London transport system bombings of 7 July 2005, the
[...] British Home Secretary Charles Clark [...]
announced that he will use his powers to
deport from the United Kingdom any non-United Kingdom citizen who attempts to foment terrorism or provokes others to commit terrorist acts, by any means or medium, including: (1) writing, producing, publishing or distributing material; (2) public speaking, including preaching; (3) running a website; or (4) using a position of responsibility, such as teacher, community or youth leader to express views which: (a) foment, justify of glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs, (b) seek to provoke others to terrorist acts, (c) foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts, or (d) foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the United Kingdom.
行政和预算问题咨询委员会在多次报 告(A/64/753,第 8 段、A/64/660(第 26 段)和 A/64/660/Add.12(第 16 段))中关 切地注意到,一些可视为履行支助职能的员额从总部调至后勤基地,因此从和平 行动支助账户转到了后勤基地预算, 使 大 会 难 以全 掌 握 为 支持维和行动某个职 能或业务流程提供资源的情况。
As noted in the relevant reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/64/753 (para. 8), A/64/660 (para. 26) and A/64/660/Add.12 (para. 16)), the Committee was concerned at the fact that several functions that could be considered backstopping functions had been transferred from sections at Headquarters to UNLB and consequently moved from the support account for peacekeeping operations to the budget of UNLB, making it difficult for the Assembly to get a picture of the totality of resources dedicated to a particular function or business process that backstopped peacekeeping.
委员会建大会以鼓掌方式通过第 33 C/22 号文件第 32 段所载的决议草案(该决议经过了印度 [...]
尼西亚和美利坚合众国的口头修订)及其所附的《世界生物伦理与人权宣言》,以将其列入大会 《记录》(第 33 C/36 号决议)。
The Commission recommended that the General
[...] Conference adopt by acclamation, for the records [...]
of the General Conference,
the draft resolution contained in paragraph 32 of document 33 C/22, as amended orally by Indonesia and the United States of America, and the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, as annexed thereto (33 C/Resolution 36).
鉴于执行局在此问题上没有采取进一步的行动,总干事认为修订 34 C/4 的可能掌握 在大会的 手上,大会可根据两次全会部长论坛的结果以及第三十五届会议期间计划召开的另 外两次部长级会议的结果对 34 C/4 进行修订。
Considering that the Board did not take any further action on this issue, the Director-General believes that the possibility of amending the 34 C/4 document would remain in the hands of the General Conference and that it could possibly do so in the light of the results of the two Plenary Ministerial Fora and the two other Ministerial Meetings scheduled to be held during the 35th session.




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